《The Royal Mates》Chapter Twenty-Seven
Once I jumped in, something happened. There was a bright light, able to be seen from miles away. It went all the way into the air and all around the ocean. Fish from all around came to watch. They looked like they had finally found someone to follow. When I looked down, I saw a glimmer in the trench. That must be home. I started to grow my tail. My legs fused together and my tail color was a red and gold color. It shimmered endlessly in the water. Zinniah watched from afar. I saw she had turned into a mermaid no problem. Her tail was green. She had small blue shells on her breasts. I look down and saw I had white shells on mine. Thank god, I didn't want my body shown off like that. I felt something grow on my neck and felt that it was a small set of gills. I was able to breathe underwater without a problem. The light had gone away after I was done and I just sat there floating. What now? I swam a little bit to the left and a little to the right. I laughed. I sounded so clear underwater. I swam down and all the way back up. I jumped in the air and saw Mordikai look at me with admiration. He loved how I look.
"Amorelli! You look beautiful!" I heard him say down into the water. I then started to swim downward.
"Zinniah, are you ready?"
"Yes. Let's go."
We started to swim down. Ocean life was still surrounding me. I found a reef on the way inside of the trench and poked a sea anemone. It was as if it was sniffing me. Seeing who I was. It then stood upright as if to get attention from others. Then a swarm of fish come over to me and swirled around me. Seahorses did the same thing. I laughed loudly. It tickled and I was excited. I then started to swim deeper into the trench. I felt as if I passed some sort of barrier.
"Ah!" I turned around to see Zinniah. She got burned somehow. She can't get through.
"Go back up to Mordikai and tell him you couldn't come down. Okay?" She nodded and swam back to the surface. I made sure that she got into Mordikai's boat before I turned around.
"Alright. I can do this." I took a deep breath and let it out. I swam into the trench and saw that there were some buildings on the sides of it. That must be where certain merpeople live. As I swam deeper into the trench, I saw more and more buildings. I saw some children playing outside their houses. Once they saw me though, they just stared and swam back inside. I heard them say their parent's names and they then came out to look. An elderly couple came out of their house once everyone in the area was screaming.
"What is going on he-" The woman stopped in her tracks. Right in front of me. I stopped abruptly and stared back at her. She had gray hair and gray eyes. I could see somewhat of myself in her.
"What is your name dear?" She said strictly. Like she was trying to prove something to herself.
"I'm sorry, but I need to see the king and queen now. It's urgent." I tried to swim around her but she wouldn't let me.
"Tell me your name child!" She seemed desperate. I sighed.
"I'm sorry ma'am, but that isn't of your concern at the current moment. It is urgent that I get to the King and Queen. Please." Now I was sounding desperate. I needed to see my parents.
"Please... Just a name. I'll even take you to them myself. I'm the King's mother." I gasped slightly.
"You're the mother of the King?" She nodded.
"My name is Amorelli Agnelli... Grandma..." She hugged me and started crying. I then heard a horn and the royal family came out. Guards grabbed me and took me away from my grandmother.
"No! Let go of me!"
"Let her go!" They pushed her to the back of the crowd.
"You have intruded on our home. Explain yourself." My father held his trident towards me. I gasped and looked him in the eye. He looked hesitant but held his post. Grandma made her way through.
"Let go of my grandbaby Lynus!" My mother gasped.
"Amorelli? Is that really you?" She came closer and touched my face. She looked me in the eyes and moved my head back and forth. If there's one thing I should know, a mother would never forget her baby's face.
"Mom..." I hugged her. She started to cry, along with my grandparents. My siblings were confused. They don't remember me. I looked over at my dad and saw he was looking furious. What was wrong? Did he not want me back?
"My baby girl... You're home!" She cried and held me closer.
"How dare you! Pretend to be my dead daughter and fool my family!" My father is trying to kill me. He swung at me but I swam away. He groaned in anger and I screamed. I then looked at the guards.
"Save me!" My voice changed altogether. Their eyes glowed black and they stood in front of me, crossing their weapons as an act to protect me. Lynus stopped as all of the guards surrounded me, creating a barrier.
"My name is Amorelli Agnelli. I have three brothers who are nineteen-year-old triplets and an eight-year-old sister. My mother and father are Lynus and Ariana Agnelli. I was kidnapped and taken to India and made a slave. I have made a friend there who is like my sister. Her name is Zinniah Waters, Princess of the Amazon. We were all taken. China, Spain, America, Australia, Russia, you name it! Most of us were regular slaves tending crops and making clothes. And do you know how many of us were turned into sex slaves? I almost became that! And then a guard helped me and Zinniah escape. Talking about a prophecy and how I'm mates with the Werewolf Prince Mordikai York. And how if I didn't enter the water by the time I was eighteen years old then I never would have found you guys again. I came back. I survived. I'm right here daddy, do you not want me back? Did you not miss me?"
"Daddy... I'm right here... I'm home now." He came over to me and hugged me tightly.
"I thought I lost you forever." He shook violently and this made me shed a few tears.
"Wait." He stopped and became angry.
"What?" He looked at my neck. Fuck! My mark...
"You're mated to the Werewolf Prince... Mordikai York!" Now he was furious. His trident became a very dark color.
"Daddy, please we can talk about this later. Please... He brought me home when he could have easily kept me for himself. He marked me to save my life. I was attacked when I had first arrived. I almost died. He saved me. He wouldn't hurt me. I promise you. I-" We all stopped talking. I heard faint singing. I looked up at Mordikai's boat and saw several mermaids singing. I saw one of them go above the water and try to grab something. More like someone.
"Mordikai!" I swam up towards him. There were three mermaids-no, three sirens singing to him, trying to bring him down into the water where they'll kill him. They wouldn't stop singing.
I was just waiting for Amorelli. I even started pacing. Zinniah asked if I could take her back to the house since it was getting late. I walked her into the house, showed her where everything was and came right back out to the spot. I sighed. What if they don't let her come back up? I know for a fact her father won't be happy with the fact that his mermaid daughter is mates with a werewolf. I sighed and rubbed my face. She'll come back up no matter what. She promised. While I was at the house I also grabbed a few towels for Amorelli so she could dry off. From the little I saw of her, she looked beautiful. Zinniah said she looked absolutely beautiful under the water as well and honestly I don't doubt it. She looks beautiful in whatever she wears.
I put in earbuds and started listening to music. I turned away from the sun and slouched in a chair. I started to become drowsy and sleep, but there was something around that wasn't okay. I took out my earbuds so I could listen better and there it was. Beautiful singing.
But it wasn't Amorelli's.
"Hear my voice beneath the sea, sleeping now so peacefully.
At the bottom of the sea, sleep for all eternity!" Their singing was mesmerizing. This is what a sirens song sounded like. Wait, no I can't fall for this. It's a trap and they're known for killing all different kinds of sailors. I put the earbuds back in and turned it up loud. I have to drown them out.
"Sailors live so restlessly, come with me sleep peacefully.
Listen to this siren song, worry not for nothing's wrong."
They wouldn't stop singing. It's like they've intruded on my thoughts and turned off the music, but I could even still hear that. What's going to happen to me? Amorelli, please hurry. Only she can get rid of them.
"Let my voice lead you this way," I started to walk to the edge of the boat. I made sure I moved slowly so they didn't drag me in right away. But I wasn't controlling my body. They were.
"I will now lead you astray.
Trust me as we reach the side, jumping out where men have died!" I could feel their fingers. I was trapped. They put me in a trance but I could still feel everything. Fear. Nervousness. Love- love for Amorelli. Not for their song. Could I honestly save myself because I love Amorelli?
"Hear my voice beneath the sea, sleeping now so peacefully.
At the bottom of the sea, sleep for all eternity!" They had managed to grab my arm entirely. I have to think quickly. What can I do to get rid of them?
"Let the ocean fill your lungs, struggle not so peace will come.
Taking in your final breath, sink down to the ocean's depths." They managed to make my body lean over the side of the boat. I started to resist and pull back. They looked angry while they were singing. They know something is making me be able to resist.
"I wish I could always be, in the oceans arms you see.
He who'd want nothing more sleeps now at the ocean floor." I growled in anger and showed my werewolf. They giggled and moaned seductively. They were disgusting and very disgraceful. They should wait for their lover, not killing other people's off.
"Ocean was your lover's name, you had loved her all the same.
Now you'll always be together, sirens are so very clever." That was what knocked me back to my senses. I grabbed one of them and slashed her tail with my claws. She screamed, but it was more of a screech; it didn't sound human.
"You fool!" She tried to come at me but I wrapped her in a net.
"My lover's name is not Ocean! Her Name is Amorelli!" With that, I slashed her again and threw her back into the ocean with her friends. I saw more merpeople under the water watching as the sirens freaked out. I saw a bright light again and the siren's looked like they were cowering in fear. It looks like a pitchfork- wait, is that King Lynus' trident? I see another few figures standing beside him. I see, what I believe to be is Amorelli, her mother, three men, and an older looking woman along with the guards. Who the hell were those guys standing next to Amorelli?
"Amorelli?" I called out to her. I saw some movement before she came to the surface. She looked absolutely beautiful.
"Amorelli... You're so beautiful..." I reached my hand out and cupped her cheek. She leaned into my touch and sighed.
"My father is furious... He didn't believe me when I first went down there... Mordikai, I-I want to go back to the house for the night."
"Whatever you'd like my love. I'll give you a moment to tell your parents you'll be back in the morning. I shall wait here, my love." I leaned down and gave her a kiss. I never got tired of doing that. I let go of her and she went back underneath the surface. I sighed and looked up at the sky. The stars were always more beautiful here than in Russia. I always saw at least one shooting star per night. I heard the water move and I jumped up to see if it was Amorelli. I grew pale as I saw it was her father. I cleared my throat.
"Your majesty. It's a pleasure to meet you." I bowed to him and he nodded his head.
"You have a house not too far from here, is that right?" His voice was deeper than I expected.
"Yes, sir. It's on the island of Guam. The Princess of the Amazon, Zinniah, is there now."
"What room shall my daughter be sleeping in?"
"She shall be sleeping in the master bedroom with me. However, I will sleep elsewhere if that is what you desire."
"It very much so is what I desire."
"As you wish your majesty. I shall sleep in a guest room." I bowed once more.
"Prince York,"
"Yes, your majesty?" I was curious about what he has to say.
"How much longer until the mating process has to be completed." I chocked on my own spit when he asked.
"I beg your pardon?"
"I know you marked my daughter. I know werewolves have a mating process. Marking is part of it. When does the process finish?"
"Whenever Amorelli is ready. I will not force this on her. But I had to because my father would have killed her. When she arrived at the palace, we were attacked by rouges and I almost died not too long after they had arrived. My father didn't like her because she was a mermaid, and I marked her. When someone of royal-birth marks their mate, nothing can happen to them from other royals. It's the law. I did it to protect her." I hung my head in shame. He's going to find out I hurt her.
"Did you ever hurt my daughter?"
"Yes, I did sir. Ever since my sister was taken from us as well, my father raised me to become a monster. When she awoke five days after the marking, she slapped me and my wolf and I went on a rampage... She was hospitalized and I have hated myself ever since. I do not ask for your forgiveness, your majesty, as I know I have already failed you." I was on one knee at this point. I started to cry. I hurt my mate because of my father. I held my head as I felt something behind me. I jumped and saw it was Amorelli. I looked at her tail. She had such a beautiful color. I looked at her face and saw she was worried and concerned. She wiped my tears and I grabbed her hand and kissed it and held it close to me.
"I'm so sorry..." I wept as I held her hand. She moved closer to me and held me close to her, whispering sweet nothings into my ear.
"We'll figure that out later. I want my daughter back tomorrow afternoon."
"As you wish, your majesty." I got up and gave Amorelli the towels. Apparently, she'll turn human again when she takes a freshwater shower and dries off. Her family retreated except for the three boys and the two women I saw. It looked like her mother, grandmother, and I think brothers?
"So, you're my daughter's mate?"
"Yes, your majesty."
"Please, call me Ariana." She smiled. I smiled in return.
"As you wish."
"So, you're my sister's mate?" The boys were triplets. Two of them looked angry. The third, I couldn't tell what was wrong with him. He didn't look at me angrily, but it was something I couldn't put my finger on.
"Yes, I am. I'm assuming you three are her brothers."
"Yeah. I'm Lyle." The one on the left said.
"Marcus." The middle said.
"Sebastian." The one on the right said and I was able to place what was up with him when he spoke.
He's gay.
"Mordikai." I shook their hands. Lyle and Marcus' hands were rough, whereas Sebastian's handshake was light and soft. He was acting a bit feminine.
"My name is Marilyn, Amorelli's grandmother." I shook her hand softly, trying not to hurt her.
"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I shall return tomorrow with Amorelli."
"That won't be a problem. We need to train our legs to become stronger so we will come to you. We'll know where to find the house." I nodded and bowed.
"Tomorrow it is, then. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." Then they left and Amorelli and I were on our way back to the house.
"How was it down there?"
"Beautiful... It was nothing I have ever seen before. It was like a dream." I smiled and quickly made our way to the house. When we got in, I carried her inside to the shower and as soon as she touched the water from the shower, her tail was disappearing. The more saltwater that was washed away the more her legs came back. I left her alone with the towels and allowed her to get ready. When she came back in she was wearing a very see-through nightgown. I growled and she giggled. I could see she was trying to tease me, and it was working. She laid down next to me and sighed.
"So, tonight was eventful."
"Yeah, you're telling me. I was almost killed by sirens." When I turned to her I saw that her eyes were a darker gray.
"Amorelli? You alright? Your eyes are a darker color."
"Fine. I just should have killed them is all. I commanded them to never come near you or my family again and their eyes turned black and they swam away. I really wanted to kill them." I was shocked. She did that?
"Oh. Well, can I do anything to make you feel better?"
"No, but I can." She pushed me on my back and got on top of me. I chuckled and rubbed her waists. I could smell something coming from her, and when I looked at her eyes, they were a very dark gray, almost black.
"Amorelli?" She started to kiss my neck. I moaned and held her down on my hardening member, to show her what she's doing. She only rubbed her self on me. I moaned and she grabbed my hands and interlocked our fingers. I smiled and tried to kiss her but she looked like she was on a mission. She then kissed a spot on my neck that got me going.
"Fuck, baby." I moaned loud and that was when I heard a hiss.
"What the fu- AH!" My scream of pain turned into a moan of pleasure. I ripped her panties off and rubbed my member against her entrance, both of us moaning intensely from the pleasure. The sparks and tingles soaring through us like never before. She licked the spot on my neck and I couldn't stop shaking.
My mate had marked me.
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