《Quick Transmigration: I Don't Want To Follow The Scripts!》7.1


Xu Yang is startled, giving Li Hao a glance before he takes back his gaze and answer mysteriously.

“I don’t know if we’re still dating…”

“I know. Are you planning to end it all this time?”

This time, Xu Yang is seriously perturbed. He looks at Li Hao as if they had never met before. Well, yes Xu Yang doesn’t know Li Hao’s current soul. Liu Xu Yuan has already gone OOC from actively designing his own hospital, it’s just a matter of time for it to be revealed. Anyways, Li Hao’s a genius and closed off so they won’t think something’s off since one word they used to described him is either mysterious or odd. Xu Yang stares at the doctor but Li Hao remains expressionless, looking towards the road as if not caring about any of this matter and he really doesn’t care. Xu Yang nods, confirming his words. Liu Xu Yuan turns to look at Xu Yang’s profile, mouthing one word at a time.

“Be careful, she’s planning to drug you into getting her pregnant.”

Xu Yang’s heart drops, his eyes falter but he doesn’t say anything. It’s not that he doesn’t believe Li Hao but because he believes him that’s why he doesn’t know how to reply. Su Yan would go to that length if it means she can get her hands on him, he had never touch her before using the excuse that he wanted to take it slow and treasure her but truthfully, he’s nauseated by that woman. He wants nothing to do with her, when she purposely rubs her chest on his arm and coquettishly calls him, Xu Yang wants to throw up but the voices in his head stops him.

“If you want to act, you better bring a good daughter in law to help succeed the family’s generation.”

“I know you wish to act in the entertainment industry rather than doing business but how are you going to get yourself a wife who’ll stay? Mommy knows, trust mommy ah you follow your father’s footstep and do business, okay? What acting? Is acting going to earn you a lot of money? You just stand infront of a camera all day and they judge you. What will they say about the Xu’s business? Listen to mommy, Ah Yang. Mommy knows how to make you happy.”

“Why don’t you listen to your mom?! Have I wasted all those years to raise you up just for you to go act?! Tell me!”

“What now, ah?! Tell me why did I see my son’s face on a scandal in the news report! What did I tell you? I said if you want to act, you better not dirty the family’s name! Why can’t you just be obedient and do business?!”


The glass cuts fly everywhere, Xu Yang watches his father throws the nearby flower vase at his face without hesitation.

“Ah Yang, Ah Yang. Come here, come to mommy. You know mommy only wants the best for you. You listen to your father ah. Do business instead...”


When he told his parents about his dream to pursue acting, they admonish him about being too young and bad mouth the job. Why can’t they realize his dream? If it wasn’t them putting their hands in his path, there wouldn’t be that scandal yet they even blame him for what they did.

“…I just need to find a girlfriend for you to accept me acting, right?”


After that day, he came back with a girl and left quickly. Xu Yang never return to that house ever again. Then his life finally becomes tranquil and peaceful. His parents adore Su Yan, however Xu Yang felt more and more displeased with that trio. They’re all repulsive and off-putting. He never wants to see them for even abit. He had kept up that pretense all just for him to be able to act. When he caught Su Yan cheating, he finally saw his dark life unlocked and things can finally enter and exit including himself. He even quickly captures that moment, scared that it was all but his own dream. Once he got home, his finger itch to send the video to that two people back at ‘home’. but he must be patient. Xu Yang decides to break up then when his parents heard about it and question him, he can just send them that video and they’ll be quiet for awhile. If they rush him to get another girl, he can just use the excuse that he’s heartbroken and they’ll stay shut for a few more months.

“Do you want them to no longer bother you?”

He heard Li Hao asking and the grip on the wheel tightens, he wants to ask for help but he’s scared.

“I’ll give you time, since we’re friends just fill me in whenever you’re ready ah. Just that if I put actions, I doubt they can still see you. If you want that, then…”

Liu Xu Yuan asks that in respect but he already knows the answer, anyways he also finds them unpleasant. He whirls around, eyes straight ahead and beams at his befuddled friend. The car stops, Li Hao gets out but Xu Yang is still in a daze. The corner of his eye twitches, he gazes keenly at the necklace in his hand. The designs distinct with a small white gem dangle in the very center. A patent, plain letter is attached to the silver strap.

Sprinkle some on the white gem, if it changes colors... you’ll know it’s been tampered with. Give me a review after, I’m the developer of this!

Dropping in a nearby small cafe, Liu Xu Yuan calls the system in his head.

[What happened after I left? All normal?]

The system thinks back to the revealed plotline the day before and shudders, its monotonic voice fluctuating, stumbled as it replies to the intrigued Liu Xu Yuan.

[T-There was… a… that… h-host… Wuwu-!]

Liu Xu Yuan listens to his system stutters then starts crying out, his patience is about to run out listening to the chattering stammer. Liu Xu Yuan is dumbfounded at the abrupt wails of "wuwuwu, host-!". He raises his hand, rubs his temple.

[I get it, I get it. Stop that nonsense. If you find it hard to tell me, just instantly send me the recordings, okay?]

The system immediately warms up hearing its host’s comforting words. It quickly materializes into a small size, white rabbit with thick fur and hops on its host's lap. It hoists its wide, limpid black eyes at Liu Xu Yuan's and nuzzles against the firm chest. Enjoying the warm cuddle, its long, hairy ears straighten up and the tails move along with its butt shaking. Liu Xu Yuan chuckles, picks up his misbehaving system and flicks the perky nose.

[Mischievous, little thing.]

Its snowy white ears twitch, drop down and shyly hide inside the mellow, cozy grasp. The ball button (tail… butt…) behind whisks and a holographic tape appears mid-air. On it, the recap of yesterday’s conversation plays over with full facial expression at a high quality. However, the person listening to it has a ghastly look on his face. The words are clearly transmitted to the outside but it went passed Liu Xu Yuan’s head, none of it makes sense.


He speedily clicks the ‘X’ button and the video fades into space. Liu Xu Yuan bemoans in his face, covered and lamented wordlessly under his breath. His body stiffens as he thought of something. Liu Xu Yuan then push numerous settings hover mid-air, his blue eyes glint a sharp gaze at the screen before him.

[After Wang He’s funeral, his will is donated entirely to the orphanage. Ye Lan became depressed after losing her husband, with a newborn child and weaken health from giving birth. The mother then finds that her luck coincidentally plummet. Numerous unforeseen troubles came knocking at her door, the present power of the Ye family shakes unstably and rapidly suffer an immense amount of loses. The woman who had almost touch the sky unfortunately broke the wings supporting her to fly and plunge straight to the depth of calamity.]

Going over that line of paragraph, Liu Xu Yuan at last sees the underlying meaning behind them. The protagonists were never in love, they were with the other for the benefits they could get. Wang He had known from the beginning, this act of his to go along was all to destroy the female lead at the end! He didn’t die, instead he went abroad and lives a new identity! Wang He took time rebuilding a new empire there, while making unceasing issues back here! Li Hao is just an excuse for him to take the pills and not disappear without people questioning. No wonder there was no mention of the protagonist contacting the original, there wasn’t a need to. Ye Lan was introduced to the senior at one point, it won’t be weird for Wang He to take that path. He can just talk about how Li Hao treated him back then… Liu Xu Yuan closes his eyes to digest the rampage thoughts running across his mind. A particular word flashes, his body shudders at the possibility.

[Does that mean currently, this… this junior of mine actually l-likes… me?]

The system gives a docile look and comply.

[Partially right, the data shows that Wang He worships host as a clean treasure and he doesn’t want it dirty. An example of a kid getting a new toy and will hastily throw it away if it has gotten dirty or no longer interesting.]

(ノ꒪Д꒪)ノ︵ ┻━┻

That doesn’t make it sound any better!

[The story has reached an ending :D Lets leave! HURRY TAKE ME AWAY!]

[-Requesting admission to leave- … -Request accepted- … Start destroying the body…10%... 15%...]

The system peeks at its host looking for a reaction to its trick but all it sees is an expressionless look on the delicate face. Its anger rises and opens its tiny mouth to show the two darling rabbit teeth. The system directly bites its host arm, sharp tooth sinks down smashing the human skin! Liu Xu Yuan watched on, amused. His lips curl up as the rabbit proceeds to grind its teeth on his arm, the person shows no reaction to it and even watch on as if seeing a good play! The system’s emotional state is like that of a child and it quickly goes back to wailing after being served as an enjoyment for its host to laugh at. Liu Xu Yuan’s hearing returns to the original condition with “wuwuwu… host…!” repeating again, his face cracks. One thing he finds most annoying is the sound of crying. Liu Xu Yuan steadily picks up the tearful little ball and pat its butt.

[You tried to play a trick on me but failed and now you’re crying…? What am I going to do with you, ah?]

Its limpid, black eyes stared wide-eye at the young man, although there were no words but Liu Xu Yuan can tell his system is complaining about him bullying it…

Aiya… such a cute creature, don’t blame him for teasing it…

He sighs defeatedly, finger slides on the holographic screens and a small, mushy sweet drops on his hand. Curious, the white furball which starts to enjoy its master’s pat glance back and its ear perks up with eyes glowing. Liu Xu Yuan then unwraps the candy, plops the milk vanilla flavor into the little mouth. His hand moves up to pet the back, curling the thick, white hair. His blue eyes narrow at the cheerful little ball inside his arm and speaks.

[Your favorite, ah.]

The system immediately understood what its host is doing however this is its favorite sweets ah! Its host rarely purchase it so it has been craving that! Ahh, bless! Thank the heavens! Thank the host! Thank…! Liu Xu Yuan cuts off the connection, his head can also hear the stupid chattering of its gullible system.

So easy to trick…

He sighs again, continuing to pet the small head. If it’s too stupid, won’t it just follow anybody dumbly? Did the upgrades not come with an increase of IQ…?

Author’s Corner:

[email protected]%$ is just some rubbish for the name, I wasn’t making any up so I just wrote that instead!

I originally plan for Liu Xu Yuan to ‘coincidentally’ hands Xu Yang a necklace to detect drugs telling Xu Yuan he’s worked on it and wants someone to test it but then there’s Liu Xu Yuan’s future plans… and he’s bound to go completely OOC. Li Hao won’t be opening his own hospital or going against Su Yan or anything but Liu Xu Yuan changes that so… I made him be direct and put things out in the open for this so YangYang won’t have a big scare for the chapters ahead!

Author has something to say: *Psst* definitely do not let Gong fish knows this! …Shou YuanYuan wanted to add winky faces to the letter but a certain Gong fish’s scary face pops up and he quickly wraps the paper back up!

 The Yu in Song Yu isn’t spelled like the Yu for fish, author is just trying to make a small joke!

Song Yu's ear perks: hmm? I heard my baby's name?

Baby Yuan: You've misheard, ah! Who would dare mentions my name?! Quickly go back to sleep.

Author *silently*: I dare...

YuanYuan glares, whispering: You, shut it!



Song Yu stares at the panic-stricken figure infront of him, curls his lip. He gently pecks the soft black curls and replied “En”. YuanYuan sighs in relief.

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