《Book 1: Demonic Wolfsbane》Chapter 7


Waking up surrounded by darkness, Kaleb shook his head that was filled with fog, wondering where he was and how he got here, when finally he was jolted when he remembered the last thing he saw before waking up here, which was Elder Sloan’s twisted smile as he dragged his bloody knife across Kaleb’s throat as it caused the feeling of him suffocating on his own blood before dying.

Wait Dying?? if I was dying then how come I woke up here Kaleb thought as he lifted his hand and felt his throat, which suprisingly felt fine, wait he looked at his hands and the rest of his body, all of it was restored and it looked like he didn’t have any injury’s at all.

He Looked around trying to pierce the darkness with his eyesight.

As he yelled out for his parent’s nothing came out of his mouth but silence, silently gasping at this strange occurrence, he finally started to think about the strange situation he found himself in, he was obviously dead and in the afterlife, but wait which afterlife, he remembered that there were many religions spread out across the land, each with a different afterlife, and he had read about even more.

Sadly he could not do anything for know how much he yelled nothing came out and no matter how far or long he walked he was still surrounded by darkness, so he finally decided to sit down and curl up and just wait until something changed or happened.

After waiting for what seemed months if not years, or maybe it was just seconds the air of darkness shifted.

A lone figure walked out of the darkness, it was a man who looked to be in his late twentys there was nothing remarkable about him, if you passed him on the street you’d forget you ever saw him.


He walked up to Kaleb and looked at him, and to Kaleb it seemed like his gaze bore through his very being leaving his entire existence since birth to death laid bare for this man to see, and in a flash that feeling was gone, making Kaleb wonder if he had imagined it.

“Hello Kaleb, welcome to hell...phhh aww man i could barely get through that with a straight face haha this isn’t actually hell persay, but it is the underworld which some humans have been known to call hell.” the strange non-de-script man said while stifling another laugh.

Kaleb was confused different thoughts running through his head, the underworld sounded like a scary place to him a young boy, but here was this non threatening looking man making jokes, the only thing eerie about him was his gaze for that one moment, or not, Kaleb still wasn’t sure if he had imagined it.

“How did you know my name? and who are you?” Kaleb asked the plain looking man.

The man chuckled looking at Kaleb like he was looking at a new toy “I’m Beltazaar, and I know your name, because know that you’ve been sent to the underworld, i’m going to be in charge of you for awhile khehehe.” he chuckled evilly.

Beltazaar sighed “ I’ve done this so many times, so lets get the boring part out of the way, your dead, your in the underworld, and your in a section that people go to get punished when they die, but the interesting thing is that normally when you died you wouldn’t have been sent here, but watching your mother and father being taken apart piece by piece, screaming in agony you felt it was your fault, so the moment before your death you felt two things, one you wanted revenge on those who wronged you, and two you deserved to be punished for causing your parents untold suffering.”


Beltazaar eyes seemed to light up when he was describing why Kaleb was here “ the interesting thing is that you wanted to be punished so badly you were sent here, now that almost never happens, its so rare.” he said with obvious delight on his face.

Kaleb was stupified "so i’m not suppose to be here? wait what about my parents??” Kaleb asked Beltazaar. “Oh don’t worry about them they were reincarnated, how obviously boring, but you well your special, you have so much hate in you and your soul is just begging to be punished, your the perfect canditate.”

Kaleb was finally seeing parts of this mans personality, he might look like the average Joe, but his mind was twisted, no not twisted his mind wasn’t even human, human life to him seemed like something mundane and unimportant and boring, and this man only enjoyed interesting and rare things, which unfortunately for Kaleb he fell under that category know.

Kaleb just heard Beltazaar finishttalking when dread filled his heart “ wait candidate? i’m a perfect candidate for what exactly?” he asked fearing the answer.

Beltazaar looked at Kaleb with a mischevious smile hanging from his face

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"Khehehe a demon."

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