《Project: Massacre》Chapter 5: The Truth


“What do you mean I’m not from this planet?” Zayne demanded.

“I mean that your genetic makeup is not the same as a human from Pluto. It is completely different from anything I have ever seen.”

“Where am I from then?”

“This map says an unexplored region.”

“Oh come on, is it outside the Milky Way?”

“Yup. We need to get your sister to see if she is from Pluto.” Vallard said.

Vallard couldn’t believe that he discovered the first living creature or “alien” from outside the solar system. He decided to test Willow to see if the machine is broken or if Zayne is actually an alien. Her results indicated her their full ancestry was from Pluto since colonization.

In a couple of hours, Zayne’s sister Nora arrived. Vallard tested her and she was a normal human from Pluto.

“This doesn’t make sense, she is my sister, therefore she has the same ancestry and a similar genetic makeup. We don’t really look alike but a lot of humans don’t look alike.”

“But you guys aren’t siblings... It appears that Nora was born from Martha and Hans Smith, and later adopted by the now deceased Nicole and Nathan Harrison. Zayne was the lone biological child that we know of from Nicole and Nathan Harrison. Oh, and there are no parents in the data for Nathan and Nicole.” Vallard said.

“Ok, I’m going home, I’m done with this,” said Zayne.

Zayne and Nora walked back through the main tunnel to get to their house. They didn’t speak a word to each other. What they didn't realize was that Vallard had told the government about Zayne, and they would be after him.

When they got home someone was waiting for them outside their door.

“Who are you?” Zayne asked.


“Oh I was cloning myself as Hot Tub, he sure is a handful to impersonate...” said the mysterious man.

“Ok, what is your actual name?”


“And wait, hold on, you can clone a person and go into the cloned body?”

“Yes... but it only lasts an hour before I change back to my original form.”

“You can’t be from this galaxy...”

“Well, you aren’t either, my friend.”

“Could it be...”

“What?” Matt asked.

“Did you know my parents?”

“Yeah, I traveled with them to Pluto.”

“From where?”

“From a planet called Gordite. Oh yeah, that’s right, we need to move, the government is after you. Let’s go to my place,” said Matt.

Nora had to stay behind for her own safety. She would be ok because she has normal DNA. Zayne gave her money, so she could live by herself for a while.

Zayne and Matt walked to Matt’s place. They had just missed the police. Matt didn’t live on the same mountain where most of the people on Pluto lived, he lived in a small apartment building underground. The government didn’t even know this building existed. There wasn’t a tunnel connecting this building with the other buildings. To get in you would have to climb to the top of the mountain and there was a trap door that was covered by a stone.

“This is where most of the people who came from Gordite live. Oh and by the way you should probably know that about 10 years ago the government was taken over by the most powerful Gorditians. They can clone people for a whole day, and when the clone wears off they have enough energy to clone again.”

“What?” Zayne was very confused.

“Look Zayne, these people from Gordite want to destroy Pluto. They are the ones that set off the deadly pollution that killed your parents. They want to destroy the solar system one planet at a time.”

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