《Book 1: Demonic Wolfsbane》Chapter 3: The Chase


The Chief of Wolf Village turned to his son Elder Eli as he growls. “Eli track them, once the boy believes he’s out of danger and releases her kill him, and then bring your sister home.”

Eli kneels, showing his respect to his father and the Village Chief, who are one and the same, and says “Yes Father.”

Then with speed and grace he transformed into a wolf, about the size of a wagon, the transformation tore his clothes apart, leaving him with nothing but his natural coat of fur that all wolves possessed.

After completing his transformation he lowered his head to sniff the ground, where the young boy Kaleb last stood, catching his prey’s scent.

As he looks in the direction Kaleb fled in, all four of his muscular legs bulge with power, as he uses all his strength and speed to chase after Kaleb, waiting for the moment his sister is safely released, or better yet the moment he has a chance to rescue her, and tear out the throat of the young boy Kaleb, with these thoughts in mind he continues to run through the forest chasing down his prey.


Kaleb was running through the forest while carrying the unconscious girl over his shoulder, he would run straight for a couple minutes before changing directions, and he would repeat this action every few minutes in order to make sure it would be slightly harder to follow him.

Suddenly Kaleb came to a realization, the Elders could change into wolves, and everyone knew that wolves had an amazing sense of smell to track their prey, and that they had the speed necessary to catch their prey after picking up their scent.

Kaleb was panicking he knew his little tricks of changing direction would only buy him a short reprieve from being caught, and he definitely knew he couldn’t run as fast as a wolf, as he was panicking about all the ways he would be caught and killed, he started to hear the sound of water, so he changed direction and headed towards the sound of water he heard.


After changing directions and running towards the source of sound he heard, he finally reached a river of water. Kaleb thanked the Gods for his luck as he waded into the river and started to run as fast as he could upstream. Kaleb knew that the water from the stream would help mask his scent, but also knew he was most likely being chased by a man who could turn into a wolf, so he was still freaking out, because who knew what kind of unknown methods he could use to track or catch him.

Kaleb knew he was limited by his knowledge of the world, he only knew the basics of survival and had only known the world within his village and a few parts of the forest the village was near. He had heard fantastical stories about men who could fly as they were walking on air, or demons who would snatch young children, but he thought those were just stories, he never expected them to be real, but know here he was being chased by a man who could turn into a wolf. Kalebs preconceptions of the world had been broken, and he know realized anything was possible.

Shaking his head free of all these distracting thoughts Kaleb finally thought he had traveled far enough upstream in the river, so he dragged himself out of the river, and started running again.

While he was running he glanced at the hostage he had taking, she looked very weird her body kept shifting between human and wolf, luckily she was unconscious or he would be in trouble probably, but then when he thought about it, back in the clearing in the woods, all of the children were surprised and in pain when they started to transform, they most likely didn’t know what was going to happen and didn’t know how to control their wolf form.


Kaleb relaxed after thinking this, but then he thought that the world is full of unknowns, and he could never know what would happen in the next moment, so he tensed up once again as his guard was raised.

Running and running Kaleb was getting near his limit, but he kept pushing himself as he changed directions once again, hoping and praying he would be able to escape, and live on.


Elder Eli was running through the forest while tracking Kaleb’s scent, he kept having to change direction, as his prey kept moving in an erratic behavior, finally he reached a river. Elder Eli stopped running and slowly walked towards the river.

With his head lowered and nose close to the ground Elder Eli slowly walked near the banks of the river, at first he walked downstream, but could not smell the scent of his prey, then walked upstream but still could not smell anything, but not giving up he charged across the river to see if his prey’s scent was on the other side of the river bank, but unfortunately for him, he could still not pick up the scent. Enraged that such a small and weak prey could escape from him Elder Eli had no choice but to turn back.

Realizing this Elder Eli had no choice but to run back to the clearing in the forest where the ritual took place. Where the rest of the Elders of the village were waiting for him, while watching over the children as they were still unconscious, as there bodies were still changing and adapting to their new evolved forms.

Elder Eli changed back into human form, after just arriving, and walked up to his father. “The boy ran for awhile changing directions, then came upon a river which he used to mask his scent, I lost him.” Elder Eli told his father with his head lowered in shame.

Elder Eli’s father the Village Chief shook his head in disappointment. “It looks like we have no other choice but to use human method’s, Eli alert the village guard and spread word to village and towns nearby of a wanted criminal, and distribute posters with the boys image to all the guards of the many villages and towns, he is but a young naive boy i’m sure we will catch him in no time, but you will be in charge of all those mundane tasks i’ve just ordered to be done, to make up for your failure, don’t let me down a second time son.”

Eli clenched his fists. “Yes father, I won’t let down.” After saying this Elder Eli left for Wolf Village, and the nearby village and towns to carry out his father’s orders.

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