《A New Dynasty (One Piece)》Chapter 3


Conis stopped at her home, where she led Madara and Konan to meet her father. She indicated for him to follow her inside the house as she parked her weaver.

Madara looked at her and scanned the area. He found no enemies nearby and his instincts didn't give him any alarm.

'No threats.' Madara concluded as he walked in

Inside the house he found a man with wings behind his back, similar to Conis. Madara guessed that he could be her father, uncle or her guardian as she didn't look like him so he couldn't make a clear cut conclusion.

"Greetings, I suppose you are my daughter's guests." Pagaya stood up as he saw the two unknown humans. The woman had a cold expression like a beautiful doll while the man looked approachable.

"Yes, we have been honored by your daughter's generosity. We will not take long so please satisfy our curiosity." Madara shook hands with the man and he indicated for them to take a seat while Conis came inside.

"Would you like something to drink or eat?" Conis asked

"I would like some tea, if you wouldn't mind. What about you, Konan?" Madara replied as he was not in the mood to drink at the moment. He wanted to have a clear head.

"Just water will do."

"She also wants some tea and biscuits." Madara ignored her words as he understood her kind of people clearly. She had lived without any kind of enjoyment in life like him. She had wrapped herself in the tragedies of the past and never let go of them.

"Okay, it won't take long." Conis smiled happily as it had been a long time since they had guests as people were too scared to move around.

For his daughter, Pagaya treated the humans as his guest as he wished to keep that bright expression on her face. It was fortunate that they had not come across Enel's men.

He slowly explained the things that Madara wanted to know about the Island and even about the world. Pagaya didn't realize it but he was under a basic genjutsu that made him speak without thinking too much about it.

It would have been strange for Madara to ask about the outside world from him so Madara used it by force of habit.

He didn't want leave any clues they were outsiders for various reasons. The enemy that Sage talked about could be part of his race and being an outsider means giving people an excuse to gang up on you.

For such reasons he made sure they won't remember him asking any of the strange questions. He needed the man to talk so he could extract the information when it comes to the surface. It was not something anyone could do and doing better than this meant mastery of the Yamanaka Jutsu or using the Rinnegan ability but that would kill the man.

It was a nice setting that it made him calm and nostalgic. It had been so long since he sat down with others in such a peaceful setting.


Really the words from Hashirama kept on ringing inside his head and this reality was hitting him in the face in case he would miss the obvious.

It was better when you are surrounded by friends and family.

He enjoyed the casual talk after the information gathering. He told them about his adventures in a way that it didn't seem strange and out of place.

He did travel a lot in the younger days so he could keep on speaking for days about his experiences.

Conis and Pagaya enjoyed his stories. They liked his way of presentation and his ability to bring it to reality.

Even Konan showed some interest to understand her companion. Madara only showed them the peaceful ones that were not too violent or dark since he had been involved in many shady acts.

While he was talking with Conis, Konan went out for a walk without a word. Madara didn't say anything as she was not a child and needed time to wrap her mind around this situation.


'Nagato, I don't understand your purpose. Why did you have to do this? We could have all been together.

What did you see that I am unaware off?

Why could you have not shared your concerns with me, were we not closer than siblings?' Konan questioned as she walked outside.

She had followed his commands without a question but now that he was dead, she was left alone. No companion, no friend to share her grief.

Konan did not hold anything positive about Madara. To her, he was an enemy that deserved the worst kind of punishment for his sins but the Sage had chosen him. Nagato had chosen her instead of a second chance for himself.

She couldn't even kill herself now as that would be spitting in his face.

Regardless of what her brother had done, Konan could not fathom why anyone would choose Madara to save a world.

He was the man responsible for the current problems of the Shinobi world. His fight with Hashirama and both their deaths were the starting point of the wars. Once Hashirama died the balance was broken and he was partly responsible for that death.

If he had not fought that day, they would have never lived through such tragedies. Konan didn't blame him for those things as those were way back in the past but his actions even in the current age had been only responsible for tragedies.

He had corrupted them and broken them when he could have helped them. At all turns of life he broke people and made them evil instead of making them heralds of peace.

How can a man that only spouts about peace but acts like a maniac bring peace to the world?

Behind the grieving woman, many men in arms appeared and they didn't seem to have any good intentions.

"You have illegally trespassed into this blessed land. Surrender or face death."

Konan understood none of those words as she had expected since this was a new world but she could sense that disgusting feeling, which was similar to the scum in her world.


'Trash will be trash, no matter where you go.' Konan thought and decided to ignore them while she stood in silence

Even her silence was deadly as paper spread around the foes and covered them, head to toe. They didn't even get to react before they exploded into tiny pieces.


Madara was sitting with his hosts and having nice talk when he heard the explosions.


"Please, I will go check it out." Madara stood up and looked at them before walking outside leaving a shadow clone hidden to make sure his hosts were safe while he was gone.

It had been a long time since he protected someone.

Looking ahead, Madara flew towards the direction where he could feel Konan.

It was an ugly site, filled with the remains of people. Pieces here and there, and if he hadn't hardened himself before then Madara would have thrown up.

"What happened?"

"They wanted to harm me so I killed them." Konan replied in a calm tone

Madara looked at her and didn't know what to say as he wasn't sure about the position of these dead men.

"Just stay close from now on and if possible don't go for the kill without actually understanding the situation." Madara said as this was the conclusion he came to within the few hours he had been conversing with the hosts.

His methods had been cruel and inhumane. He would kill everything that came his way. He would treat people under him as pawns that could be thrown away. He treated none as friend or family.

His way of bringing peace had been spreading death and destruction in a wide scale that no one would dare come against them.

It was such thoughts that made Hashirama distrust him.

Hashirama wished to go about this in diplomatic manner but Madara didn't trust such things, he didn't trust anyone.

Thinking about it, he decided to mix it and come to a middle point. He was a ninja so there was no need for massacres and open fights.

He could just go for the head. He had mind control so he could use it to pass control to himself.

He didn't have to kill everyone, just those that deserve it.

Soldiers come under the situational decision part. If they were just doing some basic duty like guard duty and such, don't kill them.

If they were ordered to kill innocent people and were going along with it, kill them.

He gave it a lot of thought and decided to see how it goes with trial and error.

"Are you serious? You are telling me that. You are someone that has no right to lecture me about it.

I killed them because they looked me the wrong way and were planning to capture me. I had a reason unlike someone who would go out of his way to kill others." Konan muttered in an emotional tone as her façade slipped for a moment before she collected her demeanor

Madara was taken aback at her outburst and took in her words clearly. It seems he had really broken them and she was not realizing how stupid her words sounded.

"I think you have a clear misunderstanding here and I already said that I am going to walk a new path. Should I blame a soldier for doing his job trying to apprehend an intruder? It is his job and you could have escaped. It was your choice to kill them, not that you had no choice. This is why I said don't go too far when you don't have the language ability down. These are pointless deaths that can be avoided.

You said that you wanted world peace than start acting like it. What you have been doing is nothing but pointless slaughter just like what I have done. You are a criminal Konan, a terrorist. That's the legacy of your family. I am changing but what about you, have you given your actions a second thought or did you forget about them. It seems I am the one who has to do the watching if you are going to act so ignorant like a child." Madara closed the distance between them and held her chin as his sharp eyes stared into her wavering gaze.

His eyes showed her what he meant so that her mind couldn't deny it. He was just too good at breaking peoples mind and it ruined their lives.

He really didn't care about the lives that disappeared now but thinking about the affects of these deaths beyond the men themselves made him feel guilty and sympathetic. Their families and friends would cry for them.

It was what he made Konan understand. He made her understand his point of view that was forming and how they could have always brought some peace to the world at a slow pace with their powers but they decided to become terrorists.

"Show me an example, so I can understand what you mean. Don't back down now and show me you can actually do some good." Konan wasn't some little girl that was going to back down and stared back.

"Heh, I never go back on my words. I will show you how to bring a peaceful conclusion without a bloodbath. I have been guilty of pointless actions as well but it doesn't mean I don't understand how to operate in such a manner. But for now follow me and I will protect you." Madara replied with a confident smirk and let go of her face as he walked back to his hosts.

He had never acted in this manner because he had lost hope in humanity because his eyes only saw the darkness of the world. It all went downhill since the day his brother died by the hands of Tobirama. Seeing the man responsible for the death of his loved one living comfortably was partly responsible for his madness.

Only now had his eyes been cleared and he saw the error of his ways.


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