《Book 1: Demonic Wolfsbane》Chapter 3: Hostage


Looking behind his back, Kaleb begins to think he has run far enough away for now, as he sees no-one in site, plus his hostage is getting a little heavy, looking around he finds a cave and puts the village chief’s daughter Katelyn down on the cave floor.

When she’s out of his grip and placed firmly on the cave floor, she starts to transform back to human, and then her eye’s flutter beneath her eyelids moments before she opens them.

Dazed and shocked at what just occurred she looks around confused and frightened, she thinks she’s alone in a strange place, then she see’s Kaleb. “ You are one of the village children who were also there before everything turned strange, what happened? Where are we? Where is my father?” She asked question after question.

Kaleb glared at her. “You all started transforming into wolves, and when the Village Elder’s and the Chief, your father, saw I wasn’t changing like everyone else they tried to kill me, but luckily you were close by and I took you hostage, and escaped, now what should I do with you girl?” He said as he looked at her with an evil look in his eye’s, trying to scare her into submission, so she wouldn’t be as hard to handle.

What was unknown to him, was that to her his “evil gaze” looked more like a “perverted gaze” to her, as she squealed and covered herself with her hands drawing in her legs trying to protect herself. “You pervert if you dare try anything lewd, i’ll scratch your eyes out and then my father will kill you.”

Shocked and angry that she would think he would do something like that to her he decided to go with it in order to mess with her and scare her even further. “Your father already wants to kill me so I guess there’s no harm done if I just take what I want from you and leave.” He laughed evilly while his eye’s roamed all around her body, making a chill crawl up her spine.


She grew white from fright, thinking her body would be defiled while this animal forces himself upon her, if only she hadn’t been weakened by her strange transformation, and out of energy, with no way to fight back, if he decided to do anything, she would not be that worried, but alas she was powerless. “Stop! if you promise to leave me unharmed, and un-tainted I will---.” she never got to finish speaking, as he hit her in the back of the head, leaving her unconscious in the cave, not caring if she died.

He didn’t want to hear whatever nonsense she was going to say, and he had no idea if what she was going to say would be the truth, or a lie she concocted to save her own skin he thought as he ran out of the cave and put more distance between him and that crazy village.

Kaleb still couldn’t believe that the people there were some kind of freaks who transformed into animals.

What he did know is that he was going to get as far away from that place as he could, and then he was going to figure out just exactly what he saw.

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