《Book 1: Demonic Wolfsbane》Chapter 8


Kaleb face twisted with an expression of horror “ hey brat stop making faces at me, being a demon is great, your far stronger than a wimpy human, and you’ll have a hell of alot easier time getting revenge.”

Kaleb calmed down and thought about it, its not like he had much of a choice, whatever kind of strange beasts those people were they were far stronger and outnumbered him, plus lookin at Beltazaar he got the feeling he didn’t have much of a choice.

Beltazaar smiled creepily “lets get started lucky for you, I get to turn you into a middle tier demon, none of that lower tier crap for you, unlucky for you, the process of turning you into a demon is much like torture, ohh except a thousands time worse, we have to get rid of that weak human body and re-mold it into a strong demonic one.”

Kaleb who was just starting to get used to the idea paled at the method used to transform him into a demon, turning to run he fell flat on his face, he couldn’t move a muscle he was completely paralyzed, his body turned over on its own and started floating in midair, then a steel table appeared out of nowhere and Kaleb was place on it and strapped down, and then finally Beltazaar came into his line of sight.“

How boring, they always try to run when they hear the torture part, come on kid, your one of the lucky few start acting like it, now this won’t kill you, but you’ll be begging to die, but you cant die until you’ve been reborn as a demon, but by then you’ll be alot harder to kill.” Beltazaar said with an evil grin.

Beltazaar raised his hand and his fingers turned into claws as he starting stripping the flesh from Kaleb’s body. Kaleb started screaming and then his mouth was gagged and he heard Beltazaar mutter “Boring” and as the flesh was all peeled away.


Beltazaar motioned with his hand and a giant barrel of Demonic snakes, worms, leeches, spiders, and tons of other small critters he figured were lower leveled demons were dumped on him as the steel table expanded and turned into a steel tub, submerging him.

As the minutes and hours crawled by Kaleb felt like he was suffocating but he couldn’t die, for he was already dead, and was in the process of being reborn a demon.

The vile critters crawled all over him, burrowed into his skin, slithered into his body through his nose, mouth, ears and other orifices, they gnawed away at weak human flesh and consumed his insides, making it feel like hot lava was poured down his throat and reaching every inch of his body.

As his flesh and innards and blood, were melted away the critters transformed into the blood, organs, and flesh that was consumed by them, but they weren’t the same as before they were tougher, with demonic energy flowing throughout, protecting and strengthening them.

As his body was re-molded the scorching pain, slowly lessened until it felt like he was soaking in a warm bath, his new body was so comfortable, his blood was boiling, he wanted more.

The surviving critters having gone through that and survived were also strengthened, having finished their job they begin to crawl out and away from Kaleb’s body.

When they had all left Kaleb felt something like strings flowing from the critters and his new demonic impulses kicked in and he swept all the critters up and ate them, as a warm flowing feeling spread throughout his body once again strengthening him.

“Very good it seems your demonic senses are quite good, you instinctively knew consuming the rest of those critters would strengthen you even more, the reason for this is because you sensed the demonic energy coursing through their body’s.”


Kaleb heard Beltazaar say as he broke through the restraints with ease and turned to look at him, he saw a giant storm of demonic energy flowing around Beltazaar, letting him know that trying to attack Beltazaar would lead to his death, as he came to this conclusion, he saw the demonic energy flow into Beltazaar body and then was absorbed into his flesh and bones concealing all traces of it.

“And thats how you hide your demonic energy from others, although if your stronger than them usually your demonic sense can still gauge their strength.” Beltazaar said as he looked over Kaleb’s new body.

His gaze looked something akin to that of an old mans perverted gaze on a womens body, causing chills to run down Kaleb’s spine.

Kaleb ignored Beltazaar’s odd actions, having grown use to them, and nodded that he understood. Kaleb inspected his body, his skin tone was darker an almost ash grey color, and he felt amazing.

He turned his demonic sense inward, he saw and felt how his entire body had been transformed and strengthened.

He sensed this was just the tip of the iceberg and if he wanted he could fully transform himself into his new demon form at the expense of some of his demonic energy, but decided to not waste it.

Kaleb knew he was different not only his body, but his mind had changed, he was no longer human, and human life no longer concerned him, in fact no life but his own concerned him, he was filled with only thoughts of revenge, hatred, and the overwhelming urge to grow stronger.

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