
30 mins to THE raid AT THE village gates:

‘Hey Dam wouldn’t it just be better if those damn beasts don’t show up? i’m getting a bad feeling from these clans who came here claiming to investigate the raids.’ Pak who was one of the guards on top of the gate said as the nights air was a bit chilly making him feel sleepy, He was the guard from earlier in the day. ‘if only wishes were horses, although the visitors do give me a bad feeling like there’s more to them being here, i wouldn’t mind it if they could eradicate the beasts while carrying out their objectives though.’ Dam replied equally sleepy but more conscious to the situation and hoped the key players would just avoid ‘small fry’ like him.

At the same time they were speaking on the wall, two cloaked figures appeared from within the city gates carrying sabres moving in stealth and super fast, in a flash from the shadows they killed the three guards at the bottom of the gates, no sounds were made so the two talking guards at the top did not realise anything was amiss. Out of nowhere someone landed on top the walls between the two conversing guards as the other two spread out across the wall killing the guards around it silently. ‘lord IK the raid has not started yet, what are you doing here?’ the two guards asked humbly since they were well aware that this IK was one of the biggest names in the wind pavilion. Grandson to the illustrious floating elder who was a Grand Elder of the clan headquarters based in Asia. ‘Oh but it has’ IK said sinisterly as he pulled two sabres out and before the guards could even feel threatened they were hacked in two, blood spilling everywhere even on IK’s face and clothes making him look even more sinister and the other cloaked figures returned hitting a switch after which the gates began to open.


As that was happening, far within the forest beasts such as rain wolfs, lightning panthers, sulphur bears and a host of others numbering about 200 had begun charging towards the city from an unknown location. ‘Lord IK there are guards who are aware that the gates are opening and have begun informing others.’ one of the three men who were opening up the gates bowed covered in darkness as IK smiled. ‘tell the members of my wind pavilion and members of our coalition including your dark mercenaries, there is no need to move in the shadows anymore, we will cleanse the city so no one can ever expose what has happened here.’ IK spread his hands out and shouted as most of the people who were in the village to protect it began to attack protectors from the lightning pavilion and other people who came to aid in putting down the beast horde they even began burning buildings as IK and his group made their way to the lightning delights.

lightning delights:

IK stood on the ground directly below Ana’s window outside the delights and he laughed then recited his poem. ’Raponsel Raponsel let down your hair. hahaha’ he was with about 20 people about 5 were from the Wind pavilion and it seemed the rest were hired muscle. At this point, the city was in total chaos, the beasts were flooding into the city gates. Since he did not get his anticipated reaction of terror, IK slashed his sabre and the walls burst in from the ground to the top floor where Ana was sleeping, the wind was blowing uncontrollably and there was no sign of clouds but the sounds of beasts roars and human screams filled the background.

In the next second IK saw a fiery blade flying towards him in the form of a giant four clawed dragon, he scoffed blocking with the sabre in his left hand forming a larger Asian dragon the hurricane caused by the dragon blew the blade away into the rubble of the destroyed first floor of the lightning delights.


The figure of Taka was seen coming out of the rubble with a cut in his shoulder and blood spilling down his chest. ‘Hey who the fuck told you you could interrupt me when i’m talking to your master dog?’ IK looked at Taka with a very sinister look while demeaning him and his followers laughed. ‘What is the meaning of this nonsense IK, not only are you attacking us, but you’ve let the horde into the village what will your clan master say when this report reaches him?’ Taka asked as he began slowly approaching ik his rage apparent as his aura was burning the environment, but IK paid no mind and continued mockingly ‘what can a measly you do with your shitty fire mandate? Tell my clan leader? I see you’re still deluded that you would make it through this night.’ ik said laughing hysterically as he pointed his sabre at Taka his wind mandate taking the form of a snake around him. Taka from walking began jogging then he sped up leaving fire tracks of fire on the floor as his body and blades were emitting extreme heat and fire, with a swing of one of his blades, he sent a surge of towering flames towards IK but as it was about to hit it was split in the middle. IK appeared unscathed looking as sinister and cocky as ever.

‘Hahaha don’t you get it yet? you have a weak ass mandate and you’re even weaker, if you were a girl i would’ve made you my b*vch.’ IK continued laughing uncontrollably like he had become even more possessed and as Taka reached him swinging the flame blade in his right hand creating a wave of fire that was extremely hot, IK dodged calmly and wind blew out Taka’s flames.

As this happened Taka was shocked for a moment, even afraid but that gave IK his window of opportunity, he swiftly hacked Taka’s right hand off and kicked him in the chest causing him to fly away up into the air. ‘Hahaha is this who is meant to protect the village from what is to come?’ ik said loudly as he appeared at the place Taka had been kicked to and before he landed kicked him back deeper into the rubble.

‘stop it ik this is not the time for such nonsense’ Ana appeared on the top floor in her nighty screaming as she stretched out materializing her sword called ‘voice of lightning’, she clutched the sword tightly in her hand causing her knuckles and the sword to give off sparks of lightning and clouds began to form.

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