《Book 1: Demonic Wolfsbane》Chapter 11: Reap What You Sow


Despair spreading throughout his mind, the Village Chief looked at the young demonic boy Kaleb, as he prepared himself for what he had to do, no matter how unbecoming it was, as he fell to his knees and bowed his head to the young boy.

“Please Spare my daughter and son, i’ll do anything you want.” He said as desperation filled his voice.

Kaleb looked upon this man, his eyes filled with disgust. He thought for a moment before making his decision. “Hmm i’ve given it some thought and if you slowly torture Elder Sloan, while keeping him awake for the entire thing, until he draws his last breath, i’ll think about letting your children go.”

The Village Chief knew it was a long-shot for his enemy to show him ,or anyone of them, mercy.

Even so he had to try his hardest for if anything happened to his children without him trying his best he would be filled with regret, and anguish.

He didn’t even need a second to think about it, without a moments hesitation he agreed to torture to death a man he grew up, and even thought of as a friend, for when man sinks into desperation he will do anything.

Turning towards Elder Sloan he walked up to him with an expressionless face preparing himself mentally for what he would do. “Village Chief please you can’t listen to that vile demon, he is not to be trusted!” Elder Sloan said desperately when he saw the lifeless eyes and expressionless face of the Village Chief.

The Village Chief did not even hear Elder Sloan all he could think about his children, and how they would see him torture this fellow villager right in front of their eyes.

As he stole a glance towards his children he saw their horrified expressions “Kaleb can I not do this in front of my children? I don’t want them to see something like this.” The Village Chief weakly begged.

“Hahaha, you don’t want your children to see what kind of ruthless person you really are? Yet you were fine with ordering me and my family tortured to death, and even allowed Elder Sloan to torture and kill them in front of me. Yet you have the audacity to ask for me to not do the same! You’re lucky i’m giving you the slim chance of mercy now, if and only if you torture Elder Sloan slowly and to my liking. NOW GET ON WITH IT!!” Kaleb Roared at the Village Chief.

The Village Chief knew the chances of Kaleb agreeing were not good, but he had to try for his children’s sake, if they lived he didn’t want them to be mentally scarred with this memory.

Finally he started, Elder Sloan’s legs were already broken so he couldn’t run, so he grabbed his legs and dragged him to the nearest market stall, and cleared away all the items that were previously on the stall to be sold.

When the items were strewn upon the floor, The Village Chief grabbed Elder Sloan’s legs once again and lifted him onto the stall as a makeshift torture table. He then grabbed some clothes from some dead body’s that were lying around and ripped them up and tied them together into makeshift rope, lastly he dumped them in a bucket of water he got from the village well, to soak them in the water, so they would not tear under Elder Sloan’s thrashing around when he started the torture.


All this happened under the watchful eyes of Kaleb as he stood behind the mangled and bruised children of the Village Chief, as they lay there in ever increasing pools of blood, while Elder Eli, just hoped they would be let go, and Katelyn was trying her hardest not to vomit.

For even tho Katelyn was a were-wolf and the chief’s daughter she was not a man and hardly ever fought, and when she transformed as a wolf she would usually hunt deer, and other animals, so she had a weak stomach when it came to the horrors of a village massacre.

As the Chief finished his preparations he started with the simplest part of torture, removing the fingernails, and toenails. As that was happening Elder Sloan grit his teeth trying to not show weakness to the Damned Demon Kaleb, for he knew this was the demon’s way of getting back at him. Finished with that the Chief, layed some heavy mortar, and brick upon Elder Sloan’s broken legs insuring he was always in pain, for he knew he was being watched and judged on his performance.

Moving on he started breaking Elder Sloan’s fingers, and toes, moving from his smallest bone’s to his larger bones. He broke every bone in his body leaving the skull and spine alone for, spine damage could paralyze him, allowing him to not feel some of the pain, plus spine and head injury’s were much to easy ways to accidentally kill him.

With his nails gone, bones broken it was time to move on, he grabbed his knife, as he started to peel the skin off of Elder Sloan’s body, and under this torture, Sloan finally cracked he couldn’t take it anymore and started screaming in pain and tried writhing around in pain, even hoping the blade would luckily pierce a vital spot and put him out of his misery. Unluckily for him the Chief had already fully restrained him, making his movements very limited, So all he could do was scream in agony.

The Village Chief was horrified at what he was doing, but he kept telling himself, this is so my children can live. As he kept repeating phrase in his head over and over, he glanced over at Kaleb, to find a bored expression of his face, the Village Chief started sweating profusely from his forehead, for he knew he needed to do things so horrible that they would even surprise whatever kind of vile demon Kaleb now was. He knew ordinary torture wouldn’t cut it, so as he peeled that last of the skin, and was about to throw it to the side, he had a thought, which almost made him gag. He bundled up the skin, and grabbed a bucket strewn upon the ground, and filled it from one of the many pools of blood collecting upon the ground.

Then walking back to Elder Sloan’s torture table, he grabbed his jaw and pried it open, shoving the wad of skin down his gullet and then pouring some of the blood down his throat, lubricating the skin allowing it to be swallowed faster and easier, preventing him from choking.

This however didn’t stop Elder Sloan from gagging as the skin and blood made its way into his throat, he tried to refuse it, but the Village Chief was to strong, so he gagged as he was forced to eat his own skin, and drink the blood of the villagers he had tried to protect his whole life. As this was all forced down Elder Sloan’s Gullet he gagged and wretched, as he started vomiting it up, but this was the wrong thing for his body to do, as the Village Chief in turn made him swallow the vomit filled with blood and skin.


A small chuckle escaped Kaleb’s mouth when he saw this, and when the Village Chief heard it, he knew his idea might just say his children’s life, but he felt he needed something to clear the final hurdle, as he looked around, for something to use, he saw a yellow liquid spreading across the table, it was Elder Sloan pissing himself! Disgusted by the smell, of urine, the Chief had a horribly cruel thought, but decided to act without a seconds hesitation, for this was for his children!

He grabbed his Knife, and as it flashed in-between Elder Sloan’s legs, a chunk of meat splattered on to the piss and blood covered table. Grabbing the chunk of flesh that were Elder Sloan’s privates he forced them down Elder Sloan’s Throat, then collected some of the piss and blood on the torture table and mixed it with the last of the blood in the bucket and dumped it down Elder Sloan’s throat as his clamped his mouth shut and forced him to chew and then swallow it all.

As the Village Chief was disgusted with himself for what he had done to a Village Elder, a loud laughter spread throughout the air as Kaleb roared with laughter, in the middle of a village filled with dead bodies and blood flowing through the streets, like some kind of madman. This gave the Chief hope, he knew he would not be able to do any better feats of torture so he acted swiftly as he jabbed his knife in-between Elder Sloan’s spine, paralyzing him. He then cut open Elder Sloan’s restraints and dragged him in front of Kaleb finally kneeling and offering his knife to Kaleb. “I have finished my task, but I know his life is not for me to take, but for you.” He said kneeling and acting like a faithful servant.

This strange turn of events broke Kaleb out of his laughter, as he gazed upon the kneeling man, who was once a Chief of an entire village, but now acted as a servant, making Kaleb let loose another bit of laughter as he took the knife.

Holding the knife he then grabbed Elder Sloan by the throat lifting him up and smiled at him “I bet you never thought you’d be in this situation.” He Laughed. “I’ve been looking forward to seeing you bent and broken, but that seems to just be your body, I can see in your eyes a trace of stubbornness lurking deep within, while allow me to fully break you.”

Kaleb Waived his hand and revealed under the rubble of a fallen house, a middle aged woman, and her small child no older than four. Elder Sloan’s eyes widened at the sight of them for they were his wife and child. Kaleb’s smiled at Elder Sloan’s reaction “Allow me to tell you a story of a young girl who’s parents were viscously murdered at the hands of a werewolf, and at the last second a brave young boy was able to injure the werewolf, driving it away, and saving the girl. At least that is what your daughter will grow up to believe, as she grows older her hatred for what you are will grow stronger, with each passing year, as she remember the sight of her mothers body mutilated by such a beast. And years later she will discover that the werewolf who murdered her mother, was in fact her father, making her hate you, and herself.” Kaleb said as he laughed evilly with an evil grin plastered all of his face.

Knowing what future hardships were in store for his young and innocent daughter, finally caused Elder Sloan’s mind to collapse as his mind broke and his eyes turned lifeless, as he lost all hope. He thought his family was dead, and that he could live with, but now his daughter will grow up to hate him, and face untold hardships, and finally who knows what else the demon had in store for her.

Kaleb then grabbed a dead werewolf and used its claws and teeth to kill the unconscious mother, making it look like a werewolf killed her. He then placed the body’s in another house and locked the door, so later he could life the sleeping spell upon the young girl and spin his web of lies, transforming her from an innocent naive girl, unto one filled with hate, and thoughts of killing.

Once the girl and her dead mother were in the locked house he surrounded it with his demonic energy, ensuring no-one would be able to disturb the house as he finished his business outside.

Bored with the Lifeless Elder Sloan who was just laying in the streets filled with blood, he finally placed on foot on his chest, then grabbed his head pulling with all his strength.

The Lifeless husk that was Elder Sloan still had some feeling above his waist, so when Kaleb started pulling, he felt ever fiber and muscle being pulled straight until there was no slack, then they started to tear as slowly his head was pulled from his shoulders as he felt every fiber being ripped out of his neck until he was just a head, and as his vision darkened at the edge creeping towards the center the last thing he saw was the house were his young daughter and dead wife lay, before darkness and death overtook him.

Exercpt from Chapter 12:

Kaleb breathed out. “Phew...Now since thats done, time to deal with you three.”

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