《The Royal Mates》Chapter Twenty-Five
I have to help her. She needs me. Granted, they all need me. However, if she doesn't get home, then she'll be done for. I have to help her. She'll die here without me. Samara needs my help and she's going to get it. No matter what it takes.
I walk towards her room and knock softly, knowing she probably has one of her terrible migraines. I slowly opened the door after I heard a grumble and closed it softly.
"Samara, time to get up now dear." I went to turn on a light and she sat up groggily.
"Another migraine?" I asked, already getting her a cup of water and an aspirin.
"Yes. This one is a lot worse than the other though. God, I can barely sit up." I sighed softly. I knew what this was. Her wolf has been trying to come out for years now. When she leaves that feeling will go away but her wolf will be very weak. She will need a lot of training.
"Samara, I actually know why you get the migraines..." I started off slowly.
"You do? Tell me, please! I want them to go away." She pleaded as she laid down.
"I will tell you later. Right now I will tell the boss you are bedridden and can't get up. I will be back soon, however. I'll be right back." I stood up and she sighed sadly. She closed her eyes and went back to sleep. I walked to her door and opened it up. When I did, I was enraged.
"Why are you here? Samara should be awake and ready to work." It was a 'customer.' He made me sick. They all did.
"Samara is bedridden. You need to leave and go find someone else." I need to protect her. She needs to get home. They all do...
"I don't care. Get her up and ready or I will do it myself."
"You won't be doing anything of the sort." We both froze as we heard the Boss.
"Sir, I was just coming to see you about Samara. Her migraines are getting worse and she can barely sit up in bed. I was going to request if she could have the day off and I take care of her for the day." The customer ran off in fear. The Boss was deep in thought about this.
"She will have to do chores then if she can not work today. Later on, if she is feeling better, tell her she has to clean the dining room." I nodded.
"Yes, sir. It will be done. However, what if she does not get better? What would you like me to do then?"
"Come and get me. I will fix it if she doesn't get better."
"Yes, sir." I bowed and walked back into Samara's room.
"Samara, you have the day off. However, if you feel better later, the Boss said he wants you to do chores... Is that alright?" She nodded softly and I sat beside her on the bed.
"Alright, are you ready to know why you have the migraines?" She opened her eyes and nodded softly.
"You, obviously aren't from here, Samara. Tell me, what do you remember before you came to us?" She thought for a second and shook her head. Nothing.
"You don't have dreams of things from before? Maybe a person like a family member?" She then looked shocked. Bingo.
"A little boy. Screaming my name... I called him bubby... Was that my big brother?" I nodded softly. Good, she remembers at least someone.
"I have these weird dreams, where I'm talking to a wolf? She's really nice. And we're in a forest that's so beautiful. What does this mean?" She's been meeting her wolf. That's why she gets terrible migraines.
"Well, first, I should tell you where you're from and who you are. You are from Russia, daughter of the king and queen of werewolves. Your parent's names are Alyx and Carlisle. Your older brother is named Mordikai. You have been meeting with your wolf in your dreams. This is normal for a wolf to be suppressed for so long." She looked shocked.
"So, where am I now?"
"India." She nodded slowly and looked a bit deep in thought. I gave her time to process everything.
"So, why is my wolf suppressed then?"
"Around the compound, there is an invisible barrier that prevents people from shifting and or using their powers. In your case, you can turn into a wolf and you have the powers of augmentation and negation. You can enhance or weaken the powers of others, as well as cancel other's powers." She nodded once again.
"And, I can't do that in here..?" I nodded and she sighed and laid down.
"This is a lot."
"I know, dear."
"What am I going to do?"
"I'm going to get you out of here. I promise."
"I heard that Amorelli and Zinniah escaped a few weeks ago. Do you think they're okay?" I sighed.
"I sure hope so. Another thing about werewolves is that you guys get mates, given to you by the moon goddess. She picks who you would be best with, and your brother has already found his." She smiled softly.
"I'm glad. Do you know if she is treating him well?"
"Yes. Because she left to go find him and to go find help."
"It's one of the girls that left-" She thought for a moment.
"It's Amorelli. Isn't it? I can't see Zinniah with my brother." I nodded and she smiled wide, proud of herself.
"Do you know who helped them escape?"
"Yes. However, I can not tell. I could get in trouble. Even for this meeting, I could get killed for telling you this." She frowned and nodded. I didn't have a problem with Samara knowing everything. I knew she could keep secrets. No one could break her.
"Thank you, for telling me this." A tear slid down her face and I wiped it away.
"It'll all be okay... They'll come for you. All of you. I promise." She hugged me tight and laid back down.
"Do you want me to let you sleep?" She nodded and fell back asleep almost instantly. I walked out her door and stood guard, making sure none of the impatient and conceited customers tried to use her while she slept. It happened once, I'm not letting it happen again.
Please hurry girls... You're running out of time...
I woke up to the sun hitting my face through the curtains. I looked down and saw Amorelli cuddled into my side. I smiled wide and pushed some hair out of her face. It has been a week since she's been home from the hospital and I couldn't have been happier. I learned a lot about her and she won't try anything else but salads. She really likes the dressings. She finally opened up last night about what she went through growing up. The elders also told us that newborn mermaids are born human, and they grow their fins at some point. Since they have lungs, they need air which is given to them by their parents. However, since Amorelli was kidnapped very young, she didn't need that. They said she will survive when she enters the water, however. Her wounds have healed nicely since I marked her before the event happened. She's starting to walk by herself. Alana's goons have left us alone and it's been wonderful. She can lay down without being in pain. She usually wakes up before me and wakes me up with kisses. But this time I woke up before her and get to wa- what is that smell? It's delightful and it's coming from Amorelli. I then decided to take a look into her mind and see what she's dreaming about.
(This part is going to be in the private chapters. I will, however, leave the more minor stuff in here just so that there's an actual chapter.)
'That was, wonderful baby...' I whispered to her and kissed her softly. We laid next to each other and it was then that I realized she was waking up. I quickly left her mind.
'Fuck!' I thought. Since it was a wet dream, there was cum, everywhere. I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom to clean up. I made it back in time for Amorelli to wake up. She stirred slightly as I joined her. I held her close but realized she had cum everywhere as well. I groaned at the thought.
How sexy.
"Mordikai?" She questioned me, lust clear in her eyes.
"Good morning my beautiful mate." I kissed her forehead and sighed softly. Making love with her will be amazing.
"I had a dream about us..." She blushed hard and I chuckled.
"I can tell." She gave me a questioning look and then looked down. She gasped and covered herself.
"Don't look!" I laughed and went to go get her a towel. When I came back she was still blushing red.
"You know, my beautiful mate-" I paused and I climbed over her. Her breath caught in her throat as I ran my nose down her neck, kissing and licking her mark.
"I'm going to be down there at some point... Whether you like it or not." I gripped her hips and she moaned softly. I growled in satisfaction and pulled the blankets over us. She giggled but moaned even louder when my morning wood accidentally touched her core. I groaned and kept rubbing myself against her. She gasped and gripped my shoulders.
"If I tell you something, promise not to get mad?"
"Does it involve us?" I could sense her worry.
"Yes, but I don't think it's bad." We stopped kissing and I laid next to her. She was still panting from the very little activity we were pursuing.
"What did you do?" I chuckled but rubbed the back of my neck.
"I woke up a little bit before you... And I smelled something coming from you... So I entered your mind and saw it was a dream of us... I may have taken over my body so I could have a first-person point of view instead of watching from afar... Please don't be mad..." She went wide-eyed and blushed red.
"I'm not mad... I enjoyed it a lot." She covered her face with her hands and I chuckled.
"We won't do that until your ready. Okay, baby?" She giggled when I called her that and nodded. Kissing me softly, but then trailing down my neck. I moaned softly and she got on top of me. She grinded against me and I held her down by grabbing her hips. She gasped and I slowly flipped us so I was on top. I bit her mark again and she tried to hold in her scream. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I moaned in pleasure.
"You wanna wait to do this baby?" I asked and she nodded but kept her grip on my waist. I kissed her forehead and then her lips.
"Come on, time for breakfast my love." She groaned but nodded and she got up by herself. Since I marked her again, the healing process should speed up even more. She stood on wobbly legs and I watched as some of her juices dripped down her leg. I growled seductively and she finally realized what had happened. She went to grab the towel but I was already on my knees, licking up her cum. She gasped and gripped my hair as she shoved my head towards her crotch. I gave her a seductive smile and pulled her shorts to the side and started licking her area. She moaned loudly and this didn't help my raging boner. I stood up and licked her mark, causing her legs to buckle and fall into me.
"Later, my sexy mate." I nipped her mark and relished in how she reacted.
"Stop teasing me Mordikai." She gripped my bicep and I chuckled as I walked towards the bathroom.
"Would you like to join me, Amorelli? Or would you like a bath instead?" She thought for a moment before she answered.
"Bath please, extra bubbles." She smiled and I chuckled softly.
"As you wish, my princess." I then started a bath for her and put in the bubbles.
"Just hop in when you want my love." I kissed her lips softly and she sighed happily. I tucked some hair behind her ear and started undressing. She shrieked and hid her eyes. I laughed and went into the shower so she could see again. She then started undressing and I couldn't help myself but look at her.
And the scars I gave her.
I couldn't look at that. I couldn't look at the monster I had become that morning.
"Mordikai, it's okay. It's nothing now." I sighed and nodded, doubting she saw. I heard her get into the tub and sigh.
"We never had baths. It was always showers. The sex slaves, however, got whatever they wanted." She sighed sadly and laid her head against the tub.
"We'll save them, Amorelli. I promise. Especially my sister." I became stern and worried. What if they kill some of them while we aren't there? What if they kill Samara?
I sigh at what I'm thinking of. I then turn off the shower and grab my towel, wrapping it around my waist. I stepped out of the shower and Amorelli quickly hid her face and squealed. I chuckled and walked towards her.
"Come on, baby... You don't like what you see?" She turned red and I sighed. Time to be a teasing asshole.
"Well, I certainly like what I see..." I trace her collarbone and I can hear her heartbeat quicken. I smirked and let my hand slowly go towards her breast. If she didn't want me to do that she'll stop me.
However, the exact opposite happened. She grabbed my hand and placed it on her breast. I chuckled and massaged her one breast. Her breathing was erratic and I noticed there was still room for both of us in the tub.
It was a really big tub.
I unwrapped the towel and she gasped and saw my intention. I chuckled and went to step in when she grabbed my member and slowly jerked me off. I groaned and gently gripped her hair. She moaned a little and she gasped when she finally looked at my member.
"You like what you see, baby girl?" I traced my finger down the parts of her body I could see. She nodded and I smirked. I leaned down to whisper in her ear, nipping her earlobe.
"Imagine what it'll be like when I'm inside you, my beautiful mate." I kissed her neck and her grip tightened and her pace quickened, causing me to groan from the pleasure.
"Baby girl, you keep doing this and I'll have no choice to make love to you right now..." I heard her gasp and she stopped. I groaned in pleasure and annoyance. I didn't think she'd st-
"Fuck!" She had leaned forward and licked the entirety of my member. She thumbed my tip and I couldn't help but growl in pleasure. She slowly took my member into her mouth and sucked gently, as if she was afraid to hurt me. I knew she didn't know what she was doing but my god it felt great. The tingles and the fire had spread all over and I was relishing in it.
"Stop," I ordered her with my alpha tone. She looked scared but relaxed a little when she saw I was finally joining her in the tub. I made sure to place her ass right on my member. She gasped and moaned quite loud. I moaned and teased her, rubbing her area with my member, slightly pushing it inside her then taking it right back out.
"Mordikai..." She dragged out my name as she let out a moan. I then flipped her around so she was facing me. Her breasts were covered in bubbles and she seemed happy about it.
She knew how it made me feel.
She leaned down towards me and kissed me passionately. I could smell her arousal and it was intoxicating. I couldn't get enough of it.
"Amorelli, god I love you." I kissed her with everything I had and after we both calmed down, we just held one another in the bathtub. I looked at the clock on the wall and realized it was already eleven.
"Fuck, it's eleven." I stood up and washed off quickly in the shower. She did the same thing, and my god did she have a beautiful body. I grabbed a towel and wrapped her in it. She dried herself off and I did the same. I walked into our room with a towel around my waist when I see my mother sitting on my bed.
"Mom? What are you doing here?"
"Well, you guys weren't there for breakfast and I came up here to get both of you. But I guess you two were busy." She winked and I flushed red. Then Amorelli comes in with the towel around her body and squeals when she saw my mother on the bed. She hid behind me and I chuckled.
"I apologize we were late to breakfast, mother. We will be down shortly for lunch. What are the plans for the day?" Amorelli snuck into the closet to get changed. We took her shopping a few days ago and now she has all the clothes in the world. She seemed to really like dresses. Especially the vintage ones from the 1900s. She came out in a maroon dress and white sandals. She then sat down and started to brush her hair when my mother came over and took over for her.
"Oh, that isn't necessary Alyx." She smiled softly and my mother smiled back at her.
"I know... I just miss doing this..." She sighed softly and Amorelli didn't say anything else.
"We'll find her. I promise. The guard that helped us is probably helping her as we speak." They both stopped.
"I completely forgot a guard helped you guys. What was her name?"
"Maya. She said she doesn't want to be saved because they killed her children... The Boss didn't even give them a chance..." Amorelli shed a tear and wiped it away.
"That was very kind of her." My mother commented and Amoreli nodded. My mother stopped brushing her hair and Amorelli stood up. She made sure nothing was showing and made sure she liked how she looked. She then turned to me and smiled softly. We all walked to lunch together and sat down as there was a variety of foods given to us. We started eating and went into the garden after we were done.
"It's so beautiful out here. I can see why your mother likes it so much."
"It's almost as beautiful as you." I held her close and she sighed in content.
"Do you think anyone who was taken as a kid will find their way back home? Like, I know we're going to help them... But what if my parents decide they don't want me anymore because they love their other children more? Your father already hates what his daughter has 'become', and what if the other parents decide they don't want them anymore..."
"Amorelli, baby. Look at me." She looked at me with tears in her eyes.
"Your family loves you. And they haven't stopped looking for you... I promise." She nodded and laid her head on me. She then dozed off and fell asleep. I held her close and sighed. I then started getting a call from the pack doctor.
"Alpha, great news."
"What is it?"
"Well, from when I looked at Amorelli yesterday, she looked like she was doing fine enough to go home for a while. I just wanted to let you know Alpha." My heart stopped. I have to let her go, and if she truly loves me then she'll come back.
I don't want to risk that... But I have to...
"Thanks, doctor... Have a good day." I hung up before he could say anything. I sighed and wiped my face.
"Please don't leave me Amorelli... Please come back to me..." I then took us both back to my room and I fell asleep with her.
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