《The Royal Mates》Chapter Twenty-Six
I heard my door open slightly and I saw it was that one guard who helped me figure out who I am.
"Hey, what time is it?" She looked at her watch before she answered.
"About 10 pm." I nodded and sighed. I can't believe I was taken here against my will.
"I know it's hard, honey. But we'll get you home. They'll come for all of you. I promise." She squeezed my hand and I squeezed her's in return. This woman has been a motherly figure for a while now, and I greatly appreciate her.
"I'm just worried... What if they start killing us off and they don't make it in time?" I didn't want to die. Not here.
"That won't happen. I can assure you." I nodded and tried to go to sleep.
Please get here soon guys... I wanna go home...
I woke up next to Mordikai at around 5:30. I yawned and stretched. It didn't hurt this time, so I smiled wide and laid on top of Mordikai until he woke up. I heard him grumble and I giggled, poking his side realizing he was ticklish. He jolted awake while I tickled him.
"Amorelli! St-op!" He was laughing and I was too. This was fun! We never got to do stuff like this in wherever I was. I finally stopped when he looked like he was going to wet himself. He caught his breathing and then quickly got on top of me and pinned me down. I looked into his eyes and they were a different color.
"Comrade!" I hugged him tight and kissed his cheek. I heard him mumble quietly and he hugged me back as well, careful not to hurt me.
"Comrade liked this morning... Even though Comrade was not in control..." He smelled my hair and sighed contently. I clung to him as if my life depended on it. I loved being held by Mordikai, but I haven't seen Comrade in a while.
"I missed you, Comrade," I mumbled into his shirt and he chuckled.
"Mate like Comrade more than my human?" I giggled.
"I like you both equally. You belong to the same body so there isn't any way I would like one of you more than the other." He sighed and pulled me closer.
"I missed you too, Amorelli." We laid down next to one another and just stared into each other's eyes. It was amazing how a wolf can just take control like that.
Oh my god. I have to have children with Mordikai... Will they come out hairy little wolves? I shivered at the thought and Comrade laughed really loud. I gave him a weird look. Why was he lau-
"Oh, you asshole!" I gave a humph and rolled over, not facing him. He read my thoughts again!
"Comrade is sorry, beautiful mate. Our children will look like humans, and transform into wolves or mermaids when they are thirteen. Do not worry, my love." My face was still red when he kissed my cheek. I smiled softly and turned back to face him. However, he was frowning.
"Comrade? What's wrong?"
"You're going to leave us." He started to cry.
"Hey... Comrade, why would I leave you? You guys are everything I've ever dreamed of having... I'm not leaving you guys... And you know when I go home I'm coming right back, you know that right? I'll try and come back up every night to sleep with you. I promise." I wiped away his tears and kissed his lips softly. The fire that coursed through me was indescribable. The pleasure and happiness I feel when I kiss them is wonderful. It fills me with a feeling I can't yet put my finger on.
"Mordikai wants back now. I shall visit you again soon... I love you, mate." I smiled softly and kissed Comrade once more before Mordikai came back. I saw his beautiful dark blue eyes that I always get lost in. They were my ocean.
"You are my beautiful mate... all mine..." He held me close and sighed. We heard a knock on the door and he went alert but calmed down for some reason.
"Come on in, Zinniah." I perked up and smiled when she entered the room.
"Hey, I heard the good news from the doctor." She looked excited and happy.
"What news?"
"You haven't told her?" Zinniah looked at him accusingly.
"When the doctor called you had just fallen asleep in the gardens, my love. That's why Comrade started crying when he took over... You can go home now..." He laid down and stared at the ceiling. He looked like he was about to start crying. I could feel some of his heartbreak.
"You think I'm going to leave you forever? Mordikai, that isn't happening... I'll make sure that my family allows Zinniah and me to come on up to sleep. I promise everything will work out just fine." Zinniah gave a sad smile, and was about to leave the room but stopped.
"Oh, Mordikai, another thing." He mumbled a quick yes.
"Dinner is ready, that's why I came up here... And there's some bad news as well..." She rubbed the back of her neck and he sat up quickly.
"What happened. I can feel your fear and nervousness. What-" His eyes clouded, as did hers. When he came back his eyes were pitch black and all I heard was a guttural growl.
"WHAT!" He got up and ran out the door. I threw on a dining dress that was red with gold accessories all over it. It looked beautiful. I didn't even bother putting on regular shoes and threw on my white flats. By the time I was done, we had lost him. Until we heard dishes break we knew he was in the dining room. By the time we had gotten there, I couldn't believe who was sitting down at the table.
"What are you doing out of the dungeon?" He sounded strict and I saw her shiver. Everyone else was covering their noses and some were gagging. What the hell were they smelling?
'She is getting aroused because I'm angry with her. I'm going to kill her.' Mordikai had told me in my mind. Everyone could feel my rage coming off of me.
That was all it took for me to go over there and drag her by the hair. She screamed in pain and everyone looked thankful. I guess her disgusting smell of arousal had left the room. Everyone sat down and started eating. The only ones who didn't were Zinniah, Mordikai, and Diesel.
I threw her out into the hall and pressed her against the wall with water. She couldn't move, and I was enjoying this.
"If you ever... Come near him or any of us again. I will personally kill you. Understand!" I was using a tone of voice that made her submit and become frightened. She turned her head to the side, showing her neck. Why was she doing that? I shook my head and made the water go away. She fell to the floor in a heap and I sighed.
"Diesel." As soon as I said his name he was by my side.
"Yes, Princess Amorelli?" He bowed and then looked back up at me.
"Take her to the dungeon. I want to know why and who the hell let her out. And when I find that out, I'm going to kill them. Understand?"
"Yes, my lady." He bowed once again and took her away to the dungeons. I sighed and when I turned around Zinniah and Mordikai were giving me looks. Zinniah was one of fear, and Mordikai was one of pride.
"Mordikai, I'd like to have dinner now." He nodded and offered his hand. I took it and we walked into the room once again. Everyone was looking at me. Some with fear and some with humor. They thought it was brilliant and scary that I took care of her like that. Alyx was trying hard not to laugh, especially because Alana's parents were sitting right next to her. The Elder's bowed in respect and I bowed back. We all sat down and continued to eat when Carlisle burst through the door.
"Why did you guys throw Alana into the dungeon? Are you all insane?" His hair was messy, and he looked dirty like he was out for a run. Or running from someone. The guards were informed immediately that he was taken from the throne and they seemed happy. They were already surrounding him, ready to strike if he dared to make a move.
"So you let her out?" I said accusingly.
"No, I assumed you guys did." He looked like he was telling the truth. I looked towards Mordikai and he nodded.
"So, then who did?" I questioned and Mordikai immediately looked at Alana's friends. They looked clueless as well.
"They wouldn't do that. They're shit liars. They can visit Alana, but they can't let her out. If they did, then they'd get kicked from the pack for breaking a law. They aren't of royal or high ranked command birth so-" Mordikai growled in anger. He turned towards her parents, who looked extremely guilty.
"You imbeciles! You released a prisoner that I put away?" He roared and everyone grabbed their plates and drinks and left the room. This apparently happens often, so they know not to be around or else their food will get ruined.
This is about to get ugly.
"We-We just didn't see why our baby girl had to be in there, that's all!" His mother tried to reason but she had already awakened Mordikai's beast.
"You disobeyed the rule. You needed my permission to let her out."
"We asked your father, he is the king of course."
"Wrong. Elders removed him from his place. We're planning dates to make me the new king. As of right now, the only person who has real power over everyone is my mother. Your queen." The betas were acting cowardly. They were afraid of what Mordikai could do to them.
Honestly, I was afraid of what Mordikai could do to anyone.
"We just want what is best for our daughter. And if that is removing her from the dungeon and having her marry you then-" Mordikai grabbed Alana's father by the neck and picked him up.
"I will only marry my mate!"
Comrade. Damn it.
"Diesel, take Mordikai's, Zinniah's and my food to another room, we will not be dining in here." I heard him say a quick yes and ran off with the three plates. I went over to Comrade and put my hand on his bicep.
"Comrade, dear. Please, don't do this here. Come, let's eat in another room. This can wait until the morning." I tried to reason with him but it looked like he was torn between ripping the poor man to shreds or leaving. He finally let him drop to the floor after a moment of deciding. The man gasped for air as his wife ran up to him.
"I will only marry the one I love. Your daughter means nothing to me. She never has, and she never will. Your daughter will always remain a whore." He grabbed my hand and dragged me away to the kitchen island. Zinniah had already settled and started to eat her food. Moaning in delight and complementing the chef for his great work. I sat down and started to eat my dinner, Comrade insisting I sit very close to him. I sighed and leaned on him as I ate my dinner. He growled with content and I couldn't stop thinking about how sexy it was. Zinniah sighed sadly and Comrade and I both looked up.
"Zinnah? Hun, what's wrong?" I got up and sat next to her.
"I'm really lonely... You have Mordikai and I don't have anyone..."
"Z, honey. You'll find your mate. I promise. I'm sure most of the wolves here didn't find their mate for a while. Right?" I looked back at Comrade just to find Mordikai.
"Yes, that's true. I'm twenty-five and just found Amorelli a few weeks ago."
"See- wait, what?" I looked back at him with bug eyes and his face flushed red.
"I, uh-Amorelli, my beautiful mate. Did I tell you how beautiful you look today?"
"Mordikai! You're twenty-five? Why didn't you tell me?" Zinniah already had a bowl of popcorn. She apparently found this funny.
"I was afraid you wouldn't accept me if you found out... I'm sorry my love."
"It's fine." He sighed in relief and we all went back to eating.
"Yes, Zinniah?"
"When are we going to Guam?" He stopped eating and sighed sadly.
"We can leave in the morning. The plane should take around six to seven hours. But if we leave now, it'll be the middle of the night there. Unless you just want to wake up at five in the morning and leave so we get there at midday?" I hugged him and kissed him.
"Thank you Mordikai. This means everything to me."
"Just promise me one thing Amorelli."
"What is it?"
"Come back to me." His eyes were glossy and I hugged him tightly.
"Of course I will. Come on, let's all get some sleep. We'll leave in the morning." We all went to bed and slept peacefully.
~Two Am, Mordikai~
I woke up to the alarm and groaned. Ugh. I hate plane rides. They're long and boring. I got up and grabbed my phone.
"Albert, yeah it's me. Start the plane, we're going to Guam." I hung up the phone and started to pack. I decided to let Amorelli sleep for a little bit longer. I didn't know how long we'd be there, but I started to pack for a week. I then started to pack the bath bag, including mine ad Amorelli's soaps and hair products. When I checked the time again, it was around five-thirty. I then decided to wake up Zinniah first. I walked to her room and entered quietly. She was surprisingly already awake.
"You're awake already?"
"I always got up before Amorelli. Plus, I set an alarm."
"I did as well, but she didn't stir once."
"That sounds about right."
"Alright. Well, we'll be leaving in an hour. Please be ready." She nodded and I closed the door to her room and returned to mine. Amorelli was still sleeping so I gently shook her shoulders. She groaned in annoyance and I chuckled.
"My beautiful mate... You need to wake up now. Time to go home." She shot up and stumbled out of bed. This really upset me.
She didn't consider this place her home. I felt my heart break slightly. Afraid she isn't going to come back. What if her parents try and keep her down there? What if she changed her mind? I can't lose her...
"Baby... Where's my hair stuff." She stumbled out of the bathroom and I pointed to the bag. She hummed sleepily and walked over and hugged me. She shivered from the coldness of the room and snuggled into me. I smiled slightly and sighed.
What was I thinking? She'll come back to me...
"Come on, you can shower when we get there." I kissed her forehead and she mumbled and started packing. She packed a lot of dresses, panties, shoes, and bras. Once she was done she had a total of two bags. Why? I don't know. I only had one. Oh well. We grabbed everything and saw Diesel outside the door.
"Diesel. Good, can you help with some of these?" He nodded and took the bath bag and one of Amorelli's. We then stopped outside Zinniah's room and knocked. She was dressed in a floral dress. She looked nice. Amorelli was dressed in a dark red short dress that made her look gorgeous. We all walked to the plane and were greeted by the pilot, Albert.
"Good morning your majesty's-" Amorelli pushed right through him and fell onto a chair and knocked out immediately. I chuckled and apologized and picked her up to move her to the couch so we could fall asleep together. She sighed happily and laid her head in the crook of my neck. The pilot and flight attendant boarded the plane and we started to take off. As she walked past me she winked and I growled in anger. She got scared for a moment before she returned to her original behavior.
"Alpha, you need to be seating in a chair." She bent over so her breasts were almost falling out of her dress. My eyes turned black and she smirked.
"Come on, Alpha." She obviously didn't see that my wolf was in control. But not because of arousal.
He wanted to kill her.
When she turned back around she was confused. She didn't know why I didn't follow. I made sure she saw me hold Amorelli tight and kiss her forehead. Calming down my wolf. She stirred and mumbled and opened her eyes. She smiled and kissed my cheek.
"Mordikai?" She mumbled quietly.
"Yes my beautiful mate?" I kissed her mark slightly and she smiled in content.
"Kill her." This made Zinniah and I both look at her with astonishment.
"What?" Albina, the flight attendant looked horrified.
"You tried to seduce my mate. Not even caring he has found the love of his life. His other half. Mordikai, either you kill her or I ask Comrade to do it." She got off and slept in a different seat. She has a point. Comrade would be a lot more willing to kill her than I would.
Maybe I should just get Diesel to fly with us for now on.
"As you wish, my queen. If you and Zinniah could leave this area for a few moments that would be most appreciated." I kneeled at her chair and she blushed when I called her that. She smiled and kissed me.
"You don't actually have to. But if she does it again please end her life." I nodded and looked at Albina. She started crying and ran into the cockpit in fear. I chuckled and Zinniah giggled a bit.
"This is why we're family." She smiled and Amorelli and I returned to the couch. She fell asleep and soon after I did as well.
~Six Hours Later~
I woke up with no Amorelli on top of me. I bolted upright and looked all around the cabin until I saw her and Zinniah eating breakfast. Or lunch. Whatever you want to call it. I looked out the window and saw it was still bright out. But it looked like it was getting late. I looked at the time and it was four-thirty.
"Mordikai, come join us." Amorelli smiled softly and I joined them. I was immediately brought out steak and potatoes with a beer. I started to eat and stare at Amorelli. She was eating chicken and steamed vegetables with a side salad. She looked so beautiful. I felt the plane start to descend and I sighed. Finally, time to get off the plane. The plane finally landed and there was a limo outside on the ground waiting for us. Albina grabbed Amorelli's things and Albert took Zinniah's. I grabbed my own and we made our way to the limo. They put our bags in the trunk and we drove to the house. It would take about thirty minutes. We all sat quietly until we arrived at the house. Their jaws dropped and they looked really excited. When the car stopped I gave Amorelli the key and the girls both ran out to the house.
It was beautiful! It was so big and it was so pretty on the inside of the house! There were antique furniture and old paintings from the year 1452. Leonardo Da Vinci. Great work. Priceless. Everything was huge in this house. I ran into a bedroom that looked like the master, and I was astonished. It had a king-sized bed, a large couch, a very large flat-screen TV, a very large bathroom, and a view of the ocean. Mordikai soon later entered with our bags and sighed. He plopped onto the bed and sighed. I giggled and jumped on top of him. We both laughed loudly and laid with one another.
"Yes, my love?"
"Do you think they'll want me after all of these years?" I let a tear go down my face. He wiped it away and lifted my chin.
"They've been looking for you ever since you were taken. They'll want you back." I nodded and sighed.
I got up to go see Zinniahs room. She looked so happy to have such a large room.
"Amorelli! This place is beautiful!" I nodded in response. She looked back at me and looked a bit confused.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing... I just want to know if they'll take me back. Obviously, I'm coming back up at night to sleep, but I'm worried they won't want me back anymore." I sighed and my heart broke at the thought.
"Hey, we have to do this. We need their help in finding everyone else and bringing them home. Plus if we don't, you'll never be able to see them anyway because you won't be a mermaid anymore." She had a good point. It was getting late anyway and I need to come back up in just a few hours. And if anything goes wrong, I have a mind link with Mordikai, so it should work out.
"Alright. Then let's go." She nodded and we walked into my room. Mordikai was looking out on the balcony without a shirt. He turned around and sighed sadly.
"I'll be back in a few hours baby. I promise you I'm coming back up. And if I can't find it within a few hours then I'll tell you I'm on my way back, okay?" He nodded sadly and we went outside and walked for a minute before we reached a dock. There was a speedboat in the water and we got on. Mordikai started it and we were off. While we were making our way over, Zinniah and I talked about random things. She was going to try to see if she could turn into a mermaid. She's really nervous about this whole thing. Honestly, I am as well. I'm going to be meeting my parents for the first time. But a part of me can't help but feel bad for Zinniah. I'm meeting my family before her. She must be somewhat upset with that fact.
"You know, after this whole thing is over and we leave Guam, would you like to go to the Amazon to find your parents Zinniah?" Mordikai had read my mind, and this was the first time I wasn't angry with him for it. I smiled at him and she looked really excited.
"Really? You mean it?" Now she was really happy. I laughed and nodded. She hugged me and then hugged Mordikai. She then started talking about what they were probably like and if she had any other family members like aunts or uncles or cousins.
"We'd have to talk to the Elder's and see where their last recorded location was. But I will be with you every step of the way."
"Thank you, Amorelli."
"You're welcome." The boat started to slow down and I looked at where we were.
The middle of nowhere.
"Alright. The Mariana Trench should be right beneath us. It's going to look dark. If you feel as if you are in trouble, Amorelli, you mind link me and I'll send people in there to help you. But we can't help you if you're already inside the trench. They would get crushed and would die. Only mermaids can travel into the trench and not die. However, it might work for you Zinniah. But if it doesn't work come right back up because you will die. Understand?" We both nodded and I took a shaky breath.
"Will anything else happen besides me turning into a mermaid?"
"Don't know my love. I love you. Be careful. Both of you." Mordikai kissed me and hugged Zinniah. She jumped in first and screamed.
"Zinniah!" I looked over the side and she was shivering.
"It's cold!" I grabbed my heart and sighed.
"Don't scare me like that. I thought something bad happened!" I took off my dress and sat in my bathing suit I was given. I stood on a part of the boat where I could jump in. Zinniah gave me her clothes and I gave them to Mordikai. He laid them to dry and waited for me to jump.
"Why haven't you gone in yet darling?" He asks. I can tell he's concerned.
"I don't know... I'm scared..."
"Do you want me to jump in with you?" I looked at him and thought for a moment. He'd be all wet and what if women come around on their own boats and see him shirtless or without clothes? I can't let that happen.
"No. I need to do this on my own." I took a deep breath and counted to three in my head.
1. I heard Mordikai count with me. I gave him a smile and continued.
I jumped.
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