《The Royal Mates》Chapter Twenty-Four
When we arrived back at the castle, we all were surprised. His mother was on one side of the room and his father was on the other side. They really didn't want to be near one another, but they had to be there for his son. Well, at least his mother did. She was the only one that supports me as being her son's mate. His father, however, hates my guts because I'm not a werewolf and his bloodline will be "ruined". Mordikai wheeled me inside the castle and his dad smirked because I was injured. His mom looked at me with sympathy.
"Are you alright dear? I remember when Carlisle first hurt me like that." She had a distant look in her eye and we all heard Carlisle growl angrily.
"You hurt mom?" Mordikai sounded like he was going to become enraged. I do not want to be around when that happens.
"It was an accident." Carlisle simply puts it.
"Accident my ass." He glared at his father and I sighed softly. I looked back at his mom and she looked like she had come out of her trance.
"Let's go talk in the conference room, shall we? The elders are there waiting for us all." His mother smiled softly towards me and we all followed the king and queen. I wonder how they slept? On occasions of fighting do they have their own quarters that they can reside in? Or does someone take the couch?
"So, Amorelli, our conversation was rudely interrupted. How are you feeling?" His mother asked again.
"I'm not the best but I will be alright soon." I smiled softly at her and looked up at Mordikai to see him frowning while deep in thought.
"Kai?" I asked softly, knowing he heard me.
"What's wrong?" I said again and I heard him sigh.
'I feel awful.' I jumped in the wheelchair and everyone stopped to look at me and see if I was okay.
"What the fu-" I looked around, looking for the voice that played through my head.
'Calm down, Amorelli. It's me. I can enter your mind and read your thoughts and speak to you without anyone else hearing.' I sighed in relief. I thought I was going crazy.
'You aren't going crazy.'
'Stop that!'
'Sorry, my love.'
'Now, tell me what's wrong?'
'I feel awful for what I did. I turned into my father that morning and I shouldn't have. I never learned how to keep my cool after Samara was taken from us and I hate myself and blame myself every day for that happening. If that day had never happened I would have never done that to you.'
'Yes, but if that day had never happened then we would have never met. We wouldn't be here today, together. If Samara had never been taken you would have been forced to be with Alana. Granted your father would be kinder and your mother would be happy, but we would have never met and I would end up marrying into royalty or rank. Neither of us would be eternally happy.' After I explained this Mordikai sighed and we stopped talking as we reached the conference room with the elders waiting for us.
"King, Queen, Prince, Princesses. Thank you for joining us." They bowed and kissed mine, Zinniah's and the Queen's hands. We all then sat down and got down to business.
"So, we have to see what happened while you guys were escaping. May you show us, Princess Zinniah?" The first elder asked. She had white hair and gray eyes. Zinniah nodded and walked over to them. They all placed their hands on Zinniah's and then it began. Their eyes fogged over and for about twenty minutes, she showed them what happened with two five minute breaks because Zinniah's nose started to bleed. After she finished, Zinniah almost fainted and was moved away from the others, cleaning her nose and keeping her cool with cold water since she was apparently overheating and not doing too good. I gave her a sympathetic smile and sighed quietly.
"You girls... Encountered people we couldn't have imagined to talk to. Except for Maverick. We have had a history with him. But the Emperor of China, we haven't had good contact with him in a while. He wants to fix our relations?" The elders all looked skeptical. I looked at them confused.
"Is that bad?" I questioned them. A man sighed. He also had white hair but his eyes were blue.
"We don't know. He could try planning an attack on us, or he wants to fix trade. Either way, he was the one that started a war with us about a century or two ago. Not the current Emperor himself but a different one. Ever since the last few Emperors have been in power, they realized they needed us and have been trying to regain contact and fix our relations. But since that emperor years ago, we don't know if we can trust the current." He gently rubbed his temple and looked like he was in deep thought.
"Well, I believe it would be at least good to talk to him. He probably wants to form a treaty to help get his daughter back. A little bit before we left, she was taken as well. Apparently, they had her hidden for years and the Boss found out." I frowned but it was gone as soon as it came. It was replaced by fear. Carlisle had slammed his fist against the table.
"You imbecile! You keep saying 'the Boss'! Just tell us his damn name!" I grew angry.
"If we knew his name we would have told you as soon as we got here, your majesty. Not even his most trusted guards know his true name. So if they don't know, why would we?" I grew sarcastic with the King and he growled in anger. He looked like he was about to hit me but Mordikai was already in front of me. Before he could hit Mordikai, the Elder's made, what seems to be a forcefield around us. Alyx gasped and then smiled and hugged Mordikai. I was confused. Yes, I was grateful that they protected us, but Carlisle seems surprised and remorseful. He looked at the Elder's and stepped back. The Elder's removed the field when they figured he wasn't going to hit us. They looked resentful and stood up.
"Alpha Carlisle. We deem you unfit for being King of the Werewolf community. You will step down from the position and your son and his mate will take over. Since your mate has left you, you will be banished to being one with the people. You will be a commoner and work for us. Or, you can leave and become a rouge. Either way, you are no longer royalty. No matter what your bloodline says. You are relieved of your duty and your son will take over as soon as possible. If we suspect you are plotting against the marriage and transfer of crown, you will be incriminated and put in prison for however long the court wants to put you there. Gather your things and we suggest you go to your parent's house until you can get a place of your own. They will be notified." The Elder's sat down and I couldn't believe what I heard. The King and Queen can be kicked from their position at the hands of the Elders?
"No disrespect, but you guys are allowed to do that?" I questioned them and they nodded their heads. They can remove people from the crown if they deem them unfit. That is amazing, as well as frightening. However, I do believe that it is up to all of the elders to see if they can remove someone from their position so that it's not just one Elder removing someone for simply disliking someone.
"Yes, we are. There are laws for Elders. We are the people that keep the peace over the pack or packs if the rulers are being incompetent. Like Carlisle over here. We know he's been abusive ever since he lost Samara. It was a loss for everyone. However, the event clouded his mind and he was obsessed with finding his daughter. He became a cold-hearted monster who became angry enough to beat his wife. His mate. The one he is supposed to love and the person who is supposed to love him. He hasn't been a good king for a while now. And when he found out his daughter was alive but a sex slave, he became infuriated and said that she wasn't his daughter. She didn't choose that life, she was forced into it. And that is just a few of the reasons as to why he is a terrible king and why he needs to step down. Whether by force or by his own will. But it's happening as soon as possible." The Elder's concluded and they all stood up.
"This meeting will continue tomorrow afternoon after lunch. Only the Queen, princess' and prince are allowed in. We will be discussing more on this topic. There will be another meeting in two days in order to discuss the transition of titles and who will be going where, as well as if you two, Queen Alyx and former king Carlisle, would like to get a divorce. Or, if you both would like to try again with being one another's mate. We can feel the bond between your wolves is still very strong. But whether you want to destroy your wolves and die, or, fix the relationship and survive is the option you would like to go with. The option is up to you." With that, the Elders left and we were all left in shock. Zinniah left the room first before things could get any more awkward. Carlisle growled in anger towards me and I scoffed.
"Grow up. Your actions caused you to lose the crown. Not me. Not Mordikai. You. Everything that has happened for what, the past week and a half are all your fault. Now either get over yourself and stop being a little bitch when you don't get your way or leave." I gave him a dirty look and rolled myself out of the room. Mordikai was right behind me as was the Queen. I didn't hear thundering footsteps coming after us, so I'm assuming that he was still standing in the room dumbfounded.
"That was very brave of you to say, Amorelli. I couldn't have said it better myself." The Queen tried her best to stifle a laugh. I sighed and smiled up at her softly.
"Thank you, your highness."
"Please, call me Alyx." I smiled even wider and nodded. I looked up at Mordikai and smiled at him as well. Mordikai and I went to the kitchen for a little snack. However, when he saw this one group of girls, he stopped and slowly started to walk out of the room. But they had already sensed the Alpha and turned around to look at him. Some stares were seductive, and the others were hateful. Both towards myself and Mordikai.
"Look, girls, it's the Alpha's new to-" Before she could even finish her sentence Mordikai was over there with his hands ready to snap her neck. She looked scared shitless and this was giving me pride for my mate. He was defending me.
"Say one more word, and I will not hesitate to kill you. The only whore around here is Alana. Got that?" She nodded and when he let go she and all of her friends left the room. He sighed and turned around to look at me. I smiled softly at him and he smiled softly towards me. He kneeled in front of me and pushed some hair behind my ear. I leaned my head against his head and smiled softly as I gently kissed his hand. He gently kissed my forehead and led me to some of the counters.
"So, my beautiful mate. What would you like to eat? I can make anything you want." He smiled and I smiled wide. No one has ever given me that kind of option. I then realized that I was never given that option. No one ever asked me what I wanted. I then looked down at my hands and frowned.
"Amorelli? What is wrong?" Mordikai kneeled and lifted my chin to look at him. I looked up with tears in my eyes.
"I don't know what I like."
"What? Why don't you-" He stopped mid-sentence and rubbed the back of his neck.
"I'm so sorry..." He rubbed me upper back gently, trying not to hurt me. I let a few tears fall down my face and he held me to the best of his ability. He kept trying to hold me without hurting me, but he just couldn't hold me the way he wanted. He growled in annoyance and went to the fridge and started pulling stuff out.
"What are you doing?"
"Making you something. If I don't know what you like, then we'll find out what you like. Plus, whenever I get frustrated I try to cook." He grabbed out all of these colorful objects of food. Lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, some- green leaves? Why would I eat leaves? We didn't grow those in India.
"What are those?" I pointed to the leaves and he looked confused.
"Yeah, what is that? We didn't grow that stuff."
"It's just a vegetable. It comes from a plant. We just tear off the leaves. It comes from central and western Asia." I nodded my head and then he got out some liquids in bottles.
"What are those?" I was getting excited. I had never seen this much food I'd be able to have.
"These are salad dressings. Do you mind if you try some to see which one you like?" I nodded quickly and he came over to me with little testing cups. He would pour a little bit of each bottle into them. First, he gave me one that was all white. I took a sip and immediately spit it back into the cup. He laughed really hard and took the cup and gave me a napkin.
"I guess you don't like ranch." He puts that bottle away and grabs another one. From what I see on the bottle, it says 'olive oil'. That's odd. He poured some for me and when I drank this one, I didn't taste anything.
"I don't taste anything." I gave it back to him and he shrugged and put that one back in the cabinet. The next one he grabs says Italian. It's colorful and there are two different kinds. One looks oily, the other creamy. He pours them both into different cups but gives me two at the same time.
"So, these are Italian dressings. They come in a cream and a vinaigrette. But they are essentially the same thing. One just sticks better to food, which is the cream." He stands back up and watches me drink the cream one first. It was delicious! I nodded my head a lot and then tried the vinaigrette. It was just as good.
"I like these!" He laughed again and he just sounded so happy.
"Oh! Can we get Zinniah down here as well? She doesn't know what she likes either." He nodded and his eyes went cloudy. I furrowed my eyebrows. They then went back to normal.
"What did you just do?"
"I mind linked someone to go get Zinniah."
"But, your eyes. They looked like they clouded over."
"Yeah, that's what it looks like when you mind link someone." I nodded and a few seconds later Zinniah was in the kitchen.
"Hey, you guys wanted to see me?" I nodded and pushed dressings towards her.
"What's this stuff?" She examines the bottles and then looks at the other ones that Mordikai brings back out.
"I'm making you both food because you don't know what you guys like. So, try those dressings and see if you like any." He pours out the ranch first and when she tries it she takes the bottle with her. I laugh really hard whereas Mordikai just sighs.
"I guess you like ranch then." He tried taking the bottle away from her but she wasn't budging. He growled in annoyance and I giggled the entire time. He then raised his hand and like that the bottle was in his hands and away from Zinniah. We both stared at him with our mouths wide open as he put the bottle down on the counter.
"I have the powers of telekinesis and mind-reading. That's not a problem with you, Amorelli. As we are mates and that would happen anyway. But, I can read Zinniah's mind right now if I wanted to." We nodded and then Zinniah walked up to him.
"Prove it. What am I thinking." He looked deep into her eyes intently, but when he came out he looked upset.
"You want to know if your parents are still alive. You want to know who your mate is and if you'll ever find him. You also want the ranch back." Zinniah sat down in a chair and sighed. She laid her head down on her hands and watched as Mordikai made her food. I wheeled over to her and put my head on her thigh.
"You'll find your parents. I'll make sure of it. And you'll find your mate. I promise." She nodded and by the time we were done talking, there was a bowl of colorful foods placed in front of us.
"What's this?" I question as he poured a good amount of Italian dressing in my bowl and ranch in hers. He handed us both forks and gave us a bottle of water.
"Salad." That was all he said before he poured some olive oil in his. We shrugged and when we bit into the salad we both moaned with delight. It was amazing.
"I'm assuming you guys like it?" We both nodded and dug in. Within ten minutes, our salads were gone, but we were still a bit hungry.
"You guys want ice cream?" He went to the freezer and pulled like six tubs of this 'ice cream'.
"Ice cream?" We gave him a look and he sighed again.
"I'll go get the bowls..." He dragged his feet to the cabinet and we laughed again. He pulled out three bowls and three spoons from the drawer. He then put the ice creams in front of us, with a big spoon which he called an ice cream scoop.
"Okay. We have chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, coffee, cookie dough, and mint chocolate chip." He then scooped one small bit of each option into the bowls and we judged each one. I liked all of them except strawberry. Whereas, Zinniah liked the vanilla, strawberry and mint chocolate chip.
"There are also toppings for these too." He pulls out two syrup bottles and bottles of small rectangles.
"This is chocolate syrup, caramel syrup, and sprinkles." He again gave us some to try and I hated the caramel, as did Zinniah, but we loved the syrup and sprinkles.
"Okay, wanna try whipped cream?" We nodded and ended up loving it. Mordikai cleaned the bowls and he put the ice creams I liked into one bowl, with whipped cream, chocolate syrup and a lot of sprinkles, and did the same for Zinniah.
"I now present you both with, sundaes. Tada..." We took our spoons but he stopped us really quick.
"If you eat too fast you'll get a brain freeze." He didn't say what it was but we ate fast anyways and soon realized what he meant. After we were all done our ice cream, he placed everything in the sink and we all went to our rooms for naps. Mordikai carefully placed me in bed and we laid next to one another. Because of my injuries, I had to sleep on my back. I sighed softly as Mordikai held me gently.
"Thank you, Mordikai." He grumbled something sleepily.
"For what?"
"For letting me have food I was never given before. I appreciate it." He nodded and kissed my mark softly. I gasped and felt something pulse. He didn't do it again, however, and I don't know how I feel about that. I calmed down and fell asleep with him. With my wonderful mate.
- In Serial132 Chapters
Take Two!
College student majoring in botany has a fateful encounter with truck-kun while trying to get back in shape after realizing that his freshman 15 turned into the sophomore 20, and then the junior 30. After going through a very amusing(to some) hell, he gets the chance to transmigrate into a body of his own design on a magical world. Playing to his strengths, he chose the Plantkin race, and the new name of Sorrel to match. This is a slow-paced, magical, slice-of-life story with a focus on relationships. There will be sex(I'll try to keep the explicit stuff to a minimum, but it will be there), swearing, really bad jokes, and enough food to spoil your diet. There will not be a lot of action, epic quests to save the world, or anything even remotely resembling a big-bad-evil-guy(a few smaller bad guys, sure. But, no BBEG). Note: This is a re-write of my first story "Congratulations, You're Dead!". And, is much more what I wish I had written in the first place. The characters and the world are very similar, with a few key differences. The story may borrow some elements from Congrats, but should be considered as its own work. Reading Congrats first is not needed, or even reccommended, not unless you want to see some really cringey romance in the early chapters.
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The Immortals' Poison
Immortals, gods, devils. All of them have escaped the grasp of time and transcended the limits of mortality. Existences that can see a bug on a leaf thousands of miles away, beings who can create and destroy on a whim, entities of such awe-striking power that you can only tremble and await your demise. Reality is at their will. However, there is one thing that makes them cower in fear, a creation of utter darkness and endless malice: The Immortals' Poison. Said to be the soul of The First Dragon mixed with the remains of the dead Arch Pheonix, two items which shouldn't even be possible to gather. It is a sentient poison capable of killing anything it infects, giving the afflicted being, whether mortal or immortal, exactly 50 days to live. One day, the High God of Light, king of the gods, was afflicted with the poison. It caused the entire god realm to be panic-stricken. Searching for any cure to this legendary poison, they found one against all odds. For locked away deep in the forbidden archives, there was a sinister method of removing the infernal poison. The way they found was quite terrible. It was to find someone with a magnificent destiny and transplant the poison to this someone with a magnificent destiny, thereby going against fate, which is something the poison loves. However, he chose the wrong person to use, and now... The reckoning is coming. cover art isn't mine, all rights go to the artist etc.
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In the near future… mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, and most other annoying insects are now extinct as humanity rejoices, thinking they will finally live their lives free from these nuisance pests. But without warning, new vectors appear out of nowhere as they land themselves right on top of the food chain…
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Ant Tensei (Original) and (Redux)
A WhiteSamurai original Web Novel _______________________________________________________________ :Redux Synopsis: _______________________________________________________________ . . . The Official WhiteSamurai Rewrite of Ant Tensei: Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, yet for some reason it has always repeated itself. The tides of destiny and the passing of time are unstoppable forces that dictate our lives and paths. Yet, within a single point in time, within a single universe, on a single planet, a single being was born of tragedy and suffering, to break this cycle. This man, was named by those who followed him, as Aristocles. Through sheer willpower and an unparamount tact through wisdom gained with research and study to become closer to being human himself, he became something more, more than just human. Over time he became hope, a hope in a better tomorrow, a hope in a future. No matter the crisis at hand, this man eventually rose up to defend humanity in their darkest hour, nearly leading them to a great victory. It was then, that they destroyed the world?! Join us in the journey of life, death, and hope that was forged by this unbelievable spirit. A journey of pain, a journey of enlightenment, a journey left behind into the chronicles of the universe, and well, a journey as an Ant... Well, no matter how far into the future one goes, none will ever say that this life failed to make a difference. . . Status: [Ongoing] . . . _______________________________________________________________ :'Original'Synopsis: _______________________________________________________________ . . . Aristocles was no normal guy. Living his life on the edge of insanity and daring, he led the charge on every military campaign you can think of. He toppled governments and seized control over nearly half of his world in less than a few years of beginning his military campaigns. Nearly a decade into his reign, aliens from another world invaded his world. With his whole race on the line, everyone swore fealty to him in hopes for victory. When taking the field, he and his forces took the field, they easily drove the aliens to the brink of defeat. Just when it seemed the day was saved, Aristocles came across what seemed to be the ground leader. """"Do you yield"""" Aristocles stated with a mighty and intimidating voice. """"Blow up the planet"""" was the response. In the next moment, Aristocles looked into the sky as a beam came to pierce his planet. His last words were """"You cheated"""" """"So?"""". Upon his death Aristocles heard """"This one has finally died, though his world is gone, will now reincarnate in different universe. Error, memories retained, changing reincarnation to ant, solution verified, confirm."""" Just like that, Aristocles woke up to discover that he was a larva in a small ant hill. Not only that, but he could see an experience bar and hp bar in the corner of his eye [HP:1] [MP:0] [EXP: 0/1]. How will Aristocles survive as the weakest being you could possibly think of? Join me in the great adventure of ANT TENSEI! . . Status: [Being Re-written/ Discontinued/On Hiatus] 'Final' Chapter: Chapter 14 . . . _______________________________________________________________ :Official Rewrite Notice: _______________________________________________________________ . . . As of May 18th, 2015, the particular version of Ant Tensei now being titled 'Original' was discontinued in favor 'Redux', the official rewrite of the novel. The reason being that I wasn't actually taking it seriously for more than half of the chapters. All of my Fantasy-Styled works were never originally intended for publication, but after a surprising amount of attention during the initial weeks of release on a different medium, the decision was made to develop my Fantasy-Styled works at my professional level. This decision has thus sparked the decision to Re-Launch Ant Tensei as "Ant Tensei Redux". If there are still a number of those still interested in the old version of the story that was written as a way to relieve myself of excess time, then i'll eventually look into reviving the original intent for Ant Tensei Original and draft off an independant series for it under the title "Ant Tensei Original". For now, however, "Ant Tensei Redux" shall be the only version being progressively developed and released. Please share your thoughts on this early version of my original novel, Ant Tensei. There were 14 chapters of Original released before the development of Redux began, the chapter 7.5 special not included. . . . Enjoy the work. ~White Overall Status: (Ongoing)
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