
He stood there watching the various groups and his gaze fell on the guards of Roes faction getting ready to avenge their master. ‘void sector ready your weapons!’ the lead guard from roes sector commanded and in the next second five guards pulled out their weapons and formed ranks next to the lead guard right in front of Tor ‘are you guys done?’ Tor asked dryly his face looked as bored as ever. ‘you despicable brat you deceived everyone to sympathise with you but who would have known you would be so vicious as to kill your elders who have cared for you since young, we cannot allow such an evil in the spatial fortress!’ the lead guard screamed in anger as he was besides himself with rage and he turned to look over at Mak and the other elders in his faction. ‘Elders, lord Mak, do you only plan to watch as he lays waste to the fortress you have fought years to develop, will you let us be destroyed from within?!’ a shadow of a smirk and a chuckle escaped Mak’s lips as he ignored the guards petition revelling in the genius of his scheme. seeing that Mak’s reaction was unsympathetic, the guard captain went on mustering his courage ‘let us clear this stain and avenge our master, attack!’ he screamed as he teleported to Tors flank and pulled out his handgun aiming for Tor’s chest as two appeared on both sides as they pointed plasma canons at his head the trigger already pulled and the other one appeared behind him with a void sword hoping to cut Tor into two from bottom to top. ‘insignificant insects should hide when elephants fight.’ the guards movements happened in sync and so fast that the crowd could not match it but tor stood there and made his statement unhurriedly as the space around him began to twist like a magnetic field, as the guards felt the air begin to twist and their outstretched hands began to twist and break ripping apart as they screamed, ‘so noisy, disappear,’ after tor said that calmly the space engulfed them and tore them apart leaving only puddles of blood. ‘is there anyone else who would like to expel this evil and clean up the great elder’s mess? show the village that it is the successors era?’ Tor said as laid back as ever with sarcasm heaped in, ‘or are you just a bunch of trash who failed to even kill trash?’ Tor asked as he took his leg off crow’s head and walked unhurriedly to where roe had slammed into the wall, ‘yo i hope you’re not dead like your master successor, I’ve barely even touched you.’ Tor said in a voice that showed his disappointment. ‘you fucking animal how dare you, do you think you will leave this spatial mountain alive? you will die and if you do happen to escape i will use all our resources to hunt you down and kill you,’ Roe screamed at the top of his lungs as blood kept trickling down his eye sockets and his face was totally messed up but rage seemed to have taken over the pain. ‘oh? for someone who was just crying their eyes out literally, you talk a lot. I wonder what gave you the impression that you would live past today oga successor,’ Tor replied as he kept walking casually but Roe had flown quite a distance, feeling tor’s footsteps getting closer slowly he could feel his heart rate accelerate and he wished he could faze through the mountain rocks in order to escape Tor. ‘i do know what you’re thinking and even that wouldn’t have saved you,’ Tor said smiling sinisterly as he kept getting closer. ‘stop!’ lark screamed, ‘ho are you ready to join now?’ tor stopped as his back was turned to lark still a bit of distance away from roe, ‘if you stop now you would only be imprisoned for 50 years and made a slave in the lowest mining sectors but you will be alive, which is more than we can say for those you have brutally killed today.’ lark said trying to sound like the greatest ally of justice. ‘oh oga successor is fluent indeed, but…’ in the next moment Tor unsheathed his sword and from the distance away he lashed out as sword waves flashed by chopping roe up. ‘my sword seems to have a mind of its own’ Tor continued while feigning surprise. ‘ahhhh you bastard i will pull your tendons out and pin your naked body on the freaking village gates!’ lark was enraged at the fact that Tor mocked and ignored him rather than the fact that a successor under his banner had just been hacked. lark roared as he pulled out two plasma rifles from thin air and vanished at the same time, then he initiated his ‘Arial time slow’ ability hoping to catch Tor unawares while maintaining a safe distance as he started firing rapidly while switching positions but Tor was still standing in the same spot, when the plasma bullets were about to reach Tor, the space around him distorted and the bullets vanished, the whole process happened in a flash and no one except the elders could tell what occurred. ‘impressive!’ elder Cana screamed unconsciously, the power on display was not inferior to any of the geniuses in the region and in her opinion he had more potential since he was only 10 years of age and all the conspirators he had killed so far were above 50 years of age ‘no wonder May likes him so much’ she said clearly enjoying the power display Tor was putting on. ‘yes yes birds of the same feathers flock together’ Cana’s friend Clara one of the four female elders stated clearly having a more fondness for May. people who observed the great elder saw no change in his expression except a shadow of glee within his eyes which could clearly not be called out. in the next second lark after judging the area of Tor’s spatial dome, vanished into thin air, ‘with my time slow ability you wont be able to escape this’ lark boasted as he appeared right in front of tor with his plasma gun pointed right at tor’s head. ‘truly you are slow’ Tor responded as his sword slashed out and his sword cleanly severed lark’s elbow joint in the split second of the split second it took lark to teleport in and pull the trigger. ‘ah…!’ as lark started to scream Tor did a leg sweep kicking lark to the ground and he stepped on his head leaving an imprint of larks head in the mountain stone ‘i was missing a leg rest’ Tor said looking at Elder Mak.

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