《Book 1: Demonic Wolfsbane》Chapter 2: The Secret Rite


After The village chief’s son, Elder Eli, spoke all the children looked around at each other and started chattering wondering what his mysterious and ominous words were about.

The chatting among the village children continued until ten minutes passed, before they knew it.

Suddenly the flame was extinguished leaving them shrouded in darkness, bringing silence to the voices of the villagers, and making their hearts beat faster in nervousness.

As their eyes adjusted to the darkness they all remembered Elder Eli’s words.

Almost at the same time, like they were being called to something, each one of young village children all looked up at the moon that was glowing with its unique kind of brilliance, causing their blood to quicken and muscles to spasm as they alternated between shrinking expanding.

Pain like they never felt before spread throughout their entire body’s, for their bodies should have never went through such a transformation.

The group of young village children all fell to the ground their bodies convulsing, out of their control, from the misery and pain they were going through.

Tormented howls filled with pain and suffering filled the cold dark night air, as their bodies grew fur, and they became more animalistic.

Kaleb was looking around bewildered and shocked, wondering what was happening to everyone.

Suddenly turning his head he locked eyes with one of the Elders, the Elder looked at him amazed that he wasn’t transforming, like the other village children.

“Over here! We have an impure bloodline over here!” The Elder Shouted.

All the Elders pushed their way through the young children who were writhing on the ground as they ran over surrounding Kaleb.

Kaleb snapped out of his befuddled state, noticing he was surrounded on all sides by the Village Elders.

He could hardly recognize them as he saw they all had a look of malice and hate in their eye’s as they were looking not at a person but at a delicious morsel of meat ready to be ripped apart and eaten.


Kaleb whimpered in fright. “Elders what’s going on? Whats happening to everyone? And why are you all looking at me like that?”

Elder Sloan was the one to answer Kaleb’s questions as he chuckled evilly. “It’s simple really looks like your not one of us, if you were you would have started to transform, but now that we know your not one of our noble bloodline it’s time for a little snack, and we will give the newly transformed wolf pups the leftovers, if there are any.” He said with a wicked grin on his face.

Kaleb’s face paled turning white from fear, he knew he was in danger but he also knew he could not escape, when he was surrounded from all sides.

For even the kind looking Elder Eli was staring murderous daggers at him, looking like he wanted to tear Kaleb’s throat out.

Kaleb was desperate, but he wasn’t dumb he knew that what he just saw was a big secret of the village and that he would not be allowed to live for much longer.

As he looked around fear-stricken trying to come up with a plan of escape.

The Village Elders were slowly inching closer and closer, for they knew a cornered animal was the most dangerous, and even though they vastly outnumbered him it never hurt to be cautious.

The excruciatingly slow advancing steps of the Village Elders made the crazed look in their eyes intensify with each step they took.

Kaleb suddenly realized he wasn’t entirely alone when the Elder’s started encircling him.

A number of the young village children were still laying on the ground, still slowly transforming moaning in pain, half in and out of consciousness.

So with nothing to lose, for he knew if he did nothing he would die, so he acted as quick and careful as he could without trying to draw to much attention while he backed away with a look of fear on his face and in his eye’s while secretly inching closer and closer to the person laying on the ground behind him.


Then with all the speed and courage he could muster he turned his body, while at the same time crouching using one hand to grab the hunting knife he always kept tucked in his boot, and using the other hand to wrap around the person he just took hostage.

The Elder’s all stopped with a look of worry and anger on their faces, because as luck, or bad luck would have it, depending on whose side you were standing. For the one Kaleb just took hostage was the youngest daughter of the village chief, her name was Katelyn.

The Village Chief angrily roared. “Kaleb you let my daughter Katelyn go now!! Or you won’t have a corpse left to be buried!”

Kaleb who was frightened out his mind knew that without the young girl as a hostage he was good as dead.

Shaking his head he steeled himself for what was to come, for he knew even though he was afraid that he needed to be strong and act stronger to be able to survive this ordeal.

He looked at the Village Chief with the most intimidating yet mocking look he could manage to put on his face.

“Oh I won’t have a corpse left to bury? Well that’s fine I won’t need a corpse once i’m dead anyway but i’ll be so kind as to leave you the life-less corpse of your beloved daughter.” He laughed crazily, trying to act tougher than he felt.

The village chief’s faced turned white from panic, then just as quick red from rage. “Kaleb don’t you dare do anything rash, if you’ll promise to hand her over, and keep what has happened here a secret, we won’t harm you, we’ll just act as this never happened.” He said with difficulty with a forced smile plastered upon his face, trying to look un-threatening.

Kaleb looked around at the familiar faces. “You think I would trust you after all this, for my safety I will be leaving with her and when we are far from this place I will release Katelyn, when I know its safe.”

The Village Chief looked at this young boy he never deemed important enough to notice before tonight, as he spoke in a firm tone .“We can’t allow you to leave with her.”

Kaleb pressed his hunting knife deeper and closer to her throat drawing blood. “Allow me? You are in no position to negotiate! I will be leaving know.” He finished saying as he walked out of the encirclement, as the Village Elders parted making a path for him, while gazing upon him with murderous looks in their eyes.

The Village Chief stood there, unable to help his beloved daughter Katelyn, while he watched the young boy dissappear into the darkness of the night.

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