《Reality Reset》Chapter 5: Zone 265


I spend most of my time resting, I eat, and have taken a quick nap, I wanted to be at a hundred percent before entering the Realm of Zone 265. Once that was done I returned to the warehouse, I found that there were a bit more people than this morning, those from yesterday being there as well. I join Arthur and James, upon seeing me there Arthur gave me a quick hug.

"Emotional are we now ?" I couldn't help myself but tease him

"My agility is at twenty-five now" he respond with a faint smile, has he been stuck again in the Agility Realm? Not wanting to pry I turn my attention toward James "What about you?"

"See for your own" he extended his arm and I tap on his ring.

James Alewise - Level 4 Mind - 13 Force - 11 Agility - 6 Spirit - 10 5 remaining points to spend Skills (3) "You are falling behind," I said with a small punch on his arm "I'm ok with that" his eyes were on Marle, watching every movement of the pseudo chief of operation. I turn my attention to him as well, everybody seems to have arrived, at least all those who were level three or more that were in the vicinity, he stood in front of us like he had yesterday and started talking. "Good we all seem to be there, I am gonna activate my skill, once that is done we all are going to be transported into the Realm of Zone 265, I'm guessing we all are going to get the same task, I can't value that enough but we need to work together on this if we have to face the enemy we will need all those who have up their Force to take on the attackers, the rest will need to complete the task as soon as possible, I'm guessing it will have an impact on the real world and all those who have not upgraded theirs characteristic so I am to ask each and every one of you to do your best." The atmosphere was tense, Marle then proceed to tap his ring and started to focus on something. "All of you tap yes." I was suddenly met with a window. The group has met the criteria, would you like to enter the Realm of Zone 265? Yes / No Without hesitation, I tapped on Yes. The world shifted and I was suddenly next to a lac, Arthur and James were here as well just as everyone who was in the warehouse with us. It seems like the Mind skill of Marle worked. Another window appears in front of me. You have entered the Realm of Zone 265 Realm of Zone 265 is level 1 Secure the area to evolve When I see the word area in the task I immediately close my eyes in search of a greenish square, I was successful in finding it, it was about three kilometers south but the area seems to be approximately three hundred meters in diameter. I instantly inform everyone. "We need to go south" I shouted loud enough to be heard. As soon as I said that Arthur disappear in a blur, I tried to search for him but he wasn't anywhere close. Was his Agility allowed him to move this fast? "The area is south are you sure?" Marle comes to me inquiring immediately. "I have a high-level Spirit so yes I'm sure, we need to start moving" our group proceed then to start running toward the south, should I Spirit Jump and try to catch up to Arthur? Why was he in such a hurry? "I go on ahead," I said to James. "Be careful" he responds with a somber look. I proceed to Spirit Jump three times, I could now see the green area in the distance, upon Spirit Jump on more time I saw creatures as well, they were too far to determine what they are, they seems to have been transported at equal distance of us but to the north of the area. Arthur appears next to me in a flash. "Where the hell were you?" I said a bit angrier than I should have. "Relax I was doing a recon." He said with a smug smirk. "Did you see what they are?" "I trust my gamer background and I inform you that we are dealing with goblins" "Goblin? Those small green creatures? What? Are they armed?" "They are unarmed but I fought with one inside the area, he had Agility to fifteen if I were to guess, look thoses creature seems to have the same ability as us, maybe they come from a world that had the same phenomenon as our own." He seems to be excited about the idea "Did you try to talk with it?" "Didn't have the time, he attacked me so I Force Fist him and he suddenly disappears." Did Arthur kill him? We didn't know what happened if we died in Realm, all of it was still too young to be understood. "You go tell the other I'm gonna go and stay at the area waiting for you." "Yes captain," Arthur said before vanishing again, he was really too fast it was absurd. I proceed to Spirit Jump a few times inside the area, I was welcomed by two goblins who seemed to have Agility Jump or Spirit Jump inside as well "Can you understand me?" One of the goblins tilted his head before responding in a rough voice something incomprehensible. "So there is no room for pour parler" One of the goblins started running toward me before vanishing, I turned my head in time to dodge a fist coming right to my head, I then proceed to Spirit Jump away and I do a Spirit Clone. Mind Anticipation save me right here, I couldn't have been able to dodge without it. "You take care of this one" I quickly gave orders to my clone before Spirit Jump toward the one that stayed behind, he seems to try to punch me but Mind Anticipation allowed me to dodge and respond with a Force Fist to his stomach. Upon touching him the goblin disappeared, not the same kind of vanishment as a Spirit or Agility Jump but it seems to have disappeared from the Realm altogether. A quick look toward my clone allowed me to see him defeat the other globin. To my surprise, a window appears in front of me. You have eliminated 2 enemies


Remaining enemies 8/11 Were we supposed to eliminate all of them to secure the area? Arthur appears next to me again. "They are two hundred meters away, it shouldn't be too long before they get here," he said "It's gonna be long enough," I said when five goblins showed themselves to us. We exchange a look of understanding before both of us vanish. I Spirit Clone upon arriving behind one of the globins and slam my fist on his back. My clone Spirit Jump at the same time I did and upon ending my skill I was face to face with a goblin and his fist, dodging him at the last second he suddenly disappears only to let place to Arthur. "Three remainings," he said to me. As if to confirm what he said a window appears. You have eliminated 2 enemies

Remaining enemies 3/11 "You kill three of them that fast?" I was on my ass coming to the realization. "What can you say I'm quick" He smirked at me just when our group arrived at the zone, Arthur informed them that they were only three goblins remaining and we all stood our ground covering each corner of the area. "They don't seem to want to fight anymore," Arthur said pointing at the three silhouettes outside the area. "That's good for us, it means we are gonna clear the task" Marle seem enthusiastic upon saying that. Time passed, an hour, and nothing seem to happen. I was starting to wonder if we need to get to them when a window appears. Realm of Zone 265 evolved to level 2 You have evolved to level 7 The world comes back to normal, we were in the warehouse once again looking at each other in the realization that we manage to do it. "Great job everyone this should buy us some time" Buy us some time for what? As I was about to ask this question a heard James from the outside of the warehouse.

"Guys you need to come to see this" I walk outside and the sight took me by surprise, I could only smile at what was in front of me.

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