《Bladed Advent》Chapter 9- Downtime


Quick Author's note: I've gone back and fixed some errors in chapter 8! Mainly just typo's, but there was a pretty massive error that I've fixed. I apologize for the delay in chapter uploads recently, but expect around 2-3 chapters a week starting soon-ish. Once again, thank's for reading,and if you enjoy the story, please remember to follow it and vote! Let me know what you think of the story so far in the comments.

Auric could get used to the caressing warmth of his cotton mattress. His body ached all over,

and he felt like he was going to fall apart. The nurse drew a pair of gloves from the pocket of

her white coat, and briefly muttered a few incantations. Her hands began to emit a bright blue.

She gracefully chained hand motions back to back in a painterly fashion, then held her hands

over Auric's chest.

"A few cracked ribs, nothing too serious, and nothing I can't fix", she said.

Her palms came together in a clapping motion and for a brief moment, a high-pitched chirping

noise filled the room. It was harmonious, like a birdsong. Aurics felt his chest tighten then go

numb. After a short coughing fit, he felt good as new and thanked the nurse for her treatment.

She was promptly escorted out of his chamber by Galavaine while Amie sat with Lola and Tayn. The room was illuminated by the chandelier above. It was wide, shaped similar to a crown, and

much like everything else in the Halford Castle, bore rows of exotic jewels from faraway lands.

Every curtain in the room was closed shut, telling Auric it was probably night time. The once-

golden walls were now replaced with shades of a lax creme colour. The room would've felt

spacious, if it wasn't for the dozens of game consoles, and cases scattered across the floor.


Tayn scanned through them before picking up one that looked recently used. The cover consisted of numerous men that looked like they'd eaten steroids for breakfast. In bold yellow

letters, it was titled "Avenue Brawler 9: Ultra Remix Turbo: Fourth Edition: Two."

"What the hell man. . ." he said, tossing the case aside. His eyes wandered around the room.

Not passing up a moment to pester the king, Amie spoke.

"You do realize how screwed you are if the part where you got your ass kicked was broadcast right?

LIterally everyone in Grandolis is going to see that and think that they have a shot at your


Auric groaned and rose from underneath his bed sheets.

"I don't care about t hat. . .I need to worry about how people are going to react to the

massacre at Preston Park . . . We didn't even catch the guys responsible. Damage control

won't do any good. Our people degenerate into animals when this kind of stuff stirs up . . ."

"Oh if you think the citizens are going to react poorly. . ."

Amie paused and began to laugh hysterically. Auric really didn't want to hear what she had to

say next.

"Let's see what the other Kings and Queens have to say about it this weekend!"

She continued her uncontrollable laughter as Auric's eyes widened with panic.

"Um . . .what!?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you? On the second turn of every year there's a gathering held for the

Rulers of all the regions. It acts as a conference and a party. This year, it's being held at our


"Are you kidding me? That gives us like. . .two days to prepare while we still have that

business going with those criminals! Damn it!"

He felt the headache come in like a wrecking ball.


Ecstatic, Lola rose out of her chair. Her face was lit with joy. Tayn sighed, knowing

whatever she was about to say was going to result in more work for him.

"Is it really Duodem this weekend, already? Time sure flies doesn't it! Don't worry, Tayn and I

will be sure to fix this place up! In fact, let's decorate the entire city as well! I'm sure it'll be lots

of fun!"

She grabbed Tayn and danced out of the room, eager to once again bring a new look to the

Kingdom. For a while Auric remained in his bed, wishing he could sleep through the entirety of

the chaos, while Amie sat aside, her fingers tapping away at the keys of her laptop. Galavaine

returned shortly after, and the three discussed the situation in great detail. He shared the

details he'd learned of Penn searching for an Exiscian in hiding, and the details of their

strange powers. He concluded by letting Auric know that Penn and Van't weren't the only killers

in the city they had to be wary of. Amie furiously typed away, recording any information that seemed of use.

"You mentioned the two foreigners you were with intervened and saved you. What happened?"

, Galavaine asked.

"I dunno. I was barely conscious for most of that. I didn't really have a good view from the pavement. I guess they just sort of curbstomped the dude and left."

"It is truly a shame. If what you say is true, we could really use them for now.

"It's fine. I have a feeling we'll see them again. In fact, next time we're out in the city let's look

for them."

"We won't find them. They gave me the feeling they weren't trying to be noticed. I doubt they

will let themselves be seen again, especially by the King. Plus, there is no way you're leaving

this room until you've recovered."

"Honestly. . . that's awesome! Haha But wait. .. I'm fine. That nurse chick just healed me!"

"We're not going to risk it. Exis' don't always work perfectly"

Auric eagerly grabbed a game controller off of his bedside and breathed a sigh of relief. This

was going to be such a nice change of past from these past few weeks, and he couldn't be

more excited. Galavaine however, was not off the hook. If the two guys from yesterday were

able to take out those delinquents, there was no way they were ordinary tourists. They saved

Auric but if there were more people in addition to Penn and Vant responsible for the killings,

their display of power made them entirely plausible suspects, and that changed things

drastically. On top of that, he look at look into a possible Cult that had managed to remain

under wraps for all these years? And where was Roggus? At this point he'd been gone far too

long. Something had to be up. That situation however, would have to wait. There was nobody

to send searching and if he went himself, that would put the Kingdom at a severe disadvantage.

So what next? Track down Penn and Vant? Lock them up? Kill them? Search for the foreigners and find out if they were guilty? If they weren't, ask them to join the Halford Kingdom? There

was also the conference to worry about. Auric was still young and inexperienced at. . . . just

about everything. He botched publicly speaking towards his own citizens, who knew how he'd

act in front of the other Region's Kings and Queens? Galavaine pulled at his hair and let out an

aggravated sigh.

"Don't leave this room", he said.

And with that, he took his leave.

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