《elemental warrior》4 year old prodigy


as soon as the door opens mother looks at me in shock and sits on the side of the bed and looks at me in wonder.

as i said the healer and dad and u can see the guard take position next to the door before they shut the door. i ask them " sit please i would like to explain what happened tho a few things confuse me i would like to explain then have answers to my questions is this alright?" the healer dad and mom slowly nod there head i start to explain what i know " ok i will tell u that at 4 weeks old i became aware of my surroundings i was able to sense for some reason the magic colors around me and started t breath them in and out not knowing what they were" this is a lie if i told them i had the intelligence of eighteen year old i might give them a heart attack " and noticed and learned what they were from practice and then i started reading the books in my room" they look at each other and i don't know why until i think about it i'm guessing the books are magic so to learn them u need magic.

i start talking again "i started to understand what they were at a basic level and used the breathing thing i used to breath in colors that were in the books three in fact: earth water lightning" they all jump from there sitting positions and yell "three?!" i respond with "yes and i assume there are more i can use more but i haven't touched them because i knew my body at this age could not handle it i also think i'm one with a warrior focus too because otherwise i think i would've probably died from what happened" my dad and mom look at the healer and she nods" its likely he does... otherwise his body would of burnt to crisp if he did not have strengthened body at age four for the awakening.. but i thought these kind of thing s were legends fables for kids" she has a face in far way look that i have saw even on earth.


i ask " awakening?" the healer looks at me and says " the awakening is a change in the body to allow u to enhance and adjust to the use of magic i'm not surprised it took u so long to awaken and i'm glad it did if u did earlier then this stage at four years old it may turned out different..." she leaves what the difference as we all new what she meant" my mother asks" what did u mean ' but i thought these kind of things were legends fables for kids' ?" the healer turns to my mother and says hesitantly" if i'm correct he is what has not shown up for over two thousand years he is a" caeleste" and thats comes down to the awareness of at 4 weeks old he is talented beyond his years and by the way he is peaking he is fluent in our language to a point that no 4 year old should be. he will be powerful beyond powerful he will be able to topple nations according to the histories or what little of them we have" i look at her and tell her firmly " i am not going to topple nations i will protect what i want to protect and defend what needs to defending from what i have read from my books they say humans do not fight each other but we fight against the demons to the west is this still true? the healer looks at me and says " that's good to hear and yes we are at constant war with the demons and the demon hordes of the west."

i look at my mother and father and bow my head and say " i am sorry for not telling you what i have been doing these years all those times in my room i was practising or what i call "cultivating"my magic and warrior ability it is not because i was afraid of the out side" i chuckle at the dubious look on my mother face and i flick my hand and a arc of lightning surrounds my arms and i do another flick water comes out of nowhere and solidifies into ice 3 spikes hover over my head and then i cover my body with a diamond protection barrier and i slowly let it fall off my body all three magics are now off body and i say " i think that is proof enough " they nod with shocked faces because lightning on the body meant my control was insanely high the diamond means i have a high affinity to earth and have practised a lot and the ice is a sample that i know how the element works.


my dad asks "how long have u been able to do magic" i respond "last year i started being able to bring it out of my body and solidify it." all 3 look at me with wonder i shrug " i am not a person to brag about it my accomplishments i am just not that kind of person " they nod" well i'm sorry but i am tired and i would like to go to bed" the nod and stand up and leave the room but not before my father turns and says " no more secrets like this okay?" and my mother kisses me on the forehead and says " i agree no more secrets" i say " yes mom dad , i was just scared of how you would respond to this news i was scared that u would look at me differently now i know that was stupid of me" my mother and father hug me and say almost in unison " we would never treat you other then our son even if you are a caeleste we are proud and happy to have you as our son!."

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