《Book 1: Demonic Wolfsbane》Chapter 4: Fugitive


Kaleb walked the busy streets until he found a small inn tucked in between two big buildings, as he walked in he scanned the crowd for any suspicious people.

Other than the normal looking hooligans and low-lives he didn’t see anyone who was too interested in him walking in to the inn from the street as he went up to rent a room and ask the innkeeper for the news around town.

After paying a couple more copper, thanks to the loot he got from when he searched the Chief’s daughter after he knocked her unconscious, he was able to hear about a group of people that just came into to town not to long ago searching for a person’s whereabouts.

Walking up the stairs and then turning left he entered his room, he walked in and then closed the door behind him.

Once that was done Kaleb decided to try and get as much rest and relaxation as he could safely and quickly before leaving town.

BANG BANG BANG a couple hours later someone banged on Kaleb door startling him awake, shaking his head to clear away the sleepiness he suddenly jolted awake when the person behind the door shouted. “Open up, we got reports of a criminal in this hotel.”

That voice was belonged to the Village Chief’s son Elder Eli, jumping up from the bed Kaleb looked around, after seeing there wasn’t any better hiding spots he decided to hide under the bed.

Just as he finished hiding the door crashed open, and as he lay there, he heard footsteps entering the room and soon all he could hear were people walking all around the room.

Elder Eli looked around the room, noticing that there were some scuff marks around the bed, from it being moved, and then he motioned for everyone one to be quiet as he spoke a bit louder than usual as he said. “Looks like no-ones here.” And then he immediately flipped the bed over exposing Kaleb’s hiding spot.


Kaleb scrambled to get up to his feet and then he ran for the nearest exit, a closed window, but before he could get closer a foot kicked into the hollow of his leg, behind his knee, knocking him down on the floor to one knee, then Elder Eli rushed in front of him and grabbed him by his scrawny neck and lifted him up.

“Well well well look who we have here, looks like I found our runaway criminal, I sure am going to have fun torturing you in the dungeons, before we all tear apart your flesh piece by piece as we devour you alive.” Elder Eli said smiling evilly.

Kaleb’s face would have paled, if if wasn’t turning red from a lack of air since he was being choked out by Elder Eli, he couldn’t believe he was about to be killed and worse he was going to become food for a bunch of mangy mutts.

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