《elemental warrior》4 year old magic user


so for the next 4 years i have sat and read every book in my room not that my parents or maids know about it.

so yes about the maids i found out the ironically my name is Zach Draco and my mother's name is Sera Draco and the hairy monster *cough* i mean my dad's name is michael draco we are lower nobles in the capital city of magicae in the country of potestatem there are roughly 4 billion in this country alone so i have to assume this world is much larger than earth.

so the last four years i have cultivated my warrior focus and three magics that i found out from one of my basics on magic books in the bookcase for long range fights and hand to hand and sword fighting the magics are: water, earth and lightning water for the ability to make ice earth for protection and lightning for pure offense ability why i saw lighting is pure offense is that yes it increases speed and protects but to certain degree it is not invulnerable so i focused it it to supplement my warrior focus to combine both was hard at first but because of my affinity to it it sensed what i wanted and combined with the blood red color willingly and I've cultivated it ever sense the one thing i didn't know was that people usually didn't come into their powers until age ten or so and most go through what they on this planet call an awakening and what it does is helps the body with cultivation to speed it up its like your body adjusting to a change so when i had my awakening at four i almost pooped my pants.

i was so sacred and in pain i didn't know what was happening and then i started screaming my head off i think the whole house heard it it sounded even to me like a warning bell. awakening happens at 10 because, well, most have no way to cultivate magic they are taught another way in school and in about two-four weeks of school they are helped with their awakening meaning they are soothed of the pain by healers and watched as the awakening happens to prevent harmful effects i would learn this later.


as i was screaming i heard foot steps running in my direction towards my room right when the door was opened a power wave from somewhere in my body burst forth and blew up everything in my room in arcs of lightning frying everything in sites and almost hitting who was at the door i just hopped who was at that door was fine i heard Sera yell over the noise " oh my gods he's having an awakening at four?! how is this possible?!" i heard michael yell " he does have my blood in him" with a chuckle and then i heard a smacking sound like someone was getting smacked in the face or back of the head i assume it was michael getting hit and i heard Sera yell " michael go get the house healer and have our guards keep the maids and anyone else hearing this away as best they can if this is what i think it is this can good or bad depending on our sons temperament"

i hear footsteps running and then the noise dying down i felt cold so cold that i started feeling ice cover my clothes and it spread through the room and i could hear things cracking or maybe the ice was cracking but a it's all i heard and i heard Sera say " dual affinity ?!"

i'm sorry mother but i'm much more than that or is what i wanted to say if i wasn't in much more pain and then the cold feeling was gone and pain was slowly going away i heard ruffle of clothes and felt a soothing palm on my head and heard a voice , a woman's voice said "sleep" and i slowly went into blackness.

i woke up in comfort and i assume on a bed from the feel of it and i slowly lifted myself up after a second and then threw my tiny legs over the side of the bed and almost immediately i heard a gasp from the corner of the room it was my mother sera she runs up to me and hugs me and asks" are u alright?do u hurt?" i respond with " ni dont hurt anywhere i actually feel better then i did before what happened!" i start stretching my tiny limbs and sera watches me for a few minutes then goes to the door and says to a guard posted there in a whisper not knowing my warrior enhances the senses " please get my husband and the healer and try not to attract attention while doing so" and then closes the door and i ask with a face of innocence " why does the guard have to not attract the attention of others?" and my mother sera just looks at me and has a look of shock on her face that was so shocked it almost had me laughing out loud.


my mother ask" how did u hear that?!" i put a finger up and say " wait someones coming down the hall" my mother cockes her head to side and says slowly " there is noone in the hall how-" she cuts off as she finally hears footsteps of people in the hall way then looks at me bewilderment " how did u -" i cut her off and say"its the healer,the guard,and dad wait for them to come and i will explain the best i can" my mother looks at me like i've lost my mind yes she looks at me like a four year old insane person it was almost funny.

as im waiting im coming up with the story in my mind that i would tell my parents just in case i was caught and we wait for them to come inside.

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