《Hidden World》Vol. 1: Chapter 1 - Revelation


(Part 1)

There were murmurs all over the crowd outside the White House. They were trying to figure out what is so shocking for them not to handle. Some were scared, some were not. There’s some that actually lost interest and left the crowd. The media, of course, wastes no time and finishes setting up all the recorders, cameras, and mics.

Daniel, somehow, managed to squeeze through the crowd and has reached at the very front.The heat doesn’t make things better for Daniel, he really wants to leave due to it, but sucks it up and waits for the assembly. Honestly, he doesn’t really expect much from it, he’s just using it as excuse to skip out work.

Daniel is decently tall. He’s 5’11 feet tall. Not much from an average american, but it’s pretty tall for his family tree, actually only for his mother’s. His Mother’s family tree is from Puerto Rico, while his Father’s tree are Black Americans. How they first met was a total mess, but they somehow ended up together at the end.

3 years later from their marriage, Daniel was born. He got his mother’s hair and skin color, but he got his dad’s not so good looks. He got rid of the problem by doing many things to look nice. At first, Daniel liked everyone. He was pretty sociable, active, smart, and fun. That all changed at the second semester of his 7th school year.

6 years later after Daniel being born, his little brother came to world. He got alot of black male traits. Such as: The hair, skin, and height. With his mother’s stylish looks, smooth light skin, and luminous brown eyes, he’s pretty handsome. He really looked up to his big brother and always followed him, even through those times. That stopped when Daniel left the house.

Now he’s 6’1 feet tall. He’s a Honor student of one the best schools in the state and is guaranteed to be the most successful person in his time. He’s so good, that he even got on tv. Almost nobody in the city doesn’t know about him.

After everyone patiently and curiously waiting, 20 minutes has passed by. It is now time for assembly. Cameras all over the place are set and ready. Everyone quiets down and are now fully attentive.

[Daniel] (Nothing is happening. No sudden change with the leaders. Maybe those guys who were supposed to be here by now are late?)

It’s already been more 3 minutes and still no change. Those idiots are now beginning to protest at the leaders, asking what’s going on. For them to be this loud at the leaders, don’t they know there are some really dangerous people mixed along with them? Their stupidity never fails to amaze me.

I can see the leaders starting to get worried, but they still trying to silently wait. They are talking among them very suspiciously and makes one of them step up.

[U.S. President] “My apologies. They should be here soon by. I ask each of you for a bit more of your patience.

[Crowd] “Murmur* Murmur*”

[Daniel] (It’s too hot… Maybe I’ll watch it at home with my Tv. Sucks though, I kind of wanted it to see it in front of my eyes.)

Daniel decided to leave and went off his way home, but was shortly stopped. He began to feel chills that reaches all the way to his spine. Alerted, he turns around and sees his world turning upside down.

He notices 4 people descending from the sky and lands in front of the leaders. What gets his and pretty much everyone else’s attention is those dark wings behind their backs. Their wings is as dark as a crow’s and are big enough to be dragged. Such refined wings those guys have. Just by looking at them, you can tell they’re strong and part of their flesh. There’s just no way they’re fake.


Daniel tries not to think so much about those wings and waits for them to speak.

Those guys are literally almost all black. Black hair, black eyes, black clothing, and even black nails. The only thing that isn’t dark is their skin, they’re fairly pale. All of them also are wearing the same weird dark clothing, except for one. One of them, who seems to be the oldest, is wearing a V-shaped shirt. Because of it, most of his chest can be seen.

Whoa… Are these guys models? Though they look around in their 30s, they all look like women predators. Actually… all the women are already having thirsty expressions on their faces. I guess that’s normal.

After introducing themselves to the leaders, one of them steps up, leaving dumbfounded men and panty dropped women anxious.

The guys has really nice silky hair that reaches up his neck and covers most of the left side of his face. He looks no older than 27 and is pretty much every girl's’ dream boy. Can someone even be that pretty? Make him wear a dress and he could pull off a gender swap.

[???] “I’m sorry, but I cannot introduce myself yet. We’re still waiting for 2 more arrivals. Please bear with us.”

That’s a pretty heavy accent he has there, it’s almost like he’s from Royalty. I begin to notice silver rings, earrings, and a necklace. He might really be from Royalty, but those wings still bother me.

[Male 1] “Wait!”

It begins.

[Male 1] “What kind of sick joke is this!? Are you mocking us!?”

[Male 2] “He’s right! How can the White House make fun of our Lord like this!”

[Male 3] “They're doing some satanic symbolism! That must be it!”

I knew it would come down to this. Religious protest, so pointless. I don’t really care what they believe, but they can get annoying at time like this.

[Female 1] “What’s your problem!? Sure they’re weird dressing up like that, but that still doesn’t mean to get so serious about it.]

[Female 2] “Yeah! Leave those cuties alone!”

[Male 4] “Shut up bitch!”

[Female 2] “Huh!?”

[Female 3] “Let them talk!”

[Male 5] “No! I won’t let them mock us!”

[Crowd] “Argue* Argue*”

This is too painful to watch. The women are protecting them since they’re hot, but the men gets furious because of their beliefs.

Ignoring the crowd, Daniel waits as the leaders tries to calm the crowd down. Having no success at calming them down, a sudden chill stops their yapping.


(Part 2)

[Daniel] “This is…!?”

A phenomenon appears out of the blue, before the leaders, and something begins to come out from it. Having everyone’s eyes wide opened.

People with dark horns begin to appear from the portal look-alike-thing…

Of course! That has to be it! Either I’m just too tired or the sun is fucking my brain…


Daniel, that’s pretty much rejecting everything he’s seeing, looks at the horned people. He notices 5 horned people and 1 wearing a robe. But what got his attention the most were their eyes, they were deep red. Just by them piercing you with their eyes, would make you feel as inferior as a worm.

Their skin color were weird as well. The silver haired one was the weirdest looking of all. He, could barely tell since he looks really feminine with that long silver hair, has dark turquoise-ish skin color. He also has a horn like thing sticking out of each arm. He has red and black dragon-ish scales all over his upper body. It does not look like clothe wear, it’s as if it’s part of his skin. He’s wearing red gloves with a black sleeve and is wearing some kind of shoulder protector you would only see in games. Same goes for his legs, black pants and is wearing some kind of protector on his waist. He’s wearing no shoes, I can tell because his feet is full of red scales and has a horn at the back of each feet.


What comes next to him, in terms of weirdness, is a blue hair fish scaled woman. Her dress is a pain to describe… Don’t look at me like that. Do I look like I know a lot about fashion? Anyway, it’s all sparkly blue and mixes very well with her hair.She looks around her late 20s and is quite the beauty, totally an onee-san type. The only thing out of place seems to be her eyes, they don’t mix so well with all that blue.

The others look awfully humanoid. There’s a red hair woman with a red dress and is wearing a fur coat on top. She really, REALLY, looks very similar. I swear on my grandma’s sixth toe, I saw her somewhere before.

The next one is an old man with a butler suit. He doesn’t really look that old, but you could still feel he’s almost the age of your grandfather. He has a very stirm posture and looks like a total professional. If it wasn’t for those horns and eyes, he would look like a normal human.

The last one is another old lady. Her back has already given up on her already and is using a cane to support her. Same red eyes and horns, but is wearing an old dress like any other normal old lady. She’s pretty short as well, she seems to be about half my height.

I can’t identify the one with the robe covering his body, but I can notice some skull like features. Maybe I’m thinking so much. He has no red eyes, he has yellow eyes glowing.

Everyone waits for something to come up, but the horn creatures ignore them and go to their positions. They stand on the left in front of the leaders, the dark winged creatures stand on the right.

The crowd, noticing being just ignored, begins to protest even more angrily. It got so bad that security had to come in play and hold the angry mob away from the gates. It was no use. How can some merely guards hold almost the entire city off? The mob finally enters the white house.

These guys are idiots… Be a little more prepared will you?

Daniel tries his best to get out of the way of the mob, but still gets drag along with it. Annoyed, he begins to hit everyone out of his way, but it was too late. He is already inside and

[???] “Ring of Dream: Sonámbulo”

The robe guy from the horn group steps in and shows a purple ring from his finger to the crowd. It didn’t took long for them to stop their tracks. They seem to have fallen in some kind of spell. Their eyes, they’re lifeless. It’s as if they have gotten their souls stolen away from them. Following along, the crowd begins to back away and exit the entrance, Daniel mixed along in it.


[Daniel] (What just happened? What was that weird feeling from just now? And wasn’t I inside the house?)

After snapping out of it, he tries to figure out the situation.

That was very weird. If I remember correctly, the robe guy step in front of them and showed us some kind of ring. I may have imagined it, but was that a skeleton finger I saw with the ring? Just who are these guys…

While Daniel is confused, then something happens again that makes everyone shiver.

On the ground, yes the ground, something begins to crawl its way up. But that wasn’t the most terrifying, it was their hands. It was big enough to carry 3 people in it and are made of nothing but bones. Its head finally is out, making everyone scream out loud.

[???] “Sorry. But If I don’t do this much, you people won’t quiet down. Now please wait for the next arrival.”

He threatens everyone to quiet down and wait as he summons 4 of those skeleton like creatures for each corner of the house. They are 10 meter tall skull creatures and each are carrying a weapon. Leaving the crowd shitless and mouths wide opened.

Panicked, those who are carrying weapons with them, opens fire at them, Murica style. Their mere bullets had no affect whatsoever on the skull creatures. The horn and dark winged people were worried about the leaders and set up a barrier to protect them all.

This is… Ok. This is too much for me to swallow, really too much. Just what is going on!? That was magic right? That has to be magic! There’s no other way for me to understand the situation, so it has to be that. According to my Fantasy reads, that was Summoning Magic and a Protection Barrier. The robe guy must have used some kind of mind control magic. So it has to be all magic… Just what am I saying...

The media, being the media, still films everything that’s happening. There’s huge scale of phone calls on every Media office there is in the world. People from afar were scared, some ignored it, some agonized over it. Chaos was reigning over and it takes no brainer to know the whole world is turning upside down.


There’s still one more arrival to go.


(Part 3)

Man… All this tension is killing me to the point I can’t even feel the heat. At least everyone is now quiet and stopped shoving onto me. Now we’re waiting for the next big guys to come. Now that I think about it. Fallen Angels, Demons, and lastly… Yeah it’s kind of obvious what’s coming next…

How do I know they are Fallen Angels and Demons? I mean just look at them. What else can they be? I’m not that stupid.

A few moments later.

Everyone began to notice something coming above the skies, leaving them speechless. While Daniel was giving a ‘See? I told you so’ expression, they now landed in front of the leaders and the other two groups.

There it was, what made everyone fall to their knees, luminous white wings could be seen. They were big enough to be dragged as well and made tears flow down from the crowd’s eyes. Almost everyone are now on their knees and thanking the Lord and such.

No doubt about it. So these are Angels. Very interesting.

They are 6 total of them, but there are 2 of them with no wings. All of them were still amazing beings.

A six winged man with a white robe covering his face got his attention the most. Brown hair could be seen behind the hood. It was pretty obvious who it was.

There’s another six winged man. He has yellow hair, yes yellow not blonde, and warm blue eyes. He’s actually pretty tall and thin. He’s wearing golden shoulder armor pads that’s big and and seem very heavy for his body to handle. A white cape is attached to it and is wearing white clothing with golden designs under it.

I can’t tell his gender… He’s the most feminine of all. He’s too feminine to the point I might actually go for him. His body looks very slim as well. I don’t even know why I’m calling him ‘He’. My guts, for some reason, are telling me to.

Moving along.

What comes next is a 2 winged brown hair woman in golden and silver armor. She has a silver sword and shield. She looks very familiar, never mind, scratch that. It’s her! Holy shit! She’s famous as fuck, specially for gamers. She is a Valkyrie! Damn I never thought I would get to see something like this in my entire life. She’s also beautifully sharp and looks like would slay any beast in front of her eyes. She’s exactly like I imagined her to be. I don’t want to wake up from this dream.

What’s gets my attention after Valkyrie-san is that dark skinned man. He has no wings, actually he looks like a normal old man. He has a long wooden cane which it isn’t really used as a support cane, it looks more like a staff. He’s wearing rags of cloth, doesn’t really deserve to be called clothe wear. He seems like someone from ancient civilization. He also looks like your average senile citizen.

The other two are seems nothing special. Blond hair, white clothing, and two wings. I can’t really recall their faces, I don’t really know much about the bible.

[Male 1] “What are you all doing calling these guys our saviors. They’re all fake along with those other satanic symbolism. They are just mocking us!”

[Male 2] “What are you talking about? You’ve seen everything they’re doing. How can all these be false?”

[Female 1] “That’s right. How can you explain all of that? Also the fact that all the leaders on this world are here!?”

[Male 3] “She’s right!”

[Female 2] “Bullshit!”

[Crowd] “Argue* Argue*”

Ignoring everyone again. the angels introduce themselves to the leaders and the other 2 groups. Now that everything is done, 3 people step up.

[???] “Greetings fellow brothers and sisters. I am Jesus, son of God, leader of the Angel Faction.”

[???] “Greeting Humans. My name is Lucifer, betrayer of God, leader of the Fallen Faction.”

[???] “My name is Ulyssa Baum Adler, the 8th Queen of the Demon Faction.”

The robe 6 winged man, the silky black hair dark winged man, and the red hair woman introduces to the world. A deep silence follows after their introduction, for such silence to be happening in a big city like these and having its people gathered at the same place. Of course, Daniel was shocked as well, but his interest trigger after a few moments.

[Lucifer] “I know this is sudden, but please hear us out.”

[Jesus] “Like you’re President said. Everything we’ll reveal is true.”

[Maou] “We didn’t have a choice but to do this now. The world’s state is in a very delicate state. We have to act now.”

All cameras were aiming at the 3 so called leaders to film their revelations. The crowd were breathless, confused, shocked, but they were still all attentive.

[Lucifer] “We have no reason to prove our existence to every each of you. We’re just here to help.”

[Maou] “Getting on point. You guys are destroying earth and soon this whole world will be inhabitant. We estimated this world will last for 94. But everyday, you keep increasing your pace, at this rate it may be way shorter.”

[Lucifer] “There is also that Nuclear War danger. A single nuclear worldwide is enough to decrease Earth’s time for 50 years.”

[Jesus] “What we’re trying to say is this world would only last for a couple of years.”

Mmh… What they say is all true. Those idiots are doing nothing but ruining the world. But why does it feel like these guys are hiding something? What’s with the time limit?

[Lucifer] “Fear not. We are here to help you.”

[Maou] “Even though what we are doing is pointless. We would still like this world to last a bit more.”

This is too serious. I knew this world is ending, but for it to be so close. It’s so bad that even these guys had to step up. The question is… Why now?

The crowd still silently listens, but are shaking as well. They are scared. Everything they said made sense to them and have gotten grasp of the situation. They know how serious this is. There’s too much confusing going on at the moment. They feel like it’s all over. The commotion is so great that people are starting to shoot themselves, chaos is taking over.

[Jesus] “Let the light guide you away from darkness, suffer no more. Humming”

Sunlight starts to become beautifully sparkly, with humming noise following along. As it reaches the crowd, their fear goes away. Their confused and shock state begins to fade away. Everyone stopped shaking in fear.

[Jesus] “Don’t be afraid. Please let us finish.”

The big man emits a sacred aura that makes everyone feel safe, even me. Actually what he did just now was very interesting. As expected of him.

[Maou] “We’ve come to discuss our plan to avoid such a future. If it works, we may live for a couple of thousand years more.”

Is that so? If you ask me, I find it very pointless. Whatever you do, those idiots will fuck it up sooner or later.

[Lucifer] “But that isn’t our main purpose to be here.”

[Jesus] “We decided to avoid our present condition.”

[Maou] “We will chose one of you for the job.”

What do they mean?

[Jesus] “We’ve lied to you.”

For him to say that… That’s literally the last thing you would hear from him.

[Jesus] “We’ve hidden the truth from you. About this world. All its beauty, all its wonder, all its history.”

[Lucifer] “A world that many of you see as a merely tale. A fantasy.”

[Jesus] “A world filled in darkness.”

[Maou] “A Hidden World.”


(Part 4)

A world where we actually interacted with our imaginations. They were never made up in our heads, they actually existed. A world filled with thrilling adventure, amazing creatures and places, beautiful in general. How did it come to an end? Everything has an end, but how did this reach its end? The answer shouldn’t really be known. That’s why it’s hidden.

[Jesus] “We can’t really tell you in detail why we hidden everything to you, since it’s one of our most disgraceful times.”

[Lucifer] “All we can say is that everything turned out for the worst. Almost all of us reached extinction.”

[Maou] “There are many creatures that survived. They are all creatures from your fairy tale books. Even after surviving, they refuse to reveal themselves.”

[Lucifer] “At the end. We gave Earth to you humans.”

[Maou] “Which was a bad idea.”

[Jesus] “What we’re trying to say is that we would like to save that world as well.”

So that’s where the human comes in play. True, it seems like a good idea to send one, but won’t it be hard the right one for the job? But visiting such a world would be n… Wait! Wait… I don’t want to raise a flag, or was it raised by just thinking it about it? FUUUUUUUUUUUU

[Lucifer] “Our ideal specie for this job is you Humans.”

[Maou] “At first I thought it would be impossible to find one since you guys are famous for Discrimination and Hostility, turns out I was wrong.”

[Lucifer] “As soon as we got here, we found our Human.”

[Jesus] “He is here right now.”


Nobody is moving an inch and they are having a ‘Don’t pick me!’ expression. I also don’t want to go…

[Maou] “Naturally he had no different expression from the rest of you when he saw us, but…”

[Lucifer] “We felt no hostility whatsoever. And so, we decided to check his soul.”

[Maou] “It was a very dark and sad soul, but deep down it had great kindness.”

Kind? I agree with dark and sad. I hate this world, I loathe it, I just wish for this world to burn down already. I don’t dig my past experiences, but I guess I still feel pitiful. I’m so pathetic. For me to let these trash step on me like this. Totally pathetic.

But this world. It interests me. Magic seems to exist there, it seems very fun for a gamer like me. But my hobbies aren’t the main reason why I want to visit that world. I want a new start, I won’t lose again. I want to triumph over that world. Don’t get me wrong, I have no interest in ruling over trash. I just want the whole world to look down upon me, I want them to know I’m not weak, I want to make them my playthings.

[Lucifer] “Unfortunately. It won’t change our present condition at all. The reason is because we will send him to a past that is not ours.”

[Jesus] “It’s complicated. You understand better by the words Time Dimensions. Finding our dimension is impossible, as there are literally an infinity of them.”

[Maou] “Our condition will remain the same, but at least we’ll save a Dimension.”

Turns out this world won’t be saved. The universe doesn’t really play nice does it? I guess just saving one dimension from such outcome is worth it.

[Maou] “I will now tell you our chosen Human”

Maou points at Daniel’s direction. Making the crowd opening a path. Following along there was a short moment of silence.

Finally Daniel is about to move forward, smiling.

[Daniel] (So obvious. Heh! I guess I have no other…)

[???] “Eh!? Me!?”

[Maou] “Yes you!”

Breaking Glass* Sfx

[Daniel] “O..O-Oi! What the hell!!! Who is this guy!? Since when was this fatty even next to me!? Oi! I got fired up for nothing!!!”

Maou puffs up her chest, saying she’s dead serious. Extremely annoyed, Daniel begins to leave out of the scene.

[???] “W-Wait! That boy who’s walking away! Our sincerest apologies! Our queen’s eyesight hasn’t been doing so well lately! Please wait!!! You’re the one we want!”

The blue scaled fish woman steps up and tries to stop Daniel from leaving.

[Daniel] “Huh!? You want me to come back after such humiliation!? Screw you!!!”

[???] “Wait!!! My Queen! Please say something!”

[Maou] “That’s weird… They looked really similar… I thought I picked the right one.”

[Daniel] “Roses are red, violets are blue, so tell me how the fuck do we look similar to you!!!??”

Those idiots should really get her a pair of glasses already. God damn, I’m so mad. I don’t even want to look at these guys. Totally regretting staying here. I’m out.

Daniel is now on his way back, but he’s stopped by the crowd. Annoyed he pushes everyone away, until.

[Lucifer] “Please come this way. We already apologized for the mistake. Now let us go.”


All of the sudden Lucifer appears before Daniel. Shortly after he touches his shoulder and in a blink of an eye, he’s inside the White House, surrounded by all the factions.

[Daniel] (What the… What kind of magic was that? I was outside just a second ago…)

(A.N. I did not left that out. He wasn't told about magic yet. It's just my way of him figuring out the obvious without being told.)

[Jesus/Lucifer/Maou] “Welcome. Our dear Hero.”

I really want to write a poem about how much I hate the Author.

Please notify me with any mistakes. I really need your help if I want to be better at writing. Point out blank information that makes the situation confusing, if something seems out place, wrong use of words, etc. Just one notify could help me get a lot better.

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