《Bladed Advent》Chapter 10- Fourteen-faced


The sun was setting, and the city of Halford was beginning to spark to life. The streets of the social district buzzed will all sorts of eager partygoers, mischievous teenagers, and people who’d just got off work. Nate strolled along the city sidewalk, whistling, his blue tie blowing in the wind. An abundance of lights rain downed on him, radiating out of the nightclubs and other recreational areas that made this street their home. Despite the sky being pitch black, the outside didn’t feel dark. His favourite thing about this city was the luminosity it gave off at night. It had a certain glow to it that he’d loved ever since he set foot in this land, years ago.

However, even the bright city lights couldn’t take his mind off of what was awaiting him at home.

He turned a few corners, anxiously speeding up every now and then, and before he knew it, there it was. The Grand Halford Library. Just a block away. It dwarfed every single building in the district. It had a rather majestic, imposing feel to it, which stuck out like sore thumb in a district full of partying and simple fun. A colossal building, made with a combination of stone and gold. It’s architecture was intricate, with numerous arches and curves making up the majority of the places design. Atop it was a clock tower that was brightly lit. It fought against the blackness of the night sky.

Nate groaned as he passed through the entrance garden, slowly moving along the aged stone pathway. Benches and trees were positioned all across the lush lawn, with rows of flowers lined up next to the entrance gate. Nate hesitantly rang the doorbell, and after a minute, the gate rose. He entered.

As usual, the first thing he saw when he came in was a sea of shelves taking up most of the floor space, with a little t.v area located at the back corner, and a spiral staircase on the opposite side of. At the front desk sat


Sayella. She only looked the age of twenty-three, but something told Nate she was much, much older than that. She wore her black hair tied back in a ponytail, with bangs that reached down to jaw bone. She was wearing the same black dress she always wore while working. The place was surprisingly empty compared to other nights.

“How’d it go tonight? Success?” she asked.

“Unfortunately no”

“Well that’s no good. Gail’s going to kill you, or worse.”

“Ugh. . .I know. Come on, can’t you say something, please!?”

“I’ll cover for you when the situation is important enough. Good luck. There’s food in the back, because somehow I doubt you’ve eaten.”

Nate thanked her, and made his way to the spiral staircase. He descended into the dark basement of the library. Instead of bookcases all around, what surrounded him here was desks, cluttered with all sorts of vials, books, potions, and strange devices. The place would have been pitch black had it not been for the few candle lights set up.There were three vacant stretchers in the middle of the floor. A thin woman emerged from the closet in the back. She wore a tattered lab coat, stained with a spectrum of colors. Her hair was dyed green and cut short. To Nate, it looked like wet grass that was patted down.

“Please don’t tell me you came home empty handed.”

Nate shrugged and backed away.

“Nate, what the fuck!. It’s been weeks!”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry”, he muttered

“Go. Now. Don’t come back till you find someone. We can’t keep doing this!”

“I’m not going back out again!”

“What is it? You used to be able to bring people back all the time, what happened!?”

“I don’t know. . It’s the same as always. Everything is going fine, but the moment I ask if they want to come back to my place they say no and leave. . .”


“People are probably on edge thanks to those two killers on the loose. . .damn it.”

Gail furiously kicked the table next to her, knocking it over,causing the sound of breaking glass and liquids fizzing to fill the room.

“It may just not be that. . .I’ve been flat out rejected a few times too. . .”

“Are you saying my work isn’t adequate enough for you? That’s like the fourteenth face I've made for you! I spent hours on that one!”

“N-no my face is fine, I don’t know what it is , really.”

“Well, I’m giving you a week. If you don’t bring me at least one catch, I’m going to strap you to that stretcher and. . . rebuild you from scratch. It’d be a shame really. You’re one of my most successful projects.”

“Okay, okay. I understand. I won’t let you down, I promise.”

I promise

A radiant moon peaked over the sea of rooftops, it’s light beaming through the black sky. The serene sound of chirping cicadas could be heard across the district. Nate’s foot slammed against the brick wall as he repeatedly kicked it in frustration. He’d gone to the same spot he always went to when stuff like this happened, a small alley located behind the library. I promise? Why did he say that? If he wasn’t having any success recently, there was no way he could guarantee he’d be able to kidnap someone by next week. He’d grown comfortable with his current appearance, and it would pain him to lose it. He’d miss the green eyes, prominent cheekbones, and the straight nose. He began to exit the alleyway when he heard footsteps emerge behind him.

“Failed again I presume?”

ugh. It was Ceaus. The square shaped sunshades, gelled brown hair, and leather jacket were among a long list of things Nate hated about him. A cocky smirk always found a home on the man’s face and it made Nate want to bash his head in. He wasn’t quite sure what Ceaus’ role within the “library” was, but he was grateful that whatever it was kept the man away for long periods of time.

“Piss off, it’s not a good time.”

“Well obviously. Your life sucks. When is there ever a good time?”

He chuckled and came forward, moving past the enormous dumpster and making his way towards Nate. He grabbed him by the collar of his sky-blue colored dress shirt and held him against the wall.

“Look kid, if you’re gonna’ call this place your home, you put in work. You hear me? Do you fucking understand?”

Nate felt a hard fist connect with his lower stomach. Ceaus punched again and again, his brass knuckles leaving Nate gasping for air. He coughed up blood as Ceaus let him drop to the ground. He stomped on Nate’s ankle and walked away.

His face lay against the asphalt as he grabbed at his stomach in pain. He knew he had to act fast, otherwise things would only get worse.

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