《Hidden World》Chapter 5 - Request


About the present. I will not leave that abandoned. I will make a one chapter at the end of every volume covering it’s events and will give you a deeper understanding on how dire their situation is. It’s not really a side story, but it’s pretty cannon. For now it is not really necessary to read them, it won’t affect the main story. But when I’m closing the story, it might be a very good idea to read them, since all the pieces will start falling together. I will give further details further on the story. I wasted enough of your time. Here’s chapter 4.


[Houser] “... Hmmh…”

As the sound of nature, with some monster growls mixed along, Houser opens his eyes. Somehow relieved that he’s still able to sleep, he gets up from his bed to stretch out a bit. He begins to rethink the events that happened until now.

He was given the missions to stop a, what everyone calls the end of everything, to prevent a future when the world is soon to its end. A world where Magic actually existed, but was erased from the world after the end. He has visited all three factions to get a grasp of the situation and got to have a small talk with God. He had his body mortified and was given information that he must not reveal in this world.

Of course, how visit a world of magic without him able to use it. Due to a raid by a Magic Terrorist group, once called the Revolutionary Army, Daniel, now called Houser, didn’t get to be properly introduced to Magic. Instead, he was given a scroll and was told to practice it when he gets there. But right before he embarked, a caped person closed in on him and revealed his identity, completely shutting off his mind. And now was finally sent.

[A.N. I felt like a summary was necessary right here. Hope you didn’t mind.]

Seriously… It all happened so fast. I had quite the trouble regaining myself. About those Terrorists. It seems they exist here as a rebel army. Have to make sure I stay away from them. And that guy that gave me this robe. Hades he says… I didn’t get to capture his image since my mind just blacked out.

But what bothers me is the fact that there are more factions. Hades is a greek God. If he exists then the others must exists as well, not only them, but every type of God as well. Yet… Why didn’t they showed up? Do they not care? Or did they perish? Looking at the three factions condition, they were obviously dying. Maybe they were the only ones that survived. I don’t know. But what I do now know is that it’s not longer my business. Whatever happens there is none of my concern. I only care for my family to live to the end. That is my only regard.

Trying to not frown over it any longer, I prepare for my first day as a Magician. First I think of breakfast, but I don’t really feel hungry at all. Since there’s not even food for me to consume, I decide to exit the hut and start my training right away. I was having second thoughts, but I decided to keep the cape Hades gave me. It really fits me, but it’ll be hard not to stand out. My looks is enough for the job anyway, so I just sucked it up and took it with me.

Now that I’m in open fields I decided to grasp the same experience, this time with a little experimenting. Instead of summoning air on my hands, I want it to come out from my mouth and make a blast like a roar attack or something. I know… But hey, there are just some things you never grow out off.


I bet you’re thinking ‘why not visit that village and get something to help you like an instructor or a magic book or something’. Up hill, you could hear various crowd noises, mostly from men. But what gets me off is that you get to hear some screams every now and then. I can’t really see anything from here, so I don’t know what they’re doing, I don’t want to know what they’re doing. At the end, I can’t really trust it.

There’s also the money problem. I have no idea how this world currency works, I need to ask for ways to obtain. I will have no choice but to ask a merchant from the village. It’s a pretty risky debate, but without it, I won’t be able to get around this world. I also need to buy items that will help me in my travels, like a compass. Without them, I won’t be able to travel to a safer village. I’ll be forced to take a risky decision at this rate.

Fear not. There’s a solution for all this, my magic. I need to polish it enough for me to use for self protection. With an attack or two, the risks in the village will decrease dramatically, I’ll be able to take jobs for money, and my travels will go a lot more smoothly. There’s still a chance for something to happen, I can’t let my guard down.

I don’t know how many days I’ll be spending the night here. I will start my journey when I can decently use Magic. I have 15 years.


(Part 2)

Near the Human/ Demon border, up a hill in the middle of a forest, resides a demon settlement. The village was small, but its villagers worked hard to survive. Life was rough, but they were happy. There 2 odd sister lived their everyday lives. Despite their age gaps, they were the bestest of the bestest of friends. Now and then when they have the chance they will spend time together. Their father, the chief of the village, is overjoyed at the scene of their beloved daughters. While he does the paperwork of their village, his wife and daughters sets out to help the villagers with various, mostly hunting.

Life was filled everyday with laughs and smiles, but it all soon stopped, after the slave hunter invasion,

Humans trespassed the border, Somehow, they managed not to be detected by the Demon Kingdom. In a full moon, they began their surprise attack, killing all the strong females, slavering the children and women. The old went through the same fate as the men. A calm night quickly turned into a bloody one filled with screams and cries.

The women yet to lose their virginity were treasured and then got locked up for merchandise. Those who weren’t did not receive the same treatment and later on were locked up for merchandise.

With the sacrifices of their loved ones, a few demons managed to escape and now awaited in the cold forest for the nightmare to end. But the hunter's’ greed knew no limit and reside in the village, turning it into a slave market site.

The runaways had nowhere to go, they were mostly children. If they go any deeper to the forest they’ll be vulnerable of its dangers. Knowing this, the hunters would go expeditions to find the runaways. Slowly, one by one, the remaining were falling into their hands until only 2 remained. The 2 odd sisters.

For many weeks they managed to avoid the hunters and survive, waiting for them to go away. It all went smoothly until one night. The big sister didn’t came back from her hunt. Extremely worried she hurried back to the village hoping to catch up to the hunters. She then noticed a young male human pulling an unconscious girl with a choker. No doubt, that was a slave hunter and the girl was her sister.


With angry tears, she charges in her sister’s abductor. The hunter noticed her incoming cries, but paid no importance, he only drew his weapon and slayed the girl and continued with his path.

The next morning, the little girl shoots up awake, only to find herself burning in pain. She has a huge wound on her chest and somehow managed to survive with such a blood loss. She remembers her assaulter and quickly rushes to town.

Barely able to stand at all, she finally reaches the village and rushes in to look for her sister.

At the back of a village, next to a well, she found her locked up in a stockade with angry hunters besides her. She rushes in, but stops as she realizes what’s behind her. She falls on her knees in demise and throws up, tries to stop it by covering her mouth. Behind her sister was a pile of corpses left out in the open, she felt in despair, as she saw their limbs being piled up with their corpses, remains to be precise, or the many familiar faces she used to spend time with a few weeks ago, but was worse of all, noticing her parents in there as well. She didn’t know what to do, her eyes were beginning to lose its light, she didn’t want to go through this anymore, she… then remembers her sister. She knew it wasn’t the time to frown over her people. She composes herself again and stands. She must save the last thing she has, her sister.

A man with a 10 inch butcher knife was about to begin the trial. Upon preparations, she has resisted and ended killing two slave hunters. Furious, the slave hunters agree to behead the demon. After horrible torture, now unconscious, the big sister is moment away from her death. [A.N. Yeah… You pretty much know all the things that happened to her before her trial. I won’t use these kind of themes frequently, but hey this is a tragedy, y’all signed up for this.]

The trail was public for everyone to see, so all the slave hunters have to gather up for the trial to commence. The little girl only had a few minutes to save her sister, but there was no way for her to save her from so many people, she needs help.

Not knowing where to look for help, she begins to sense magic down the old lookout.

[Slave Hunter A] “Whoa who’s that?”

[Slave Hunter B] “That must be the guy Cath brought in. I didn’t know he brought a Magician.”

[Slave Hunter A] “Want to invite him to the trial.”

[Slave Hunter B] “Naa. He seems to be avoiding us.”

[Slave Hunter A] “His loss. Seeing a demon beheaded is the best! Hahaha*”

[Little Girl] (A Mage!? And he’s not one of them! I have to hurry!)

And so the little girls runs down towards the lookout where the Mage is located for his help. But not only the mage will help her, he will change her fate as well.


(Part 3)

It’s been 3 days since I stayed here and practiced my magic outside the fields. I was finally able to create one attack, so right now I’ve been spending my time polishing it, it is still incomplete. For once, since I first stepped in this world, I don’t feel so defenseless now. Though I still don’t feel ready for my travels, but I have patience.

As I was practicing today as usual, I began to notice the village more noisy than usual. They seem to be gathering up, maybe some event? Because of it, I find it a bit hard to concentrate. It is starting to annoy me.

With a foul mood, I try to continue to practice, but then I suddenly felt a presence closing in. Looking around, I noticed someone coming down the hill.

[Houser] “Is that a little girl?”

Houser didn’t expect a little girl coming out the village, but now wonders why is she coming to his direction. Just in case, he was being a bit precatious towards her. But then he noticed she was running a bit funny and soon noticed how bloody she was in her chest area. The girl was in a very delicate form, yet she ran towards Houser with all her will.

Losing his guard, he lets the girl aproach him. Now in front of him, the girl shows a face full of joy, but quickly falls to the ground.

[Houser] “... Hey. I don’t want to look after a dying kid. Why come here to bring me such a burden?”

Houser harshly asks the little girl on the ground to state her business.

[???] “... Help…”

[Houser] “ What?”

[???] “Help…”

[Houser] “Help you?”

[???] “Help my sister… Please… Cough*... Help my sister…! From that hell!!!”

With her last breath she was able to ask the Mage for his help, satisfied she finally faints.

So let me get this straight… A dying girl comes onto me and gives her last words to ask me to help her sister? Man… What a troublesome situation… Judging her appearance and coming out of the village and the very last thing she said. She and her sister got captured by those villagers, only she escaped, and now she’s here asking for my help. I knew those guys were disgusting bastards. That’s weird though, shouldn’t she be being pursued?

What a mess… Just look at her. I’m surprised she was able to keep breathing until now... I really don't want to involve myself in this mess, but unfulfilling a little girl’s last request will leave a bad taste in my mouth. Plus, I don’t want readers making poor judgements out of me.

[Houser] “You win kid.”

I decided to leave her at the hut. It won’t feel right leaving a corpse lying around waiting for a monster to pick her up with its mouth. But for my surprise, as soon as I carried her, I was feeling heartbeats. This little kid sure refuses to kick the bucket huh?

Her wounds are still dangerous. For now, she needs to lay down, I’ll leave her at the bed. As soon as I save the sister, I’ll pick her up and leave them somewhere they won’t get caught. Further than that is no longer my problem.

My guts are telling me to hurry up. I feel like I’m running out of time.

As I leave her on bed, I know embark on my first mission, to save a girl by a bunch of crazy villagers. Not the kind of first mission I expected, also not being payed, I set off.

As Houser closes in more and more, the stench kept getting stronger. He wondered how people could live in such conditions. Putting his thoughts aside, he concentrated on rescuing the girl.

The mission won’t be as simple as it sounds. He won’t just barge in and say ‘Hey! Give me that girl’ and run off with her and expect them to not pursue them. Unfortunately since he’s running out of time, he was not given the proper time to plan this out. If they turn on him, it’ll be trippy for him to get the girl out. If they’re normal folks, he should handle, but if they have an experience Magician or two, that’s another story. At worst, he would be forced to quit the mission and leave the little girl in the hut.

I don’t even know who the girl is… But this village only has men residing in. As soon as I see a girl, I’ll be taking that girl. Don’t blame if I got the wrong girl, little girl, I just did not get enough information.

Now in the village. Houser looks around and notices a crowd gathering up. Closing in to have a better look, he notices an unconscious girl with her head sticking out of a stockade. Besides her was a village with a huge butcher.

She as to be the one… She’s about to get her cut off! Those crazy…!

Houser finally notices. Behind her and the crowd, there laid a piles of dead bodies. It consisted most of grown males and had some elderly, but lacked of women and children. There was about 30 of them, a very small number, but still enough to make the village smell awful.

Houser felt disgusted, but then notices something off. Those people had the exact same traits like the demons he met back in the present, a tail and horns and of course, red eyes. All of them looks humanoid, but they are demons without a doubt.

Now that he pays attention. The girl had a broken horn and a tail with deep red eyes as well, she’s a demon. She looked around the age of 17 and has dark hair. She’s covered in bruises, so he can’t give more inspections. Things were weird for Houser, the little girl was human. She shared no demon traits whatsoever, she’s a regular little girl. Houser doesn’t feel like he made a mistake, this is the right one. Trying to stop questioning his mission, he closes in the crowd.

Like hell these guys are villagers. I need to grab the girl and get out of here ASAP.

[Executor] “Because of this wench, we have lost valuable companions and friends. I ask, do you want her to live.”


[Executor] “Very well. The trial marks her guilty and will now grief over her sins back in hell. Death to demons.”

[Crowd] “Cheering*”

The crazy villager pulls out his knife and aims for the girl’s head, but…

[Houser] “Wait!”

He yells out at the crowd for everyone to to hear. Now all heads turned on him, he resumes.

[Houser] “If you don’t want her. I can take her off your hands. What do you say?”

First let’s try if I can talk myself through. Please don’t expect a talk no jutsu… I just want to see if we can fall to an agreement.

[Executor] “You mean buy her? If it’s not a problem, may I have your name?”

[Houser] “Houser.”

[Executor] “Then that’ll be a 1 silver coin and 85 copper coins.”

So much for a trial… They care about profit more than anything. Anyway, right now I’m in a pinch. I have no idea how much that’s worth. I don’t think it should matter anyways, I have no money.

[Houser] “I hate to admit it, but I’m penniless. But, I’m a Magician(in training), it shouldn’t be hard me for to gain money right?”

I try to use some logic I’m not even sure if it is one trying to see if could accept late payment. Of course, I’m not really paying them.

[Executor] “I see… But why go such lengths for a demon?”

[Houser] “You see. I hit my head and suffered from a severed memory loss, I don’t remember anything until I got here. I have no idea how I got here. I’ll frequently encounter monsters on my way home, even If I’m a Magician, If I don’t keep my distance, I’ll be unable to perform spells. That’s where she comes in, she’ll keep the monsters abay for me to attack.”

Hopefully this logic applies here. I found a way to fix this problem, so I don’t really need a companion, I would like to travel alone if possible.

[Executor] “What you say is completely true. A clueless Magician has no future traveling alone, not even knowing where he’s at.”

[Houser] “What do you mean?”

[Executor] “As I thought, you don’t know. You are now in demon territory. Our location is very close to the border.”

Demon territory? Of all places… then what are these guys doing here? Oh wait. I see… Slave hunters. I see no women or kids in that pile of corpses. That’s why he thought I wanted to buy her.

[Houser] “Oh no… What do I do…?”

For now let’s play defenseless and see if I can get some help from these guys first. I’ll die if I stay here.

[Executor] “Don’t you worry, we could lend you a Distortion Stone. With it, you can exit the village without being noticed. You can give it back when we come for our payment.”

[Houser] “So you mean…”

[Executor] “Yes. You can take the filthy demon. I doubt she’ll be much use, but if used as a meatshield for you to return safely, she had some use to us Humans at least.”

I was given a stone that I didn’t know much what it was and the girl. He told me to head west to reach the border. After reaching human territory, I should keep heading west for up to 14 miles and I should see a trail. I need to follow it and should take 20 miles to reach a mine site, with a village next to it. He gave me an old compass of his for me to use as well.

He’s a surprisingly nice fella, but does a complete 180 on the demon girl. Just how much do these guys hate demons? I stop thinking about it and forced a smile as a sign of gratitude.

The slave hunters released the demon girl. Her frail body immediately falls to the ground. She is yet to gain her consciousness, I’ll be forced to carry her. With things going so smoothly, I decided to quit complaining and carry her.

Houser carefully carries the girl on his arm and begins to walk away from the crowd. Her head was dripping blood and tainted Houser’s robe with red dots, but quickly disappeared after contact. With things going some smoothly Houser was about to leave the picture with the girl but…

[???] “Stop him!”

[Houser] “!?"

Houser stops his track and turns his head. In front of him, there was the man that helped him out before reaching here, now with an evil expression towards him.

[Cath] “He’s lying. I saw him fighting. He’s not afraid to fight a monster head on. He’s also showing us a fake personality. I know because I talked to him before.”

[Executor] “Then, for whatever reason he’s taking the demon, must he be stopped?”

[Cath] “Yes. A human girl that I slayed last night, seemed to know the demon. A few minutes ago I saw her run off to the abandoned lookout where he was residing in. He was sent here to save her.”

That son of a… Did you really have to that? Oh come on.

[Slave Hunter A] ”That’s right. I saw a little girl running off there.”

[Slave Hunter B] “Same here.”

[Crowd] “Mutter* Mutter*”

Not good… At this rate…

[Houser] “What are you talking about? Certainly I met you… I didn’t quite…”

[Cath] “Cath”

[Houser] “Cath, sir. We did met and indeed I recieved your help, but you are the only I met after losing my memories up to now. The idea of having a slave to help my travels just occurred to me.”

I’m better off denying everything for now. Battling these guys was an option until now. I’ll remember this bastard.

[Executor] “Sir Houser”

[Houser] “...?”

[Executor] “I’ve known Cath for many years, he would never lie to me over something like this.”

[Houser] “...”

[Executor] “Men. Kill them off. Let him repent by siding with a demon in eternal hell.”

Oh boy… Better make a run for it.

[A.N. So much in taking them on

[Cath] “Move! He is mine!”

Cath leaps in and draws his sword, immediately following, he does a down strike on houser. Surprised, Houser instinctively stepped back, but his robe gets a slight cut on his back while trying to protect the girl. Irritated, he puts the girl on his left shoulder and pulls out the knife Cath gave him.

Knowing he won’t fend off a long sword, he still pulls it out to send some blows at him, in his neck if possible.

[Cath] “This guy is mine! I’ll personally execute them myself!”

The crowd and the Executor gave a nod of agreement to their official match. Before they even began, the robe begin to repair itself. Houser noticed his back was glowing and figured it was the robe repairing itself.

[Cath] “I knew it! That robe must be really valuable! At first I thought it was just an epic item item, but my instincts told me otherwise. Now it looks to be Ancient level, no, even greater. Selling it would get me the same amount as selling million of slaves. I no longer have to see a filthy again! That robe will be…! Gya!”

Before he could finish, Houser thrusted his knife at him, aiming for his neck, but Cath reacted in time. In the end, he got his right shoulder, making him release his sword.

[Cath] “You…!”

[Houser] “That’s what you get for talking at the start of a battle.”

[Cath] “Ha!”

While stabbed, Cath uses his left arm and starts delivering elbows at Houser’s abdomen. Since he’s carrying a girl while battling, his agility has been greatly restricted. After receiving 3 or 4 blows, he was able to pull back with his knife away from him.

Now with a good distance between, Cath was able to pick up his sword as he saw Daniel grunting with his hand on his stomach.

Taking advantage of the opening he leaped towards him again and performed another down strike. Houser evaded by hopping to the side and the blade hitted the ground, but right at the moment, Cath didn’t let Houser touch the ground and quickly let his right arm go and performed a 75 degree upper slash with his left. Houser couldn’t evade his incoming, if he didn’t do something, him and the girl will get slayed.

Houser no choice and blocked the attack with the small knife of his. Such a small blade stands no chance against a sword meant to take out a man with a proper blow. Upon impact, the knife flew off his hand, leaving it bleeding.

Shit… I’m going to get killed if i keep this up. I know y’all are yelling ‘why not use your magic’ by now. The reason is simple, aside from the attack I’ve been polishing, I have no way to fend off such fiercing attacks. Well not completely, I was doing some experiment on that regard, but they are way incomplete right now, It’s too risky to use them for battle. I was not expecting to fight such a skill person so soon. Give me a break… I wasn’t even here for a week and I’m already experiencing a life death situation. I could always leave the girl and run away.

With Houser’s hand bleeding, he tries his best to gain as much distance as possible, but Cath does a thrust to catch up to him. With the tip of his blade closing in Houser’s neck, Houser decided, ignoring the risks. He takes his hand out and

[Daniel] “[Ignition]”

A magic circle immediately pops below Houser’s feet. The Magic rapidly flows towards his hand. Now with preparations done, he reaches closer to the incoming blade with his hand. Cath smiles and laughs at his ‘stupidity’, but catching him off guard, his blade gets repelled back by some impact.

[Cath] “What? What was that?”

Almost immediately, Houser converted air around his palm as much as he could and just a centimeter away from the blade, he let go, creating a small outburst of pressure strong enough to fend off his attack. It was still weak, but it’s enough for Houser to fend off sword attacks.

Now the question is, how did Houser managed to initiate it so fast. The amount it takes to concentrate your magic for the magic circle to appear and to say even the shortest of spells, it should take 5 seconds props. So how was houser able to do it in less than a second?

Phew. Seems I get to keep my hand, glad things work out. As for the thing I just did. Let’s say I got some inspiration.

In one of the fantasy novels I was reading, I recalled a very interesting way to use Magic, Word Magic. Not many may know, but Word Magic is like a cheat system where you get to summon magic by writing. After many experimentations, I was able to use the system, but in quite a different way. Instead of writing, I think of the words in my head. There’s also another change that makes mines look downgraded compared to the original. Instead of imagining the actual spell, I have to imagine the Steps of the spell.

Steps is the steps of a spell you’re trying to make. Be aware that [Ignition] quickly had my magic flowing through, which makes a magic circle. Because of it, I don’t have to go the trouble of meditation to enter at that point, so [Ignition] will and always will be the first Step I’ll use.

This comes with an actual big advantage. You see, with this creating unique spells will now be easier and limitless, the more Steps I do, the more unique the spell becomes.

Let me show you an example. Let say I want to summon a small tornado as a trap and a big armada comes after me. The amada won’t notice the small tornado, but now they’re on top of it, a humongous tornado emerges below their trip. The steps are simple [Ignition] -> [Summon] -> [Growth Modification : decrease] -> [Trigger : Sensor] -> [Growth Modification : increase]. Now you get the idea. [A.N.I only read a few chapters, so I don’t know Word Magic so much. If I’m copying it please tell me, because I’m not sure if I am.]

It still needs work, but I’ll be quite the guy when I master this system.

[Cath] “You bastard! You’re not a Magician in training.”

[Daniel] “I’m sure are you waste of oxygen!”

Cath charges in again for another attack, but Daniel repels it again with the same trick. This time he add a bit more pressure and sends Cath’s sword flying back.

[A.N. Yeah I’m not going to be so detailed now lol. I already got bored of their battle, the main purpose is accomplished.]

Giving no time to react, Daniel high kicks(not so high, cuz you know, he has a girl with him.) Cath with enough force to set him mid air. Following up, he does his next move.

[Daniel] “Say Hades hi for me. [Ignition] -> [Switch] -> [Summon] -> [Launch Structure : Cone] ->[Spirit Roar]

After [Ignition], magic will naturally flow directly to your hands. I used [Switch] to change its course, so instead of flowing towards my hand, it’ll go straight to my mouth and we all know what [Summon] does.

[A.N. Further explanation of the step [Summon] will be at the end of the chapter.]

The magic circle below Houser disappears and a small one appears in a fair distance from his mouth to replace it. Houser begins to roar for no particular reason. In the opposite side of the magic circle, a highly converted small circle appears converting more and more per millisecond. Finally, it erupts. Going by physics, letting such condensed air erupts, it should become an air bomb and blow everything in its area.

Thanks to [Launch Structure : Cone], it limited the condensed air bomb’s area in order to increase its range, like trapping it in a cone. So instead of coming out as an eruption, it is now changed to an air blast. It’s area starts small, but grows bigger as it keeps going. To summarize it, he shot a tornado out of his mouth horizontally. Impressive as it sounds, the distance between him and Cath is only 8 meters, right about Houser’s limit.

It wasn’t really big, but its power showed no inferiority. Its impact was strong enough to immediately knockout Cath by the rib cage, sending him flying back.

Satisfied, Houser finally got Cath out off his skin, feeling a bit victorious. Unfortunately, fate had other plans for his first victory.

After impact, Cath unconscious body flew straight to his spinning sword. He did not get lucky, the force of the attack was enough for the sword to pierce through the back to the chest. He suffered a quick death.

[A.N. Yeah all this happened pretty quick :l]

There laid a boy consumed by his greed and hate towards demons, but aside all that he was actually kind to his own people. He now gets to rest from a life that tormented him since the first day he was born. Up to this date, Houser remembers this boy, not as his first murder, but as the boy who showed him the reality of this world.

He’s dead… You fucking idiot.

Annoyed by seeing such a foolish way to die, he prepares to fight off the rest but

[???] “The slave hunters are there! Captured them men!”

[???s] “Yes sir!"

About 80 of them, people with demon characteristics, charged in towards the direction of Houser and slave hunters.

[Slave Hunter A] “Oh shit the demon guards!”

[Slave Hunter B] “Hurry! Let’s evacuate!”

[Guard A] “Don’t let them run away!”

[Guards] “ROAR”

The hunters wastes no time and flees towards the border, leaving most of their properties behind back at the village.

Houser finally takes a small breather, but he too has to get out of here. If they catch him, they’ll kill him. Just about he was going to evacuate, he was stopped by the executor. Showing hostility towards him, Houser is in full defense mode.

[Executor] “You bastard…! After I get my hands on you, I’ll rip out every limb in your body one by one. Enjoy your life to the fullest till then.”

After stating his threat, he flees as well.

Pfft. Bring it dipshit. Next time I see you, I’ll send you off orbit. Anyway, I should better leave this girl here, she’ll be safe… Ahh fuck the other sister! She’s a human too! She’ll get herself killed. Maybe I’ll leave this one and hide the other one, but if they catch this one the two will be separated… Why am I stressing myself over this… But I can’t back down after reaching this far… ……

[A.N. Just do it ._.]

A fuck it fine, but this woman will work for me for the rest of her life. I should find how to make the little one useful as well.

So about the Step [Summon]. In the example I gave about the steps you would have notice that after [Summon] the tornado is formed solely on that Step and then uses the other Steps to modify it. I said that in the system Houser invented, he can’t summon spells directly with it, he needs to be doing it by Steps and summoning something like that has to be considered a spell right? This might have bothered you a bit, so let me explain.

Early on, when Houser was being introduced by basic knowledge of Magic, he was told Magic was like a type of art and needs imagination to create creative art, aka Magic. Magic not only is art but it also makes it come to life. I left that out in chapter 3, I’ll fix it right away. Anyway, the Steps are only imaginations and the last stage of Magic doesn’t apply to it. In other words, Houser only summons a picture of a tornado, that can’t be considered a spell. Until Houser finishes his Steps, the final stage of Magic will apply to the project and bring it to life. Hopefully, it wasn’t too complicated to understand, ask me any questions you have

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