《Hidden World》Chapter 2 - The Three Factions Part 1



[Daniel] (What do I do…)

Daniel has been now brought front of the Faction Leaders. Desperate, he tries to find a way out of this situation. He was just going with the flow, he honestly doesn’t really want to go, it’s too troublesome. His emotions were just taking over, he wants nothing to do with whatever they’re doing. He knows nothing good will come from it.

[Daniel] “Sigh*... Is there anyway I can get out of this?”

[Maou] “No. Your duty is now to succeed this mission. You will do this whether you like or not.”

[Daniel] “Is that how you ask someone for favors?”

I really don’t like this woman. She looks at me like I’m some kind of bug. It’s probably because in front of her I’m just another Human. I really hate it when I’m put in the same group as them…

[Lucifer] “Now, let’s try to be nice ok Baum-san?”

[Maou] “Hmph! Even if he has kindness in him, It’s still nothing compared to the darkness inside him. He’s too shady, should we even entrust the job to him?”

[Daniel] “How the hell does it look like I want to take it? If you don’t trust me, then perfect! Now let me go!”

As Daniel exclaims his complains, the crowd begins to get noisy again.

Ignoring the skull giants, they charged in at the gates again, demanding for explanations. Seems everything is still a joke for some of them and are just furious. Shots resume with deaths along and begins to take aim at the leaders. Fighting and killing increases more and more in a very dangerous rate. Security comes in to play. but are no use at all. They are trying not to harm them, but at this rate, they might have too. The skull giants begins action. They are pushing them back with their weapons, literary, and trying not to hurt them.

What’s with those guys? I don’t think confusion and denial can make you that crazy. It’s like madness is taken over them? I always seen Humans as Beasts, but this surpasses my expectations. It really is Madness… If I wasn’t brought alone here, I might have been shot by now…

[Lucifer] “Not good… They’re being consumed by darkness.”

[Jesus] “I’m on my way. I’ll purify them.”

He’s on his way to the crowd at max speed, which are not by feet, he’s flying without using his wings. What’s the point of having wings if you’re not going to use them? Just read on.

[Daniel] “What do you guys mean by being consumed?”

[Lucifer] “As you know, every living thing has darkness residing in them. As it increases time by time, your soul slowly begins to get consumed. Slowly, all your reasoning vanishes away, and you end up like that. In their case, they were suffering from confusion and fear, which are types of darkness.”

He points at the crowd, no longer sane. They roughly breathe with their mouths, eyes clouded, and heads hanging in a weird way. They no longer were humans, they were like soulless zombies. They just destroy anything and anyone in their way. As time passes by, more and more blood blood spills on the ground. They no longer see the light, only despair and darkness. Sirens from any station can be heard. No longer with any choice, the police and skull giants began to kill people to regain order. The whole place is in uproar, but it’s not the only one.

[Jesus] “Baum-san!”

[Maou] “Got it. My Lord, I ask you to please refrain your guards.”


[???] “Understood.”

[Daniel] (Lord?)

The Maou has polity asked the robe guy to stop his men. Her calling him Lord has gotten my attention.

[???] “Fall back for now.”

Following his order, the begin to slowly disintegrate until they’re nothing but dust.

[Jesus] “Thank you! Now... “

He ascends above the crazy crowd and spreads his wings and begins to enchant.

[Jesus] “I, who Guides you. I, who Loves you. I, who Commands you! Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, expose it! Let the Light guide you again, Holy Aura!”

Golden magic circle appears above the crowd, enough to cover every area. Considering the amount of people, the whole area is filled nothing but golden magic circles. The circle begin to glow and now snows little balls of light. As it touches the crowd, little by little, per ball, the dark aura begins to slowly fade away. The crowd stopped their track, dumbfounded. They never felt so safe ever in their entire life, to the point they begin shearing tears, their eyes slowly regains its light. Realizing what they were just doing, they fall on their knees, but they did not agonize over it. They feel consolation from the warm balls of light, instead of feeling down, they begin to pray and repent for their sins.

It was a really bizarre scene for Daniel. For that much chaos to fade away just like that, it was a really nice. As expected of him he thought, but then gets annoyed. He begins to recall his shity life. Turns out God and Jesus really exist, even so, why did they let him suffer that much when he never was a bad person at the beginning. Trying to conceal his feelings, he has a question.

[Daniel] “I don’t know why, but something is weird. I don’t think they could have gotten that scared or confused to end up like that. I also felt a similar feeling when you guys use your magic. I might be overthinking it, but did someone else did all these?”

Daniel is right on point. The situation was just too abnormal, even for magic. A malicious feeling could be felt right before the people began to lose their reasoning. Daniel knew it wasn’t natural, even though nothing is natural up to this point.

[Lucifer] “What a nice observation, as expected of our chosen Hero”

[Daniel] “Do me a favor. Don’t call me Hero, it’s disgusting.”

Daniel hates heroes to heart. They are just some goody 2 shoes, attention whores, that needs some laid, and mostly have stupid logic. For him to be put in the same group as them, there is just no way he’ll take it for granted.

[Lucifer] “Hahaha* For you to say it like that and look at me like I’m some nuisance, you sure are interesting. Most humans would fall on their knees in front of me, pleading for their lives.”

[Daniel] “Whatever. Answer my question already.”

[Lucifer] “Feisty aren’t we? Anyway, it has to be work from him.”

[Daniel] “Him?”

[Lucifer] “He has many names from you Humans, even mines. But he’s mostly known by the name Satan.”


[Daniel] “He exists?”

Now knowing what to think, Daniel asks for more information.

[Lucifer] “Of course he exists. Where there’s light, there’s darkness. He gets his strength by making people fall into darkness and consumes them.”

[Daniel] “But…”

I look at red hair woman. Wasn’t satan ruler of demons? Then why do those guys have her as ruler? Doesn’t make sense at all. They all have horns and tails just like your typical version of Satan.


[Maou] “Do you honestly think that we’re related to him?”

Slightly offended, she turns on him.

[Lucifer] “That’s just what Humans made up. His background is quite different.”

[Daniel] “If I remember correctly, he was expelled from heaven by God. He disobeyed god, if I remember correctly.”

[Lucifer] “Hahaha* That’s me. I was the only one stupid enough to disobey God, as punishment, he sent me down to Satan. I got my dark wings and hair from him.”

This is too different. I thought their wings turns black because they lost to their temptations, but the part of him being sent to hell is still the same.

[Daniel] “So is he after me? He probably doesn’t want the past to be changed.”

I knew it this was too dangerous. I need to get out of here.

[Lucifer] “I don't think so. This present won’t be changed at all, he probably is just seeing you off. “

[Daniel] “Why? Knowing his character, he would want every dimension to end up the same.”

[Lucifer] “His powers are limited, so there’s nothing what he can do about it. Plus, he’s satisfied as he is now.”

[Daniel] “Wasn’t he supposed to be more malicious?”

[Lucifer] “He certainly is. He’s just aware of his limits and is a little bit curious on how this might turn out. If not, he would have tried to stop us by now.”

Something just doesn’t feel right.

Anyway. According to him, Satan was really by his side. He won’t tell me what he really was and why was he kicked out, which made me a lot more curious. Satan is known as God’s enemy after being kicked out from heaven by disobeying him too much, yet Lucifer said ‘I was the only one stupid enough to disobey God’. If Lucifer was the only one to disobey God, then why was Satan kicked out? Also what about his other men? They must have gone through the same process, so why is he saying he’s the only one who betrayed God? These guys are hiding too much information from me. And they want me to help them...

[Jesus] “I am now done... We should get moving by now.”

After leaving tons of people now preaching, he comes back to the assembly.

[Lucifer] “Are you ok? That level of darkness was no joke, same for the affected amount, it must have taken a lot of Holy Magic.”

[Jesus] “I’m ok… What’s more important is our Hero.”

Annoyed, he was about exclaim, but something hit him.

[Daniel] “Wait… You said that if a lot of darkness swells up inside you, you’ll lose lose your consciousness, then why am I still alright? Didn’t you say you saw a lot of darkness inside me?”

Daniel also wondered about the demons. Shouldn't they be the same? He decided to ask them that later.

[Lucifer] “That’s what got us so interested in you even more. We were actually going to eliminate you, your level was way above the charts.”

[Maou] “Yet you were still acting normal. When we checked inside you, everything reeked nothing but darkness. It was so bad to the point we were going to suffocate, but we noticed something as we were leaving.”

[Lucifer] “Light. Warm and kind light is residing inside you in middle of all that darkness.”

[Maou] “That still doesn’t cut how you’re still alright. We concluded it was due to stubborn will.”

[Lucifer] “That’s what made us decide you are the right one for the job.”

To be chosen from such pitiful reasons. Why do these guys even expect help from me? Actually why am I refusing a deal to enter a new world and start anew? I don’t want to stay here at all and what’s about to happen now will just make it a lot more noisy.

[Daniel] “Can humans use magic as well?”

[Lucifer] “Of course. Just like any human dreamed of.”

Interesting… I actually want to learn more about that world. Those guys look like won’t tell much, so I guess I would have to learn everything there. I have no interest in Human history though, I want to know more about those creatures that supposedly were just made up by our heads.

I can use these guys. I guess I’ll just go their way, I pity them though. The one who supposedly was to help them, takes advantage of them for his own benefit. Am I any different from human trash? Yes. These guys did nothing for me, so why do I have to help them? Also to risk my life for them? Screw that! Would you do it if you were in my shoes? It’s their fault for asking a stranger they just met.

[Daniel] “Ok. I’ll accept. I am very interested in going there, just to get out of this shithole.”

I am trying my best not to smile, I know what kind of smile will be. I know these guys aren’t that stupid, they’re fully aware of my intentions.

[Lucifer] “Wonderful! But first we need to do something.”

[Daniel] “What is it?”

[Lucifer] “We first need to take you on a tour to our bases.”




Daniel finds it very amusing for him to visit where they’re stationed, but what has his interest the most is the Fallen Faction’s. Though most of it will be wrong, some of the stereotypes of hell and heaven will be correct, he’s not really looking forward to see them.

[Daniel] “Is that so… Guessing from our situation, I guess it has be to be now. If so, can I check your place fist?”

[Lucifer] “Of course. I was planning to take you first anyways.”

And so he orders his men to gather up for introductions.

[???] “Pleasure to meet you. I am what you call Azazel”

This guy should really act his age… He looks around his late 30s and is dressing like some sugar boy. Just looking at him makes me want to throw up. He has short hair(finally a dude with short hair) and is pretty tall, he looks around 6’3 tall.

[???] “My name is Barakel. Proud member of the Fallen Faction.”

I can’t tell either he’s old or young… He has a lot of facial hair and a really big build, but fair skin can be seen behind all of that hair. His hair is really complex, looks like a barbarian commander style from the games. Again, He’s really tall, about 6’5 tall I believe.

[Azazel] “You should introduce yourself as well.”

He speaks off to the 4th guy.

Nothing special about him. He has short hair and has a straight up face. 5’11 tall I believe and is decently built. But there’s something off about this guy.

He comes onto my face, was about to hit him, but…

[???] “Sorry I don’t want anyone else hear me. I put on a sound barrier for me to introduce myself.”

[Daniel] “Did you really had to come so close to my face? Personal space is not a thing for you fallen angels?”

[???] “Yes, sorry.”

He grabs Daniel’s head and closes in his ear. Daniel can feel his breath touching his neck. Trying to control himself, he realizes something, he doesn’t really feel uncomfortable by it. He still finds it annoying though.

[???] “My name is Naamah.”

Now that I pay attention, isn’t his voice a little too feminine? He looks pretty masculine as well.

Naamah backs off and sets off his/her barrier. He/She returns to the group.

[Lucifer] “We can talk about Naamah later. Barakiel please take him with you.”

[Barakiel] “... Yes my Lord.”

Unwillingly, he suddenly picks up Daniel by his shirt and spreads his wings.

[Daniel] “Hey… You can’t be serious…”

[Lucifer] “Sorry, but there’s no time. Barakiel will take you with him.”

Ugh… I’m starting to regret my decision, too late to fight them off...

The fallen angels begin to flap their mighty wings. It was quite the scene as you their wings blows the ground for the ascend. It only took about 5 flaps for them to be up to the skies. Unlike the angels, the fallen actually uses their wings.

Now that they’re up, they begin to blast off incredibly fast. It was enough to break the sound barrier. Amazing, yes. But for Daniel, nope. You could literally see his skin being pulled back. Normally this would kill the person, but this is a web novel so no worries. Though Daniel was really agonizing in pain.

[Daniel] (When is this going to stop… I’m going to die… This shit hurts… I shouldn’t have agreed…)

After a few minutes. We’ve finally arrived.

[Daniel] (One of the worst minutes of my life… I wonder how many years of my life has been lost in that…)

Barely able to stand, Daniel finally captures the scene.

It was a small green island. The whole surrounding was literally all green. A lot of wildlife can be seen throughout the whole island, but it was not any regular wildlife, it was filled with extinct species. Daniel couldn’t tell because he doesn’t really know much about wildlife, but he can still feel some kind of unique feeling out of them.

After a few minutes of walking through the forest. A volcano can be seen, but that didn’t grab his attention, it was that silver castle right next to it. The place is really noisy due to the variety of animal cries. I hope i come out of this place in one piece.

[Lucifer] “Our apologies for such a rowdy trip. Hopefully you didn’t swallow any bugs on the way.”

[Daniel] “Why you… Forget it. Can we just get on to it and leave this island?”

[Barakel] “You watch your attitude!”

Barakel approaches and helds Daniel up by his shirt. A little shocked at first, he immediately shows a grin to intimidate him. Now angrier than before he raises his fist at him. Quickly reacting, he reaches his bookbag and takes out a scissor and immediately jams it to Barakel’s hand to set himself free. Screaming in pain, Barakel takes a step back, but Daniel wastes no time and makes a low kick to the ankle to make him lose balance. Daniel knew he couldn't hurt such a buffed guy so decides to shove his fingers to his eyes. Right before he could do it, he was stopped by lightning tightening around him.

[Lucifer] “That's enough both of you. Barakel restrain yourself!”

[Barakel] “...”

[Lucifer] “And for our dear hero. I would like you not to harm my men. That was a lot of bloodlust you just showed towards Barakel."

[Daniel] “What? He all of the sudden grabbed me and raised his fist towards me. All I did was self defense. And don’t call me “dear” it’s creepy man…”

[Lucifer] (This human… To catch Barakel off guard like that… He perfectly understood the difference in their strength, so instead to fight him head on, he used despicable methods. I never thought a human could surprised me like this. He might actually save us, or doom us…)]

Like hell I was going to let that asswipe push me off like that. But when I think about it, I was being stupid. That guy could easily killed me, good thing thing I lucked out of that situation. People like that don't get to live for long, I should be more careful.

[Lucifer] “We’re wasting time. Quickly lets go. Azazel carry our hero.”

[Azazel] “Understood.”

The group heads to the castle. On the way way Barakel wraps his injuries, feeling quite taken back. Never in his life, he could have thought that a regular human could have dominated him so easily. He’s angry again, but not at Daniel, at himself.

Reaching the castle, Azazel orders the guards to open the gates. Daniel looks at the guards and notices something weird about them. Trying to not overthink it, he passed the guards and entered the castle, just to feel more uncomfortable. It wasn’t the plants all over the place, or that there are also animals inside, it was the fallen angels. They were just pitiful to watch, which was a little annoying to Daniel, especially their eyes. Their eyes were as cloudy as storm cloud, as if, they have no purpose to be even alive anymore. Actually, they don’t actually look alive at all. But there were some smiles emerging as they pet the animals or glare at the plants.

[Lucifer] “Excuse the view. But as you can see, we enjoy life.”

[Daniel] “Yes…”

Why are these guys ok? I dont really want to involve myself in such a messy situation.

[Daniel] “You guys sure live at such an unexpected place. At least a little refined, but this place is a mess. And kind of small… I thought there would be a lot more of you. But I only see about 30 of you.”

The place looks thousand of years old and would fall any time. There’s no way this could actually be their home.

[Lucifer] “I bet you’re thinking that you expected more from us.”

[Daniel] “...”

[Lucifer] “Well of course, we used to live in the Angel kingdom. Such a peaceful place but with lots of rules, nobody questioned them though. But… Even the most faithful and loyal, would have some questions. In my case, curiosity. That curiosity was the reason why I was expelled from kingdom. Because of it I got my friend Azazel involved as well. Barakel was born a fallen and Naamah fell long before me and Azazel.”

Naamah approaches Daniel. He/She has been quiet throughout the whole trip.

[Naamah] “I fell by trying to fill the gap in my heart.”

A golden magic circle appears below Naamah’s feet. The illusion spell was deactivating and what Daniel sees now is a woman. Taken back by not the fact she’s a woman, but her lack of clothing. She only wore a dark underwear with some armor around her waist and chest to cover those two areas a bit? She looks like a character made from a guy who can’t make anything original and uses porn to cover it up.

[Naamah] “I had a normal life like any other angel. But one day, I started feeling empty, I tried to ignored it, but I felt even more empty as time passed by. I’ve had enough, so I went out looking what was I missing. It was pointless, I did not even know what I was looking for, until I met a human. Feeling no interest towards the human I decided to leave him, but he stopped me. He seemed like he wanted to talk to me. I messed up enough for letting him see me, but if the kingdom finds out I was spending time with a human, I didn't know what would happen. But he convinced me to stay for the night, it’s not a good idea to travel at night, especially if you’re an angel. But the human tricked me, he was after my body. He used an item that seals my movements and was soon violated by that man. But instead of agonizing, I was kind of happy, the more he used my body for his pleasures the more my heart filling up. I did not feel empty anymore.

After finally figuring out my problem I voluntarily did it more with the human. I finally thought I was cured until I felt something still missing. Trying to figured out why, I concluded he was not the one, so I left him and began my search. I tried with anything, the young or the old, even women, with different species, monsters, everything. Took no time for the word of lustful angel reached the kingdom. After being captured by them, they expelled me and threw me off. I thought I should be sad, but I wasn’t. I knew I was totally free to my search and so continued with it. Many years has passed and nothing. I was unlucky enough to be caught up in a human war. I was saved by an angel. I don’t really want to talk about the rest… But he was the one that made me realize that I was looking for love, not lust. My lust just blinded me from the truth.”

I wonder how much sex this bitch had. But man, after all that just to find out you were doing things wrong? Well shit.

[Daniel] “Didn’t you say you were the only one that betrayed God?”

[Lucifer] “Well in my case. It was voluntary.”

[Daniel] “Makes sense."

[Lucifer] “But Naamah existence has me made wonder various things like the fact she was expelled before me. When me and Azazel were expelled, we thought we were the first ones.”

[Naamah] “I thought the same as well when I was expelled. And… The angels have completely forgotten us.”

[Lucifer] “Yes… When I encountered some old companions for the first time after falling, of course they glared at me as their enemy, but also like a complete stranger. I never questioned it until I met Naamah.”

[Naamah] “We concluded that when you are expelled. All memories of you are erased from their heads.”

That’s pretty low and clever of God. Like this, the angels don’t have to hold back against them, but the fallen would if they fought someone they knew.

[Lucifer] “And now how we ended up here on this island. You see after we were first expelled from Heaven all of us were scattered around, nobody knew who to turn to or what to do. Slowly more Fallens were expelled and more they perished after, we were dying, so I had to do something. Me and Azazel bengan to gathered up as many of us fallen as we could. We found this island to reside in and decided to make a settlement, a place where we can belong. When we finally found our island to reside in, the Angel Faction was strongly opposed to this and decided to attack us. Because you know, they detest us. Finally God told them that he accepts our settlement, to leave us be. Though God ordered such, we were still harassed by them. Then we decided to use Illusion magic, and hide our island. But as we grew more and more, we weren’t so scared anymore, and so we rised up as the Fallen Faction.”

Daniel was impressed by his determination, but he had a question.

[Daniel] “How did you guys end up at such a sorry state?”

[Lucifer] “Ha… That I might not tell you, you’ll find soon enough. You see… we did a lot of unspeakable things that I want out of my head already, but I can’t… Everybody makes mistakes in life, but I don’t even deserve to say I regret mines. We all played a big role in the current situation we are in now. Nobody is not guilty.”

[Daniel] “You people sure had it rough.”

[Lucifer] “We did our best to survive. But the ones who truly had it rough might be the demons, everyone hated them, even us.”

[Daniel] “...”

[Lucifer] “We better be off now. Miss Queen wouldn’t like us to be late. Kind of disappointed though, I didn't get to properly give you a tour.”

[Daniel] “I’ve seen enough”

I knew this was just a small portion that they want me to stop from coming. Though I’m not really interested why I should help them. I just want to visit the past world. I may sound like a selfish dick, but I’m just a normal person. I’m not some goody two shoes that will run to the rescue of those in need, not to mention the ones I’ve just met. I’m not willing to risk my new life like that, it’s stupid. But who knows, life never goes my way anyways.


(Part 3)

[Back at assembly right after Daniel left with Fallen Angels.]

[???] “Brother…”

The remaining factions gathered up with world leaders to discuss about the upcoming plans. Each one of them has a complex expression. The know how absurd and nearly impossible is for every human to come to accept such terms. But if it succeeds, then perhaps the world would last longer.

It was finally announced to the public on what the factions have in store for them. They want to slowly abandon their technology, their cultures, and civilizations. They want them to depend on them, to let them guide them. Lastly, to reintroduce magic to them.

In other words, they want them to go back to the good old days. Instead of them ruling themselves, the three factions will have completely control over all existence in the world. A communist party to be precise, but a slightly different. Each world leader will speak for their nations, will have influence but will not have control. Their jobs is basically to give out opinions.

In the past civilized humans had several leaders with total power over their people. Every time they get a new leader, either they’re terrible, descent, or very wise. Humans was not a stable race. Though it didn’t work out for them back then, now is different, the factions will rule. The best course of action for now is to strip the freedom of humans. Freedom will not help at all. They were assured they will have not a rough life with them.

You could guess what came afterwards. Disagreement. Surprisingly, there were a lot of people agreeing, but it was still too small for the opposing party. Later on that disagreement turns into a protest, then quickly into a revolt, and finally total chaos. Everyone were all over the place, fighting, stealing, etc.

The factions tried to calm them down, but all was useless effort. Nobody will listen this time. Their hope of this world was about to die off.

Far away. A dark figure chuckles as he watches the sceneries.

[???] “Oh my… I wonder what will they do now~ Ka ka ka*”

Currently unemployed... Yay me... The second part will come tomorrow.

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