《Quick Transmigration: I Don't Want To Follow The Scripts!》8.1


Song Yu is startled hearing that, digesting the meaning, his eyes turn soft. He lowers his head to peck small kisses around the young man’s long eyelashes.

“Welcome back, baby. I miss you a lot, I felt dead without you by my side.”

“En… I miss you too.”

Liu Xu Yuan lifts his body up, circles his arm around the man’s neck and deeply kiss him. Song Yu comply, hands moving to his support his back and the other slides down to grope his ass. Liu Xu Yuan relaxes as he allows the man to runs his hands over his sensitive body, his head nudges on the man’s shoulder. Enjoying the perky texture, Song Yu is dissatisfied with the clothed pants in the way.

With one hand slipping into the shirt, the strong fingers stroke up and down sensually on the young man’s arching back. Another naughtily slowly moves lower below the hips and unzips, stripping Liu Xu Yuan bare naked wearing only a piece of cloth covered his chest. The shirt flows just enough to hide that erotic part of his, Liu Xu Yuan’s face flush a darker shade of pink and he hurriedly nuzzles against the man’s chest to hide from embarrassment. Song Yu is amused with his baby’s shyness, he said to the red ear.

“I’ve already seen that place last time, why are you still hiding hmm?”

He then drops a fleeting kiss on the trembling earlobe. Liu Xu Yuan’s voice quivers as his hand shakily clutches on the man’s hem of his jacket.

“I-I can’t help it… With you, it doesn’t matter… how many times… my head w-will turn blank and I… ugh…”

Liu Xu Yuan retreats back to the man’s muscular arms, shaking his head and rubbing against the solid chest. He refused to say more! Song Yu’s heart itches and he can’t help but drop more kisses on his baby’s eyes. His fingers didn’t stop, running along the fine touch and pinching teasingly. It stops at the pearly, bouncy butt and playfully pokes it. The person in his embrace trembles even more and he opens his lips to bite his arm.

“Bite me.”

Liu Xu Yuan pauses then comply, sinking his sharp teeth on the hard shoulder. He hastily backs away and whimpers in pain. Liu Xu Yuan brings his finger to feel the aching tooth and look at the man aggrievedly.

“It hurts! Why is it so hard?!”

Song Yu chuckles, he moves to hold the small free hand gliding past and brings to his pants. His words were hoarse, holding back the impulse to jump the boy right then and there.

“Down here is hard too.”

Liu Xu Yuan’s face turns another shade of red, he looks like a tomato boiling in a soup and Song Yu wants to laugh. He removes his hand away from the scalding, hot place but the larger palm of the man forces him to touch there. Receiving a foreign contact, his hard-on grows bigger and it’s bulging out of the pants. Song Yu grunts in between pain and pleasure. It looks painful… Liu Xu Yuan gulps, his eyes wide-open stared fixedly on the erection. That place seeming able to see increases its size again and this time, Liu Xu Yuan can’t help but gasp.



Song Yu’s gaze falls on the astonished look off the young man, his lips twitch. He seems genuinely amazed…

“I’m like this because of you… It’s your fault, ah…Do something about it.”

Liu Xu Yuan wants to say something again but the man impulsively covers that mouth, shutting him up. He could only moan inside the man’s mouth and incessantly grind in between the man’s leg searching for friction to help with the desire flaring up.

“Down there, it gets hard whenever you rub your body against me… grinding up so needy… do you want it that badly, baby? Want me…”

He speaks with their lips colliding, his hands leading Liu Xu Yuan’s own to stroke his erection under the pants. The heat from Song Yu’s hard dick burns his hand stroking it, he wants to take it away and to keep it there… but the rough palm on top is sturdy and safe to hide in. His body feels hot, his head turns dizzy. Song Yu feels he’s almost reaching his limits here, the pants in the middle serves of purpose. Song Yu can directly feel the outline of his baby’s palm trembling on his dick. He already felt like coming from his baby’s hand poking there. If his baby kept stroking and not directly touch it, Song Yu feels his mind about to explode. He lowers his head to look at the misty-eyed young man, only to see Li Hao’s eyes closed and his body leans backward… He fainted. Song Yu sighs regretfully and glance at the erection inside his pants. What do I do with this…?

Note: Liu Xu Yuan once said Song Yu is never allowed to touch himself without him. So, pray for the gong!

When Liu Xu Yuan heard of his trash reputation, he happily drives to the hospital and look for ways to quit. Li Hao acts like he had never heard a thing and went to the higher ups for a meeting. The purpose is to introduce one of his superior products to the market. His only task is to get them to fire him or him personally quit himself. It’s just that he’s not sure if they’ll let him leave if he asks to…

Knocking on the door, Li Hao strides in gracefully with none of that terrified expression expected. Ye Lan and a few of the high-ups, sitting to the side, had their faces turn ugly and surprised. Li Hao glance around the seat, his lips deliberately curl up once his sight past Ye Lan. Her fist clenches, what are you trying to do?

Li Hao appears at the center of the long table, voice loud and clear.

“I want to introduce a newer, upgrade version of ‘#$%!’ to the market. We know that it temporarily reduces the virus growing rate but doesn’t actually destroy it. This new one I have in my hand is conducted to completely obliterate those rampage viruses from growing. There’s a low chance that it’ll grow back… it’s been resear… they were all successful and… guaranteed safe to be used… and that’s all. What do you think?”


The doctors stare at the small oval green pills in Li Hao’s hands. Hearing that question, there was silence before someone scoffs.

“Can we be sure that it’s safe to swallow? Did you personally make that? You can’t just create something and say that it can be used! Do you take this place as a joke?! We treasure the lives of our patients yet where were you?! Coming back and spouting some rubbish! Do you think just from that and your reputation’s been whitewash? If that’s how you’re treating your job then this is not the place for you Li Hao.”

Li Hao, not Dr. Hao.

“You went out and came back with some pills, saying some sweet words and you expect us to believe you? What if those pills had bad effects on the patients and we are blamed? It won’t be just you but the whole hospital’s name in shame!”

“If you want new pills, have someone handle these instead. You don’t come to work for a work and even abused your position. We can’t have someone like that working on such precious pills. Hand over the methods and ingredients, we’ll have someone check if it can be marketed or not.”

The words sound crucial and straight, some people sneer, some laughs and some lowers their head to hide the envy. Li Hao notices their eyes sparkle the more he explains the pill’s benefit, the praise and admiration and also the discountenance and disfavor hearing that he personally develops it. When his reputation is brought up, there even loud snickers and whisperings amongst the employees. Li Hao’s expression sullen and he looks around at the whole room’s castigate him. His shoulder slumps tremblingly as he forces his head up. He pursed his lips as if what he had to say is hard for him to speak out loud.

“…I-If someone else made this, you would openly welcome the production without a word, right?”

Arc 1 Chapter 18's In Depth (Please Read, Important!)

Author’s Corner:

Author did not choose to write the dangerous threatening way from the gong ah. He’s paranoid, actually the gong is a very pitifully person. Aiya, I’m not going to talk more. There’s a lot to unpack so don’t say it’s not loving for them to go right to kiss and stuff. I shall explain my reasons. So, although the gong has a good life in this world, the soul will remember. The same goes with the shou except he has the memories. Their souls are like damaged, mentally ill. When the gong wanted to cry, he hides somewhere safe so he’s not seen or noticed. For here, the shou is his safe place but he still does not let any tears fall. There were no words mention about the shou’s shoulder being dampened right? That’s because the gong does not cry here, he just looks like he’s about to cry. These two damaged souls are just lonely souls who seek comfort, although they are starting to see the light once broken is still going to be broken. These babies are just starting to open up to each other. The gong is extremely paranoid, so it’s not for me to over phrase that his eyes redden and stuff because he really does feel like that. Before he met the shou, he never had a good sleep so like he finally finds a good spot to lay down. He chose to put his trust in the shou, when he doesn’t see the shou… the gong naturally reacts like that. The shou stayed quiet because although he regrets his actions even if he didn’t mean to do so, he punishes himself. His body instinctively still for the gong to ‘punish’ him. (Punish not the sexual way…) He made mistakes but he doesn’t comfort the gong. Why? Because when the shou feels hard in the head, he hates people comforting him so like projecting his own insecurities to the gong. The shou instead stayed quiet so if the gong starts to talk, he’ll listen. If the gong doesn’t speak, he won’t speak. If the gong wants comfort, the shou staying beside is comfort itself. For the shou, comfort too is by staying with the gong. He just wants someone to listen to him, he waits for the gong to talk. So, he shuts up and waits for the gong’s decision. The shou didn’t want the gong to see his own fear yet, he instead did that for his own and the gong’s distraction. For his own heart to calm down and for the gong to not think back to those ugly emotions. Because he feels safe with the gong, the shou only knows to comfort the gong in his own way. Ah-ah-ah, the gong didn’t thank him or said much because well author thinks it’ll be awkward to thank (not that its weird between couples) or to actually comfort the shou back (it’ll be a blow and their balance won’t be stable… how should I say it? The gong is the first to be emotional if he instead comforted the shou’s panic then the relationship won’t be balanced. The shou wouldn’t like it too…?) Baby never has anyone to comfort him and he enjoys seeking pleasure so he did that. The gong complies, he too doesn’t want to be questioned. Something like that… I’m having trouble ending this arc. Also, the shou doesn’t say much just ‘I miss you’ back but baby shows through his action how much he missed him ah… they didn't fuck here... I can't write the 18+ scene here yet, the brain isn't listening... there'll be one... hopefully... somwhere... I do not know. Author is stressed. Does it make sense? I feel like I’m going around in this explanation… Please tell me if you don’t get it. I’m trying. QAQ

In case, shou=bottom/uke, gong=top/seme

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