《The Wounded Knight.》CH ~ 7#
As I laid there on the forest ground I felt my body that once was stiff as a board slowly begin to loosen. I guess the Cervos paralyse their prey before draining them like a strange leech. Nix sat beside me as my body worked out the poison. Mostly thanks to her magic that had lessened the effects. I tried helping but I guess the healing touch spell only works through physical contact. Swear my muscles felt sore after that like they had been worked to the bone. Once I was able to sit up I tried the healing touch spell to my legs. If anything it should at least be able to ease the soreness and allow me to work.
“Sir… may I ask why you don't use a bow and arrow?” Nix asked as she watched me sit up and began moving my legs to get blood flow back to them.
“I guess you can say that I’m worse with a bow and arrow than I am with a sword.” I said as I felt some pops in my toes as I curled them.
“Last time I tried shooting a bow and arrow, I might have accidentally shot my grandfather in the leg.” I said which wasn't a lie; while we did a yearly survival thing he tried introducing me to archery.
First time I ended up missing completely, I think the hard part for me is just trying to get the aim down. Second time I shot the arrow ended up slipping out of the resting point and shooting up into the air. It came down and landed on my grandpa’s foot. Luckily the thick shoes kept the arrow head from going too deep but man I never heard the end of it. Seriously My grandpa kept making jokes about using the new hole in his foot to help steady his hunting rifle. After that I kept away from the hunting bow. But I guess I’ll need to get over that now. After all, not like I can afford to let a hang up like that, weigh me down.
We managed to make another sling to carry the animal with. Using a small tree and tying the animals legs around it to carry. Though Just as I finished tying one knot I felt a chill go down my spine. I don't know how or when, but when I looked up behind Nix I saw that knight. He walked out from behind a few trees. I quickly took hold of my sword and shield. My brain is already rushing with ideas of how to escape. But what made me freeze in the moment was something my glasses revealed to me.
{Race ~ Remnant}
{Age ~ 332 years old}
{Species ~ Undead}
Seeing that information appear before me, I lock eyes with the man. Seeing him up close, I noticed the armor he wore seemed old with a few dents and tatters. But the most striking thing that made me lock onto him like a prey watching the predator waiting to see if it pounces. His pale skin and the way he seemed to give an emotionless smile with cold dead eyes. He held the long handled axe like from before, seeming like a halberd now that I’m looking closer at it. At some point Nix noticed my gaze locked somewhere and turned to face the same direction. She picked up the spear/staff she had used up to this point. I watched as the man before me raised a hand up; still keeping that smile on his face. He raised the alberd up and stabbed it into the ground allowing him both hands. He took another step forward.
“I’m sorry… I didn't mean to scare you…” He said in a thick accent that I couldn't help but feel like I heard before.
He lowered his hands as he looked between us and the Cervos.
“I’m just curious if I can buy that Cervos off you?” He said before his eyes seemed to look at me; I noticed his expression change ever so slightly when he looked at me closely.
I lowered my sword and kept my shield up.
“If you're looking to buy it I’m not against that.” I started with a small smile; right now I felt like I was looking at a bomb that could go off any minute.
I didn't need to turn around to see that Nix was also cautious of the man before us. We both watched the man closely.
“I’m sorry to put you out like this… but hunting alone isn't easy. How much would you like?” He asked as he reached a hand up and summoned a screen.
He began looking through it as though searching for something. When he found what he was looking for I saw him reach his hand into the screen as though he was reaching into a box. The screen seemed to warp and give as he pushed his hand into it without resistance. What he pulled out looked like a thick old sack that had an emblem embroidered on it. He tosses the sack at our feet; the sound of a heavy thump and metal rattling could be heard coming from the coin. I quickly glance at Nix who gives me a firm nod. I slowly kneel down as I take hold of the bag with one hand. Shaking the drawstring loose I look into the small sack and see it was filled with a mix of silver and gold coins. I glanced back up to the man curious if this was some kind of test on his part.
“Thank you for the offer but I think this is a little too much…” I said as I reached into the bag fishing out three gold coins and five silver.
Once I had the money I closed the bag back up and tossed it back to him. He seemed a little surprised by my action as he caught the bag. The amount I took out was roughly based on what I was able to learn from the butcher back at town. The unknown man looks down to the sack and shakes it for a moment before setting it back down on the ground. He then walks over and picks the large Cervos and slings it over his shoulder easily. He began walking away back into the forest with the dead cervos slung over one shoulder and the halberd he pulled from the ground on the other. Me and Nix continued to watch him as he left with the trees soon obstructing his figure. Once he lost sight of him I noticed Nix begin to relax. I didn't need to look back, the sound of her letting out a sign was proof enough. Truth be told I was shaking in my boots the entire time he was here.
Even when I went to pick up the sack of money he left behind I dropped it from how much I was still shaking. I took a few deep breaths to try and steady myself; as I looked back up in the direction that monster left in. I guess he didn't notice that I had gotten a look at his records. If there are monsters like that one in this world I guess I need to start being even more careful of who I trust. Once I picked up the coins I walked with Nix back to town; Nix seemed to stick close to me, whether it was because she was still afraid of the man we had come across; or she was worried about my body still trying to push out the poison I don't know. We ended up camping in the woods that night; thanks to Nix’s magic we were able to make a campfire fast.
I offered to take the first watch much to Nix’s displeasure. I mostly wanted to wait for a private moment in order to work on my magic. Unlike Nix who can use attack magic I’ve only got healing; once I was sure she was asleep I snuck just beyond the fire’s light and began the healing magic. My body still felt a little stiff; feeling the warmth of the magic flow from my hands through my legs gave me some relief. The leg that was stung that had been feeling stiff up to this point now began to flex a little and blood flow through calf muscle. I took a deep breath and focused on the moment before I returned to the camp. When I arrived however I was surprised to see Nix sitting out facing the campfire. Though her eyes were trained on me; the fire seemed to make her eyes glow like when she uses magic. But instead of the calming cold blue I saw a dark orange fury; I didn't say anything as I sat down across from her with the fire between us. I could feel her staring at me; I swear the fire burns less than her staring. Knowing this would carry on I decided to stop it before it got too big of a problem.
“If you have something to ask me…” I begin to say before being interrupted.
“What are you… Sir?” She asked a question that while I prepared I couldn't answer.
My mind is filled with possible answers; ‘I’m a man trying to survive, I’m from a kingdom beyond the sea, The gods sent me here for a mission’ but none of those answers left my lips.
“Truth be told I don't have an answer for that…” Is all I say which seems to be the wrong answer as Nix’s stare only hardens.
A moment of silence passes between us before I continue my answer.
“Would you believe me if I said that I’m a shifted one?” I ask as I watch her face for any reaction to what I said.
I noticed her eyebrows raise just slightly before she looked at the fire between us. I toss in a dried stick to keep the fire up and us warm through the night.
“It would explain a few things… though I’m curious why a church would let one out into the world freely?” She asked as her attention shifted back to me.
From what I remember most legends about shifted ones involved them being met and acknowledged. I couldn't help but chuckle as I thought about her question. After all if any parts of the legends and stories are true my blood alone is worth a lot.
“I’m still trying to figure that out for myself. Though I’m curious… what gave me away?” I asked as I locked eyes with her.
I noticed she seemed to flinch from my question for some reason. Maybe my expression changed without me realizing. I remember some of my friends and old co-workers always telling me I look like an interrogator when I ask certain questions. Nix seemed to shift, growing more closed as she looked at me. Guess I did scare her without meaning to.
“I would say… the biggest sign of it was you giving me a name.” Nix said as she looked down into the fire, seeming to be in thought.
“When one is made into a slave their name is stripped from them and forgotten.” I couldn't help but notice the tone of her voice.
She seemed sad as she spoke out this information to me.
“To those of this world names hold weight.” She said with a solemn tone of voice.
I guess names are linked to various things in this world; magic maybe being only one. I lean back on a hand as I look down into the base of the fire. Watching as the flames dance along the remains of dried wood. The sun soon rose up in the distance signaling the start of our day. Nix put the fire out with some of her water magic as I packed up the gear. The air between us felt... weird to say the least. After all, I just admitted to being an alien in front of someone that’s a native to this world. During the walk back to town I looked over to Nix curious about something.
“Hey Nix… what are you planning on doing now?” I was curious about what she thought.
We both stop in our tracks as I look back to Nix who seemed to ponder the question I asked her.
“I’m currently contracted to Sir… so I’ll follow your order until you decide otherwise.” She says with a small smile before beginning to walk.
The rest of the walk I was silent; mostly stuck in thought. After all, as far as I was concerned I had an answer that worked for the time being. I mean if I was in her place I'd given a similar answer. Forced to work for someone that most stories and legends paint pictures with blurry images. She might see me as something to be fearful of sense by this world’s standards I might be a saint or a monster. Back in my world legends, stories, both history and mythological are the same as well. Gods had killed his parents to free their siblings, only to use that power to sleep with attractive women. A man who grew mentally questionable when he wanted to protect his home from oppressive invaders.
Arriving back in town I went with Nix to visit the lord's house. During the talk he seemed worried mostly when I mentioned that seeing the man I had been asked to investigate turned out to be a sentient undead. The lord placed a hand to his head in deep thought. His eyes soon looked to a doorway where his son could be seen sitting and reading a book. Without looking away Gryff spoke to us in a serious tone.
“You are not to inform the citizens… Thank you for your help Mr. Dracus.” He says before standing up and walks over to a small box.
Gryff pulls out a small pouch and jingles it for a moment before handing it to me. Looking into the pouch I can see it’s a few silver coins. I close the pouch and bow my head to the lord before leaving with Nix. Walking back into town me and Nix approach the inn. At the front desk I asked the clerk for a second room. I don't mind paying for two rooms. After all, people are allowed their privacy. After getting the key to the room I walked with Nix up to the second floor.
I decided I’d take the new room since Nix had taken the bed of the main room. In Nix’s room I separated the gear out. Between what was Nix’s and what was mine. As I did so I couldn't help but feel Nix was fidgeting in place. She sat on the bed, her hands gripping her knees as she seemed to look down. Having grown up heavily reliant on others I can understand what it means to be truly alone. Once I was done separating the gear I felt something wrap around my leg. Looking down I see it was Nix’s tail. I can even read the room in this case. I leave my stuff on the bed as I kneel down next to Nix.
“You want to talk?” I asked as I placed a hand over one of her’s.
Her eyes look to me, I watch as the thin slit iris quickly widens as she looks me in the eyes. I feel her grip my hand with both of her’s. I could even feel her claws dig into my hand. The claws hurt but I knew she needed this.
“I….if I’m angered you sir… please say so… that way I…” She began to say through sobs.
I sat there on my knees in silence. Even though I had an idea of what she might be running in her head. Dealing with the actual thing is drastically different.
“I’m not angry… you’ve been the perfect partner. I trust you; I just thought with two rooms it might be easier for us.” I said as my dad’s old method of calming others down quickly came to mind.
“Hey look at it this way… now that you have your own room you won't need to look at my ugly ass.” I said as a joke hoping to get a smile on her lips.
What I got was different from the response I was hoping for. She quickly pushed me down to the floor. Her claws are now grabbing the collar of my shirt. I guess I saw her as a friend. I didn't have my guard up so I didn't expect her to tackle me. I laid on my back with one hand held up braced against her. And the other keeps my shoulders up.
“WHY… why do you see yourself so low!!?” She asked as I watched her look down at me.
Tears threatened to drip from her eyes.
“You showed compassion… you helped those you barely knew… you… you” Nix began to say while thrashing me and forth by my shirt.
Near the end of her rant and shaking my brain back and forth she slowly began to sob more and more. Seeing where I was I quickly moved and pinned Nix under me.
“Look I don't know what’s going on in your mind… but I’m not leaving… I’m just going to another room… I’m not leaving you… I’m not running away… I just think right now we both need privacy.” I said as I held her pinned to a corner of the room where the wall and floor meet.
“Where I’m from, a guy and girl sharing a room like this is only for when they are in love. I don't know what things are like in this world… but I’m not that easy…” I said as I slowly loosened my grip on her.
After releasing her from my grip I slowly stood up and stepped back. I looked down at her and took a deep breath. I turned back to my gear and finished packing. I packed everything quickly before looking back to Nix. I wanted to tell her what I really felt, that I thought she was amazing. Knowing so much about magic, but the words refused to leave my mouth. She looked up to me with pleading eyes that told me so many things I honestly became confused.
At first when I looked into her eyes they seemed filled with fear with small hints of anger. After I left my room is when I realized she also had fear in them as well. That night as I laid on the small bed I couldn't sleep. My head was still rushing with thoughts. Just at first I had thought Nix was able to handle herself. Yet just today she seemed to show signs of separation anxiety. She’s probably balled up in her room right now confused and scared. But what can I do to help? Not like I can help her deal with problems that I can't touch. I ended up sitting up in the bed lost in thought. When I closed my eyes to try and sleep I could hear the thoughts in my head. The voices of my friends and family screaming multiple things at me. Some time in the night I ended up sitting up and stepping out of the inn. They had a small backyard behind the building.
It wasn't overly large or small. It seemed to be an area where animals such as horses could be kept. Though there was no cover, the reason why I thought this was the case. A large wooden T frame sat about chest height in the middle of the yard. I look around and notice a few small sticks among a wood pile. I took hold of them, seeing they were about arm length; maybe a little shorter. I smack them against each other and feel the vibrations move through the sticks to my hands. Having worked security you have to know how to handle yourself both publicly and privately. I look out to the empty space before me. I take a deep breath as an image forms in front of me. A large figure both height and weight, he holds two sticks as well.
His eyes look at me with a small demonic smile on his face. He was shirtless showing scars I had seen every day. When the image finishes I see myself standing before me. Our lips didn't move even as words were exchanged before us.
“Is it time?” He asks as he gives me a salute.
He places the stick to his forehead as he bows. His eyes never leave me. I do the same; turning my head down only to quickly step to the side, redirecting a downward strike that would have hit my head. My eyes dart to my opponent as I see him swinging the second stick. I block only for him to punch me with the fist that holds his weapon. Even though this is just a shadow fight I could still feel the weight behind the punch. I stumble back from the punch and take a stance. My attention on the opponent in front of me.
“You know you should let me take the wheel. After all, it's not like your soft ass is going to survive long in this new world.” He says as he begins circling me.
He stops and takes a fencing stance. One stick pointed up and held low. The other pressed against the body; ready to attack or defend was hard to tell. I step forward trying to thrust but all I hit is air before feeling a sting at the back of my calf.
“Remember what we learned… break the foundation and then dismantle the tree.” He says as he turns his back to me.
I straighten myself as I put my attention back on him. He slowly turns his side to me as tosses a stick away now only having one.
“Stop holding back… we’ve read countless stories of this. We’ve worked hard; twelve hour nights, no vacation. Why shouldn't we have a little fun!” I hear him yell before charging at me, I block his swing and try to strike him. He blocks and I again feel a pain in one of my legs.
I fall to the ground; when I look up I see he had kicked at the side of my knee. He still stood in that position, one leg up and the stick still guarding. He looks down at me with a smile. I stand up on shaky legs as I look at him using the sticks as stilts to help me stand.
“It’s not… how I was raised.” I say with a shaky breath as I take the stance again.
I see the smile slowly vanish from his face. He lowers his leg and his guard.
“The way you were raised says that we’re broken… people back home called us a monster… stupid… used only for what we can give!” He says as he begins to step forward.
I quickly try and hit him only for him to block and smack me across the head.
“Ever since we were born we’ve had to fight. Why not let loose for once!” He yells to me before I feel a knee in my stomach and then a kick that sends me to the floor.
“We’d be… no different…” Is all I can say as I lay on the ground.
Slowly the pain from the fight began to fade. I’m sure I woke up a few people that see me even more as a weirdo now. I lay there on the ground looking up. Through the towering buildings to the night sky above. Seeing the stars that shone down, I closed my eyes for a moment as I focused on my breathing.
“And what’s wrong with that… after all to our old world we were called a school shooter. Why shouldn't we prove them right? Become the thing they always call us?” I hear the voice again, this time coming from behind me.
I keep my eyes closed before a thought comes to mind.
“Wouldn't it be better to prove them wrong? After all, if we did become what they call us. Feeling good would only last for a short while.” Is all I say as I slowly open my eyes.
I slowly sit up with a slight groan. Sitting on my butt I look up, seeing myself still there. He stood arms crossed and with a hard look.
“People call us monsters.” He says as he closes his eyes.
“I won't deny that I’ve done things that I regret… but that’s just part of life. To live and experience.” I say as I watch him sit down before me.
“Our home is built on blood! The home we take pride in.” He says as he opens his eyes.
“What home isn’t built on blood, after all humans by nature bleed; the only question is why do you bleed?” I say knowing history is never clean.
“Why should we hold onto our old life… when we can, build something new?” He asks as he leans in close to me.
“Just because it’s new doesn't always mean it’s good.” I say looking the other me in the eyes as I know this needs to end soon.
The other me soon fades, revealing another person behind them. Dressed in common clothing was Nix standing a few feet away from me. She looks down at me concerned, as if I had just displayed a perfect case for my own insanity. I drop the sticks and slowly stand up with a groan. I dust myself off before looking at Nix who stepped closer to me.
“Do… Do you want to talk?” She asked, sounding concerned.
I give her a simple smile and a nod of the head. For the rest of the night we talked in the old bedroom. Mostly about random topics; the conversation first started with what I just went through. It turns out that Nix does have separation anxiety hence why she didn't want me to leave her in a room alone. I explained how the display earlier which she managed to catch after the first time I fell. Was me fighting my morality, after all most people would have taken that opportunity to exploit another. She ended up laughing when I told her how I won the war but lost the fight. Apparently Nix was prepared for that outcome as well.
“Honestly you are beautiful… any guy would be lucky to have you… but I was raised for those kinds of things to be meant only for those that truly love each other. I’m still trying to figure out my own feelings for this world…” I said as I leaned my head against the wall that the bed was pressed again.
“Considering you are a shifted one… I can understand that you're going through a lot. But that doesn't mean you have to face it alone.” She says as she places a hand over mine.
During the talk a question popped into my head. At some point the conversation turned to similarities between our worlds. Like how the buildings so close together here reminded me of a family vacation to Venice.
“Nix… what are banshees like in this world?” I wondered if the legend of an angry wailing female spirit was the same.
“In this world banshees are female spirits that are said to be cursed by the gods for terrible crimes.” She clarifies as she looks at me , seeming curious.
“In that case why was there a male remnant in that forest?” I asked out loud, seeming to make us both question what was going on in those woods.
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With necromancy, they come as deceased relations, in dreams, sometimes they are real.But sleight and animosity fill their hearts, Cravers of proclivity are likeliest to drown in their artificial words.They came to carry out their mistresses will, her annual necromantic rite, where familiar spirits in selected parts of the world are conjured. They would tell the kings about the golden city in their dreams, that it is unbeknownst to none but few who had no map or something that could convey them over the oceans to the golden city, Affirmative, the land does exist. The destinies of a visitant is coming and going, but none but one, who has stepped foot on the shores of the golden city (eastern Amazon), has ever made it home.Only Van-markus and his crew of dutch pirates has.Five Empires drowned in those words about the golden city.. The Japanese Empire, The British Empire, The Roman Empire, The Igbo's. they all journeyed to the golden city unbeknown of the evil that awaits them there.
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