
Knowing that IK would be up to no good since he approached the young lady’s table, ‘you little bi…!’ as ik had his hand stretched out to grab jin’s head, since it was obvious that he was going into a fit of rage for being looked down upon by Jin but Roy who was Ana’s head guard had reached their table and caught ik’s stretched hand. ‘i do not recall the young lady inviting you to her table or permitting you to touch her guest, i advise you to leave before you are thrown out.’ Roy spoke calmly as he suppressed ik’s aura of the 4th step. ‘Roy let go of my hand are you trying to start something?’ IK asked enraged, but he knew if he attacked he would only be embarrassed by the pavilion. ‘i am merely doing my duty and protecting the young lady and her guests.’ Roy responded in the same tone he started with and a look which dared IK to try fighting. ‘che, i was merely here to make sure the ‘young lady’ doesn’t get hurt in tomorrows attack.’ IK said sinisterly as he began walking away. ‘is that a threat?’ Taka asked but IK did not bother turning around and kept walking away.

‘what a drama queen’ jin said sarcastically, and all of them including those from other sections who were interested in the exchange burst out laughing and although IK was almost back at his table he heard it with his sensitive hearing. ‘that little bitch i’ll turn her into my slave, i’ll make sure she licks my toilet clean.’ IK said full of rage but in a low voice as those on his table also had angered faces, but Tor and Jin who had even better hearing laughed again as Ana and Taka looked at them wondering what was so funny.


later that night, lightning delights:

‘hey Tor, Jin; do you guys have a place to stay tonight? if not why don’t you just stay here at the delight, we offer lots of services *wink wink*’ Ana said adding the latter part for Tor specifically. ‘what miss Ana please don’t taint the young master with those kind of thoughts. we will find a place to stay that is not the ‘delights’.’ Jin said full of rage about to storm out ‘it was a joke, but anyways you’re cute when you’re mad Jin and Tor is your young master? who would have thought.’ ana said laughing, still trying to probe their origins in a joking manner. ‘miss ana please do not joke about things like that Tor is only 10 years old.’ Jin replied ignoring the latter part, ‘yes i’m sorry so don’t go, i’ll even set you up in a room with Tor so you could have a hawkeye view on him.’

Jin hesitated for a second and looked at Tor but he didn’t seem bothered about it. ‘okay but just because you said the night time is dangerous and i have to protect Tor.’ jin said in a justified manner. ‘yes yes we don’t want those ‘delights’ creeping up his sheets at night when he has you.’ Ana said giggling. ‘no you’re misunderstanding my…’Jin tried to explain but Ana and Taka continued teasing her ‘you’re so direct jin i wish i had your courage at your age.’ Taka and Ana continued laughing so she looked at Tor to clarify things better but when she looked at him, she realised that he too had started chuckling. ‘young master you understand don’t you?’ she asked feeling a bit embarrassed. ‘hohoho perfectly.’ tor responded in signature sarcasm and all jin could do was groan and give up.


‘seriously now tho, it is said that the raid happens in the early hours of the morning when people are not aware and these beasts come in and tear the village apart. it happens once every five years and that is why we were worried that you two kids appeared on the designated day.’ Ana explained further as they went to the lobby while she went around the counter looking for the keys to the best rooms. ‘you said designated days like the plans are being coordinated.’ Jin said a bit skeptical. ‘yes that is what we believe and the lightning pavilion just built a branch here three years ago, there was an investigation of the region but nothing strange turned up and thanks to the spatial fortress only grandmaster beasts are the strongest here but we believe there is something more powerful coordinating the beasts, that is why there are so many powerful people in this small village.’ Taka expanded on the brief summary given. ‘well to be honest thanks to that business is good in the delights as you have seen, but it is still dangerous so we will protect you two.’ Ana finished picking out two keys of rooms directly opposite each other so she could easily get to them in case of emergency.

At the doors of their rooms Ana said goodnight to Tor and Jin. ‘night jin and try not to make too much noise, some of us need sleep.’ she giggled teasing Jin one last time before going to bed. ‘ive told you its not like that and you’re the one i should be telling that. i know what Taka’s been planning all day.’ jin said counter teasing as she followed Tor into the room and their Ana went into their own room.

They got into the room at about 30 minutes past midnight, Tor hopped on the plush bed which was king sized and the room was well air conditioned but dimly lit for some reason. ‘i’ll sleep on the couch young master, do have a goodnight’s rest’ Jin said in a respectful manner as she was going to lay bedding on the chair. ‘oh really? didn’t you used to sleep in my bed even when you had yours?’ Tor asked teasing her, referring to when they were younger. ‘that was when i was 10 young master’ Jin replied with puffed up cheeks, ‘and now you’re 13 so you’re grown? hohoho or are you scared you’ll attack me in my sleep?’ Tor continued teasing her. ‘its because i thought the bed was too small so you’d prefer to sleep on it alone.’ Jin continued in a voice which could only be heard when she was speaking to Tor. ‘fine sleep where you want, i’m not complaining.’ Tor replied with an uninterested tone as he turned the lights off and closed his eyes with his back to the chair Jin was laying to sleep in, as he was drifting to sleep, he felt her slip into the bed and her back pressed against his. ‘stupid Tor.’ she said under her breath and shut her eyes while he chuckled.

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