《A New Dynasty (One Piece)》Chapter 4


"Conis, there is trouble. Intruders have run amok on the island and the guards have been deployed." Pagaya said in an alarmed tone as he was worried about their guests and for their lives. It was crime to harbor outsiders. They would be executed as well.

"What will you do now? I can sense enemies approaching." Konan muttered as she stood beside him and heard what Pagaya said.

"Knock them out." Madara replied, it was a funny thought but he wanted to act fairly now. He would judge them later and see if they deserved to live or not.

Not all of them would be nice people. Some of them would be abusing their powers.

Conis was trying to calm Pagaya that she didn't notice the real Madara walk outside while leaving the clone behind so that he wouldn't alarm his hosts and protect them if anything went wrong.

'They are not going to listen so let's not waste words on them.' Madara was not in the mood to enjoy fights at the moment. He was trying to gain enlightenment and see where he was going now. Once that was cleared he could enjoy battles once again.

He saw a bald man with a sword, leading an army towards them.

'He seems to be aware that we are a target. How? Do they have sensor?' Madara mused as he could feel the killer intent but it was pointless as the enemy was too slow and fragile to survive his attacks

Madara analyzed them and considered them non threats, with simple chakra enhancement he disappeared from their view and hit them accurately on the acupuncture point behind their head. The right amount of force at this point and the weak people get knocked out easily. He could have used a genjutsu but he preferred hands on approach.

To finish up the process he put them in a genjutsu.

"It seems you have invited trouble. Won't killing them be the better choice?" Konan muttered as she stood by the door

"Watch and learn, what I mean by doing it the right way. Your way caused pointless deaths ad you got zero results. You need to remember that these people are only doing a job and this has nothing to with their belief. Only when they insist, should you punish them and not from the get go because you find it troublesome to hold back and talk. You are walking the path of harmony and acting like a hypocrite." Madara replied and felt like he was talking to himself, repeating what Hashirama would say.

"Apologies, I was trying to help."

"I don't need that kind of help so just watch with an open mind because I can see that you are the one that lost the way among your group. You are too afraid to risk a life that you are willing to even go against your belief. If you find it is too hard than give up and take a rest." Madara said as he looked at her with a calm expression.

"What did you just say?!" Konan felt that her emotions were going haywire today and in this unstable stage, Madara had just downplayed her belief.

Madara looked down at the woman holding his color with a calm look, "Does it hurt hearing the truth? Nagato accepted change because he saw the truth as he wasn't afraid of facing it but you are afraid and I can understand why so I don't blame you. Our world made killing the easiest and normal choice. Think about it, what you did to Konoha. Was it fair? We are adults here so come on tell me, do you believe every one of them was involved in the decision to have the war in your homeland."


Hearing his words, Konan looked conflicted as she was reminded of the past again and how the people of Konoha must have died in a similar manner not knowing why they were going through it.

"Okay, we were wrong but how are you going to prove your point. These soldiers you don't kill will only bite you back later."

"Tsk tsk, at this point it looks like you are just looking for excuses. You already know deep inside that all you did was wrong and that my way is the right way. These soldiers are only working for him because of his power and authority, remove the leader and they stop. Of course it depends on the situation and here they are obviously being used. They have no actual loyalty for him." Madara held her hands and separated from her, he felt better being in control of the situation. After all he was a control freak, no matter what happened.

According to his path, he was willing to give some people a chance if their existence was worth it, if their life could do more service than their deaths and if they actually regretted those mistakes. He would give them a chance if they became better people otherwise to the chopping board.

He was also given this chance because he was a good person but misguided and delusional.

He was only giving these chances to young people that still lacked the mental ability to actively form real opinions and misguided people.

Konan fell into the misguided section and it was deeply connected to him as well so he felt responsibility for her life.

Fortunately, Konan wasn't some psycho killer and wasn't involved in slaughters. She just had the bad habit of killing anything that tried to harm her, which wasn't wrong in a way but completely went against the belief they were trying to preach.

"Enough words."

Madara looked away from Konan and closed his eyes, focusing on the surroundings as his senses expanded to cover the region.

'I need to find the strongest person and subdue them for my goal. It will also serve as an example to Konan and a gift to my hosts. This place will be our starting point and we will expand from this place.'

Madara thought and found his target. He could sense the strong life force and locked onto it.

"Konan lets go." Madara said as he headed towards the location where he felt the strongest presence using flight through his Rinnegan.

Konan saw him leave and followed as she wished to witness his actions with her own eyes to see if he was worthy or not.


Madara flew from the giant bean stalk to the upper yard and continued until he arrived at the Maxim.

The Ark Maxim was Enel's colossal flying ark. It was built by Gan Fall's men for Enel. The ark contained a throne that was beneath a golden face, and a large storage room. The gears and generators were quite large, and it had a line of oars. The ark also had multiple rotors and propellers to help it fly.

The Maxim was capable of flight, even in space. Enel's electrical energy was its main power supply, while two hundred Jet Dials were used as a backup power supply to keep the ark in the air for an hour if something were to happen to the Ark's mechanism. Enel used the gold from the Shandora ruins as a conductor for his electricity.


Enel could use Maxim to create massive lightning storms via a combination of chemical vats that produce storm clouds and his own lightning abilities. One of these thunderbolts was enough to burn down an entire village, and Enel could create a giant thundercloud that could even destroy an entire island.

Madara arrived and sensed the high concentration of lightning that he could feel in the air and see it.

'How is this possible? Is the target leaking lighting?' Madara thought as he looked towards a strange man. This whole thing was making him curious. He had also learnt many other skills besides fighting and mechanics and such were one of those things.

He couldn't sense any chakra from the man and understood it was from a devil fruit. These things reminded him of the chakra fruit and made him think that this world might not be so foreign to him. The source could be the same and it might be threat he was warned about.

For now, he analyzed his foe with his eyes.

A muscular man with light hair covered by a simple white bandana and long earlobes weighted down by diamond-shaped gold earrings that stretch all the way to his chest.

He was dressed in a very luxurious manner and wore loose, orange pants with a black pattern on them, and around his waist there was a blue, flowing sash, holding up a light-blue veil.

He wore gold bracelets on his arms as well as gold anklets on his legs, and two little gold rings around his bigger toes.

"Who dares to enter my territory without permission?" Enel spoke in a casual tone, which was condescending to others.

He had sensed Madara moving towards him but was alarmed for the first time in his life.

'He was too fast, fast as my movement when I turn into my elemental form. But nonetheless a mortal can never hope to win against an immortal.' Enel was confident even though he saw the threat of Madara.

On other hand, Madara looked at him in disdain. He found the man pathetic. Just from his posture he could tell that the man was worthless. His tone carried too much arrogance backed by nothing. He had a unique power and let it get to his head without even training it properly.

He won't even be worth a proper fight.

"Come, show me what you got." Madara said in a casual manner as he walked towards him.

Enel attacked with a lightning bolt but Madara slapped it aside with his hand enhanced by chakra. The attack was too weak. He was someone that could fight the Bijuu Mode Naruto physically and Sage Mode Hashirama. His powerful moves were related to Rinnegan and EMS but his physique was beyond majority of the ninja.

He had physically manhandled the tailed beasts, not even using his Susanoo, showing that this small body carried the force to destroy small mountains.

Enel was surprised at the turn of events and charged his lighting, releasing it as a beam.

Madara used Shinra Tensei in a limited range and completely blocked the attack, scaring Enel. The arrogant man moved to the side and utilized the Maxim to amp his powers, creating a huge thunder cloud to strike down Madara.

Madara looked up and breathed out a huge flame that it covered the sky. He didn't need to use signs anymore because of his perfect control and his experience with these techniques. Sometimes he used them by force of habit.

'Majestic destroyer'

The flame was powerful enough to counter his attack.

"My turn, try to survive." Madara muttered as he looked down on Enel

Enel was ready for Madara as he predicted his movement through haki and turned to lightning as Madara's fist hit him in the stomach. Enel had made a hole in his body as he saw that the attack would affect his body if it hit.

"What?" Madara was shocked momentarily as she saw this unusual thing, which gave Enel the chance to electrocute him directly

"Feel my power mortal."

"Not enough" Madara muttered as he used Almighty push while his hand was in contact with the lighting and dispersed his body.

Enel had never experienced such a thing and it took him more than a few seconds to converge again. Madara understood that it didn't matter how strong his attack became, the target would survive unless he sealed him or erased his existence or he cancelled this affect.

It was like the Hozuki clan but didn't use chakra and he was unsure if it had a limit or not.

"Well, you are an unlucky guy. I am not in the mood to dance today." Madara muttered as Enel was looking worse than ever and Madara appeared near him, he couldn't move away even though he knew about it.

The speed difference was too big and it was even faster than his elemental form.

Madara decided to see if elements worked on each other before resorting to genjutsu to handle him.

Seeing that he was using lightning, Madara decided to use wind prison on him and saw that it actually worked.

"What are you going to do with him?" Konan asked

"I will kill him in front of the people so they don't forget what happens to people like him and to give them assurance of the act. Keep watching, I will show you how to take control properly." Madara replied calmly as he ignored Enel and walked back with the floating cage behind him. He had changed his mind about keeping him after giving it a little thought. This man didn't qualify to be given a chance. He was too disgusting of a person. He had no use. His power was transferable so he didn't need the man. He didn't want to keep puppets this time or be associated with such filth.

The news of Enel's' fall spread quickly and Gran Fall was reinstated as the leader while Madara spent time learning and the Straw hats advanced their gears after realizing that they weren't in trouble anymore since the enemy that wanted them dead was captured.

Among them Luffy and Zoro showed the most interest in meeting the person responsible for this situation.


A.n Hope you enjoyed and comment

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