《elemental warrior》zachs years after his awakening untill age 10


after that incident at 4 my parents and the healer sat me down and asked many questions about the colors or as they called them 'magic affinities' that i saw in total there were eighteen this seemed impossible but real my mother said this should be impossible this is according to my mother means i had all of the elements i discovered that all of elements that i could use were: earth, water, lightning, fire, air, spirit, light, shadow, metal, wood, darkness, time, space and 5 combined elements to create a new element fire and ice for "frostfire" air and space for "flight" element shadow and darkness for "stealth" element wood spirit and light for "nature" element and last but not least wood ,light, spirit, and water for "healing" i also had my warrior focus ability that to my amazement was exactly like the warriors of this world.

i was amazed what i could do if i combined my warrior and magic abilities and my father is a warrior and mother is a healing magic user so when i was 5 years old they told me one night . sera sat me down at the dinner table and says" right now we don't have the ability to teach someone of your ability but we are going to try our best to help!" my father says " i can help you with your hand to hand and sword combat i specialized in sword you will have to wait for the academy for further instructions in other weapons" so after that i was reading books my mother bought me when she was out doing work as a healer and my father started training me when he was not doing jobs as a warrior.

i understood they couldn't be around so i never complained and practiced w2hen i could and set a schedule so i wouldn't burn out my body for when they came home i did this for 6 years and when it came to magic and fighting i was way above my peers but i was small i was and did not look like i had ability in fighting so when it came for the day for academy admittance to the top noble in the capital it seemed a bit strange for a puny little ten year old that seemed easy enough to blow away with a wind ability walked to the line people were pointing and snickering mainly other ten year olds and some of their siblings i ignored it all i just kept walking and stood in line.

this morning my father and mother could not make it to this so i was a little disappointed but they told me this morning do not expose your abilities unless u have to wait till you get to the testing grounds and then let loose, why we are telling u this most of them will be tall for brawny or muscled and they will look down on you for your size because usually in this world size means more power but u are a caeleste you are different from the normal keep your head till the testing grounds.


of course that didn't happen quite the way they wanted it. the boys and girls decided that they would sick the siblings against me and attack me with magic in secret the best they could but as everyone there knew all elements have a counter elements and while you had the element you could sense it being used, so i kept on walking while i was silently be pelted with air water and ice magic, and as i walked i just put the defense up of lightning so thin that couldn't be seen so everytime it hit me it dissipated on contact with the lightning defense, i kept a bored expression on my face while i walked in line to get to the test ground for warrior then it would be magic then both then there would be a combat test for the 300 new possible recruits the kids doing the spells

were confused. they couldn't figure out why they weren't hitting me i smirked at this reaction i thought to myself wait little pranksters just u wait.

when i got to the front of the line a big muscled guy i assumed to be the test administrator looked at me and said" we do not need weak people here move along" i looked at him and just stared. i never thought even the teachers would be antagonistic i slowly said to stem my anger " i would like to try anyway, you can't stop me can you?" the big man bristled at these words and sent his warrior focus at me this is new i thought and i simply walked while silently activating my warrior focus and walking through the wave of power while looking at the big guy in the eyes and went up to the"power stone" the powers stone is test wear you put as much power as u can into a punch that u can normally most people would get 3-5 stars on the stone there was 12 stars total and 12 meant you were a warrior's apprentice so when i walked through it he went rigid and kept eye contact all i did was put power in o my my thumb and pointer finger and flicked the stone while i did this he looked at me with disdain and then a look of fear when i flicked the stone. when my pointer finger hit the stone the stone that had been sitting there for over 5000 years i would later find out it wasn't supposed to be moveable was pushed back 100 yards and chunks were missing all the way to the back where i flicked it. there was gasps of astonishment from the families and they muscle brained guy slowly walked up to me and then all of a sudden gets on hi knees and asks for forgiveness. the kids that were pestering me while in lines hid behind their parents without the parents knowing why.

i ignored the guy on his knees and started walking towards the magic test unbenounced to me the king of potestatem was watching the scene from a tower above the the testing ground and when i flicked the stone all of the nobles around the king and the queen jumped to their feet and yelled " what the hell" they all knew the stone was immovable and they watched a 4 foot 1 10 year old flick it across the field with his finger, he turned to to his chamberlain and asked " who is that boy!?" the chamberlain looked at the king with a look of awe and said"i don't know but i will find out!" and started running out the door the king said "WAIT" " hes walking to the magic test?!" the chamberlain walked back in and looked down at the field and watched.


i was not aware of all this and i apparently got a following because i could hear people walking behind me.

i ignored it and walked up to the thin scholarly person at the magic test and this time got a polite question the thin man asked without knowing i had just done the warrior test " are your hear for the magic test?" i nodded and prepared to blow the minds of the magic users in the area away the thin man asks me to touch the stone and focus on the stone at this point i was told to hide every ability i had except earth lightning and water by my parents for now untill i had to their reasons is ifdf the upper nobles knew what i could with those three would be bad but if they new i had all 18 they would send assassins or attempt to kill me out of jealousy and or fear. so i hid my abilities except for those three and the stone started glowing deep blue brown and yellow signifying that i was capable of the lightning ice and earth.

the gasps i got from that and yelling of " what the hell is this" from my followers was amusing to me i chuckled and started walking to the "both" test. up wear the king was the king looked at his chamberlain and almost yelled " find out who he is!" and the chamberlain ran faster than a rabbit out yelling to his assistants to figure out the boy was.

i was walking to the "both" test and stopped at the entrance staring at what was in the building that was in the middle of the field

the building was hollow and completely dark inside and when i stopped the man at the door said "this is the " both" test, there are magic beetles that will attack you your are to do your best to destroy them with weapon and magic you are to kill the best you can " i walked in and the door shut behind me and i walked and sheathed my sword that i picked in lightning and saw that there was thousands of beetles around him and then as one the magic beetles attacked him.

outside the building the people who were controlling the beetles almost shrieked when they all lost controls of the beetles they were out of the control and attacked the boy and scrambled to get control and then fainted as one and the people monitoring

the people controlling just incase something happened and almost screamed "Healers" all at once and the guy at the door was pulling at the door to open to help the boy but when he was about to use magic the door opened and the boy walked out scratched and nicked but almost completely unharmed and behind him was 2083 beetles dead sliced in half or in pieces.

the man stared then said " how" i turned and said " you apparently haven't seen the my last two tests" i chuckled sand started walking to the stadium that was the combat test while ignoring the awed looks from everyone around him and walked into the test rooms. the combat test is based on power and it was against a demon equal to the person's power but the demon is fake but mortal strike end the battle for the tester where the tester has to kill the demon. this was what i was afraid of most i had never killed in this life altho i fought demons in past life this was still frightening and i was called all to soon and walked into the stadium and walked to the whirl of the portal in front of him stopping 100 yards from it and watched as the demon equal to me and my for current revealed abilities and then i blinked in surprise when not on e but 200 dual wielding demons coming towards me and heard almost in unison gasp from the entire stadium and i started and turned my skin into diamond and wreathed my swords ,i say swords because i went dual wield this time, in lightening and started making icicles above my head started running towards them and sliced an arc of lightning and killed the first line of demons in one hit and then started my warrior focus and sped up to the point that most people in the crowd could not see him.

then it was done the dust settled and there was one figure was on the floor of the stadium as 100 nights from the kingdom's military were hurrying to help him stopped and looked at the boy in awe and then i walked of out of the stadium with a respectful and happy escort of 100 soldiers the soldiers were not necessary but it was to make the people feel safe if the fight in the arena go too intense.

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