《And Then You Left》3.


1 year later (Change to 3rd person)

17 year old Blake Nakamurra, identity no. J988071, was a well-respected throughout the ranks. Nobody was sure how the boy had managed to go from a second lieutenant to a major in just over a year, but everybody knew he was good. Very good.

So when the Blake had asked if he could help train a mere private, you can imagine most people were surprised.

"I.. are you sure?"

Blake had never been to fond of Trainer Izahow. The tactics he used to train were way below his moral standards, but he managed to plaster on a smile as he nodded his head.

"Well, if you're certain.. but keep in mind this boy is probably never going to become anything more than a lieutenant."

"Trust me Izahow, he could make it to general in a snap with the right trainer."

The trainer seemed to take offense, opening his mouth for a retort, but snapped his mouth shut at the sight of the commander marching through the training room towards them. Izahow turned and scurried away, not wanting to deal with a punishment for arguing with the commander's favourite.

"Is this the boy you told me about?" The commander looked down at the small 12 year old private. "To be honest I expected a bit more."

"I've seen what the boy can do he has quite a lot of talent, he just needs some real guidance, not punishment after punishment."

The commander was silent for a moment, before a smile, that smile, spread across his face. The one that always managed to make Blake lighter for a moment, as if all his troubles were stripped away, even if only for a few seconds. "I trust you Blake."

The four words brought a grin to Blake's face as he put his hand on the shoulder of the private and lead him away.

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