《Hidden World》Chapter 6 - Companions


Guess who’s back ._. Anyways I’m finally and for real going keep doing this. Some events were happening and i couldn’t find myself with the time and mood to write. Not going to make any excuses out of myself, so I’m just gonna go ahead and keep writing. To those that actually waited for me, props and thanks :) I have no definite schedule. I’m just gonna try my best to catch up, but maybe 2-3 chapters a week? Probably 2. Of course they won’t be short.

(Part 1)

[Demon Leader] “Capture them men!”

Without any preparations and warning, the slave hunters were forced to fight back, which was meaningless against the ambush. The secretly planned ambushed successfully resulted into a massacre. Seeing it was useless to keep fighting, they quickly went back to running, that’s as much as a slave hunter can do.

They may be crafty and smart when it comes to their business, but in actual battle they’re just children! The demon soldiers were all naturally bigger and physically fit, adding to their training, it’s like kitten going against bears. Heh, let’s not forget about their magic. Though there were some slave hunters that knew some spells, they were just too shafty and little compared to the soldiers.

[Slave Hunter A] “Gagh! You… You’re just a lowlife creature that doesn’t belong here!!!”

[Slave Hunter B] “Go to hell!!!”

[Slave Hunter C] “ Agh!!! Mother…!!!”

Quite a scenery if I say so myself. Now is not the time to be amused by their pitiful cries. I need to leave here unnoticed. Fufufu I’m quite in a good mood.

Houser immediately leaves the scene, but just as he was about to enter the hut, a guard took a glance at his direction and noticed him. Houser seemed to have noticed his glare and clenched his teeth, preparing to break his way through with the girls.

Lucky for him, by the angle and distance the guard was looking at them, the demon girl’s body covered his head and most of his upper features, unabling him to identify Houser. When he noticed the unconscious demon girl features on his shoulder, he concluded they were this town villagers and were running away. Relieved, he turned his attention to the battlefield.

Relieved by his luck, Houser enters the hut and grabs the little girl. Now that he has both girls, he can finally get out of there.

What a bad way to start my first few days…

Holding in his complains, Houser runs around the battlefield unnoticed and runs away heading west. As he keeps getting further and further away, he lets out a little breath, but continues as he is still not completely safe.

If you thought I would evacuate into a forest without any disturbances whatsoever, then hah…! I wish that was the case here to…

As he escaped, monsters kept appearing and attacking him. Houser didn’t have the preparations, time, hands, or mood to deal with them.

Monster after monster, they just kept appearing .There was this blue slime thing that seem harmless at first, but it horrifying summons thunders attack. What’s more terrifying is that he’s pretty quick and uses his body as a weapon. He kept leaping onto Houser, but he managed to dodge all of his tackles. If not, he would instantly be melted. Not wanting to meet the same fate as those trees and rocks, he finally manages to outrun it.

Next up was a giant bee that kept shooting and reloading its needle like a one bullet gun. It’s power was no joke, it could easily break through trees. Though it was a lil bit slow, he had no trouble avoiding them, but was still terrified by its raw power.


To make things even worse, he encountered a herd of giant blue apes and immediately fled. Just as the chase started they were already a few meters away and were catching up fast! They now began to furiously leap at him with extreme killing intent. Somehow he managed to dodge them, but their raw power was so strong that it shook the whole ground and sent Houser flying.

[Houser] “AGH! These guys…!”

Getting up, he quickly grabs the girls and keeps running. He soon notices that fatigue is gaining on him. Even though he managed to avoid serious injuries, the monsters still managed to do a number on him.

[Houser] “Oh come on… I’m not even supposed to feel tired…”

[Giant Ape A] “ROAR!”

With its high agility and raw power and numbers, there was no way to outrun the apes. Houser had to do something or he will really meet his end here. But then an idea occurred to him.

If I can’t flee from these guys, then I’ll just send their attention away from me!

Houser began to search monsters, not those that roam around independently, herds! Basically what he was trying to do was to lure them to another and hope they would battle each other. All of the monsters are very hostile so it should work. Houser hopes they will be strong enough to keep the apes busy for a bit, let see if his luck kicks again.

So for another 15 minutes of running away and looking around, Houser finally spots another group of monsters. They were humanoid reptiles, Lizardmen. Their group consisted of 19 members. They all had spears with them, they were out to hunt. Without giving much thought, Houser continues to lure the apes at their direction. Beginning to notice the incoming presences, the Lizardmen gets shocked at the numbers of incoming apes, but quickly releases a grin.

[Giant Apes] “!!!??”

When they noticed the Lizardmen, they immediately stopped their tracks and began gasping for air in fear. Just in front of them were the things that they must avoid at any costs, if not, then it’s death.

Houser began to notice their fear towards the lizardmen, so he took advantage of the situation and fled. To his relief, the Lizardmen didn’t pay attention to Houser and just let him go. One of them look at his direction and gives out a smile and nod. It seemed like Houser did them a huge favor.

Not knowing much, the lizard are actually very ferocious predators. Their raw strength isn’t any inferior to the blue apes, but their speed and sharpness of its attacks would leave anyone in this forest quivering in fear. But what’s most terrifying is their intellect, they were one of the smartest monsters out there. Though other herds of monsters also attack tactfully, the Lizardmen were more unique. They were S rank monsters, and for a forest that consists of C-A rank monsters, they are at the top of the food chain here!

Every monster do their utmost best to avoid these guys, which made their hunting a lot harder, but now that a feast was delivered to them, they will have enough food to feed their families for months! Now saying their prayers, they began their one sided massacre.

A, what seems to be a female Lizardmen, looks at Houser’s direction with eyes full of gratitude. Little did Houser know, this will lead to a monstrous event that might change the law of nature, but that’s for another time.


(Part 2)

Now with the blue apes out of his skin, Houser managed to catch his breath, but not for long. He still remained in the forest that roams of any kind of monsters. He managed to exit demon territory, but he was still not safe, he has yet to reach the trail. He barely made half the trip, he still needs to continue for a few miles to reach the trail. The man made trail was his safe point, not really, but at least it didn’t have monsters around every corners.


I may have underestimated nature a bit too much… Sheesh… I don’t know how much I can take of this. If it comes down to it, I’ll just drop these girls here, to increase my chances of survival.

Houser continued his way as the monsters bullied him over and over again. Monsters just keep appearing, but Houser manage to outrun them. He was reaching his limit. He was lost, He didn’t know what to do, all he knows is to keep heading west.

[Houser] “!!?? Ugh…!”

An earth sea horse’s, Earth Surfer, watershot connected on Housers back. Let out a small painful yell. Houser let go the little girl.

Oh sh…!

Without thinking about it, he stands up and went to retrieve her, but the 3 feet sea horse wasted no time and went towards the little girl(A.N. The seahorse digs his tail into the ground and uses it to move. Earth Surfer fits right?)

[Houser] “...! [Ignition] -> [Mana Concentration] -> [Air Pressure] -> [Projectile]. Finger Pistol!”

I fire an incomplete move of mine. Both power and accuracy still needed more work, but that was all i could pull off at a time like this. Due to my critical condition, I’m not able to pull off a Spirit Roar.

[Sea Horse] “!!?”

Whoosh* Sfx

As expected, it missed. Gritting his teeth, thinking the girl is now a goner, the sea horse lost its balance and lost some speed. It seems that it was startled by the attack. Even though it didn’t reach him, it hit a tree right behind him. It has a huge hole on it, though it didn’t penetrate through it, the tree still stood firm. Such raw power from a mesky attack, it thought.If he gave him the chance to attack him for real, then it would most likely be killed. He must be eliminated now!

Changing his objective, the sea horse pass the little girl, and goes straight to Houser.

[Houser] “This guy…!”

Houser tries to prepare for the assault, but it was unfutile, his body won’t just move like he wants it to do now.

Furiously glaring at the sea horse, Houser gets on his feet without caring of his condition and charges straight to the sea horse. Every part of his body was screaming, was Houser refused to give in and resumed his charge.

Just a few meters away from each other, the sea horse does another water shot, this time with even more power. Coming at Houser at full speed, Houser points up his finger and begins his chant, but waits for it to get closer. Not taking chances with his accuracy this time, he decides to shoot at point blank(A.N. Am i using the right words?).

Just as it was to reach him, Houser releases his attack, adding more power as he can, hoping it will be enough to dispel the water shot.

Boom* Sfx

It successfully penetrated through it, and made a huge gap to it, but what remained successfully hit Houser and made him spit a mouthful of blood. As for other end, the sea horse got knocked back as well. This time time it didn’t miss him and the power was no joke, that much the sea horse could tell as it was awfully grieving about the pain.

With both opponents down, the sea horse was first to stand up, but Houser still remained on the ground. With bloodshot eyes, the sea horse charged in straight with full killing intent. Killing him was everything it desire now, but it wasn’t able to accomplish his wish.

[Sea Horse] “!!!??”

Boom* Crack* Crack* Kaboom*

Before it could react, it met its end in a terrifying way. He was blown away as a projectile without any sign of stopping, tree after trees met its end as it stood in the way.

Finally, it was over and now laid a corpse at a distance that could barely been seen by the eye. To make the scene more horrifying, it was all accomplished by a backhand blow! That’s right it was done barehanded! No magic or any weapon whatsoever.

Who could have been responsible for such a monstrous performance? The one responsible stood in front of the half dead protagonist, letting out a breath. The horned and tailed being turns to Houser direction and closes in.

[???] “... To have so much trouble against a B rank monster… Doesn’t seem it was the only thing you fought. All that for us… Thank you…”

[Houser] “...!?”

The sun was setting down, following cold breezes around the whole forest. There two different worlds, which are to be known as eternal enemies, were now facing each other. But what’s odd, it’s that neither side has any bit of hostility. What’s more surprising, one side was filled with mixed feelings and look at other with heart warming smile.

[???] “My name… is Adelia… Tha..nk you… Thank you…”

Glittering tears began to drop on the dirty girl’s face. Even though the girl was completely dirty, it was still quite a beautifully scene Houser got to see. He murmured something and fell unconscious.


(Part 3)

[Houser] “... Ugh… I’m gonna feel that for a week…”

Complaining of his itching body, Houser gets up. He checks his surroundings and notices both girls. Angrily thinking they escaped, leaving him rewardless, he notices two presences a little up front.

[Adelia] “Ah! You’re up.”

[Houser] “You… Ugh!”

[Adelia] “Wait! Please don’t recklessly move around!”

The demon girl quickly goes to Houser’s aid and helps him to lay down. With a worried expression, she hands over a container with some liquid in it.

[Adelia] “I found some more medical herbs. It should relieve the pain a bit more.”

[Houser] “... What do you mean by ‘more’.”

[Adelia] “While you were unconscious, I had you drinking some of these.

[Houser] “... And how exactly did you do that…?”

[Adelia] “I… Although I was holding back… but this much is needed to be done to show you my gratitude!”

[Houser] “Don’t make it sound like I took your chastity! Agh…!”

[Adelia] “Ah! Please don’t be reckless!”

Houser obediently took the medicine and asked how long has he passed out. He was told he was out for only 5 hours, which was surprisingly fast looking at his condition at first, not only that, he was also healing pretty quickly. The demon girl was surprised because he surpassed demon’s natural healing, which were known to be greatest than any civilised community. Although most of the pain is gone, his sore body still itches.

[Houser] “5 hours… I see… You were…?”

Breaking the ice, he disrespectfully went into introductions. The demon girl didn’t mind and introduced herself as Adelia. The girl at little up front she’s been attending as well was his little sister Aisha.

[Adelia] “After seeing how you desperately fought for the sake of my sister, I concluded it was you that save us from those horrible humans. I thought… We both were gonna meet our end. I thought if I bought my little sister some time, she would be able to to escape and live on.”

It’s that why she let herself captured and tortured, she could always killed them single handedly though.

[Adelia] “Haha. You must be thinking I shouldn’t have gotten any trouble handling these guy. Well you’re right… But you humans are not that easy. They were obviously from some big organization and probably knows all of the villagers. I couldn’t take the chance for us to live our lives as runaways, especially for my sister. She’s a good girl, she deserves better.”

I see. If the little girl managed to escape, then she will be out of their reach. No matter how accurate their intel is, they can never guess a human living with demons will be on their list. Pursuing her is pointless. But still…

[Houser] “Man… You’re stupid… Actually I’m not any better.”

[Adelia] “!?”

[Houser] “You didn’t really think this through did you? Ok, the girl escapes, then what? You think she would be able to go far on her own? Can she at least protect herself? That she would leave you behind?”

[Adelia] “...”

[Houser] “Do you have any idea how much trouble you brought me you bastard!? If it wasn't me for me where would you two be lying around by now? Dying together is better than a lonely sad death.”

Man I’m mad. Let it be a human or any other specie, they are nothing but morons. Always making my life harder…

[Houser] “!?”

Adelia began to drop some tears with her head down, sulking about her stupid decision that literally would not have change anything and even end up making things worse.

Houser stopped his scolding and sighed inside. After all, she did save him from death, though it was their fault.

At this point, anyone would try to cheer her up a bit, even someone with a foul personality, but nope.

[Houser] “Don’t think this is over for you two. I now own your lives! You two will be my possession until I no longer breath! The little girl might as well be useless to me, so from now on you’ll work hard to make her quota as well! I keep what’s mine safe no matter what!”

[Adelia] “!?”

Heh. Seems I have to do some word twisting here to submit her obedience. I have to be careful here. She sent a monsters flying like it was a puppy and I’m in no condition to fight. I need to avoid a confrontation.

[Adelia] “Fufufu…”

Is she laughing?

[Adelia] “I’m sorry… I was ready for you to say such things. I was determined to accept anything you want from me. I never expected for you to say that you’ll protect us.”

She smiles brightly at him with tears flowing down.

[Adelia] “I don’t know if it was fate that brought us together, but I now feel like I should go this path. No matter what, I’ll do anything you want from the rest of my life. Let me serve you or kill myself, I’ll do it. Just one selfish request, be gentle with my little sister ok?”

[Houser] “...”

What a weird girl I say… It’s obvious I’m going to keep safe the things I went so many hardships for and like hell I’m going to tell her to kill herself.

[Houser] “Just do what I say.”

[Adelia] “Ng!”

After exchanging their master and servant titles, they went towards the little girl.


(Part 4)

It wasn’t long for the little girl to finally regain her consciousness. As she stood up with question marks above her head, she began to cry as soon as she saw Adelia and charged straight to her arms. The reunion of the two odd sisters was quite the scene.

As she was rubbing her face against her sister, she noticed someone was looking at them. She dumbfoundedly looked at Houser’s direction and opened her eyes full of shock. Rubbing off her tears, she speaks.

[Aisha] “You’re… That brother I asked for help… You really did…!”

Recognizing her savior, she charges onto Houser with snot and tears all over her face. Not wanting a snotty girl rubbing on him, he grabs onto her head, stopping on her tracks. Stubborning putting up a fight to reach her destination, she finally gave in after a few minutes. She was kind of sulking now.

[Adelia] “Sorry about that… She might be a little problematic, but she’s a good child…”

[Houser] “Yeah Yeah. Hey kid. Use this to clean your face. It’s unpleasant to have you near me like that.”

Houser rips off a part of his robe and hands it over the girl to clean herself. For his surprise, the robe quickly repaired itself. Houser was worried the effects would be affected if the robes was damaged. This itself loosen up one of his worries, since this robe is like a national treasure that could change the course of life and death.

[Aisha] “Hehehe. How’s this?”

She giggles as she now has her face clean, not really, but mostly clean.

Isn’t she acting a bit too friendly and open towards an stranger… Isn’t she aware we’re in the middle of the forest, that’s filled with all kinds of monsters, on our own? Well they do say kids will still play on times of war.


[Houser] “Say…. I would always meet monsters every 10 seconds, so why haven’t any poped out by now?”

[Adelia] “Oh that. Monsters around this area are aware of me. They don’t want to face me.”

[Houser] “?”

[Aisha] “Big sister is one of the best hunters in the world! Monsters are nothing but children to her! Back in the villag…!”

Aisha dropped her head filled with depression.

[Adelia] “I was one of the most active hunters in the village. I hunted on a daily basis. The monsters began to spread the word of me. They probably see me as a threat similar to the Lizardmen, which is an exaggeration in my opinion, Lizardmen are too scary.”

Umh no… I think the way you sent that sea horse flying is even more scary…

[Adelia] “By looking at them avoiding me even in human territory, it seems the word even got here. I don’t really like people seeing me as a monster…”

[Houser] “... Is there a river or something for you two to clean yourselves up? Especially you, you smell horrible. It was hard to resist such stench.”

Don’t think of me as an asshole, I’m just a honest guy and speak anything on my mind. I’m not kidding though, they really stink.

[Adelia] “You’re right. Since I’m not familiar with the area it would take a bit to find one. Aisha get up, we’ll be going.”

[Aisha] “Ok~ Hey brother let’s go…. Umh… What’s brother’s name?”

With an innocent face, she cutely asks, tilting her face. Now that he noticed he didn’t introduce himself, he clears his throat and states his name. Both sisters blinking twice, they finally got their savior’s name and let out a smile.

The 3 search for a place to clean themselves up. What really annoyed and relieved Houser was that the trip was actually really easy, no encounters with any monster so far. If he actually woke this girl up from the beginning…

After a few minutes of looking around, they finally encounter a small lake. With the three sighing of relief, they head on to the lake.

[Aisha] “Brother, let’s go in together!”

[Houser] “Could you stop calling me that!? And no thank you, you guys get to go first.”

Honestly this child… Even for a kid, her behaviour is too unacceptable. It looks like I have disciple her some manners.

[Aisha] “Brother is no good… Master…”

[Houser] “Hey you…”

[Aisha] “That’s right! I like it! Master… Ng!”

She took a liking to the new way of addressing me… This kid is really doing what she wants!

Smacking the back of her head, annoyed, the girl continued to murmur it as she giggles. Even more annoyed, Houser raises his hand again, but she runs away to the lake saying Master over and over again.

[Adelia] “Ah… I’m really sorry…”

[Houser] “Just go already!”

Not caring any more, Houser sends off the girl.

As soon he gets into this world he got into nothing but trouble, even now. With new people to follow the way, Houser headaches just starts! After all, the world will never go his way!

For those who think [Name] are pointless. In the incoming arcs, conversations will consist of more and more people... And Houser was a little out of character when he was desperately trying to save the girls from the monsters. Well... Houser couldn't think on what and what not to do, so be easy on him. And oh, if anyone wants in the future, help me do some editing ^^?

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