《Hidden World》Chapter 3 - The Three Factions Part 2


Man this came out so late. My bad. Next update should come wednesday morning. I don’t think I’ll be able to keep this daily e.e

(Part 4)

While I was going through that unpleasant trip again, on the way back, I started to notice a bit of a commotion when we were reaching the city. Ok, scratch that. A VERY big of a commotion. People were everywhere. It was just like a zombie apocalypse you see in movies. At first it was quite pleasant to see their misery, but it quickly became annoying.

I really want to get out here.

Finally back at the assembly, Daniel was greeted by the blue scaled woman. She introduce herself to him as Leviathan, Levi for short. For some reason, his insecurities felt the weakest around her compared to others, but the goody two shoes she gives still bothers him a bit.

Daniel greeted back and followed Levi to meet up with her group.

[Daniel] “Kind of noisy… What did you guys did to those guys? The gunfire keeps increasing, some explosions are popping up as well.”

[Maou] “...”

The angels are trying to suppress the angry mobs for me to embark off again. The fallen went out there to help, but it was still proven difficult for them to quiet them down without hurting them.

[Maou] “At least it went better than I thought. I never expected much from them anyways.”

[Daniel] “You things could have been worse? Perhaps you’re right… Anyways, let’s get on with it.”

Hurrying the demon queen, annoyed, she asks the weird skeleton-ish fella to activate the portal. Daniel was sure he was going to hell, not alive and so soon though. The portal looks exactly what you would imagined them to use for a demon invasion. Daniel is a bit worried though, he doesn’t really trust such a dangerous looking phenomenon.

[Maou] “So ready to…? Hoh~ Afraid huh?”

[Daniel] “...”

Annoyed by the demon looking down on him, he decides to jump in, but stops himself to think it over again. Already has lost her patience the Queen kicks Daniel to the portal, a small yelp could be heard before his whole presence disappeared.

[Levi] “Wait…! No! I still didn’t finish programming the portal for our hero to use it! Only demons are naturally able to use the portal, the portal will try to reject anything but us!”

[Maou] “Must have forgotten… We don’t usually have humans use our portal these days. Heh*”

The Queen chuckled as Levi snapped. Little she knew, she got smacked.

[Maou] “You… How dare you… to your Queen…!”

[Levi] “Shut up! We will talk about this later! We have to catch up to our hero!”

[Maou] “Ah… Yes!”

And so the Demon Faction jumped in.


[Daniel] “I can't breathe... Fuck... I need air…”

The whole trip lasted only 30 seconds, which were Daniel’s worst moments in his life. Desperately trying to gasp for air, which all resulted into worthless attempts. Daniel quickly analyzed his situation and knew the more he struggled the more he’ll have it rough. Trying to suck it up, he waited for all of it to be over, even though he thought he wouldn’t make it. Finally, he gets out the portal and lands with his back.

Thankful he didn’t land on his head and that he did not kicked the bucket in there, he tries to catch his breath.

[Daniel] “Gasp* Cough* Is this…?”

There it was in front of him. The Demon Castle. It had a dark miasma around it, a bit taller than the fallen’s but not in any better condition. Even with all that miasma, Daniel could tell the castle was breaking down. Trying to look around, he noticed the red sky above him and its 2 moons. He also notice some kind of huts circling around the castle, they are also in bad conditions, but not as much as those deeper down. The more they were apart from the castle the worse was their conditions. It was kind for Daniel to see, but he could notice piles of rubble deep down.


Unexpectedly, there were something coming out of the huts, the ones that are close by the castle. It appears to be the demons residents. A little startled, Daniel took a step back at crowd coming at his direction. Daniel was about to take defensive measures, but was interrupted when he notice the portal active again.

The demon leaders appeared. Angry, Daniel began to shout at them for the near death experience. Only Levi was the one desperately trying to apologize to him, the queen gave out a small grin, and the rest simply ignored him.

[Daniel] “Why you…!!!”

[Levi] “Wait Hero!”

[Daniel] “!!!”

For Daniel surprise, he was tackled by Levi. The startled Daniel lost his balance and fell to the ground. Before he could do anything, he had Levi on top of him, hugging him.

[Daniel] “Hey…! …?”

All of the sudden, Daniel felt so relaxed. Never in his life he was this relaxed. Also most of his awareness seems to have cooled off. The sensation Daniel he was feeling right now, he enjoyed it, he didn’t want it to end. He glanced at the glowing Levi and begin to put his arms around her.

[Levi] “W-What? Ah!”

With a small yelp, she jumped off of Daniel. Despite her age, she’s a lot inexperienced with men. Daniel hugging her was the last thing she expected.

[Daniel] “... What?”

[Maou] “Hey you. What do you think you’re doing to my underling?”

[Daniel] “...”

[Maou] “Forget it. We’re wasting time. Let's go.”

Confused at the situation that just happened. He glares at Levi only for her to shyly turn away. Not having any of it, he closes in. Surprising her more. The queen was about to hit him, but Daniel told her off by telling her to order her man to open the gates. The interiors were nothing special, actually it feels more like a cave than a castle. It is also very hard for Daniel to see, He looked in his bookbag for a flashlight, but it seems he’s forgotten it. Disappointed He tries to approach Levi again.

[Daniel] “I just want to ask you this. I’ll leave you alone after.”

[Levi] “About what I just did to you…?”

[Daniel] “Yes.”

[Levi] “It was the affinity of my element. “

[Daniel] “?”

Levi began to explain about affinities to Daniel. The magic consists of 4 main elements called Primary Elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Air. Those that comes from wonderful creativeness yet a bit dangerous from the Primary Elements are called Secondary Elements. They are the ones make completes the complete use of the plant. Next up is Exterior Elements. They aren’t linked to either Primary or Secondary Elements, outcasts to be precise. It’s Light and Dark magic.

Now Daniel thought she was getting a bit off point, but Levi continued.

[Levi] “You see Magic are like emotions. They make the personality of a person, well mostly. This only applies to Primary Elements. Fire makes one brave and sometimes a bit reckless, Water makes you gentle and calmed, Earth can make you intellectual and wiser. Lastly is Air, the element makes you carefree, explorius, curious.”

[Daniel] “So you kind of transferred this affinity of yours to calm me down?”

[Levi] “Yes… But I had to make some physical contact with you…”

[Daniel] “Don’t mind it. I didn’t really hate it. It wasn’t such a bad experience, though I don’t know what I was thinking when I hugged you.”

[Levi] “I-It’s not your fault…”

Levi shy expression actually left Daniel’s mind blank for a second. Oddly enough, even though just by looking at someone gets Daniel ticked off, he did not feel like that at all towards her. After so many years, Daniel actually gave out a warm smile. It was short, Levi didn’t notice, but the queen did, upsetting her even more.


[Levi] “What you also need…”

[Maou] “No need Levi. We’re running out of time. He can figure it out once he gets there.”

[Daniel] “...”

What the hell is her problem? Do they expect me to send me without knowing anything?

[Daniel] “Hey you. I need this kind of…”

[Maou] “Quiet Hero.”

[Daniel] “...”

The queen took him a hallway where portraits are lined up, 8 in total. it was called the Hall of Generations. Each portrait showed the queens that led the Demon Army since the first day of their rising. It caught Daniel’s eye that they all look very similar. Indeed that they were all redheads and extremely beautiful, but Daniel didn't care about them.He wondered about the 1st queen. She has no portrait under her name. Daniel asks about it. He was told nobody knows her appearance and when she passed away they couldn’t find any records of her. Now she’s more of a myth rather than demon history.

Takes a breather and asks.

[Daniel] “About that incident of darkness engulfing people. You guys said anything has darkness inside them. And you guys reek worse than those that were on the crowd. How are you guys even yourselves?”

Indeed Daniel was right. Demons have the most darkness you ever imagined inside them. A normal person wouldn’t be sane with all that. Then again these aren’t really normal.

[Maou] “Ever heard of evolution?”

[Daniel] “What about it?”

[Maou] “Evolution is the natural change for it to adapt to its environment. For us, Darkness.”

[Daniel] “I see… So where did you guys originate from?”

[Maou] “Isn’t it obvious? We were once humans.”

[Daniel] “!?”

[A.N. I made a little difference here. Ok a big one, but keep reading.]

Yo… That’s some kind of info you don’t get to get everyday. I thought they were making themselves look like or something. It didn’t really make sense for them to look humanoid up to now.

[Maou] “I guess I should tell you about our origins. You need to know that much anyway.”

[Daniel] (The lousy attitude of yours is discouraging me to listen…)

[Maou] “"We were no different from humans back then, we all came from animals. As soon as we evolved to humans, we fell victim to the darkness. Back then Darkness wasn’t an attribute, it was a plague. It consumed every one of us to our ends. But our ancestors survived by evolution. They slowly began to adapt to it. It took many centuries, and hundreds of thousands of deaths, but thankfully we pulled through. Today’s humans ancestor, in the other hand, were smart. They organized themselves and used unknown ways to travel. With their above average intelligence, they managed to avoid the plague. That’s how they did not have to go through what our ancestors did.

But then one day, one day that our ancestors thought will never come. The plague was over. We were finally able to reside in and live a normal life, even if the plague changed us completely. We still looked like we used to, but not completely. Some of us had horns, some had more legs or hands, some didn't even look like humans at all. What united us was our eyes, our deep red eyes. We were no longer human, but we didn’t care. We were just happy we made it. Even we were still living in our primitive ways and were behind humans, we were happy. Then confrontations began, a few years later, we’ve confronted humans. Shortly after, the first blood happened.

A startled human killed a demon when he freaked out on his sudden presence. The demon side was mad, but mostly sad and sorrowed for their fellow kin. At the end, it was called off as just an accident by both sides. But then this happened, the lover of the demon, that got killed, killed his killer. What made things worse is that it was in public, as people saw the furious violently, heartlessly demon killing one of his own, they began to fear us. And that was the start of it all, the years and years of pointless wars against the humans. At the end we lost, but we ‘rose’ up as the Demon Faction.”

Quite different from the story books. But the hate of humans towards the demons were spot on.

[Daniel] “At least you guys rose up. That should be good I guess.”

Why am I trying to confront this woman? I guess I’m sympathizing because they felt prey to human stupidity.

[Maou] “What being a faction? Hahaha... The only reason we've become a Faction, is because the other "groups" refused the idea of us being the same as them. This is just some title we've received to keep our existence.

[Daniel] “...”

[Maou] “I hate this title with all my soul, but not as bad as I detest humans! Because of you, my mother, the previous Queen, died. Because of you we are now in an dimensional space we’ve created to reside in. Our misery, our pain, our misfortune, it’s all because of you guys!”

[Daniel] “...”

That bitch finally took that out her chest huh? Talk about being professional. But for her…

[???] “My Queen please don’t strain yourself.”

The turquoise-ish scaled ikeman comes to support the over emotional queen. And “Strain”? What is she? An old lady?

[???] “Please give the Queen a moment to catch her breath. I’m sorry for not saying any sooner, but my name is Xian. Gene…”

[Daniel] “Shut up. I have to say something to Miss Queen.”

[Xian] “...!"

As Daniel closes in. The ikeman gets in front as to protect her. Annoyed, he tells him to move out of the way. That the queen just said something that he ain’t going to shut up about it.

The Queen thought he wanted her to take back all she said about everything being the humans fault. Ticked off, she awaits what he’s going to say. But for her surprise.

[Daniel] “You can hurt them, kill them, blame them, or detest them. I don’t give two rat shits about them, but if you’re going to group me with them, then we have a problem. The last thing I want to hear is being the same as those trashes. Did I make myself clear?"

[Everyone] “...”

[Maou] “Pfft* Hahaha* Just what are you? *Gahaha*”

[Daniel] (Why is she laughing?)

After stopping herself from her laughers, she orders everyone for our return to the assembly.

Daniel still has some concerns. About how both the Fallen and Demon faction end up in such a state. About their really low population. And how are they actually going to save this world.



Once again I didn’t get any information except of their origins. I think they want me to pity their sorry conditions. Right now I’m on my way to the castle. This time I’m keeping my breath, so the trip isn’t really painful this time. Thanks Levi. I didn’t really get to talk to the butler and old lady, I really wanted to say something to the robe person. is he even a person? I had the intentions but my guts were saying to stay away from him.

The last place is Fallen Faction’s HQ, aka Heaven. The last thing I expected to set a foot on. Man I wonder how many religious people will hate me for this.

I started to notice the end of the portal. This time I’ll land on my feet.

[Daniel] “All right. This place isn’t so bad if you get a heads up.”

[Maou] “I thought nothing surprises you.”

[Daniel] “Since when did I say that?”

[Maou] “You give that aura that you do.”

[Daniel] “...”

What’s with the sudden change of personality? Before I entered hell, she wanted to avoid me at all costs. Now she’s brightfully teasing me… Women sure are hard.

[Daniel] “Hey you.”

[Maou] “You know… The ‘Hey you’ is really getting annoying.”

[Daniel] “Hey Levi.”

[Levi] “Yes?

[Maou] “..."

[Daniel] “About the darkness inside me. Something is off. You guys said your ancestors went through a long and very painful evolution. But as for me, I don’t feel anything, much any different. Is there a reason for this?”

[Levi] “We do not know. Even we don’t fully understand it. All we figured out how to use it for our convenience.”

This is starting to bother me. I know this will bring some kind of trouble in the future. I have to search for answers when I go to the past.

[Michael] “Are you ready?”

Like I said again I have no interest, but I just want to get it over with. Though I do have some questions, but not to these guys, to him.

[Michael] “My lord we’re ready.”

[Jesus] “Good. Queen, if it’s not a…”

[Maou] “It’s ok. We’ll try to handle the situation till your return.”

[Jesus] “Thank you. We won’t take long.”

The way they talk to themselves feels a little bit off, though none of them are talking disrespectfully, Jesus seems to be careful to pick the right words with her.

[Michael] “Don’t mind if I do.”

[Daniel] (Oh no…)

Michael picks up Daniel and takes off to the sky. About to go through the same experience, Daniel just sucks it up and just wants it to be quick. For his surprise he didn’t feel skin peeling, actually nothing was happening. Michael was flying at a tremendous speed up to the skies. Wondering why, he looks around and notices some yellow phenomenon around both Daniel and Michael.

[Michael] “! You must wondering about that. It’s my shield magic. Like this you won’t have wind coming at you.”

Enjoyed that he’s finally receiving the treatment he deserves. As Daniel looks down, he get to glance an scene. He gets to see the whole city high in the sky, though there are various gunfires and noisy people fighting. Seeing them small like ants pleased Daniel, so this might be the best trip he had with these guys, not like the other 2 were pleasant at all.

Now that we’re on top of the clouds, I noticed Valkyrie doing some kind of dancing ritual. I could multi magic circles circling around her. When she cast off her spell, the circles merge into 1 and then moves forward. All of the sudden it expands, making a bright, a very bright, castle appears. A castle is actually pretty big, and when you compare it to the other two, they’re like caves, they don’t really deserve to be called castles or buildings. It also seems to be supported by yellow clouds. I didn’t know castles have pure hearts.

Stairs appeared out of the blue, but they seem holographic. Daniel could see clouds going through them. Unsure, he was told not to worry that they will hold his steps. Having seconds thoughts he takes his first step. Like they said, it did hold, but Daniel gasped as he saw a round wave, the ones when a droplet touches surface water.[A.N. I know there’s better wording than this… Now it seems pointless, but hey you guys said you wanted more details.]

[Michael] “Open up the gates.”

Finally at the gates, Michael orders his men to let us enter.

[Daniel] “...”

He noticed clouds inside the castle again. He began to wonder why the factions have stuff that shouldn’t be inside buildings. He looks around to see more angels and notices them coming forward.

[Daniel] “What the…”

Their eyes… They’re the same as the fallen. Everyone has them? Since hell was so dark I couldn’t tell if they were the same or not. What is going on? Also their numbers… 9… 10? Only 16 angels? Actually 15, because that old man doesn’t look like an angel.

[???] “You must be wondering about our low numbers.”

[Daniel] “???"

The dark skinned old man comes forward.

[???] ‘My apologies if i startled you. My name is Moses prophet of God.”

[Daniel] “...!?”

Hey… hey… hey… How is he alive? Wait, did I seriously ask that?

[Moses] “Though I’ve been offered to ascend as an angel many times, I’ve refused them all. At the end I’ve agreed to reside heaven. I don’t deserve this much treatment if I may say.”

Like hell you don’t. Isn’t he like one of the most faithful of the faithful to God? And you can ascend to an angel? that catches my interest the most. But I quite have the good impression of him now, his greed never took over even dead.

[Daniel] “I’m kind of tired of seeing depressed people. Could we move on?”

[Moses] “Very well. The reason because we took you here it was because of him. He awaits you in the Dream Chamber.”

Knowing who he was talking about, Daniel follows Moses, but…

[???] “Wait!”

[Daniel] “Before you go let me introduce myself.”

The odd angel takes out his hand waiting for a handshake. To get over with it, he takes his and shakes it.

[???] “My name is Samael. It’s a pleasure to properly greet you.”

[Daniel] “Ok…

Daniel doesn’t really anything about him, but he could feel some kind of uniqueness in him. He he only has 2 wings though and really doesn’t look like anyone special.

Then the promise with Naamah hit him. He was told not to tell anyone about her existence, especially from the angels. He also wondered about the angel she felt in love with. Though he didn’t really any information about him, he wondered if he was still alive. He seriously doubts when he looks at their numbers.

[Daniel] (He has to be dead I guess)

[Moses] “You’ll meet with him inside this room. We shall await for your return.”

[Daniel] “Got it."

Daniel enters the room mentally prepared only to be disappointed. The room was white, yes white, it didn’t feel like a room at all. It felt like a alternate dimension in nothingness. No sign of life, matter, nada.

[Daniel] “Hello? I had an appointment. To meet God? Hello?”

No response.

[Daniel] “I guess even him can be late.”

[???] “I was in front of you the whole time.”

A voice out nowhere erupts. Trying to figure where it came from , he notices something moving in the blank nothingness.

[???] “See? it was not hard to notice.”

A blank oversized floating ball came to his presence. Not knowing how to react he asks.

[Daniel] “Are you god?”

[God] “Yes. Is it not obvious?”

[Daniel] “No it really isn’t. Aren’t you supposed to be a lot more mighty presence? Come on, just looking at you makes me want to go home. I didn’t sign up for this.”

[God] “I have no presence. All this nothingness is me. I took a small piece of me and made it into matter for you to see me.

[Daniel] “You could have use some paint for me to notice…”

I wanted to ask him some stuff. Not the reason why he made my life so miserable. About the world ‘I’m saving’. About its magic.

[God] “I see… very well.”

[Daniel] “You…”

[God] “The 24th great granddaughter of the great Leviathan. Time sure passes by, so many generations have passed by. Back on point, she have already told you how Magic can make who you are. What me to fully explain it?”

[Daniel] “No thank you. I can figure that on my own. The more I’m told the more my reason to go to another world dies.”

[God] “How so?”

[Daniel] “What’s the point exploring a world you already know?”

[God] “I see. But there must be something you want to know.”

[Daniel] “You already know I want to know about the origins of Magic.”

Regardless of Daniel’s rude behaviour, God gives a cheery aura. You really can’t feel anything though out of him though.

[God] “Times were tough back then. There was no order, the food chain was a complete mess, and the wrath of nature. Earth did not turn out like the paradise I planned it to be. Instead of being a paradise to all living thing, it was hell. Even though I couldn’t really interfere with my creation, because changing fate always turns to the worse. Even so, I decided to interfere, my first, now we’re here today.”

[Daniel] “Hey…”

[God] “I know. I need you to get the full concept.”

[Daniel] “...”

[God] “I’ve noticed the high intelligence from the monkeys. I’ve seen some hope, despite all the horrible outcomes that might come.”

[Daniel] ‘?”

[God] “I sped up their evolution and mortify it a bit. Ever wonder why only you guys are so different? Because of me. I knew what would happen, I waited. Satanas came and did what I knew what he would do. He created the demons. Awaiting for their most intellectual point. I began to introduce Magic. My second interference.

Daniel didn’t really care not now. But he patiently waited for his answer.

[God] “At first I sped the evolution of fireflies and they turned into Fairies. Each of them had a different element of the main 4. And to aid their travels, I gave them magical dust to buff their wings. You call them pixie dust I believe.”

[Daniel] “Fairies…”

[God] “Again like I predicted Satanas interfered and introduced magic as well. This time I caught him by surprise. Demons could only use fire.”

[Daniel] “Why not hit the guy?”

[God] “He cannot touch me as I cannot touch him.”

[Daniel] “Wonderful”

[God “I thought I have completely won this round. Until it happened. A demon developed the control of darkness, Dark Magic. The prediction was very unlikely, but it happened. That person who created Dark Magic is no other than the 1st Demon Queen. You see, magic is the key to obtain earth assistance. I only wanted it to regain order. At the end, I lost to my own system.”

Talk about the unbeatable… Satan kept using his interference against him and even lucked out on one. Why make a system that you can’t even control. What were you thinking?

[God] “You see. Fate has many routes, no one can fully predict it, even me. Now you’re wondering why make a system I can’t control. The reason is simple. I did not want to control my creations forever, I wanted them to live their own lives. You all are my creations, I considered each one of you my children, even you. A parent has to let go the hand of his child when he’s all grown up. A child deserves to live.”

[Daniel] “You’re system failed.”

[God] “I’ve learned the hard way.”

Hmph. I can’t be mad at this guy, because he’s a victim. Still very dumb though, why expect so much from humans. You could have chosen a lizard or something.”

[God] “Maybe you’re right. But for now let's get on the main reason I summoned you. I’m sure you’re anxious to get to the past.

[Daniel] “!? Ah! How long did we spent here…”

[God] “Don’t worry this place is an alternate dimension I have full control of. Both times are different. For them we’ve been only here for seconds.”

[Daniel] “I guess. So what did you needed from me?”

[God] “I offer you Blessings and Divine Protections for your journey. I even offer you to master all 4 Primary Elements and the 2 exterior ranks. Along with many spells and mana.”

[Daniel] “!?”

For such things to be offered at him… He actually liked the idea and gave a small chuckle, but… wouldn’t that be boring?

[Daniel] “Didn’t I say I wanted to do things my way?”

[God] “I know, but I thought you would fall into the temptation.”

[Daniel] “What do you take me for? I’ll figure it out by myself.”

[God] (Good. Just like I predicted.)

[Daniel] “Well if that’s all I’ll be taking my leave.”

[God] “Wait.”

[Daniel] “Mmh?”

[God] “There’s one more thing I need to tell you.”

What do you guys think of my build up? Vol 1 will consist mostly of build ups. Vol 2 and when shit hits the fan (:

I know it’s too early to asks this, but any editors willing to help me T^T I’ll keep asking until someone recognizes me :P

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