《Bladed Advent》Chapter 8- A Searing Hatred


Dashing Along the stone paths of the park, Galavaine frantically turned his attention side to side, searching for Sara. In the ten minutes that had passed since he'd left Auric, he'd checked nearly every restaurant, shop, and attraction in sight. He passed through the many carnival game booths set up and continued to move forward. Off to his far left he noticed a group of people sitting at a large patio. Amongst the people in chairs sat a thin girl, her scarlet hair blowing in the wind. Camera equipment littered the area around them. Galavaine hastily approached them.

"Sara, we must leave now!"

"Hey, you're the King's right hand man! Hello!", she replied.

Suddenly, Penn came crashing down on one of the tables nearby with an audible thud. Hunched over, he moved his eyes towards Sara.

"You're even hotter in person!" he said, as he leaped forwards, clawing at her face. Backing away, she let out an intense shriek that echoed throughout their surroundings. Galavaine ran forward, and ferociously swung his fist. It collided with the side of Penn's face, and sent him spinning to the ground. Sara stood frozen in space, her eyes wide with shock. Her colleagues scattered about, stumbling over fallen chairs and debris.

"Sara, you're being targeted, you need to come with me!" , Galavaine said.

She trembled in response, speechless.Still lying on his back, a cruel grin stretched across Penn's face as he raised his arm and flicked his wrist.Tiny green sparks began to materialize in the air around the disoriented camera crew. The sparks flared up into stygian flames, and rained over the group. Some of them gripped their faces in agony and screamed, while others fell to their knees, silent.

"Damn it I can't see!"

"My face!"



As if they'd their minds had gone blank, they collapsed to the ground, mumbling gibberish and shaking violently. The ominous fire continued to illuminate the hazy area.Sara stared, still glued to the floor. Tears streamed down her colorless face, and wetted the fabric of her torn floral dress. Pushing himself off the ground, Penn snickered and patted his palms against his khaki shorts.

"That's what I'd like to call a. . . .Pennta-kill!" Ahahahahahah!" he exclaimed

Galavaine shouted, commanding a shield to hover around Sara. He sent the other, rocketing towards Penn, who swiftly avoided it by flipping to the side. He spawned a series of green sparks which combusted into a hellish blaze. They licked the front side of Galavaine's shield as it speedily returned to him.

Catching him off guard, Galavaine's foot sprang off the ground as he advanced to deliver an explosive punch. It connected with Penn's lower jaw, instantly twisting it aside as he flew backwards. Rolling back to his feet he threw some more sparks towards his opponent. Galavaine sent his shield forwards, it's golden frame deflecting the flames. It smashed against Penn's rib cage, flattening him to the ground and leaving him breathless.

" I'm clueless as what kind of inferno this is. . . but by order of the Halford Kingdom, I command you to get rid of all flames at once!"

"Heh, they're real but the only thing they burn is the sanity and senses of sheep like ya'selves!"

He howled in pain as Galavaine stomped on his wrist, crushing it.

"You never answered my question from earlier. Why are you hunting a news reporter?" he said

"We're looking for the Seventhile Witch Exiscian, Sayella! Of course, ya' wouldn'ta heard of her because the bitch's been in hiding!"

"There is no way this woman is a witch in hiding. And what do low lives like you want with an apparently important Exiscian?"


"None of ya' fuckin' business!"The edge of the shield slowly pressed against Penn's neck, as he began to cower in fear.

"Okay! An Exiscian from our town told me that if I killed her it would unlock the second chapter of my exis! It's the only way! Just fuckin' let me kill her!"

"All this havoc. . . .this past few months of ruin, for personal gain?!"

"It's legit! It's understandable and it's the only fuckin' way! Don't look down on me you Halford scum! You people of this kingdom have it the easiest so what's a few fuckin' months of damage going to do! It's your fault you left the place in such a trash state anyways! I'll kill all of ya'!"


Gripping the cold steel of the staircase railing, Vant limped away, his knees repeatedly buckling under the weight of his body. He'd come quite a distance since his confrontation with Auric and Matt. Whatever took place moments ago would forever scar his mind. Being robbed of his victory against the King Of Halford by that horrific being enraged him more than anything, but his body was in no condition to pursue the fight any longer. In the short time they'd brawled, cameramen from all over stormed through the park, intricately filming everything of importance. He urgently needed to find Penn, and immediately retreat if they wanted another shot at this in the future. He phased through numerous walls and objects, quickening the search for his friend.

Still pinned to the ground, Penn shouted at Galavaine, and pelted him with a steady flow of insults. Shrugging them off, Galavaine continued to unsuccessfully interrogate the boy. Sara had somewhat recovered, and was resting on a chair close by, still protected by Galavaine's shield. More workers from the G.R.N had arrived and were filming every interaction they could, while medics began to clear out and assist those that had fallen earlier. The doors of the restaurant ahead of them swung open as Vant emerged from within. Still limping, he trudged forwards.

"You! What have you done to Lord Auric!" Galavaine said.

"He's around. . . " Vant said.

His hood had blown off, and the lush hair the flowed to his shoulders was now a mess.What was once a cleanly white sweater was shredded beyond repair. After a few tries, he raised his palm towards Galavaine, once again revealing his silver ring. It was exquisitely crafted, and displayed arrays of delicate patterns. Into it, was engraved the letter "S". A mighty torrent of air blasted Galavaine into a lamppost located behind them. Vant shook more with each step he took towards his close friend, who was in an even worse condition. His hand seized the bruised flesh of Penn. They quickly sank through the rugged ground, and disappeared from sight. Galavaine stared awestruck.


The space around her shelved hundreds of books with damaged spines and torn pages, perhaps spanning centuries in content. In her lap sat a scalpel which pressed against the fabric of her torn lab coat. She was fixated on the flat-screen television that was mounted on the wall a head. At the same table sat a boy, joining her in spectating the events that took place at Preston Park. He fidgeted with his silky blue tie. Behind one of the aged shelves, a young woman rapidly sifted through numerous encyclopedias, forming clouds of dust in the process. Books from all around toppled over as she groaned in annoyance.

"Well, at least we know what happened to my ring. . . ." she said.

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