《Book 1: Demonic Wolfsbane》Chapter 12: The Last Three


Kaleb breathed out. “Phew...Now since thats done, time to deal with you three.”

The Village Chief was still kneeling, while every fiber of his being was shaken with fear at the way Kaleb had broken Elder Sloan with but a few words. He could only pray that his torture methods were enough to please Kaleb and grant his children a reprieve from the cruel and twisted thoughts that ran through that demon’s mind, and that his actions had been enough to protect them.

Kaleb walked back to the kneeling Chief, arriving in front of him, as he looked down upon the man, he let a cruel smile creep upon his face. As the Village Chief saw that smile spread upon Kaleb’s face fear crept inside him, all hope of mercy he had was lost, yet he continued to delude himself, as he begged even more kneeling so hard his face hit the ground, while muttering “please, please, please” over and over again.

This reaction of the Chief’s caused Kaleb to roar in laughter. “Old fool, you really thought I would show mercy upon my enemy’s, i’m going to kill you, your daughter, and your son. I just saved you all for last, or have you forgotten how your village had me killed, so if you really think about it, the reason i’m like this now is because of all of you causing my death, enabling me to be reborn as a mighty demon!” Kaleb yelled to the sky as he raised both his hands, above his head, in all his glory as he rejoiced in his victory.

As Kaleb finished celebrating, he lowered his hands, and used his demonic energy to suppress the Village Chief restricting his moments with the pressure of his demonic aura. The Village Chief was flattened to the ground as he watched on as Kaleb stepped closer and closer to his children, each step bringing them closer to untold pain and finally death.


Kaleb was grinning like a wolf, ear to ear, as he stood above the brother and sister, fear etched deep within both of their faces. As he summoned more demonic energy from within himself he used it to shred the siblings clothes apart leaving them bare as he forced their bodies to entwine. By now Kaleb was using his powers by pure instinct, as he forced the brother and sister to crave one another, as they tore into each other, they became one, as their father watched on in horror.

He thought he would see his children tortured to death in front of his eyes, he was not expecting this, which made it all the worse. Kaleb laughed as he praised his own brilliance, for he knew in torture of the body and the mind, variety was the best spice, to always be unpredictable, was the best method of always surprising the one being tormented. While Kaleb continued to cruelly laugh his instincts kicked in as he manipulated the body to go from surrounding their body’s to penetrating their mind and body, transforming them from their rational selves to beings driven insane from their own passion.

As Elder Eli and Katelyn’s moans of passion grew louder and louder they grew enraptured and forgot themselves even further, and as they both climaxed. As they finished Kaleb relaxed his hold on their minds, while still keeping ahold of their body’s, while still Keeping Elder Eli inside of his sister, keeping the torment of what they both just did to each other even fresher. Katelyn and Eli struggled in vain as they could not separate from each other.

Finally after growing bored Kaleb separated them then quickly cut off Elder Eli’s virgin blood covered privates, shoving them down his father, the Village Chief’s throat. As his children watched on, Katelyn crying at the loss of her innocence, plus the torture her family was going through in front of her eyes, and Eli screaming in pain as all he could feel was excruciating pain from the loss of his manhood. The Village Chief Choked down his son’s balls and his daughters fresh virgin blood.


Kaleb couldn’t think of any ways to outdo his current method of torture, and he thought that the three had suffered immensely already. So he encompassed them all in his demonic energy hanging them upside down hanging in the middle of the air, he arranged them in a triangle so they could all see each other. Kaleb then took the knife the Village Chief used to torture Elder Sloan and slowly cut all their throats watching them die. As Kaleb gazed at them, they also looked at each other, all three of them watched as the last member of their family slowly bleed out in front of each others eyes.

Finally it was done all the villagers were dead, all his enemy’s dead, Kaleb breathed out a sigh of relief. Suddenly their was a shift in the air as something unexpected started to occur.

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