《Bladed Advent》Chapter 7- Lacerating Winds


The boy in the white hoodie rose off of the bench, and began to approach the group, passing by the series of lampposts that were lined up around them.

“Ayyyy! ‘Sup King!”, he said.

At that moment, Galavaine summoned his twin shields, his eyes blazing with rage. They hovered around him, as if waiting for a chance to strike.

“You are responsible for this! Tell me, is it you that killed our city’s innocents as well?!”

“Ehhh, Sorta’? We're not behind all of the killings. If that’s what’s gotcha’ so riled up, my bud Penn back there’s who you’re trying to get at. I’m just taggin’ along for the ride.”

Galavaine’s shields briefly darted around, before one of them circled around the bench, and flew at the boy in the black shirt from behind. Savagely knocking him off, he tumbled through the crowd of people that ran about the park grounds. The impact of the collision caused the wooden bench to burst into pieces. Spitting blood to the ground, he got to his feet and faced Galavaine.

“Ouch. I didn’t think ya’ kingdom was the violent type.”

“You have five seconds to explain yourself before you taste Promise and Prospect once again”

He exchanged looks with his partner, and took a few steps back.

“To be honest we’re just lookin’ for the redhead babe that works for G.R.N” Penn said.

Auric observed the chaos around them, and stared at the two in disbelief.

“You destroyed an entire amusement park. . . FOR ONE GIRL!?”

“She works for the news right? We hadta’ do something to get media attention!”, said the boy in the

white hoodie, seemingly proud of himself.

“Then you guys could’ve just gone to their building! Aw man this is insane!”

The delinquents once again looked at each other as if they’d come to a sudden realization.


“Damn bro he’s right. That woulda’ been so much easier”

The two shields cut through the air of the park and returned to Galavaine’s side, still floating.

“Before I further condemn you, I must ask. Why her? You may have been able to get away with it if you kept to your silent methods.”

“Ehhh we were just playing it safe up until now just in case. When we saw how lame your new king was, we didn’t feel any reason to continue hiding!”

“Vant, I’ll text ya’ when I find her”, said Penn.

Taking advantage of the brief conversation he turned around and bolted away, eager to find today’s victim. Within seconds he disappeared into the crowd of commoners still trying to escape.

Auric spent a few seconds reflecting upon the current situation, and turned to Galavaine.

“I mean. . . . it’s just Sara. . . .”

“Auric! We’re still responsible for her life! She’s a citizen of your city!”

“Maybe if we let them have her they’ll stop. Problem Solved.”


“Fine. Chase after him then. He’s obviously going to kill her when he gets to her.”

Vant looked to the sky and smiled.

“Ehh she’s a bit too much of a babe to kill right away.”

“I cannot leave you alone in a place like this, Lord.”

“Go. I’ll be fine”, Auric said

Rolling up his sleeves, he grinned and began to approach Vant.

“You’ve made my day so much harder than it needed to be”

Vant threw his right arm forwards and erupted with laughter. A massive gust of wind tore through the park, lifting citizens off of the cement ground and tossing them about like ragdolls. Some collided with the numerous billboards that were on display while others crashed to the ground, pale and limp. The harsh sound of crunching bones resonated throughout the park. His white hoodie and khaki shorts rippled in the wind. The force swept Auric off his feet, throwing him backwards. With a loud thud, he collided with one of the vending machines that remained standing. He couldn’t have imagined a lowly criminal like this to have such extreme power. The relevance of an Exis was becoming clear to him. He watched in horror as Vant got closer and closer, creating all sorts of strong winds that ripped through their surroundings.


The two foreigners nervously watched the catastrophe unfold, unsure of what actions to take.

Matt took a sip of his milkshake and continued to enjoy the scene.

“We don’t have to worry about seeing a movie later at least.” he said, smiling.

“I know I’ve been trying to make sure you keep a low profile . . . but can we really just stand by and watch this?”

The wind calmed down as Vant roughly grabbed Auric by the neck, lifted him to his feet, and slammed him into the vending machine. In the distance, Auric witnessed corpses scattered around the park grounds. There were carts full of motionless bodies suspended in midair on some of the roller coaster tracks, consumed by flames.

” Yeahhh my winds can get pretty crazy. Not so high and mighty now are ya’? Who’da thought for a king you’d be so fuckin’ weak!”

He snickered and tossed Auric aside.

Covered in cuts in bruises, Auric desperately tried to crawl away. The rough surface of the ground scraped his bleeding palms.

“Alright you wanna die in the sky, or down here? I’m counting like seven different ways to kill you right now.”

He positioned his hands towards Auric, revealing an ornate looking silver ring on his index finger, and took aim for whatever devastating act he was about to perform. Suddenly, a thick black mist began to trickle through the area.

“I’m counting around eleven different ways to kill you, and I’m not even feeling that creative today.”

In the cloud of mist behind Vant appeared Matt, who was savoring the last bit of his strawberry milkshake.

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