《The Wounded Knight.》CH ~ 6#
The next day I went out and hunted again. Luckily this time with a small hunting party we were able to take out one of the Aries Porcus. We did a semi pitfall trap this time; instead of digging down far enough to get the monster stuck we dug just deep enough for it to lose it’s balance. We went out by the lake and I didn't see any sign of the knight from before. Though I’ll admit I didn't get a good chance mostly because I stayed with the hunting party. After all, in most cases where one gets separated during a hunt it never ends well either Jason, or resident evil type of horror playing out. This time with the semi pitfall trap I mostly had to stand behind the trap and let the monster run into it. Carrying it back to town was still hard; we made a wooden pole and had three men carry it. One in the front that is me, and the other two in the back.
When I got back to town I went to Elva and Nethaniel’s place. With the money from the Areis Porcus I managed to save up enough to afford their last slave. Cost me two gold and five silver to purchase her; though I guess it’s not all bad. Most people in this type of scene focus on how cute the slave they are buying is. Which is a little hard for me currently; mostly because while it seemed like Elva and Nethaniel did look after their slaves it seems they were unable to afford it recently. She wore the iconic tunic two piece combo that most fantasy slave races wore. One thing that struck me as odd was the way her eyes seemed to look down to the floor but never focusing on anything.
After purchasing the girl who I found out had no name; I gave Nethaniel a firm handshake and smile; and Elva a hug. This might be the last time I see them; have to say it’s a bit of a bitter sweet moment. After all, watching ones I called friends leave me behind wasn't easy back in my old world and it still isn't. But as said before, who am I to stop them? I told them they needed to talk to each other; and they did. Why should I be mad that the advice I gave didn't come to the conclusion I wanted? After leaving Elva and Nethaniel to finish their packing I walked with the girl to the general store. I still had a few coins left on me and I wanted to get her at least some basics.
Though one thing I didn't account for was the fact she didn't speak any luanage I knew. Gotta say that was a massive oversight on my part; even though I often made communication a big thing back in my world. She seemed a little hesitant when it came to such items as clothes. I ended up stepping back and mostly just let her pick out the clothes. Gotta say she must like baggy clothes because she chose some large sizes. Though looking back I guess she chose those clothes because she thought they were meant for me. We also got a comb; apparently hair brushes are rare to come by. I also got another knife this time for her, the same as the one I had purchased here before. Walking through the town back to the inn; I couldn’t stop my curiosity from asking.
“So what’s your name? It didn’t say on the papers Elva gave me.” I asked as I was honestly curious.
And for those that say I just use my appraisal glasses; I hadn't mostly because it seemed to only reveal classes and stats. So far it hasn’t shown history or details like names of other individuals. I think the way the glasses view things are different from the records that Elva showed me. When I asked the question I didn’t expect the answer I got.
“No...mame…” she said, which told me that either her name was taken from her, or that it was lost.
“Ah… I see in that case would it be alright if I give you a name?” I asked which got a strange response from her.
As soon as I suggested giving her a name I saw her flinch and look at me with a surprised expression with something else behind it.
“It’ll only be tem…” I began to say until I noticed a tear roll down one of her cheeks.
I couldn’t help but freak out internally; mostly because back when I lived with my parents my mom always told me how I had to be a gentleman to women. That ended up leading to jokes about being nice to a girl even if she’s swinging a meat cleaver at me. And how mom would smack the back of my head if I ever made a girl cry.
“I’m sorry I don't mean to…” I began to say but stopped when I saw her take a step forward and bury her face in my chest.
She was still sobbing silently as I stood there. It was a little awkward having a girl crying because of me and then using me to comfort herself. I subconsciously wrapped my arms around her; I didn’t know what else to say or do. After all, with communication problems it’s not like I can figure out what’s wrong and how to fix it. Though then again dad always said that sometimes people just need a shoulder to lean on. I lost track of time as I stood there with her; I didn’t push her to move or anything. Even as I began to feel pins and needles in my legs. When she had stopped crying she stepped back away from me. Have to admit I felt a little flustered just as much as her. I could tell mostly because she had a small blush on her cheeks. I kept my eyes focused on her even though emotionally and mentally I’m running a marathon.
We ended up walking back to the inn in silence. I had an idea or at least inspiration for one name though I needed to think about it. I guess names are something special in this world. Though I wonder if it’s only for beastfolk like her; another question that I’ll put on the back burner for now. Back at the inn I paid for some food which I ended up bringing to our room. Seems like my new companion isn’t the social type. I felt her hand cling to the back of my shirt as soon as we entered the inn; I didn’t say anything. I can understand being hesitant around new people; especially in large crowds. We both sat and ate off the floor of the bedroom; the meal wasn’t bad. It was some roasted Chicken or at least this world's equivalent with some potatoes on the side along with a vegetable stew. Nothing too fancy though that’s from my standards; and I’m a guy who likes his Italian food; I swear good spaghetti is hard to beat with me.
After we had finished eating I went downstairs to gather some water. Most of the people here have heard of a bath; and even if they have it’s mostly reserved for the wealthy. They mostly use warm water and rags to clean themselves here. Which honestly reminds me of the many times I’ve had to do sink showers back home. I ended up getting two rags and one modest sized bucket of warm water for us both. During the wipe down I mostly kept my back to her as I wiped my body down. For those people saying that I didn’t take advantage of the situation you try and do it after being raised with traditional values. Swear I’m sure if I had done such a thing not only would my mother have found me and chewed my ear off I’m sure my grandmother would have done the same after breaking out of heaven.
Once we were done I handed the clothes she had picked out to her with my back still to her. While she was getting dressed I also dressed myself. After we were both dressed I took the comb and the bucket of water and started combing the girl’s hair. When I was done I couldn’t help but notice the contrast from before. Her long hair looked light and fluffy like freshly laid snow that you would sink up to your chest if you stepped in it. After we were done I reached for my pack and rolled out a bed roll I had gotten from the general store. I rolled it out alongside the bed; I knew it would be tight on the floor so it wasn't a surprise when I noticed the bed roll’s edges sticking up along the bed frame legs and the wall. I placed the sword and shield up against the wall by my head mostly to try and save on space. Tomorrow I’ll have to move us to a bigger room; or maybe get a separate one for her. As for what I’m going to do with her; I honestly think maybe teaching her a few things and learning a few things from her would be good before we split apart.
After all modern mind set about slavery is telling me this intire situation is wrong. Though I guess that could be said for everything since I arrived here. Even though I’m in a new world where beast folk are real I can't feel at ease. Most would probably be overjoyed at the prospect of building a new life and living their wildest dreams. Even as I lay down on the bed roll I begin remembering my old bed and the old bed frame I made with my dad. I chuckled a little at the memory of us building the thing; Dad and me hauling two by six pieces of lumber out of the hard wear store. Most people might have thought we were building the frame of a house. Since he had also gotten some metal brackets and some of those long screws that look like they would kill a wrist if you used your hands instead of a power tool.
I still remember the annoyed smile on dad’s face when I fell back on the bed and made it creak. I couldn't stop laughing mostly because it just showed the natural ability to destroy anything if I don't watch myself. I was pulled from my memories when I felt something move and the floorboards shifted. I looked up and saw the snow leopard girl; she was kneeling on the floor and seemed to be staring at me. I quickly sat up and patted the bed next to me while I looked at her. I didn't mind sleeping on the floor and letting her have the bed. After all I knew if I made her sleep on the floor my mom, even if I was in another world, would find me and smack me in the back of the head for mistreating someone that wasn't deserving of it. After the girl climbed onto the bed I took the blanket which had been bundled up in a corner and draped it over the girl.
“Good night… Nix” I said, giving her the first name that came to mind.
I don't know why I called her that; I think my old latin is coming through. I mean Nix is latin for snow, not creative in my opinion but so long as she doesn't hate it. As I watched the girl with her back to me I slowly laid back down on the bed roll. That night I didn't get much sleep; I rolled on my side with the wall behind me. I kept my eyes closed as I tried to let my body rest. My mind kept playing old memories in front of me. Like when I got dragged into the prank war between my dad and sister. Can't tell you how many times I ended up being used as a human shield. Though granted I was always bigger than most of my family by a foot or so. Make sense why they would hide behind me; especially when they started using glitter bombs or water balloons.
I still chuckle at myself when my sister somehow convinced me to help prank dad during a camping trip. We ended up slipping out of the tent we were staying in and then quietly cleaned up camp before pulling out of sight. When he woke up he thought we all left him and man was he pissed. Mom was pissed too since she was sleeping on the same air mattress as dad. Looking back I can't believe I looked over how frightening my sister can be when she sets her mind to something. She seriously figured out how to silently move two cars without starting the engines. Which I think she might have learned from me when I was studying auto back in college.
Some time during the night I woke up to find myself with tears in my eyes. Guess the impact of everything had finally hit me. Stuck in a world I don't know, that operates differently from my own. All alone with family and friends gone; up to this point I had operated on survival, thinking that's what was my major priority; wanting to survive and see my loved ones again. I wonder why it is different now. ‘Maybe because of Nix?’ I thought to myself as I considered it; after all I had been alone up to this point with only myself to worry about. Now I have another to worry about until we decide to part ways if that ever comes.
Or maybe it's that I'm afraid of the unknown set before me. After all, what would happen to me if I spent too long here? Would I still remember my family as I make new memories with Nix in this world? The next morning I woke up early and stretched out my back. Hearing the sound of my back popping as I slowly rose from the hard wooden floor. Looking over I noticed Nix was still asleep on the bed. Seemed at some point in the night she kicked off the covers; and had tossed and turned during the night. The top she wore also seemed to have rode up exposing her belly. Allowing me to notice a small marking next to her belly button. It seemed like a strange symbol of a wave circling around a single simply designed snowflake.
For breakfast we both had some smoked meat or as modern people call it, jerky. Not my first choice but considering the affairs of our funds I have to make do. Though there was a surprise when I handed her the food. We both sat on the bed when she spoke.
“Thank you…” While she didn't say much I couldn't help but notice that she seemed more fluid than yesterday.
At first I thought it was just my imagination and shrugged it off. After breakfast I took Nix out into the woods; I wanted to ask her to demonstrate her magic. And considering I don't know what might happen, better safe than sorry. We managed to find a small area where she wouldn't hurt anyone among the trees. Once I set the sword and shield down and turn to Nix.
“Alright, first can you show me what spells you know?” I ask before remembering that there was still a language barrier between us.
I placed a hand to my forehead in frustration as I remembered that. I was pleasantly surprised when I witnessed her reach her hands out in front of her. With a smile on her face she took a short breath and closed her eyes. Her clothes began gently flapping in the wind as I felt small rushes of air brush past me. Between her outstretched hands I watched as a ball of water began to slowly form from the air. Much like before though I noticed the size of the water ball seemed to have grown. Once about the size of two fists held together now was the size of a sport’s ball.
Her eyes slowly opened once the ball had finished forming to its size. I couldn't help but notice the slight glow they gave off. Like a calming ice blue that seemed like it cool even the strongest of fires. She turns and faces a nearby tree, and slowly her fingers begin to flick about almost like she was playing a strange instrument. The ball of pure liquid began to spin first slowly and then grew faster and faster. I watched as the light was bent inside of the water slowly shifting the view in it into what would be expected of a rushing river. She slowly pulled one hand back as she kept the other stretched out. Her fingers still stretched out on both before suddenly she thrusted the back hand forward.
Almost like one would a finger jab from a martial art’s move. The water shot out forward still spinning as it struck the tree; causing a large hole big enough for one to slip their arm through up to the elbow. The air grew cold after she had finished her demonstration. When I looked to see why I noticed there were small needle-like icicles sticking out of the edge of the tree. I looked back at her a little shocked; my mind mostly focusing on plans on how to keep her happy so she doesnt turn that magic to me. Though I had seen magic before this was the first time I had honestly seen it used for something offensive. My shell shocked mind was thrown for another loop when I heard a soft calming voice.
“Would you like me to show another spell Sir?” Nix asked; as she gave a question, tilt to her head.
Her voice which was broken and rough yesterday was now calm with a slight accent to it. I remained silent as I just stared; shell shocked for a few reasons. Most notably the spell that I had just witnessed, and how she was able to speak what I had assumed was the common language. My mouth was agape but my eyes were wide displaying my shock. I quickly blinked my eyes a few times before gently shaking my head to try and correct myself. I looked back to her, wanting to ask a million questions; but in a hesitant sense she might have other hidden cards on her.
“I’m surprised you learned common so fast… were you just fooling me yesterday?” I asked as I took a step back closer to the sword and shield out of reflex.
I watched as Nix extended her arms out and lowered her head.
“The name you gave me is what allowed me to learn the common tongue. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me an original name.” She said as she did a slight curtsy with her legs before standing straight up with her hands resting down in front of her.
My mind wanted to shout to the heavens of what she meant by that. Was giving her a name what caused this boost in power, and how did she learn to speak with me. I crossed my arms in front of me as I gave a soft smile; I bit my inner cheek to keep my mouth from spilling.
“Good to see you have a good eye… now please show me what else you know I’m curious to see what you're capable of.” I stated as I tried to focus on one thing at a time; my first priority is to figure out what’s the difference between us besides her having animal traits such as ears and tail.
She bowed her head before turning back to the tree she had hit earlier. She took another deep breath as she raised her hands up this time close to her. She didn't close her eyes on this one as I watched the water slowly rise up from the ground around the base of the tree. It seems to be climbing up the tree without being soaked into the bark. Nix’s hands were relaxed as she seemed to make the water climb further and further up the tree before she suddenly tightened her fingers as though she was gripping something. I heard an audible snap like wood breaking; when I turned my attention back to the tree. I saw the water that had climbed up the trunk had suddenly frozen solid. I saw the ice had squeezed around the trunk of the tree causing it to break and splinter. I turned my attention back to Nix as I saw her release a tensed breath. I guess those two spells had drained her. I noticed a small bead of sweat drip down the side of her forehead.
“I’ll remind myself not to upset you…” I said jokingly as I let out a small chuckle hoping to earn a smile.
“Sir’s humor is rather strange.” She said with a smile as she looked in my direction.
“I’d only think of doing something like that if Sir were to try and force himself on me.” She said as she placed a hand over her lips still giving that innocent smile.
I couldn't help but let out a deeper laugh at her words. I guess even in the world the laws of life are still at play.
“You would need to wait in line for that to happen. After all, I'm sure my mother and father would be first. They always told me that those who think of such things often try to live a fantasy to avoid reality.” I said, speaking the truth, I know I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did such a thing.
“I’m curious… I was never good at magic studies… is it preferable to use an item of some kind?” I quickly changed the subject before she began digging into me.
She lowered her hand as she looked at me; still with that smile on her lips.
“It depends on one’s preference… I know some who prefer to be free handed but my personal taste is towards staff. I’ve found they grant me a little more versatility when using spells Sir.” She says as she looks toward her targeted tree.
I nodded my head in understanding.
“And do you prefer using ice and water based magic?” I asked as I looked at the target as well.
“They are the ones that I have the most control over free handed… though I’ve found fire and earth have more utility to them.” She stated seeming to have experience behind her words.
“We’ll have to get you a staff then… I assume one carved from a normal tree wouldn't work right?” I was curious about her notes and thoughts.
“While material of the item in question is often debated I’ve found it to be rather minor.” She said as we began walking back to town.
“Good to know maybe they have something you can use as a substitute in town…” I said before stopping as a thought crossed my mind.
Nix took a few steps before stopping to look back at me. I gave her a simple smile; as I reached into my pocket and pulled out my coin bag. Looking inside I saw I only had three silver and what looked like fifteen copper. If the money situation in the town isn't resolved soon the town itself will become a ghost town. I take out some copper and a single silver coin and hand it to Nix who seemed a little surprised.
“I’m going to try and do some hunting… why don't you go back to…” I began to say but stopped when I noticed Nix holding the money I handed her out to me.
“If Sir is going hunting then I’ll accompany him.” She said with a rather determined expression on her face.
“Please don't worry about me. Besides this way you can get your staff while I get us…” I begin to say only to stop when I feel her hand still holding the coin press against my chest.
“I’m… going.” I noticed her eyes start to give off a slight glow to them which sent a shiver down my spine.
Needless to say she ended up joining me on the hunting trip. We went back to town where I gave her one of the hunting spears that’s become popular recently. We ended up moving towards the lake, apparently since the Aries Porcus have been popular to hunt recently some animal known as Cervos has slowly been moving into the territory.
I have to admit this also provided me with a good chance to experiment. If Nix can use the binding ice; what she used to crush the trunk of the tree. She might be able to slow down prey enough for us to hunt easier. After a few hours we finally came across what I think is a Cervos. They look similar to a deer with a scorpion-like tail and a single twisted spiral horn that stands out from the center of the forehead. I noticed the fur of these animals had a light brown color to them with small orange dots running in random patterns down their backs.
I looked at Nix and leaned in close to her. When I mentioned having her use the ice like how she had demonstrated on the tree she seemed to understand my plan quickly. She took hold of the spear in hand; I guess even a simple wooden fishing spear like this can work for her. My eyes looked over to the Cervos as I noticed it seeming to look out like it was looking for something. It raised it’s tail up seeming to flick it about like a cattails. It then struck the tail into a tree where I noticed it seemed to begin to pulse. Maybe it was trying to suck nutrients out of the tree?
I ended up dropping the question when I heard the monster in front of us let out a high pitched cry. If I had been closer it might have stunned me or something. I charged forward and tried aiming for the tail of the monster. That was a mistake as I watched it flick itself like a whip; pulling from the tree and stabbing at my thigh. I felt the stinger sink into my leg. I gritted my teeth as I fought through the pain and cut off the tail with my sword. The monster let out a roar of pain and high pitched again. My head felt like my own brain was shaking inside because of the high pitched scream.
The stinger of the monster was still stuck inside of my leg as I watched Nix finish the monster off. I couldn't really figure out what she had done to kill it. My vision became blurry after a minute; I reached down and pulled the stinger from my leg. It still felt like it was in there as I let it drop to the ground. My leg at first felt numb before I felt a strong burning pain quickly run up it in quick pulses. Then suddenly it began to seize up and I fell to the ground. My leg remained outstretched as I noticed Nix rush up to me quickly. She began speaking in a different language; the few words she did say that I could understand were.
“Idiot!... Stupid!” She sounded worried as she quickly placed her hands over the stinged area.
I began to feel a warmth raiding from her hands that began to sink into my leg. The pain remained the same, slowly pulsing throughout my body. I began to feel that stiffness that caused my leg to seize and begin to travel. I could feel the stiffness and my body seizing slowly travel throughout my body. I laid down on my back and I felt my teeth clinch, and hands and arms beginning to tremble. My eyes kept looking up to the tree as I felt Nix healing me. Maybe it’s time I start learning how to hunt with a bow and arrow? I had not up to this point mostly because bows and arrows had been expensive, like even a good cheap bow will cost at least five silver coins and one copper per arrow.
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