《Reality Reset》Chapter 4: Growth in Spirit


If this man was to be believed, the different skills we learned so far were in the objective of battling against other races. Again, more questions than answers were provided, he didn't seem to be able to describe the things he has witnessed in his Mind Realm, it felt like something was stopping him from answering out of his own will. A quick look around the warehouse made me maintain confidence, I could see the fear emanating from people but also a strong conviction in each individual: they were determined to see it through. It was then decided that we will explore this new Realm tomorrow, the pitch black of the night only troubled by a multitude of stars was the indication that we were already advanced into the night.

"First thing in the morning we up our level again guys" Arthur, James, and me were alone, taking comfort on a small wooden fire. Arthur eyes were fixated on the fire when he decide to break the silence to tell us that.

"Yes sure Arthur, we need to get stronger" James replied before turning himself.

I didn't fall asleep right away, too many things were on my mind, I let the snoring of my brothers comfort me in the fact that I wasn't alone. We were gonna make it. I tap my ring.

Charle Alewise - Level 4 Mind - 10 Force - 10 Agility - 5 Spirit - 10 10 remaining points to spend Skills (3) I decided to put all the points I had on Spirit, which made the total to twenty, a window informing me that I could enter the Spirit Realm pop up telling me that I needed to wait eight more hours before being able to enter. Whichever tasks would await me tomorrow I was gonna give it my best, if we needed to fight for our lives I wasn't gonna let the two people I held dear the most be taken from me. As my train of thought continue I felt the slumber take me to a well-deserved rest. Upon waking up I felt good, like the same kind of feeling you get when you haven't slept for days. James was already cooking breakfast on the rest of the fire that was still holding up and Arthur was still asleep. "How was your night?" I ask while yawning "Good, I haven't slept like this for years, do you think this new setting influences our resting time?" he seemed in a great mood, yesterday's problem seem far away from his mind. "I don't know maybe being in Realms is influencing our body" "Arthur is not gonna wake up anytime soon if I'm to take a guess, let's eat" he was right, being gone for two years, Arthur needed to enjoy his return back with us, which started with a good night of sleep. I ate until I was full and then proceed along with James to help our neighborhood by constructing a small wooden house which was gonna be the home of a family that used to live in our old building. They didn't seem to have entered any Realm and were still level one when we offer to teach them a skill to get more points to put in their characteristic they flat out refuse the matter saying they'd prefer to continue their lives without this nonsense. I didn't quite understand their points of view... Weren't they curious about this new planet that was offered to us? I'm pretty sure the pollution and all the climate change talk people use to rant about were now gone, and no explanations were coming our way. Arthur join us and we decided to return to the warehouse which was empty the exception was made of Marle, he was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed when I interrupted his meditation. "What are you up to Marle? Coming to a breakthrough?" "Oh, you are the three guys from yesterday... I didn't catch your names" We introduce ourselves and sat with him. "Three brothers huh, what level are you?" "Me and James are level three, Charles here is level four" Arthur said pointing at us so that Marle memorize our names faster "What characteristic are you focusing on Charles?" "I've decided last night to up my Spirit to twenty, but I didn't enter the Realm yet" I don't know why I decided to respond with honesty but it felt like I could trust this guy. "You should do so quickly, that goes for you two as well, level up this morning because this afternoon we are all entering the Realm of Zone 265" "How can we enter a Realm with multiple people?" James was right, how the hell are we supposed to do that?" "One of my Mind skills is Mind Group which allow me to enter with people on the zone dedicated to where we currently are." that seems like a nice trick to have "Care to teach us that?" Arthur thirst for skill was stronger than ever "Sorry no can do, you need to make your Mind Realm to level four, otherwise it's gonna be difficult" It seems that teaching skills were going to be difficult from now on, but it didn't discourage me to try anyway for future skills. I lock eyes with Arthur and James giving them a firm nod before taping my ring. You have met the criteria, would you like to enter the Spirit Realm? Yes / No I clicked on Yes and the world Shifted again. I was still in the warehouse but the others were gone, I noted that the warehouse was still here which I found intriguing. You have entered the Spirit Realm Your Spirit Realm is level 1 Connect the two areas to evolve Separate the area to evolve It seems that because I upped my Spirit to twenty I was given two tasks, I confirmed that by tapping my ring, there were indeed two tasks. I recognize the green square of one-meter diameter at my feet and in the distance, I saw another one, it seems that the distance compare to when my Spirit Realm was level one have increased, it was approximately 200 meters away. I sat cross-legged, close my eyes and put myself to the same mindset I was upon the first time I was here. I saw instantly the two greenish and the distance separating them, concentrating I expend both their greenish color toward each other, once they were one and only I opened my eyes. I was outside the warehouse two hundred meters away. I now knew that I could Spirit Jump four times the distance Your Spirit Realm evolved to level 3 You have evolved to level 5 Opening my statistic again I saw that the second task "Separate the area to evolve" was still here, looking to where I sat was the same square, except that this time it was twice the size. If I go by logic separating the square shouldn't be more difficult than merging them, I close my eyes again. The square instantly appear in my head, I then proceed to form a delimitation in the middle of the greenish color, once the separation was evident I attempt to move them at a distance from each other, I succeed in doing that, there was now two square of 1 meter about five meters away from each other. When I look at my surrounding I was astonished to find someone there, to my stupor, it was me, sitting cross-legged in the other green square just at my side. We look at each other, standing up, walking a bit, it seems that he had his own free will, my clone then proceed to smirk before vanishing. Your Spirit Realm evolved to level 4 You have evolved to level 6 I was back at the warehouse surrounded by my brothers and Marle. I felt tired, breathing deeply like I was feeling fresh air again. Upon seeing that Marle ask "Did you just come back from a Realm?" "Yes" I simply said looking straight into his eyes. "Go eat, and rest until we go to the Realm of Zone 265" I agree with him, I needed some time alone, I flash a quick smile at James and Arthur before Spirit Jump away, I proceed to tap on my skills Skills Spirit Jump - You can jump to an area two hundred meters away Spirit Clone - You can create a clone lasting thirty seconds Force Fist - You can channel your inner strength to your fist Mind Anticipation - You can anticipate the flow of movements I can create a clone... It's strange, upon each skill I manage to get I always get this itch like I knew I could do them for a long time but didn't do it up until now. I then proceed to Spirit Clone. "Can you talk?" I quickly ask making sure to not waste thirty seconds. He just did no with his head "What can you do?" I was curious about the clone abilities, could he use Spirit Jump as well? As if he heard my thought the clone disappear only to reappear a bit away from me. I need to start thinking about combat mechanics.

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