
lightning delights:

the four reached a large building which seemed to be in the middle of the village, it looked totally different from the other buildings in the village and even the chief's manor was far inferior in comparison. The building had a large garden surrounding it and was well lit. Most of the people going in were well dressed looking like they were not from the village since they were mostly in suits and a few even wore urban clothing.

There were guards manning all the entrances and exits, they looked totally different from the ones found at the village gates in the sense that they seemed to have a bit of power. 'we greet the young miss.' all the guards saluted as they saw Ana to which she merely nodded dragging Jin as Taka and Tor trailed behind.

The first 5 floors are goods of different levels and the last 2 floors are restaurants' Ana explained as she breezed past the first five floors with them in tow and as they got to the restaurant floor which was the sixth, there were lots of people eating and chatting, on this floor the building was very glamorous with expensive furniture and jewels adorning the walls, no doubt an imposing show of wealth. Although not a bit of awe could be seen on either Tor nor Jin's face which Ana had definitely noticed.

'lady Ana i do not believe its ok for you to bring just anyone into the top floor of the lightning delights, i do not mean to act presumptuous but you know you can't bring just anyone here, only VIPs within the elite are allowed in there,' the stationed guards blocked the path referring to Tor and Jin but not even bothering to acknowledge them as he spoke. 'you say you don't wish to act presumptuous yet you dare to try to stop me and refer to my guests as 'just anyone'?' Ana said looking at the guard who spoke with contempt and breezed past them with the others. 'i will report this to the clan head.' the head attendant of the delight stated as they breezed past him when they met in the middle of the stairs. 'go ahead.' Taka replied as he passed by the attendant and released his aura, his aura blew the attendant into the wall. 'damn dog.' the attendant cursed under his breath as he cleaned the blood trickling down his chin from his lips and coughed a few times.


'Big bro Taka is very strong.' jin said as the four of them were shown to one of the partitions in the vip floor by two attendants, Tor wasn't certain if that was sarcasm. 'this is nothing for him, just wait and see what he does to the horde that's coming.' Ana said full of pride, as though trying to sell his reliability to the two kids. 'so what would you both like to eat?' since tor had not brought any food and jin had not expected the trip, they did not have any food and kept going for a day without any so jin ordered a lot of food filling their table as they spoke. 'i was really surprised seeing two kids at the gates of the village at this time, how do I put it?, its strange, so where are you both from?' Taka asked and Ana seemed to give him a look and shake her head. 'i cannot answer that.' jin said getting a bit uneasy, and this caused Taka not to pursue that line of questioning. 'okay, at least tell us where you're going, maybe we could be of help to you.' Ana said trying to steer the convo away. 'Are you the heiress of the lightning pavilion?' Jin asked out of the blue, clearly disregarding the question. 'I will answer yours if you answer mine.' Ana answered stubbornly trying to match jin's disinterest. 'we cant tell you our destination, but we do wish to pass through the lightning pavilion.' Tor answered interested in hearing Ana's response. 'really? aren't you worried about the dangers on the road?' Taka asked looking at both kids sitting across from him not being able to make sense of the situation.

'no. so are you the heiress?' Jin answered Taka's question as though it did not matter and also repeated her former question. 'no, the lightning pavilion is not even on this continent, i'm a descendant of the pavilion, but the lightning delights which is the African branch is run by my family.' Ana responded honestly, also explaining a bit about the pavilion's chain. 'hmm interesting doesn't this mean we have to get a plane to get to the lightning pavilion?' tor asked sitting in contemplation for a bit, there was absolutely something he had to go to the pavilion for. 'yes, but maybe my dad could let you use the 'lightning bird' which is fast and goes there straight.' Ana continued as she enjoyed the meal.


someone dressed in a dark blue blazer to the point that it would be mistaken as black by normal people walked up to the table Ana and their Tor were eating on. He was about 34, slim with a bit of a sinister look and cleanly shaven. 'miss Ana not only did you pick up a stray dog, but now you have graduated to kittens, if you wanted kids so bad why didn't you just let my young master put one in you earlier.' the sinister man said looking at Taka with a mocking stare and since at this point they were on the seventh floor it was smaller and less crowded, less imposing too but everyone's attention was a now turned to Ana's table. Although Taka was enraged he was only a second step saint and the sainthood was divided into seven steps and as one ascended it got harder to reach without adequate mana and also wealth which the man in the blazer clearly had. 'IK don't push your luck because i am silent. do you know what will happen to you here in the lightning delights if i get mad?' Ana responded clearly trying to restrain her anger since she seemed to utterly hate the man called IK. 'don't get so worked up, this time we are all on the same boat so why don't we just work together or is it hard for the underlings of the lightning pavilion to act civilised?' the man called IK kept chiding Ana. 'oh but it is you who is being an uncivilised dog by coming in the stead of your master who knows his proposals will be shot down. i guess that makes you the uncivilised dog of a coward then?' ana asked as she pretended to be in thought.

'you bitch, watch what happens to this dog that you cherish so much. You will regret your disrespect towards my young master and you will run and beg for my young master to ravage you while i enjoy watching every second…' before ik could finish his sentence, 'shut up' Jin said as the whole atmosphere changed, everything slowed down, her aura spiked for a split second and then vanished. IK was taken aback for a second and it could even be said he was shook on that second but everything vanished and the head of Ana's guards approached the table.

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