《And Then You Left》4.


Being a private was not the most exciting role to play throughout the army. In fact, it was probably the least exciting, and private Aaron Jones knew it. It had been such a bore, that Aaron had often just stayed in his room and slept during training hours. Or at least, being a private used to be boring.

When Major Nakamurra had taken the boy under his own guidance, Aaron had suddenly found great interest in training, not because he liked actually doing the work, but because it was almost entrancing watching the major demonstrate.

He seemed to teleport from one side of you to the other. His body movements were fluid and almost impossible to block or dodge. And Aaron knew, he wanted to be exactly like Major Nakamurra.

He spent hours in the training room, both with the Major and alone. Practicing the same movements over and over again. And even though he was sure he was spending way too much time learning how to throw a jab, he didn't stop until the training room was closed for the night. The Major had always told him about his own days of training, spending every hour possible training. So Aaron did the same.

"You're improving."

If it had been Izahow who had said those words, Aaron would have laughed, but coming from the mouth of the only person he considered close to him, the words sent an explosion of excitement running through him.

"I'm going away for a while Aaron, I need you to keep practicing every single day, or you'll lose all the skill you've worked so hard for."

Aaron wouldn't dream of stopping. He practiced every day, hoping to improve his skills as much as possible. He fought others in the training room. Aaron had never fought with anyone other than the Major, and it was made clear to him just how much better the Major was compared to the other soldiers. Aaron had never been able to so much as land a punch on Major Nakamurra but found it incredibly easy to knock down all of the opponents he faced. Aaron could barely wait for the Major’s return. He couldn’t wait to show him how fast Aaron was advancing in his skills.


“You’re improving.” Never before had two words affected Aaron so much, but every time he heard them echo through his head, he was filled with adrenaline, determination.

All Aaron wanted, was to hear those words again.

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