《Book 1: Demonic Wolfsbane》Chapter One: Wolf Village


On the outskirts of an ancient forest lay an old run down village, which was named long ago as Wolf-village, forgotten by the people of this world, except for the odd traveler or merchant, that passed by.

During the evening of the day just before sunset the markets were filled with people getting the last of the food and spices that were being sold for the day, in preparation for their last meal of the day before the shops closed and they returned home before going to bed.

Walking down the streets bustling with people, a young boy named Kaleb was being escorted by a Village Elder to a secret location outside of Wolf-village.

The Elder and Kaleb were being glanced at from random people in the crowd, as this was a small village and almost everyone knew one another, some were curious as to were the Kaleb and the Elder were going, but most just did not care, for they had their own tasks to handle before the day was gone.

Kaleb and the Elder arrived outside the village and walked into the forest, Kaleb was a bit nervous because all the children knew to stay out of the forest when the sun went down, for that was when the forest became even more dangerous.

A howl sounded out from deep within the forest, making Kaleb jump.

The Village Elder snorted and slapped the boy on the back of the head. “You need to toughen up Kaleb or else you won’t make it through the night.”

Kaleb gulped nervously wondering what the Village Elder meant. “What do you mean Elder Sloan?” Kaleb asked.

Elder Sloan just kept walking forward leaving Kaleb to have no choice but to follow and have an uneasy feeling of worry in his heart.


Village Elder Sloan and the young boy finally arrived at a clearing inside of the ancient forest, after a good 20 minutes of walking in uncomfortable silence.

As they arrived rustling noises could be heard from the surrounding bushes at the outermost region of the clearing.

The Village Elder tensed up, which went unnoticed by the young niave boy Kaleb.

As more people walked out from the bushes that were emitting rustling noises moments before, they stepped into the clearing, and as they did the Village Elder besides Kaleb relaxed a bit, while still maintaining his vigilance.

Kaleb was surprised to see more Village kids and Elders coming to this place Elder Sloan took him, but seeing that he was not the only one the Elders brought to this clearing he breathed out, relaxing a little, assuming Elder Sloan was just being his mean and grumpy self. Elder Sloan was never nice to him, but he could never figure out why.

Kaleb looked up at the Village Elder and asked him “Elder Sloan can you tell me whats going on yet? All you told me was that the village chief ordered you to bring me here.”

Elder Sloan turned and glared hatefully at Kaleb “Quiet boy, all you need to know is you and the others have been ordered by the chief to be gathered here.”

Kaleb sighed, he knew that Elder Sloan wasn’t fond of him but he didn’t think a simple question would anger him.

A voice called out from behind Kaleb and Elder Sloan “Brother Sloan, no need to be angry at the boy, besides he’s one of the few lucky chosen, now Kaleb i’m sorry for Brother Sloan’s foul mood, but you all will learn why we are here when everyone has arrived.” Kaleb looked behind him surprised “Oh Elder Eli you’re here to.”


Elder Sloan’s Face grew ugly “Brother Eli there’s no need for such words, I was merely reminding the boy that the orders from the village chief are to be followed, not questioned, but that hardly apply’s to you the privileged Village chief’s son.” he sneered at Elder Eli.

Kaleb knew these two didn’t get along, but he wasn’t expecting them to start arguing here, in front of so many people.

Elder Eli laughed at Elder Sloan’s words as he mocked him. “Brother Sloan’s words are true, but they are also spoken with jealousy and malice laced within, but no matter the village chief has arrived, let us all gather to hear what he has to announce.”

Kaleb and all the other children that the other Elders brought here were crowded around the Village Chief awaiting his words.

As the village chief looked down upon all the people, gathered below him awaiting his orders, he was filled with a sense of pride, and a bit of arrogance, knowing he ruled these people and held their fragile lives in the palms of his hand, he cleared his throat before speaking.

“Welcome young ones you have all been chosen to undergo this special rite, that will make our village prosper for many years to come, now I will let my son Elder Eli tell you what this is ritual is all about.”

Elder Sloan’s face grew even more unsightly at the fact that the Village Chief was already making way for his son by letting him lead the sacred rite of their village.

Elder Eli walked up the steps onto the raised stage platform, and looked down upon the faces of the crowd, feeling a bit of the pride and arrogance his father felt before when he was addressing the village people. “Thank you father, now to the point, all of the children here are turning twelve years old at the stroke of midnight tonight, which is in ten minutes, turning you from children into adults and this is the rite of passage you will all undergo, but instead of explaining the boring details, I will leave you all with a hint, when the flame I just lit goes out, it will be marking the time as midnight, then all you need to do is look up at the moon and you will all know why you are here.”

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