《The Wounded Knight.》Chapter ~ 8
The following day after finding a proper staff for Nix which currently was a newer shepherd's staff that stood at about my head height. She and I went out to hunt; though I was still curious what was going on in those woods. We ended up walking into the woods in question; and I soon felt a tap on my shoulder. Looking back I see Nix staring off in a direction with her ears raised as though she heard something. Looking in the same direction I see she was looking towards the mountains. I give her a nod as she begins leading me towards the direction she had pointed in earlier. Tracking through the forest for about half a mile I could begin to faintly hear something.
Though it was difficult to make out what the sound was in the beginning. At first it sounded like faint thumping; maybe some unknown animal hitting a tree? After another half mile we soon came to a clearing; and here I could definitely hear something. It was faint and un rhythmic; I leaned down slowly listening for where the thumping was growing louder and louder. After a few moments I could hear the thumping growing loudest as I stood near the center of the clearing. I looked at Nix and asked her if she could move the earth; she was only able to move a few feet of earth though as the spell she used wasn't accurate.
But it helped considerably as I rubbed my fingers against something after digging down a little bit further. When I cleared away the dirt I saw what was buried was an old wooden chest. A large rusted metal lock on it; I stomped at the wood around the lock finally knocking the top part of it free. The top of the chest flew open seeming to break at the things as a pair of pale arms had pushed the decayed chest top off with great strength. I stepped back as I noticed a similar figure slowly rising from the chest. The ghostly pale skin; the clothes that seemed to have decayed as well; shown by the various holes dotting it. Her long blond hair that seemed disheveled as she But the one thing that drew my attention more than anything else was the look in her eyes. A look I had seen in my grandpa and other friends. Her dark blue eyes look over to me slowly stood up.
empty like still water that hides a horror. Without hesitation she charged at me; and with inhuman speed she wrapped her hands around my neck and forced me down to the slanted dirt wall of the hole. I could feel her fingernails trying to dig into my neck; I tried punching her in the ribs but it seemed she lost her sense of pain. Feeling her grip growing tighter and tighter I took hold of her arms and broke them at the elbow. I then kicked her away to the other end of the large hole that had been dug. She let out an angry wale as she stumbled back to her feet. I kept my eyes on her as I watched Ice reach up from the ground and begin binding the mad soul into place where she stood.
I placed a hand to my neck; feeling something move down it. When I pulled my hand back into view I saw it was blood I had felt. I turned around and began climbing up out of the hole. The sound of the mad woman’s wales was clear. She almost sounded like a wild animal that was operating on pure instinct. Back at the top of the hole I looked to Nix who quickly rushed over and began treating the small cuts I had gotten. Once some bandages had been securely wrapped around my neck like a collar I looked back to the woman we found. I guess I had tuned her out for a moment as the last time she was growling and walking. While now she seems to be speaking albeit mostly broken sentences that were filled with anger. I could make out a few words she was saying though what she was trying to tell me was hard to understand.
“Why… you protected us… why did you… give her back!!!” The last part she yelled out followed again by an animalistic roar.
“Hey Nix, can you make out what she’s saying?” I asked which seemed to earn a curious gaze from her.
“Sir… I can't even understand if she’s speaking a common tongue.” Nix said which got me curious as well.
I looked down to the mad girl seeing her breathing heavily as she stared up at me.
“You good?” I asked jokingly on the surface but mostly to see if she could respond.
I watched as she looked me over for a quick moment before she answered.
“Did that… misplaced devil finally think to end me?!” She asked in an aggressive tone; surprising me that she was able to talk.
I guess the old saying that anger blinds was true in this sense.
“If you're talking about the other remnant… I’m pretty sure he doesn't know we’re here otherwise he’d have tried to kill us at this point.” I said to her, which seemed to surprise her this time.
“You… speak Me’cus tongue?” She asked, looking up at me with wide eyes.
“Not sure what that is… I’m asking in a common tongue.” I stated to her before I turned my attention back to Nix.
Though seeing the same wide eyed surprised expression on her face I could tell that it was me that was weird. It was at this point that realization had dawned on me.
“Did you hear me talking in another language?” I asked Nix which she only nodded yes, as her answer.
Yet another automated thing that is freaking me out. So not only is my way of fighting influenced by whatever this world is doing but now the language I can speak as well. I quickly pushed it to the back of my mind as I pulled my focus back onto the mystery woman. Looking down at her I began looking through her what I guess are hidden records.
{Race ~ Remnant}
{Age ~ 121 years old}
{Species ~ Undead}
Seeing similar records pop up filled in a few of the large gaping blanks that were forming. I guess the remnant from before and this girl are connected to some degree. Since I wasn't able to see her full records I tried thinking of what to do next. I let out a tired sigh as my brain was filled with both confusion and possible ways to fix the situation.
“Hey… names Mec’a’nus, what’s your name?” I asked in the new language I had known unconsciously.
She looked up to me a little worried before she spoke.
“The name given to me was Whel’a.” She said looking me in the eyes.
As we looked at each other I couldn't help but notice the once dead look in her eyes seemed to have faded when I wasn't paying attention. I kept my eyes on her as I spoke to Nix.
“Let her go… slowly…” I said which seemed to cause her to worry.
I didn't need to look at her to know why. After all, I was staring at something that made me bleed from the neck. And attacked us while she was still acting like an animal. My eyes didn't leave her as the ice that held her to the dirt wall of the hole grew thinner. Once it was thin enough the girl pulled herself away from the wall making the ice break and shatter. I textened down a hand offering it to her; she seemed to hesitate for a moment before taking the offered hand and began climbing up. Taking hold of her hand I could feel her body was cold as I helped her up. Once out of the hole I took another look at her. Her clothing seemed to have worn down even more after the first time I saw her. Some of the holes that already existed seemed to have grown larger. I could even see some new holes had formed while she was down there.
I glanced over to Nix who seemed to have her eyes fixed on our guest. Seeing this I reach into a travel bag and look through it. As I looked through the bag I could hear the sound of snapping as I guess Whel’a popped her elbows back into place. I found what I was looking for; one of two blankets that we use in case we need to camp out. Taking the blanket out I unroll it and hold it out for the woman to take. She hesitates for a moment before taking it and using it to cover herself. Nix seemed to try and divide her attention between me and our new friend. ‘Wonder if Nix realized that this woman is undead yet?’ I thought to myself before speaking with her again.
“Are you hungry?” I asked; trying to be nice which seemed to earn a scornful look from her.
“I’m fine…” Is all she said.
The distant sound of thunder drew our conversation short. I looked at the girl, curious about what would happen next. If we started hiking now we wouldn't make it back in time. I looked to Nix who looked to the sky.
“We should get moving…” Is all I say before beginning trekking back the way we came.
We only make a few steps before I hear Whel’a call out to us.
“Are you going to leave me alone out here?” She asked me while my back was turned to her.
I glanced at her over my shoulder as Nix turned to face the strange girl.
“If you want to come with us, that's up to you.” I said to Whel’s before turning my attention to Nix.
Having hunted out here a few times both alone and with Nix we’ve come across a few good camping locations that we can rush to in case of emergency. After a small trek through the forest the three of us came to a small outcove in the side of a clif. We quickly took cover and made a small fire. Thanks to Nix and her magic; survival has become much easier; being able to make a dakota firehole and light a good sized fire easily. As we sat under the overhang with the fire warming us up I looked over to Whel’a. She wasn't shivering; I guess, since she's undead she isn't affected by temperature much. Looking at her I began to wonder something, she called the other revenant a misplaced devil. And I’m guessing the surprise of me knowing the language she spoke tipped off that I’m abnormal; at least in this world's standards.
“So I’m guessing the guy who put you in that hole was a shifted one?” I asked as I knew it was a long shot but seeing it as the only possible answer I could come up with.
Whel’a looked at me in surprise before she regained her composure.
“I assume the reason you're able to speak Me’cus is because your one as well?” She asked as she gave me that cold stare.
I didn't answer as it was already clear she figured out what I am. And my brain was too focused on the other revenant we had run into. After all, he buried this one in a chest for a reason. Maybe we had let loose something that should have remained buried. I let out a small goran as I adjusted my seating position. My eyes turned back to the fire as I thought of what to do next. If I asked her for her story there might be a chance that she lies to try and use us. I looked at Nix who still seemed cautious of Whel’a; and I don't blame her.
“Once the rain clears up we’ll head back to town and…” I began to say before Whel’a interrupted me.
“Loford is still standing?” Whel’a asked, sounding both surprised and hopeful.
“If the town is still standing maybe we can talk with the Parson about sending that broken…” Whel’a says as she seemed to begin her own tangent.
I looked at her surprised even though she seemed to be stuck in her own self conversation. I turned my attention to Nix; after all she’s been in this area longer than me so she might know what Loford is.
“Hey Nix… do you know if there’s a town nearby called Loford?” Nix pondered the question, seeming to think to herself for a moment.
If there was another town nearby then that might explain where the other revenant came from. But it also flooded my head with questions; after all, in the short months I had been here I didn't hear of any town or location with that name. Then again we were close to the border of another country. Maybe the town is from that area?
“As far as I can remember I haven't heard of a town with that name before.” With Nix confirming that another question mark was thrown into the air; I couldn't help but let out a sigh and face palm.
I regretted the face palm as it just got dirt on my face from the wet and mud covered gloves I was wearing. Though it didn't go to waste, after all it got a laugh from both Nix and Whel’a when they saw what happened. As I pulled my glove away I couldn't help but laugh at myself too. After all, if this happened to someone else I was with I’d laugh. And honestly given all the curve balls thrown at me it’s not like laughter is unwelcomed. When the laughter calmed down I took a breath as I knew two choices laid before me. Either break the news to Whel’a that Loford might be gone, or take her back to Lurc a town that she doesn't know and might make her more uneasy.
I sighed as I tried to come up with ideas of what to do. After all this girl is an undead that I’m sure how to stop. During the night Nix fell asleep, she took out the second bed roll and laid down on it. She also used my leg as a pillow; which made me a little uncomfortable. After all, my pants did dry a little from the fire but they were still damp. As for Whel’a I guess undead don't need to sleep; as she sat next to me during the night. At some point she had stopped talking to herself and looked into the fire. I could tell her mind was elsewhere; sense her eyes seemed lost even though they faced the bright flames. I debated with myself about talking with her. After all I knew next to little about her; though I could tell from the beginning the fact I’m a shifted one. Was a sore subject to talk with her about; and I honestly understand; after all a Shifted One is the cause of all this. Though looking back I guess this means that even outsiders can turn into monsters. Which means if I lose myself in this world I might turn into a monster too. I ended up pushing that thought to the back of my mind as I turned my focus back to Whel’a.
“So you want to tell me why you were buried?” I asked, knowing it was a fifty percent chance of her telling me or her remaining silent.
From the way she looked at me I could tell she’d sooner stab me then tell me her problems. Which given the situation I’m not sure how to feel about. After all, she was buried alive; and somehow turned into an undead. I honestly do feel sympathy for her; though the memory of her trying to choke me to death as soon as we met kept me from simping for her. For most of the night I sat there tending to the fire and feeding it when it needed it. Hard to do sense I couldn't move much; interesting note, nix as claws. As I could feel them digging into my leg through the clothing while she slept. I put up with it, after all it wasn't the worst pain I’ve felt in my life. Wheel’a remained quiet as she sat across from me with the fire between us.
“You can sleep… I’ll keep watch…” was the first thing she had said in hours.
I tried to not react much; mostly because with Whel’a I knew she could kill me if I said the wrong thing.
“I’m fine… I’m used to working long hours.” I said as I reached down and began petting Nix on the head.
I chuckled a little as I watched her seem to visibly relax from the gentle touch.
“What is she to you?” Whel’a asked; her tone seeming firm in her question.
I turned my gaze from Nix to Whel’a for a moment. It was a fair question; and one I knew I would answer even if I didn't have it.
“To be honest… I don't know…” Is all I could say; after all I didn't know Nix that well.
Though to be honest looking back I would definitely say that she impacted my life. Not just in expanding my knowledge of this world. But also letting me know that even in this world there are good people. After all I’m pretty sure there’s no underlining magic around slavery. Nix could have run away at her first chance. She also could have stabbed me while I was sleeping; one of the side effects of having a restless mind. Being able to perceive countless possibilities of how your life may turn out. I let out a small laugh as I remember back when I saw this as depressive. Though I guess I should thank it sense it makes me appreciate even more when good things do happen.
“So… she’s a slave then?” Whel’a asked seemingly to either try and get a rise out of me or try and learn more about me.
I paused again to think if I had the right answer. After all, by law Nix was a slave, and every time that thought entered my mind I also felt the disappointment of my family and myself following close behind it.
“On paper she is… though I’m planning on setting her free by the end of the year.” I said as I looked to Whel’a seeming to surprise her.
I had made up my mind after I got us the second room at the inn. I wanted to learn what I could from her; but I also needed to make sure I wasn't leaving her with nothing.
“Why not set her free now?” Whel’a asked; her expression turning serious and cold.
“There’s an old saying in my world; you give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. You teach them to fish and they’ll eat for a lifetime.” When I finished my thought I noticed the look on Whel’a’s face seemed to turn harsher.
“So… you’re only using her?” Whel’a asked, seeming to take my words differently then I had mean them.
I remained silent for a moment curious if I should respond or just stay quiet. After all, it seems like I dug a hole with what I said. I mean it’s not wrong to assume such a thing.
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