《Book 1: Demonic Wolfsbane》Chapter 9


Standing in the fog of darkness that this part of the underworld seemed to be, a voice rang out, breaking the sense of death that pervaded this unholy place.

“Alright know there’s only one thing left for you to do, for your Demonic transformation to be complete, you must bathe in the blood of your most hated enemy, in other words you get to slaughter the people of that village and get your revenge, then and only then, will you transformation be complete, after that is done, we can get to the real work.” Beltazaar said to Kaleb still looking at him with a perverted gaze.

Kaleb’s senses and mind were operating on a much higher level now.

It was like he had been reborn he could see, hear, smell, feel, and even taste everything around him, but magnified beyond what his past human senses could ever had hope to achieve.

He knew this would come in handy, but for right know all he could feel while his senses were workiing in overdrive was an overwhelming feeling of death coming from all around him.

He put aside that for know, he was a demon know so death was a part of him, but he obviously wanted to know what this real work was, but he was also filled with a strong blood-lust at the mention of revenge.

So he decided to table the talk on whatever this real work was, and decided to get down to business and carry out a massacre.


On the outskirts of the village a strong wind blew and the air shifted by some unkown disturbance.

When suddenly Beltazaar and Kaleb appeared out of nowhere in the outskirts of the Old village.

Kaleb was looking around stupified “How did we get here.” he asked.


“Teleported, you’ll learn it sooner or later.” Beltazaar lazily said.

Kaleb was interested and remembered that word “Teleport” for later knowing that having such a handy trick would come in handy in the future.

Beltazaar had them wait until it was nightfall before he said “ I brought us here on the night of a full moon to make it more challenging for you, if not it would be like slaughtering chickens, but your probably still wondering what these people are, simple they are werewolf’s a low rank demon, one of them should be easy for you to deal but your going to be going up against hundreds.”

Kaleb was astonished that he was raised in a village full of demons his whole life and never knew, but he was also glad he finally knew what the beasts were that killed him and his parents, or “demonic beasts” he thought, anyway that was one mystery solved.

When he came to this conclusion, he felt like a weight had been lifted, that was when he realized knowledge is power, if you knew enough if an unknown problem arises the better you will be prepared for it, he made up his mind that he would not only become a more powerful demon, but that he would also sharpen his mind, so that if another undesirable situation ever occurs again he would be more prepared for it.

As Night fell he and Beltazaar crept closer to the village, crouching behind some crates watching the enemy, while hiding in the shadows.

They waited in silence for the full moon to appear, for when it came out of the shadow of the clouds, the radiating brillance would signal the start of a bloody massacre.

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