
A whole thirty minutes had passed after the great elder’s arrival before tor showed up walking casually from beyond the horizon with his attendant ‘uncle Mike in tow. Tor had on a pair of black slim shorts, a hoodie which was also black in colour, a pair of headphones banging music around his neck, black running shoes and black sunshades, his bracelets gleaming silver and the inscriptions gave a shine of their own each time the sun hit it. In all accounts you would think he was just going for an early morning run. Although he saw the crowd, he ignored them and went straight to the Great Elder ‘ah Great Elder you are here today.’ the great elder looked at Tor and shook his head not knowing what he did in his past life to have to deal with such an unscrupulous kid. ‘cut the crap Tor do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you?’ the great elder pulled his ears playfully ‘okay uncle Ter i am very sorry, i overslept.’ the surrounding crowed began to jeer and laugh, some even cursed out in anger. ‘is this the one being evicted?’ One of them said in a mocking voice. ‘ah he never does anything’ a woman responded in return. ‘hes probably become a burden’ another random person said trying to offer an explanation. ‘our clan does not lack resources, maybe the great elder came to his senses and evicted him.’ This was the know it all bystander making his assertions. Amidst all the jeers tor did not even bother to spare the surrounding crowd a glance, and continued ‘uncle ter is this a national event? why are there so many people here? i never knew the inhabitants of the spatial fortress were so idle’ tor said in a loud mocking tone. ‘youre so full of questions and dry humour today aren’t you?’ the great elder felt a cord struck that made him mad, why did he let the crowd come and watch the opening of a gate? when said so plainly it did sound dumb. ‘okay uncle Ter one more question’ Tor paused looking seriously at the great elder, ‘yes go on’ the great elder said seemingly losing his patience. ‘why are we so far from the gate i am supposed to be walking through?’ Tor asked pointing at the gate that was a few metres down the mountain. ‘ah finally you ask the right question, as there are some who believe you should not be allowed to leave the village and keep saying that it does not benefit the village, being the great democratic leader that I the great elder am, i have given those who do not agree with consensus an opportunity to stop you by any means they see fit.’ the great elder the great elder explained in a large speech-like voice like he was campaigning and this also cleared up the confusions of the crowd standing near them. ’ugh you sly old dog you just want to use me as a pawn’ Tor replied dejectedly knowing he had fallen into a trap set by the great elder and in return the great elder had to use all his will power to hide his glee. ’cease your filthy tongue you trash how dare you talk to the great elder like that?’ an elder from maks camp shouted with a lot of conviction. ‘ho are you the great elders feelings now?’ Tor asked sarcastically but truly knew that outburst was a to provoke him. As he turned to the great elder, ‘uncle Ter im going back now, i cant handle the bad vibes’ he said sounding like a true millennial. ‘what? don’t you want to know your story?’ The Great elder asked not expecting this lack of interest from him. ‘no you can keep it uncle Ter, you said it was a secret’ Tor answered in a slight mocking tone. ‘no i didn’t you just don’t want to go because i benefit.’ the great elder thought feeling his bargaining chip losing worth, but did not say what he was thinking because he knew it would encourage Tor’s behaviour. ‘As i had suggested we should have just made him a slave, but nooo everyone wants to respect the great elders views and give this dog a chance, so still in respect to the great elder i offer this piece of shit two choices; become a slave or die’ Roe who was speaking shouted with outward malice and his killing intent flared as his aura permeated the air. ‘it is true that we cannot allow such a piece of shit coward to continue living in the village, it would taint our honour and reputation in the country and we cant have that can we?’ crow another successor shouted as he unsheathed his his sword and the space around him began to distort, at this moment the crowds began backing up feeling the tension in the air. ‘yes that is very true, how can we claim to be the strongest even when we let such a stain live here for so long, i also believe now is the time to right the great elder’s wrongs. my fellow successors it is time for the younger generation to perform its sacred duty and clean the stain the great elder made’ lark capped it off with a heartfelt speech condemning both the great elder and at this point the ten year old tor who was laughing uncontrollably. this made lark and his henchmen livid, ‘it looks like the little midget has lost his mind, now that i look at him he’s very handsome can i take him Lark?’ roe asked with a sinister smile on his face as he glanced at lark and stared fixedly at the turned back of Tor, earlier it had been said Lark’s acts would make a grown man cry but Roe’s acts disgusted such a sadist like Lark. ‘tsk, you and your distasteful habits, sure but make sure you kill him today’ lark said with disgust for both roe and Tor. Roe began to laugh maniacally as his stare turned into sadistic looks but before he could complete his laugh, tor appeared right in front of him and stretched his hand casually as his palm covered roe’s eyes and his fingers grabbed Roe’s head while he was suspended on eye level, although a long explanation it happened in a split second, giving Roe no chance to react since there were hardly any spatial fluctuations. ‘ill be taking the filthy eyes you used to look at me.’ Tor said and with that roe felt his sight sever and felt his sockets were hollow, his eyeballs had vanished? And blood was gushing out his sockets. Roe began to scream and wanted to break free of Tor’s grasp, he realised that only his mouth was working and every other action was frozen for some reason, the pain of losing his eyes caused him to scream more. ‘youre too noisy’ tor said lowering his hands to cover roes mouth as blood spilled out of his eye sockets looking like they had been drilled. From the left hand side which was the hand which tor was grabbing roes mouth with, the flash of a sword appeared aiming to cut off Tors limb but in the split second tor dodge with a 360 spin since he had already felt the fluctuations like two seconds ago, he kicked crow who was the one that surprised attacked him in the back of his head making him fall flat on his face causing cracks on the black mountain, Tor then landed and stepped on the back of crows head looking unamused. ‘uncle Ter the successors are truly trash.’ the great elder just stood there and watched with an unperturbed face as he saw two successors being trampled. ‘all i wanted to do was cross the damn gate and you all make it so hard. One thing i will not forgive is anyone who makes things hard for me.’ Tor said staring condescendingly at Mak and his band of followers, then at the Great Elder, the great elder looked away knowing he was guilty. ‘and the second is anyone who plots against my family’ as his statement was done a spatial rift appeared and he stuck his hand in removing a slim katana within a scabbard just the right length for his age. ‘you scoundrel what are you doing attacking when they are injured’ Roe’s master screamed in a mad frenzy as he dashed madly towards tor who had his sneakers planted on crow’s head. ‘oh so the semi minions are starting to come out to play.’ tor said laughing, his words driving with mockery. Infuriated roe’s master initiated time pause, freezing Tor’s surroundings and created a void blade while he teleported right behind Tor but as he stabbed out with the void blade which caused space to fracture, Tor pivoted on crows head pushing him deeper into the mountain as he kicked roe in the eyes with a mana fortified his kick causing roe to fly and ram into the wall a distance away and at the same time Tor stretched his hand out and as if passing through the spatial tears caused by the void blade, he grabbed the elder’s outstretched hand. as you would have guessed, he did all this in a second and the elder who was seeing it had a hard time believing it ‘i’m so sorry when you came up at my back i thought i would die and while dodging i couldn’t control myself’ Tor said with a smile as he was looking at the elder who was just standing there but it was obvious that he was livid within. ‘trying to hit me with time pause, you’re a thousand years too early geezer, receive divine punishment’ Tor continued sarcastically as he unsheathed his blade and with a flash the elders body was chopped up. ‘ so anyone else have a problem? i have a word of advice for you, don’t piss me off.’ Tor stated in a voice that showed he ws about to get serious.

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