《Hidden World》Chapter 4 - The Ceremony


This chapter is a bit shorter so I was able to finish it today.

Daniel exits the room, exhausted. He was now done with the tours and was about to take off to a new life, but with all the hidden realities shown to him, he’s a bit troubled. For a human, he took it pretty well. He tries not to ruin his mood and cheer up a bit now that he’s finally leaving, but he stopped and thought about his family again. Even though he didn’t get many good memories with them, he’s still worried, especially for his brother. For him to be living in a dying world, but knowing him he’ll live to the very end. He’s smarter than everyone else, he should be alright.

[Michael] “Welcome back. Ready to go back?”

[Daniel] “Yes. Let’s go.”

It took no longer than 1 minute. Now we’re back at the assembly. Seems they still have trouble with the audience. They should smack them or something to quiet them down, but I guess it will make things more noisy. Not really my problem.

[Maou] “They’re finally back. Lucifer let’s go!”

[Lucifer] “Yes Ma'am. I’ll leave them to you guys for now.”

[Jesus] “We need to help as well. Michael, you stay here and perform the ceremony.”

[Michael] “Your commands are my will.”

[A.N. Plays FFX Soundtrack - Hurry]

Daniel gets a little startled as he see 3 big presences closing in to him.

[Maou] “Relax we won’t bite.”

[Daniel] “...”

[Lucifer] “Now let’s… !!?”

[Maou/Michael/Daniel] “!!?”

Multi explosions comes right out of the blue, but it was not due to modern man, it was magic. The robed guy acted quickly and summoned a shield around the whole white house. Those outside the shield did not get the protection from the shield, the protestors… Once a raging crowd storming in to the house are all now burned corpses laying on the ground. It was all on camera. Burned corpses streaming to the public now have everyone in even more panic.

[Maou] “Shit! Those bastards…!”

[Daniel] “What!? Who are they?”

[Lucifer] “Terrorists.”

[Daniel] “What!? Since when can they magic.”

[Maou] “Not your terrorists fool. Magic terrorists. Once known as the Revolutionary Army.”

[Daniel] “What?”

Deep inside the dust clouds light of almost every color started of the rainbow to emerge. They were magic circles.

[Maou] “No time for explanations we have to act now!”

[Lucifer] “Miss Leviathan please take everyone to Queen’s place, we’ll meet you there!”

[Levi] “Understood!”

The factions begin to gather up the world leaders and explains to them the situation. Afterwards Levi opens the portal and tells everyone to evacuate. There were some troubled expressions mixed along the leaders, but they perfectly understood the situation and jumped in. The robed guy stayed and kept the shield active

[Michael] “Hero.”

[Daniel] “What!? What?”

[Michael] “At all cost do not reveal the truth of Ascending. A human ascending to an angel, that kind of information is very dangerous.”

[Daniel] “...”

Zoom* BO-BO-BOOM!* Sfx

[Terrorists] “ROAR!!!”

[Lucifer] “The shield will wear out any moment. Let’s begin!”

All three begins their chanting for the ceremony. It sounded so weird, it didn’t felt like a language at all. He did not understand anything they said. A magic circle begins to glow below Daniel’s feet. Surprised, he was about to take a step back, but was told to stay still. The glowing got even stronger and engulfed Daniel’s whole body. Daniel thought he was finally going to say goodbye to this world, but instead the unexpected happened. His body was changing, he could feel it. He’s body was growing, more fit. He seemed to have grown 3 more inches, but that wasn’t only thing it changed. His whole appearance was changing, he slowly began to lose his tanned skin and was turning to pale white. His hair was losing color as well, slowly turning as white as the color is. Lastly was his eyes, they were changing indeed, but in a very odd way. His dark pupils, they were disappearing.


[Daniel] “What…?”

As the transformation was ending the light engulfing Daniel’s body was slowly leaving. He still sees the 3 leaders and the incoming raid. Ticked off, he asks for an explanation, but was given a mirror.

[Daniel] “What…? What happened to me!? And what’s with my face!?”

Oh yes. Because of many reasons his looks changed and is quite handsome now, but since he has no pupils, it makes him look weird.

[Lucifer] “No time to explain. We will now send you.”

[Daniel] “But… I’ll stand out…”

[Lucifer] “That’s the plan.”

They begin to chant for the actual thing this time. Just like before a magic circle emerges below his feet, but this time, there’s a magic circle on his front, back, and above as well. Now the preparations are set. Michael closes in to him.

[Michael] “Listen carefully. We've stopped your body from aging.”

[Daniel] “!?”

[Michael] “Do not misunderstand. You are not immortal. You will die if you’re killed. We will send to the time you people know as the Bronze Age. Like we mentioned before we changed everything to hide it from you humans, we’ve also gave you gifts. It is not how you people know it. You will be sent 15 years before the end. And…”

Before Michael could finish, the shield disappears. Everyone turns to the caped guy, but he just stands there, doing nothing. With the situation so dire, they have to act fast.

[Michael] “Here take this. I have no time to properly explain it to you.”

[Daniel] “What is this?”

All of the sudden Michael gives me a scroll.

[Michael] “This scroll tells you how to awake your element. Without an instructor, it’ could be extremely hard, but since it’s you, you might handle it.”

[Terrorists] “ROAR!!! GET THEM!!!”

The terrorist are finally inside the house and approaching fast.

[Michael] “It’s time”

The light once again grows and consumes Daniel’s body. Though his brain is all over the place, he gives a nod, telling he’s ready.

[???] “Wait.”

[Daniel] “!?"

[A.N. End of FFX - Hurry. Sorry I had to

The robed guy approaches Daniel. His presence is so strong and terrifying that gives Daniel goosebumps all over him.

[???] “Before he goes, I need to tell him something.”

[Maou/Lucifer/Michael] “Understood.”

They respectfully accepts his request.

The caped guy closes in to him, bringing his face close to his ear, and whispers.

[???] “I am Hades, leader of the Underworld Faction.”

[Daniel] “W-What!?”

[Hades] “I need to make a request. Stop me, if you must, kill me.”

[Daniel] “...”

Left speechless. Hades gives his coat to Daniel and brings out a spell to turn it white, then tells the three to send him. Before the light completely engulfed his vision, he could see explosions behind them.

[Hades] “No choice…”


(Part 2)

Deep inside in total dark, Daniel’s mind resides. Daniel regains his consciousness.

Hmmh… Talk about such a weird dream… For me to go to a… Mmh? That’s weird. I can’t open my eyes. Actually, I don’t feel like I’m laying down on my bed or anything. What’s going on…?

Trying to figure out what’s going on, Daniel notices a light closing in, a very bright light.

Oh no… Not this again…

[Daniel] “Ah!”

He shots up awake, only to find himself in the middle of the forest. He now knows it was no dream. He was actually send to the past, to a world hidden from everyone else, his new life.


[Daniel] “Ow… They really need to tone down the brightening of their magic… Oh no! The scroll!”

Terrified he turned to look for his scroll and was right beside him. Relieving himself from such scare, he decides to put it away in his bookbag for now. Daniel knew this was no place to practice the scroll, he doesn’t know what creatures are swarming around this forest. But there’s a slight problem, his bookbag is gone. As he couldn’t find it, he yelped, he looked, only to end depressed.

[Daniel] “Oh come on… I guess I’ll hide in my robe. Wait… This is Hades’ robe…”

Ok… First let’s find a safe place for me to sit down and think things through. Step one find a village.

Finding a village won’t be an easy task. Daniel was put in the middle of nowhere. Doesn’t know how to find tracks or which way is North or South. He’s completely lost. He now wishes that he didn’t skipped boy’s camp. He had no choice to wonder off and trust his guts. He was as most attentive as he could and will react to any noise he hears. Hopefully he’ll hear some people passing by.

[Daniel] “...”

It’s been 3 hours since Daniel entered the forest and is now starting to get dark. He is now getting sick of seeing trees. Still no sign of people. Daniel didn’t know what else to do, at this rate he’ll end up eaten, until he heard something. Surprised, he turn where the noise coming from. It came from a bush not so far away from Daniel. Worried that it didn’t seem to be human, he walks away slowly. But noticing Daniel getting away, it comes out.

[A D Rank Night Rat has appeared!]

[Daniel] “What the…!?”

A humongous black rat jumped in front of Daniel in attack mode. Surprised at how big the rat is (about 3 feet tall), he was even more surprised at the random icon that appeared on top of the creature.

[Night Rat] “Grrrrrrr”

[Night Rat wants to battle you!]

[A.N. No I’m not making this into virtual reality. Keep reading :l]

[Daniel] “I don’t even know what to think of this.”

[Night Rat uses Dash!]

[Night Rat] “Shiah!!!”

The dark rat unleashed an immediate attack on Daniel. It unleashed an extremely fast dash at him. Daniel was barely able to dodge it.

[Night Rat attack missed!]

[Night Rat uses dash!]

[Night Rat] “Shiah!!!”

[Daniel] “Whoah! That was close.”

Ok whoever made this is really big fan of Pokémon. That aside, how the hell do I beat this thing. I have no weapon whatsoever and charges in like a bull, actually this little guy embarrasses that bull. Think! Think!

Night Rat keep attacking and Daniel kept dodging. They’ve been at it for quite some time. But Daniel was beginning to grasp the situation.

That red and blue bar… Every time that rat uses that attack the blue bar decreases. That has to be its MP… What kind of shity game is this… By the looks of it, it only decreases just a little bit after every use, so he can use it as much as he want with me…

No Daniel. You’ve seen his attack many times by now, it seems he only has that attack and only charges straight, even a kid would figure it out by now. There’s no way for me to fight sigh a fast attacks, there must be an opening somewhere. So far, everytime he does his attack, he steps back to gain ground and charges again. My best chance to attack is when he tries to regain his ground for his next attack. After I dodge his attack, all I have to do is close in to him when he backs up. That will startled the rat and give me a wide opening for me to attack it. If this plan fails, I’m warming up the bench.

[Night Rat uses Dash!]

[Night Rat] “Shiah!”

[Daniel] “...”

Awaiting for the timing. He jumps the side the avoid the incoming attack. The rat giving a disappointed feeling, he backs off like Daniel predicted. He wastes no time and sprints straight to the rat. Getting the rat off guard, before it could completely gain its ground, he was beaten down by his fist.

[Daniel] “!?”

Daniel notices its red bar decreasing after his attack. And with a sadistic smile, he merciless beated the rat until its bar was completely empty. Awaiting for something to happen, like disappearing in thin air, actually, it didn’t. Its body remained there without any sign of movement, the rat was dead.

[Night Rat has been defeated.]

Awaiting rewards like coins or exp, still nothing happened. Disappointed he sits down and takes a breather. For some reason he doesn’t really feel exhausted or hungry.

[Daniel] “What did those guys…”

[???] “That sure was something interesting to see.”

[Daniel] “!?”

A person shows himself after hiding behind a tree. Surprising Daniel, he takes his fists up.

[???] “Sorry if I scared you. I was passing by and noticed your fight with the night rat.”

[Daniel] “...”

[???] “Don’t worry. I was going back to my village after my expedition. I know it’s not smart to follow strangers, but I don’t think staying here for a night is any better. I could offer you a place to stay the night in.”

This guy is suspicious, but he’s right. I don’t want to end up being a midnight snack. Refusing to tell me his name makes things harder for me to trust, but I guess he’s being aware of me as well. For now I’ll follow so I’ll be able to practice the scroll. Without Magic, I’m defenseless as a puppy. And as for him, I’ll call him Villager A for now.

[A.N. Is it important to describe him? I mean he’s nobody important. I’m just imaging him to be like a regular villager would look like.]

[Villager A] “We should hurry. Night will come any minute. The forest will swarm the whole forest shortly after.”

Trying not to get behind and avoiding nightfall, I begin to wonder about him helping me. He seems no older than me… I’m sure he’s no thief, I don’t have anything valuable on me except for the cape. Maybe, he’s doing it out of stupid sense of justice. Instead of complaining about it, I should use it.

Finally exiting the forest. Up ahead there’s a hill. On top of it, there’s a small village. Villager says we’ll be safe there. Monsters don’t attack villages or towns. The reason is because they prefer to attack alone prey, they don’t dare to attack groups unless they are certain if they can beat them. Depise their looks they’re pretty smart.

Daniel gained a very useful information, but there was a problem. Daniel refused to enter the village. It wasn’t because he didn’t trust them, He’s guts were just telling him stay away from there, There’s also that awful smell coming from the village.

After hearing his complains, Villager A offered him to stay at a lookout hut down the hill used by the past residents. It is now abandoned and is the only place for Daniel to reside in, but since it’s kind of far from the village, there are some chances of him being attacked by the monsters.

[Daniel] “No problem. I’ll get through the night.”

[Villager A] “Whatever you say Lad. Here. Take this knife just in case”

[Daniel] “Thanks.”

Daniel was still pretty suspicious of Villager A, but he would be dinner by now if it wasn’t for him. He really meant his gratitude.

After leaving Daniel at the abandoned hut, they say their farewells. Now that that Daniel is in a safe(r?) place, he can finally put the scroll to practice. He opens the scroll and begins the read in day fall.

Magic is the key to access Earth’s resources. It is up to you to make full use of them for your benefactions. Magic is an art and to do art, you need imagination, be creative. Not only Magic is art, it has the power to become part of life. And the stronger your bond with magic, the greater it will be. Emotions will play a big part on your magic. It is recommended to use them according to your affinity. Fire = Bravery, Water = Calm, Earth = Wise, Air = Curiosity.

Your emotions will also determine your Magic. Magic is born on how you really are. If you don’t like how will you be, blame yourself and fate, not Magic. To call on your element, you need to accept yourself. Lastly, depend on Magic.

I see… So that’s why modern man can’t use Magic. They don’t depend on Magic. Magic is no longer needed.

The scroll was surprisingly easy to understand, but I might have some issues. How am I to be exactly? I’m not stupid enough to be risking my life, if that’s what you call bravery. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no coward, I just know my limits. Calmed? I’m a pretty calm guy, but If i compare it to Levi, it’s nothing. Wise? I can’t really call myself a genius or an idiot, so I guess not. Air? Of course I won’t let my curiosity kill me, but I am pretty curious about this world. I want to see what stores in for me, I would like to see things you would only get to red in books. Am I curious? To be honest I don’t a to be chained down, I want to be free to do what I want. is it possible? That curiosity is part of being free?

Well that wasn’t so hard to figure out heh? What? Thought I would have more trouble with this. Well I think so as well, but is not hard to know yourself if you think about it. Alright.

[Daniel] “I know what I am, I accept what I am, and I’ll live what I am! But for me to accomplish so, I need assistance from this mysterious world, full of possibilities. I need you.”

A white glowing white magic circle appears below Daniel’s feet after his incarnation. Following up, it greatly expands enough to cover the whole abandoned lookout. The hut begins to shake a bit rough, noticing, Daniel begins to smile.

I don’t know if this will work, but I can feel the magic completely linked with me. Everyone has their first times.

Daniel strongly concentrates on his right hand and begins to imagine. His body begins to get bright, making the hut shake even more. Even though it’s night, the whole hut is bright. After a few minutes of concentration, Daniel feels like he finally got a grasp on it.

[Daniel] “Ok! Come out!”

Daniel begins to concentrate his energy on the palm of his hand. The brightness seems to be converting to his hand as well, leaving the hut dark once again.

[Daniel] “I did it!”

After minutes of struggle, Daniel managed to summon a small tornado rotating on the palm of his hand. Extremely satisfied, he calls it off, but his feet gave out.

Sheesh… How pathetic. All that for such a small tornado. I’m satisfied either way. I should get some rest.

Daniel looked around and found a bed. Luckily enough there was a bed. Unattended for quite some time, but Daniel didn’t complain. Daniel laid on it and began to rest his eyes.

I don’t know if I should sleep. This place is not really safe, but today has been a really long day, though I’m not really tired. I guess I want to sleep like normal, just what did those guys did to me? Actually about everything that happened before I got here, it all happened so fast… I… don’t know what to think. All I know is too late to turn back.

I will live here, but not as that weak Daniel that got chewed and spit out. I will live as Houser, this way people in the future from here won’t get to catch my name from their books. Haha… Well tomorrow is the start of all.

And so he slept. Even though he had no fatigue whatsoever, he slept as soundly as a baby. Little did he know, not only this was the start of his new life, it was also the start of the Legend that will spread out in every dimension.

The Game system thing will be explained in further chapters. This world will be big. I might also make it into a nice mix of everything. My grammar is still messy, so I need an editor? Maybe? QQ

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