《Hidden World》Prologue - Introduction


(Part 1)


One of of the most beautiful, exciting, and marvelous creations mankind made, in their heads. You may ask, how it was first introduced to the public? Nobody really knows. But what we do know, is that our imagination was limitless. It was concluded that it’s used to escape reality. And we all know reality wasn’t that pretty back then, even today.

At first it was used as some old boring literature tales that no one knows about, neither pretty much cared. But slowly our imaginations were evolving, getting more fascinating, more fun. They made tales about amazing creatures, beautiful and magical places, and total different worlds. It did not take long for magic to come up from their heads. They tried to picture the beauty of them controlling the 4 elements, doing impossible things, and even interacting with their made up creatures. In other words, our ancestors were suffering of a heavy case of Chuunibyou(8th Grade Syndrome).

Soon, our imaginations took a whole turn. It began to be scary, dangerous, but at least very exciting. Their imagination was quite intense in that apartment. They made up hideous and terrifying monster legends that we all still know today. It was first used to scare their children, so they would listen to them. But it slowly began to creep up on them as well.

As ages passed by, more and more tales were made. Imagination was taking a lot of turns. We now began to make humanoid creatures. Such as elves, demi-humans, beastmen, etc. But then it got a bit too extreme as we were coming up with monster people. Such as lamia girls, centaurus girls, slime girls, even roach girls-- Oh C’mon!


As more and more we were getting into our imaginations. We imagined ourselves as mighty warriors in a fantasy land with a gaming set up.

Oh yes. Those were the good times. We use this to escape cruel reality, to take a break on it, to not have to worry about it all day. Slowly, we were escaping more and more from reality. Just a clean hit from reality could reset you back to zero though, but who cared about that. We all just want to get back to our imaginations.

Anyways, back on point. All of these, what we supposedly made up, is just wonderful. Just too wonderful. But perhaps a bit too wonderful? When you think about, isn’t this too good to have been created by us humans alone? Did we honestly came up with all of this? Did we really came up with all the beautiful, marvelous, adventurous, magical, and humongous worlds?

This is where it gets trippy. What if we actually never really came up with all this? What if all those mystical legends weren’t made up at all? What if… Our Fantasy was part of Reality?

Naa. If it actually was, then why are there no traces of them? This world has no magic, it’s just plain. We evolved from primates, which were smarter than most modern man today, into two legged curious men. This is just plain old boring world, but… very mysterious.

Today. Well… We’re close to our doom. You know that apocalypse, oil decline, sun exploding, etc. Actually everyone is expecting that. Some say it’s bullshit and ain’t going to happen. Some say yes, it will soon happen. But nobody is really expecting this.


(Part 2)

A dark castle made of stone can be seen below a malicious red sky. The castle is old, very old. It has 2 tower right next at the main entrance and two more at the back. The castle is not very big, it’s about as big as a regular mansion. The whole place is worn out, there are rocks falling from it every day. You might wonder how old it is. Looking at it you may it’s thousands of years old and haven’t really been maintenence at all. It’s a surprise it’s still standing. Or is it getting some help?


The whole place is coated with a weird red phenomenon. A bat, yes a bat, is flying towards it. As soon as it touches the phenomenon, the bat glows red, and disintegrates.

From the looks of it. The phenomenon protects the castle like some kind of barrier, but from who? Looking around, the castle is surrounded by worn out cabins. Further down is just a pile of wood laying all over the place. Most of the area seems abandoned, but there’s seems to be some inhabitants still living close by the castle.

Now. Touring inside the castle, voices can be heard.

[???] ”Sigh* When is the assembly going to start? Let’s get this over with already…”

A not willful woman, sitting down on something that seems to be a throne made of gold, speaks up for everyone to hear.

[???] “Your Highness. The assembly is scheduled to start in 2 hours.”

An old butler reports on his knees in front of the woman. There are no red carpets, only stone for him to the be on his knees. The only thing that seems royalty is the throne. The whole place looks like an unused dusty cave.

[???] “Honestly… Why are we doing this for those Humans anyways. It will all go to the gutter like all those times before.”

[???] “Please don’t worry about it for now. Let’s take a breather outside and ease our minds till assembly, Yusha-san.”

This time another woman speaks up. She stands right next to the woman on throne. She has a very elegant and caring voice, but you can feel some sadness in it.

[Yusha] “Don’t call me that! Mu…! This is pointless! We gave them everything we had to them and now they’re ruining it. Everything turned out like this because of them! Our lives… Is this even something you would call a life anymore!? Why are we even trying to help? Nothing will be fixed and it’s all thanks to them!!!”

[Yusha] “Haa… Haa…”

After letting all of it out her chest, she composes herself and sits down looking at the side. The whole room is quiet. Actually it was pretty quiet to begin with, but now is really dead quiet.

[???] “Please calm down for now… It’s not like they are only at fault. We also play a part in it, right?”

[Yusha] “I know… but…”

[???] “It’s ok. I don’t blame anyone. What happened, happened. But we can change this, I know we can. Now let’s go outside.”

[Yusha] “Ok…”

She gives in. Not like she had a choice. Yusha was feeling chills all over her body as she felt dangerous bloodlust from her. She wasn’t aiming it at her, she was aiming at herself.


(Part 3)

Deep inside a mysterious mist in the ocean. An island can be seen. It’s a hot tropical island with a lot of wildlife. It has rich waters and vegetation. Most of the island is covered in green and is very beautiful. There’s a volcano in the middle of it, but shows no activity whatsoever. At first it seems to be a regular island, but there’s something out of place in the island. A big castle can be seen next to the island’s volcano. It looks very similar to the Neuschwanstein Castle. Same design, but not completely. Instead of the front being bigger than the back, the back is bigger than the front.

Inside the castle, in a royal room, there are people in it. They seem to be ready for something that seems very important. A black haired man can be seem and speaks.


[???] “Is everything now ready for the assembly?”

This man, who seems to be the leader, has a very heavy English accent. He emits a royalty aura, which could make anyone believe he’s from royalty, but looks can be deceiving.

[???] “Affirmative. ****-sama”

Another man, with the same heavy English accent, answers. He seems to be the oldest one in the room.

[???] “With all due respect. Is this really a good idea? Does it really have to be human? They are just…”

[???] “Shut up. Act your age already.”

[???] “HA!? You little…! Say that to my face…!”

A man with a lot of facial hair retorts after being told off by the eldest looking man. And yes, he has an english accent too.

[???] “I understand your doubts. A human may be one of the most disastrous race of this world, but they are the key for a better future. They are also the ideal ones for all this work. Please trust me.”

[???] “No… It’s not that I don’t trust ****-sama, It’s the humans I can’t trust.”

[???] “You should. They may be the most disastrous, but they are also the most interesting. One thing Humans are also good at, is that they can always surprise you.”

[???] “If you say so ****-sama…”

The facial hair man quietly backs down, trying not to disrespect him any further. He’s also trying to hide his emotions from him. He’s still doubting the plan.

[???] “Now… Who will be our lucky guy?”

He says while walking his way out the room, smiling.


(Part 4)

Up in the skies. There are nothing but clouds around, so many that you can’t even see the clear blue sky. Something even more wondrous is up there.

A beautiful white castle can be seen atop of the clouds. Such radiance, you just can’t imagine such an elegant place exists. Makes you kind of wonder what kind of owners are they with all that gold on their doors, towers, and gates. To make it even more fascinating, the clouds beautifully interacts with the castle to make it look even more majestic. It really looks like it came out of a Fairy Tale.

But now. Behind those beautiful doors, there’s a bit of a commotion. A man with a white robe is on his way to exit the main gates. Along with 3 people following behind him, they’re on the way out.

[???] “My dearest apologies for my tardiness My Lord. The assembly should shortly start.”

[???] “That’s ok. It’s already been reported to me about the assembly. Raise your head. We leave in 30 minutes.”

[???] “Yes My Lord!”

A woman in armor gets on her feet after sincerely apologizing to the man with the white robe. The man has his whole face covered with it’s hood and seems he won’t take it off any time sooner.

[???] “Ah! **** You’re coming along as well.”

[???] “As you command.”

A man right at the gate gets on his knees and gives an expression saying ‘That goes without saying’. After getting up he quickly joins in the group.

[???] “But honestly… For us to send a human to fix our mess. I just can’t help but feel pathetic…”

[???] “Spare yourself from such thoughts My Lord. There was nothing we could have done back then.”

A dark skin man with a wooden staff, from the first 3 that were with him, tries to cheer up his gloomy Lord. He’s old, but not that old. He looks like a really nice person. But like I said before, looks can be deceiving.

[???] “Let us hope our chosen hero can.”

[???] “I’m swear on my life that he can. That is, if we could find such a Human.”

[???] “Very well said… To find our ideal Human won’t be easy in these times.”

(A.N. To those reading this again. If I give too much background information here, then half of Ch.1 will be pointless. I’m also supposed to give a mysterious feeling here.)


(Part 5)

Once upon a time. In a sunny day in Washington D.C., there’s a lost boy in a bicycle going in circles. Now… What kind of idiot gets lost from a 6 block travel? I mean literally, he only had to make a right turn after the 4th block. The office is just right around the corner, it even has a big ass sign. Anyways. The boy is wearing a white summer shirt, a pair of black jeans, a red cap, a bookbag, and blue Nikes. He looks around his early 20s, has shaggy black hair. And to finish it off, tan skinned.

[???] “Man it’s hot… I can’t fucking see the building! My boss told me to take a left turn and go straight. Sigh*... Oh!”

Oh yeah the story starts now. I don’t really feel like doing this… Ugh... Whatever.

Let’s see… The name is Daniel Houser, I am 22 years old, I barely finished high school, and now I’m working my ass off to find jobs to survive. I’m your everyday regular person in this world’s society. Actually I’m kind of the borderline of the being a failure in society, but hey at least I can meet new people for me to hate. Now don’t get me wrong. I ain’t no virgin, so screw off. Too many virgin MCs these days.

(A.N. I changed his age, to make him look more experienced in life.)

It’s been more than 4 years since I joined the world called ‘Society’. A total shithole. I don’t blame anyone, that’s what I get for being an idiot. What’s done is done, I try not to think so much about it. It’s not completely bad though. I get to think about how much I hate my bosses and pretty much everyone else. Just by making fun of them, it helps me get through my days. I’m not really a fan of Humans. And yes, I refused to be the same group as them. Just by seeing their faces annoys me. Solution: Make fun of them and think of their misery.

I’m no sadist. Believe it or not I actually like Manga, Light Novels, and Fan Fictions. I don’t really like the mainstream ones though. I do like some mainstream, since I grew up with it. I like unique and realistic stories. I don’t like those cheery overuse plots that are not realistic at all. I would like Harem if they made it a bit more realistic, but all I get are stupid MCs and unrealistic plot. That’s reason why I’m starting to dig Fan Fictions more. I wonder if F******** C******** has been updated.

To be honest I don’t really know if I deserved to end up like this. I was a pretty decent fellow that anyone would like to hang out. Once I got to learned the truth about ‘Reality’, I stopped trying. And now, I’m like this. I’m lucky to have been able to find a room to rent in. My bed covers most of the room, is it even a room? Who cares, I get to sleep in it.

I was somehow able to finish school. Soon after, I was kicked out by my parents. Normally, you should be mad at your parents, but I’m not. I’m fully aware of my stupidity back then, so I don’t point fingers at anybody. Actually, why should I? They are still helping me with my expenses. To keep helping a failure like me, these guys aren’t bad parents. Though they really won’t talk to me at all.

I also have a little brother. He’s in 10th grade and my parents are trying their very best for him not to end up like me. Their reasons don’t really bother me. After all, I don’t want him to be like me at all. Back at him. He’s actually decently handsome and very sociable and smart, unlike me. We often talk, but not so much. I don’t care really, I’m just glad I get to keep talking to him.

As for me. Well… My brother got mom’s stylish looks, while I got dad’s looks. I’m not ugly ugly, but I’m kind of in the gray zone. I know I could actually pull off a good look if I fix myself up, but there’s no need for that.

I often think about my brother. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a brocon. Thinking about him, reminds me about how far I’ve gotten in life. Also how I was able to get through those shitty moments.

I’m now just a guy trying to live on his life with any job he’s given. One of those for now is to deliver this package. Too late for regrets, but man it’s hot…

There are times when I ask myself if it’s really worth it to live in this world. When I say I dislike Humans, I mean I hate them. I have no good history with them. Their society is shit. Just a bunch of imbeciles who would kill each other over a bunch of green paper that we supposedly gave value. Its rich folks wastes hundreds of thousands daily for no apparent reason. Really stupid if you ask me, but what do I know about life. It’s also all about them, they give 2 rat’s shit about anyone. That’s why I dislike Shounen. The overcome anything with Nakama bullshit really gets on my nerves. There are a lot more I should say, but yall already know them, so it’s pointless.

I guess the only thing I like about them is their imaginations. I dig rpg games, especially the Fantasy Themed ones. Since I spend most of my times looking for jobs, I don’t have much free time to play them. Sigh* I really hate my boss…

Daniel continues on finding his way to his destination, but he does not know what’s coming for him.


[Daniel] (For fuck’s sake! I can’t find that God Damned place! This map is useless! Because of the poor made map, everyone now thinks I have a poor sense of direction. I’ve been going in circles this whole time! I should have moved to Florida.)

As Houser blames his stupidity to the map, he notices a commotion. An stampede of people are on their way straight to White House. He notices the media mixed along with it.

[Daniel] (That’s alot of people. Actually, isn’t it a bit too much? I think the whole city is gathering up. I doubt these many people wants to hear that guy’s speech again.)

Thinking whether or not he should check it out. He decided to go for it, not like he was doing anything important #SarcasmIfYouDidn’tNotice. Also he’s 2 miles off from his destination. How is that even possible?


[Daniel] (Man it’s hot…)

Maybe I should have thought on it more thoroughly. This is karma for ditching work I guess…

Waiting outside the White House. Houser was reaching his limits and was about to leave, but then he notice people appearing in front of entrance.

[Daniel] (That’s…!)

Daniel could not believe his eyes. Nobody actually would. They were world leaders, presidents, governors from every country of the world. Daniel could only recognize ¼ of them, but he knew that all of them had the same status. Even Kim Jong-un is there…

Breathless, he notices the U.S president stepping up and begins to speak.

[U.S. President] “My fellow good citizens. Allow me to inform you the events that are going to take place today. We’ll have an assembly, 20 minutes from now, with different ‘groups’ of individuals. Be warned, these people will shock in many ways. If possible I would like to you all remain calm and listen them out. Everything that’ll take place here will be broadcasted for the whole world to see. Everything you’ll see and hear is true.”

I’m having doubts if I should really keep staying here. My instincts are telling me to get away… Well… I got this far, might as well reach all the way to the end. Not like I got anything better to do.

He rolls his eyes to the package as he puts it in his bookbag. Little he knows, this may be the worst decision he ever took in his life.

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