《When Idols became your family》Why can't i have a normal day?
i know this figure, i know it very well but what the hell is he doing here { it's not my ex but someone i treasure as much as i love my parents or even more}, the moment, he turned his head and looked in my direction, my feet started racing to him as if my life depends on it, as ig he will disppear if i don't reach him in time, he is someone i missed him so much, i shouted his name "SAM" and he opened his arms to welcome me, i just jumped in them,encircling my legs around his waist and my face in the crock of his neck, oh how much i missed this scent, he the only boy i love unconditionnally, more than myself or more than my parents. I hugged him tightly, i didn't care who was there, i didn't care who was watching us, i didn't care about anything more than the fact i am seeing him and i am in his arms right now.
Let me do the introduction, sorry if it's late but i was cought in the moment, Sam, Full name Samuel, my twin brother, don't be surprised i have a Twin, the truth we were separated at birth and he was raised by my uncle and his wife, while i stayed with my parents, the fact that we were separated was because my parents had not enough money to raise us both and since my uncle didn't have child and he wanted a boy so we ended like that, i didn't discover he was my brother only 7 years ago, yet he knew and he choose to keep it a secret at first, and 3 year later, he went to america to study so we just communicated via SNS or phone and sometimes when he come back we spend all the time together but it's been a year and half since i last saw him, add to it the fact that this last months we didn't get to talk at all, yet no matter the distance he was always here for me, i have never reached for his hand and didn't find it , that's why the second i saw him i felt complete he is my twin after all . we don't say we are twins when asked we just say that he is my cousin. he don't like the fact that we were separated at birth, sometimes i feel he didn't really forgave our parents but with me he act like i was the most precious treasure he had. he really treat me as a princess.{the truth my family was a little bit of a mess that's why i try to not speak about my life a lot}
I was lost in his arms until someone coughed "ehum..." it was one of the boys indicating they are here, including JB and yugyeom who come with us on the elevator and i think decided to spent the day with boys.
he sat my legs on the floor but i couldn't let go of him, so i still hugged his waist looking at him he mumbled " I missed you my princess" my beautiful brother , handsome as always."So hendy you like the surprise" asked PDnim turning my attention to him.
"How did you get him or how didy ouu .. ?" i can't even utter a sentence perfectly
"let's say coincidence did all the work, your gift for your great work yesterday"
"Thank you thank you thank you very much it's the best gift i could ever wish for" i thanked him while Sam was just smiling and patting my head.
"Would you like to introduce him or shall i do it, you have 9 curious looks staring at you" i looked at the boys to see them glaring at him and eyeing me like i did a big mistake.
"Euh, Guys let me introduce you Sam short for Samuel my cousin and best friend" sorry for lying guys but i know he will be uncomfortable otherwise
"And Sam here is BTS, i think you know them, and those two are JB and yugyeom from GOT7" he just waved at them and smiled but they responded with a glare what the with them, i heard one of them say " all this act for a cousin, strange" i am sure it's either jimin or jungkook but i decided to ignore him.
"So kids i will leave you enjoy your day here we go back tomorrow, have fun and you too hendy and Sam it was a pleasure meeting you, we will talk about the rest next time" the PDnim said
"The pleasure is mine Sir and thank you for taking care of this baby" he bowed slightly and the PD nim took his leave, yeah i forget to tell you Sam speak korean better than me.
"So so, would you please explain how you landed here? why didn't you call me in 2 months or more and how did you know i was here? and how you know PD nim ? and did you miss me? ah no no i hate you, i will not talk to you again , you forget about me " i looked at him asking so many question which made him laugh at me
"Yah, Princess, Shut up for a second and you will know everything" he cupped my face and kissed my nose that's habit he always do when he want to win over me and it always works, it's been his habit for a long time now. i didn't know i was ignoring the boys who were just watching us bickring, i am sorry guys i love you so much but i miss my twin more. he looked at naamjoon and asked "i am heading to the pool and i plan on stealing her but Would you like to go with us? "
"We were aleardy going there, so let's go" naamjoon answered , his voice wasn't really friendly but at least it was polite. i swear i am not ignoring them i am just too focused on Sam to care about anything else, i am not sure how much i will be seeing him so i wanted to benefit from every second. i walked hugging his hand afraid he will disappear if i let go, but he ignored me since i didn't stop asking questions and focused more on getting to know the others , he promised he will tell me everything when we get to the pool, and it's just 5 minutes away from the lobby but it seemed like 5 hours for me.
when we reached it every one took a deckchair, however i just jumped next to my brother "Princess, go take another seat there"
"No i missed you and i am not moving an inch away from you"
"there is some many goddess here and i can't flirt if you're sticked to me " he whined like a kid. yes he is a playboy and yes he enjoy being one
"Do i look like i care ? you've aleardy flirted enough, today you're focusing on me" i glared at him and he just smiled taking his shirt off along with boys.oh i am in heaven, i can see so many well made body around me. jungkook i aleardy looked at you enough yesterday, let me see the others oh even Suga has small abs, Hoseok look at that body, he is a dancer after all, how can i expect less, oh MY GOD jimin , Wait wait the board shoulder of Jin, look at Rapmonster, He surely is a monster. Taehyung O.O Holy i have been living with them for a week now and it's just now when i discover all of that, i am gonna die right now at tis rate.Breath hendy breath you're embarassing us with your y self hendy.. if i continue staring ,my eyes will poop out, look at your ing brother and distract yourself from them, don't let them tease you.
"WAW, you've got so much Abs, Mm delicious chocalate Tab" i said touching his Abs and his chest, ( depositphotos_23649907-stock-photo-handsome-man) yes my brother is a y guy, i swear if he wasn't my twin i would be flirting with him. but me acting like that with him is very normal. he didn't even pull away per contra he is showing them more proud of his achievement and, i can see the girls in the pool looking at him.
"Yaah, you're acting like a hungry girl stop it" he layed down on the deckchair, pushing me away , so i jumped on his lap as i always do and he just entagled his hand around my waist,i really miss him a lot, he took care of me more than anyone in this world, just unfortunatly his career and works separated us, but he is my twin. when we are together we feel complete, we are always sticked like that at home.
"So explain everything, and from the beginning " i demanded
"So i come here for work, you know my company have been doing well lately that's why i couldn't find time to call and all, i know it's not an excuse and you have every right to be angry princess but you know too i needed that to escape .., and When i am making some advertisments for an entertainement industry in china, i was invited to the MAMA, because i was the one who did most of the pubilicity and advertising but i couldn't make it i was stuck in a meeting until later and no flight were avaible , and then accidently i saw you stunning in the TV, I was sure it was you so i called mom to know what you are doing there and she told me everything, since your almighty Tw../Cousin is very known nowadays, i got Mr hitman number from some friends and we talked and here i am .. that's how i landed next to you , the truth there is more but i will leave it as a surprise" he ruffled my hair and i just hitted his hand
"I am really angry for forgetting me but since you'e really famous now in America i have forgive you so i can benefit from you hehe i am a genious right? and beside teeell mee now what's the surprise i can't wait you know me " yes my brother is a very hard working person and is a genious compared to me. he really is a brilliant person who made a lot of achievement at an early age, yet i am still stupid and hardly spend a day without creating a problem, i am really proud of him
"Not only there, in Asia too" he said proudly and i pinched his cheeks, to piss him off hehe .
"I am very proud of you Samuu but Stop with your big head, tell me how much are you staying here ? will you come to korea with me ? am i gonna see you soon ?"
"Princess, stop it with your investigation and enjoy the moment,Ah by the way you know you became really beautiful i can feel all the gaze on you "he whispered in my ear which made me more confident.
"you will not get away with nice word this time so answear me" i stated making him laugh
"Ok ok but after and now get up of me and let's go swim because i feel they will kill me with their glare if we continue sitting here"
"Why why ?"
"Yaah, are you acting dumb ? or are you really stupid ? i can't believe your my ...."
"What did i do Sam?" i hitted his chest
"You don't feel that they like you or is it because of the bastard you are dating ? i still wonder how he let you stay here for so long and especially with so many boys"
"We broke up aleardy" i stood up from his lap looking away, because he can read on me like an open book and if he come to know that my ex hurt me, he will kill him for sure i know my twin very well.
"Oh, what a good news! so is there some one new you are dating here?"
"Stop it with your stupid questions Of course, No i am not like you changing girls like shirts , hey hey Let's go swim " I took of me dress and i felt their glare from the pool turn to glances of lust. i turned searching for my nice brother, but he aleardy left me to the pool, he is aleardy joking with rapmonster and playing with JB what the h*ll, he left me alone.
"You'd better put this on Hendy" suga tossed me a shirt and talked with an angry voice oups when did he come here i didn't see him coming.
"I will not swim with a shirt yoongi oppa" i replied confused by his actions
"Then don't swim at all, i will not let you go around wearing only that thing" he said pointing at my body
"Look, all the girls are wearing the same thing as me and beside they aleardy saw me in it so what's the difference between an hour and a minute?"
"HENDY.PUT.THIS.ON" he responded and sitted on his chair putting his glasses and ignoring me. the truth is the authority in his voice scared me a bit, i never seen yoongi so angry and he looked very very pissed of. i wonder why ? maybe because i was ignoring them and focusing on Sam but i will see him only for today and beside he is my twin.
i will not get more on his nerve nor argue more so i put his shirt on and walked to the pool {pff swiming with a shirt, idiot yoongi}. i was about to go in slowly when V puched me in there and jumped after me. We all played in the water, Yoongi joined us after his session of acting pissed. I had so much fun around them. The pool was really really big. and the water felt so good, i don't know why but i felt my brother getting very well with rapmonster strange for two who exchanged glare at first !!..
it's aleardy 4pm, we ate ,played in water, played games everything but the fun didn't end yet, time for dinner soon , since i couldn't eat a lot in lunch i was more than hungry. the Got7 boys left us a while ago, so it's just Bangtan and Sam, it's strange how much he is friendly with Rapmonster, in other hand the other don't seem to like him at all, they are avoiding him as much as possible.
"Let's take shower and go eat something we will go somwhere after" said naamjoon
"Oh yeah, i am so so hungry" i jumped joyful
"You didn't change a bit always thinking about eating" Sam put a towel on my hair and ruffled it before putting his shirt on. mean while i took of suga shirt to put on my dress and we walked to the elevator " Ah Sam, i forget to ask you, do you have a room here?" asked joonie curious since my brother was holding my shoulder and walking with us. Wait wait, i forgot something he will kill me if he come to know i am sharing a bed with jungkook, i know he trust me enough, yet not to the point of sharing a bed, a room it may pass and it's ok but a bed.. Like all the brothers around the world, i will get my part of the scolding oh no. "I couldn't find one, so PD nim gave me his suits because he will be leaving to KOREA today even though i told him i can share one with this naughty girl"
"Yaah, first i am not naughty, Two, i will be the one to share your suits, oh oh i am happy " i danced in the elevator making them laugh at my actions.
"And me? " asked the maknae. {why did he talk, ok even if decided to cover the fact we are sharing a room now i am fu*cked for sure}
"Kookie, just for tonight, i miss this ****boy" i felt the grab on my shoulder get hard, yes my brother is trying to act normal but i feel heat coming from his hand. i am officialy fu*cked
"hendy!! " jin yelled
"Oppa , i didn't curse yet" i replied pissed
"I will not wait for you to do it "
"I am happy to see you getting along with her i know she is very hard to manage but today she is mine since you spend all the time with her" he spoke with a nice voice but i can feel him a little bit angry at me, the elevator reached our floor, yes even Sam's room is next to us just at the end of the corridor.
"Princess, let's grab you some clothes" i told you saw he is pissed right ?and he want to see the room too oh god
"Ok, Samuu" each one went to his room expect from rapmonster who came to my room with kookiesince he decided to take a shower there, it will be faster. kookie is a little bit sad yet i can't do anything.
We walked in the room and i went to my luggage to grab what i needed and a nice dress along with high socks and boots for the night.
"LET's Go i am ready, see you later boys ", i grabbed Sam's hand pulling him out after i winked to jungkook with a an apoligitic grin, SAM don't seem happy and i do know why.
He opened the suit's door, WAW it was more bigger than our room, with a salon and a kitchen Hol* Sh*t i am mesmeraised but the view.
"Waw, you are such a lucky Sam, HOL*Y SH*T" i tried to ease the atmosphere since he seemed very angry at me
"Hendy come here" he was sitting in the couch and patted the place next to him, time for some serious conversation so i walked and sit next to him looking at my feet "You know i trust you right? and you know i believe in you right?" i was just nodding "But my little princess, i am angry right now, i hate scolding you and you know it but at First i didn't like the fact that you're living with seven males when i heard it from our mother, you know i can afford to give you a home and everything you need, yet after i talked with PD and saw them i tried to accept your decision,Even though they seem very kind and all still they are boys with d*ck and i know you understand me well, so finding that you're sharing a bed with one of them.. Are you crazy? even if you're innocent and you will not let anything happen, he is stronger than you and if he want something he will get it even if you refuse. i am more than sure that some of them like you if not all and don't tell me like their sister and bla bla bla because i can differentiate, i am not scolding you nor asking you to quit your job because it's been long enough since i saw you this happy, but there is things that you should not do, you are old enough don't you think?" he cupped my face and kissed my nose, his habit.
"Sam, i listened to you so will you hear me out? You know when i broke up with the other jerk i sweared that i will never love anyone after, at that time i was so lonely, you were far, and mom and dad they didn't really cared about this matter especially with their problems at home, they just told me it was my choice so i should assume it. i really lost my trust in boys, but then i come here and meet them, a lot happened and the warmed my heart again, for me their are just like you, i swear i don't see them more than brothers and they too may be some seem like they love me but i am sure it's just an attraction, not love, because even i can feel my heart pound sometimes around them yet i can know the difference between love and attraction, at least for now i can swear to god that i have any relation with anyone and for the other matter, i aleardy slept with jungkook yesterday and he didn't attempt anything, please trust me i swear i will not get hurt " yeah i lied but i know the boys to be sure they are not those type of person
"Princess, you are lying, i'am sure someone is starting to win your heart, yet i will not tell you who, discover for yourself"
"No there is not, i swear" i don't know what he is talking about but i don't want to know, i prefer being friends more than lover at least it last longer
"If you say so, but i see it anyway, i just want you to take care of yourself and for the next few days we will meet soon don't worry, i am sorry for all this time i wasn't here and i really missed you little sister" and he pulled me in his arms, finally he is not concerned anymore.
"Really,? i will see you more? you know i missed youu a lot and a loot i swear" i cried hugging him back more tightly
"I know i know, yalla, time for shower we need to eat and the boys will pass soon"
"Mmmm, i will take a shower first then" i declared and he stated taking his ipad and starting to do some works "Ok, if you wish, i don't really care"
"Yeeeey " and i runned to the shower, oh i am really happy, free day + my twin + my friends..when i finished i warped a towel around my chest and stared at my reflexion in the mirror drying my hair when my dear brother walked in the bathroom with only his boxers, "Yah yah yah,OUT, i am not invisible and still using the shower"
"Sister, if i wait for you until you finish your staring contest, i will strave to death" he ignored me and walked in
"But... " his hand ruffled my hair before he walk under the shower "if it was one of them you would be happy to see my abs so stop whining and come wash my back princess"
"it's not true SAM , and In your dreams honey, i will not get wet again for you, i just finished drying my hair"
"Please it's been a while since someone did it for me " he always whine like a baby, back at home he always nagged me or mom to do it for him, this kid.
"A while, you mean a day or two? as if i don't know you i am sure you made your girlfriend did it , playboy ,but just shut up, since i am in a good mood, hurry up turn down the water i am coming in and if you try anything funny like opening the water or wetting my towel i will kill you and take all your inheritance" i declared and he just laughed at me.
when i finished washing his back, i got back to my staring contest as he call it but the reality is i am putting some cream on my skin and brushing my teeth, {shower routine what else}, Now i finished, i went out with him fastly trailing after me fixing a towel around he waist since he finished but wait for me until i go out to take of his underwear. don't get me wrong i love my twin but i don't want to see his private part.
"Yaah Sam, Look at your V line, you must be working really hard in bed " i teased earning a smirk.
"And you with the view i have of your bo*bs that didn't grow an inch since last year, you must feel lonely at night" he mocked me, oh my god what's they problem all commenting my chest.
"Yaaaa...h"i stopped talking when he waved at someone and i turned my face to the couch to see 3 chocked faces , Ho*ly shiiit, they saw us walking out of the bathroom together, with only towel only god can imagine the ideas they have in their head now, spoke of misunderstanding, my f*cking brother just said hello and grabbed his ringing phone and entered the room , leaving me like that finding word to explain the mess he put created yes it's all because of him.
Jungkook stood up walking towards the door, when i grabbed his wrist, he looked at me with disgust and said "I thought you were different, you said it was my last chance yet you're the one who disppointed me, i was wrong, i should have did it.."
"Yah, i swear it's not like what you think" i pleaded with my eyes, oh god even if i say it's a misunderstanding, you can hardly believe it
"Yeah, it must be better than my innocent imagination, F*CK Hendy I saw you with my ing eyes getting out of shower together, with him what else to understand just tell me what ? what ?" his voice is starting to raise and so my imapatience
"Yah, just listen for god's sake " i spoke sternly
" off" and he pushed me which made me stumble back a bit, fortunatly something hold me from falling but before he could grab the door knob i yelled "F*CK YOU JUNGKOOK, BECAUSE HE IS MY F*CKING TWIN" he turned around to see me pissed and i can see the surprise on their face "what ?" jimin yelled yet only naamjoon was acting normal as if he aleardy knew, oh that's why he was acting friendly earlier i get it now.
"Yes, this angry princess, is my f*cking pretty sister, we are twins, it's just that i don't like to answer all the question we get from people about the difference in our names so we just say we are cousin, And one more thing, Jungkook hurt her one more time and you will have to deal with me" Sam who finished changing and joined us talked with a sternly voice sitting next to Rapmonster putting his choices on
"Oh, euh !! " no words come out from their mouths they just eyed me while i walked to the room, put on my clothes and come back to find only jungkook and jimin, 11a792dec5bc9c2640ac18762a0196ec
"Where is Sam?" walking towards the mirror in the ally to fix myself , i looked around searching for him but no one here.
"He left with naamjoon hyung and told us to wait for you so we can go out, they will meet us later in the lobby" the answeared calmly
"Oh Okay" i was cold towards them, i am still angry at his reaction, i can understand the misunderstanding but he exagerated a bit "We are sorry for earlier, i just got angry and i don't why, " jungkook explained with cute aegyo something he don't do a lot.
"Okay" now i am faking it, i aleardy melt a his face add to it the cutness of my fulffy chimchim.
"Pleeaasseee, princesss" they pleaded { now calling me princess , hehe i aleardy gave up]
"Okay okay but never use aegyo again with me i will not fall for it twice,
"it normal to misunderstand in such situation, Hendy you know?" jungkookg added whil jimin nodded.
"when will you start calling me Noona, i am older j*rk" i turned to him and pretending i was strict but he doesn't seem affected at all. i walked to counter in the kitchen to grab some water when jungkook talked "noonna? never .. Hendy can we ask you something, is it normal in your country to take a shower with your brother?"
"What ? hey boys The truth we didn't took a shower together, he walked on me when i was drying my hair and whined for me to wash his back, that's it" i explained simply
"Oh it's like that but it means you saw his, you know what.. and him too ?" jungkook asked shylylike a little boy, oh god, this curiosity they have sometimes trouble me a lot;i shaked my head at their stupidness and answered "Euuukk, of course NOO NOO , but even so it's not like we will be attracted to each other or or get excited nor anything. hell we are twins kookie, oh god i don't even want to imagine, You know even his abs that most girl drool over, i don't see them, i just like to about that's all" i made them giggle at my reaction who knews my first long conversations with those two will be like that.
"Oh i understand" the nodded but i can feel him still curious about other stupid things
"i can read your mind you know and let me answear the question tourmanting you, yes you have better abs than him kiddo"
"Stop it with kiddo, i am man and i didn't want to ask that" he just looked away shyly
"yeah yeah i know" i giggled at he is cute acting like that
"Ohh hendy shi .. let's take a shower together, i am sure i can affect you " jimin talked placing his hand around my waist and pulling me to him while i was searching for my lipstick in my bag that was placed in the kitchen counter.
"are you dreaming " i giggled moving to make him pull away.i know he is joking,
"Why? we will just wash each other hair and play with water, it's my fantasy" he put his head on my shoulder looking at me searching but i wasn't really bothered by his presence. he like to be clingy to everyone, something i noticed lately.
"Simple, go get a girlfriend and do all your fantasy wih her, why are you involving me"
"No, i want you"
"And i want someone else, now better let me go, before i can start growing a bon*r on my as* " who just smirked at in my shoulder.
"What the hell am i hearing her? are you really trying to dirty my innocence" kookie who was standing next to use looked startled at our conversation while pulling me away from jimin who covered his manly part crying " You are so mean, you know". jimin added getting red hehehe you see it's so simple to make them react, they are easily to predict sometimes, those kids. i am making fun of them i didn't feel anything, i just talked , my yinner self is having fun and i granted her all control.
"Yeah yeah i am so convinced that you're very innocent jungkook, so chill man, and beside your lovely hyung started it first so talk to him, anyway let's go, before they leave us , i got a message from Yoongi saying they are waiting for us in the lobby, ah yeah beside you two don't dare to say anyword about what you saw if you don't want to be murdered by me"
"Arraso arraso, but you will tell them that sam is your twin right? " jimin asked while we were walking to the elevator
"Yeah yeah of course"
Time skip
"Yoongi Oppa~~" i runned to him and hugged his waist while he was backfacing me at the same time i realised he was him talking with someone , i pooped my head from his shoulder " Oh oups annyeong, sorry.. Ah it's just junmyeonshi hello ~~" Yoongi giggled at my crazyness and Suho just smiled at me before he ask "Ready, little girl ?"
"always ready for food, Oh are you coming with us ?" i asked back and he just nodded smiling, i never knew EXO and BTS were friendly to this extent strange.
"Ah Where is your NICE cousin, i don't see you stick to him like a koala" asked Suga taking my hand away from his waist and standing next to suho0
"Euh, Oppaa, can i tell you something but don't hit me ?" i promised to never lie to him again so he will get angry but i wanted to say it in front of suho at least i will get someone to help me if he try to kill me for half lying.
"Eheum What have you done? speaakk !!" he took a step towards me and i steped back
"Mmm, promise first "
"I don't like repeating myself hendy So speaak " he is starting to get angry "oppaa, the truth i lied to you, Sam is not my cousin but ..." he cut me before i finish "Your ing boyfriend or Ex boyfriend, i aleardy get it don't need to repeat .."
"Euuukk, NO " the boys who just reached us because they spent minutes fooling around behind me answered for me "Her twin, hyung can you believe it?" he looked at me surprised "What ? it's true ? wait how can you be so sure?" he asked again but less seriously
"Yeah, it's a loong story so i will explain everything later but just i wanted you to know " i declared
"Oh look at this Princess , you're talking about me behind my back" joined the conversation
"Oh Sam Sam, finally you come" i wanted to be clingy but he hold my hand so i can't ,restraining me back "Hey, let's go eat and have fun, and you go stick to someone else, i want to get a girl tonight, i put up with you, the whole morning but i am not planing to sleep alone and you're getting on my way" he stated so normally, oh my god i am blaming other boys for being but look at this brother i have he is worst than them
"A girl? you must be kidding right?! you're sleeping with me tonight, i don't care" i whined
"what's up with this girl?, Anyway we will see after " he just put his arms around jonie and yelled "Let's go guys" walking away from me, Their attitude towards him changed 180°, waw so they were really jealous because i sticked to him. they are more protective than sam but avowed you like it, hehe may be dear concsience.
We eat at the restaurant of the hotel, i ate more than i can digest so i feel my stomach aching, the boys were enjoying themselfs together, we decided to go to a nightclub not far away from here, and Suho and baekhyun decided to join us to, i like suho as a friend but i don't really trust baekhyun he have a very bad look in his eyes i don't know why.
Oh finally we are arrived the traffic was killing ,and after getting a good table with best view to the dance floor, the boys dispatched and i was left alone with hopie who decided to drink something before hitting the dance floor and jin searching for something to eat here too, since we didn't let him finish his meal at the hotel.activities-Nightclub_Entry_Q_Jump_Table_and_Bottle-01369477170
Suga and rapmonster are aleardy hooked with some girls, taetae is sticked to his lovely friend baekhyun along side with jungkook and Jimin,. {I AM JEALOUS, I CAN FEEL MYSELF burning add to that } i can see Suho and my lovely brother kissing some girls from here, euu3k, but at least they don't lose time those two.
should i drink or should i not? i have a dilemma in my head, if i drink i may lose it and i will not remember what i will do and if i don't then i don't but i want to, Oh some cocktail seem good. off i will drink, and whatever happen let it happen, i looked around searching for someone to go with me grab a drink because the place is so full and the server who i called ignored me twice. H*LL 10 Boys disppeared leaving me alone i can't believe them. Oh oh that's why i should have made some girl friends rather than sticking with those traitors.
After a third attempt to reach the server, he gave me what i wanted and i guped it in one shot, oh So good, one more and i will go flirt too, why should i be left alone huh? i just sat down looking at my surroindings , it was nor dark neither scary, the right intensity of light , the right music and the right time, the best moment of youth. and the best moment to get some fun. THANK YOU PDnim andTHANK YOU GUYS FOR GIVING ME SUCH A GOOD TIME i thought to myself looking around
After dancing like crazy with jhope i can't feel my feet anymore, i left him enjoying his time more with jungkook and jimin , they seem to never get tired those boys and went back to the table i sat down drinking some water and regaining my breath when Someone approched and sitted next to me i turned to see who it was but i got caught in a kiss before i can distngush who it was...
- In Serial43 Chapters
Secret In Love: The Heirs
Renandra Ettrama, is the main heir to the large company Ettrama. A handsome man who is only 18 years old, already owns most of the shares in his father's company.A man who loves only one woman, a woma...
8 375 - In Serial52 Chapters
Mr. Ceo & I
Highest Ranking: # 15 in Romance on August, 5, 2018Highest Ranking: #1 in CEO on December, 15,2018Highest Ranking#1 in Interracial January,10,2020Asher, is the cocky, arrogant, rude, and closed off Ceo of The National Elect Industries. He works hard for what he wants. He has everything he needs except one thing... A personal assistant until Natalia fulfills the position. Unfortunately they loathe each other. She puts him in his place, while he pushes her buttons. However Natalia's young daughter clenches at Asher's heart and possibly ties Natalia and Asher together.Natalia, is a sarcastic, independent, opinionated, and strong willed women. Recently having a baby who is 3 years of age. Natalia fulfills the position of a personal assistant of the CEO of The National Elect Industries. She accepts the job to make a successful living for her and her daughter. However she can't stand him, let alone working for him. However, Natalia's little daughter warms up to Asher. She sees a side of him that draws her to him and possibly take interest in.
8 198 - In Serial60 Chapters
Let me love you
Thalia Kennedy is a positive ball of sunshine, she likes dirty jokes and smiling whenever. When she meets a man, the complete opposite of her she immediately takes a liking to him and wants to be the one to teach him how to enjoy the little things is life. Heath Jackson was a complicated man in many ways, from his complicated past to his guaranteed complicated future, he was never able to run away from his silent fears he'd face alone. He was closed off and hated the thought of even interacting with people, until someone was heavenly brought in to save him. ---------------------------"I'm thinking" He tells me and I frown. Is itreally that hard to think about something niceabout me?"I like your lips" He finally answers with a slysmirk on his face thinking he did something."Which ones?" I ask before I could stop myselfand bite my lip."Don't you dare answer that" I point my finger at him, the smirk still on his face.-----------------------#3 in cold 7/11/22#1 in sarcasm 8/10/22
8 136 - In Serial20 Chapters
Imperfect Master • akakuro ✓
© March 2015[Book Two of KnB Trilogy]• unrevised •"Convince me if you're worthy of my forgiveness." He said--And he did, til he finally receive his love again after three years.
8 196 - In Serial39 Chapters
ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴡᴀʏ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ɪꜱ-"ᴛʀᴜꜱᴛ ɴᴏ ᴏɴᴇ"Surround me like the air, not every love is fair♡"𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐈𝐑 " ~ 𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐝."Dying is easy, I lived for you- "**********************Love and Hate, two intense feelings, two opposite emotions, two base factors that decide the fate of everything around us, but there is a thin line between love and hate.When hatred turns into love, everything becomes beautiful, the world becomes cheerful, and everything appears to become brighter and happier. However, when love turns into hatred, something much more intense occurs. Every single ray of light turns into complete darkness, each and every happiness in your life seems to be engulfed by a black hole, your body feels like it is trapped in a whirlpool of emotions, and every single breath seems to be so difficult to take, you just want to die, but your autonomic nervous system won't set you free from the storm of emotions.**********************************"Isn't she adorable? You find her beautiful right? Don't you just love when she is all cute and submissive?""Yes-?" She answered in all honesty. "Disgusting.. stay away from her, I don't want you near that two faced leech ."She smirked and pushed her against the wall and took out the 'thing' from pocket."D-Did y-you just leashed me?""You were being a bitch" she leaned and bit her earlobe-"Now you are looking like one-"***********************The feeling when someone you know stabbed you on the back,You want to reverse the time and mourn over the lack...The feeling when you thought your friendship was like Potter, Weasley, and Granger,The lonely feeling when someone you care about became a stranger.They have started, but I will end it.It has begun. The game of death♡**************Cover by- @thecloudedpages***********,****
8 168 - In Serial87 Chapters
This Alpha's Pheromones are Exploding
The story does not belong to me. I uploaded it for offline reading purposes only.Description:Qiu Jin transmigrated into a book once again.Last time, he transmigrated into an omega with pheromones that could make people go crazy. This time the heavens were merciful and finally had him transmigrate into an alpha. Moreover, it was the sexiest alpha in the entertainment circle.Unfortunately, it was a cannon fodder.The main gōng in the original book was Ji Shenxiao, an aloof tyrant CEO. He was alpha to the max. His self-control was so strong that no matter how omegas tried to seduce him, he would remain unmovable like a mountain. Until he met the protagonist omega shòu, which activated his second vein and turned him into the fiercest gōng dog.And Qiu Jin was the cannon fodder alpha that competed with Ji Shenxiao. Arrogant and despotic, he tried to forcefully take and grandly lost. He challenged the protagonist's bottom line again and again. In the end, his gland was destroyed, and his family fell into destitution.In this regard, Qiu Jin expressed that he would not be a toxic alpha male, so protagonist you go scram. However, humans could not defy the fates, and just when Qiu Jin was striving to become a high-quality alpha, the pheromones that made all the alphas go crazy in the last world came back!At that moment, he saw the protagonist gōng suppressing his desires till his eyes were red, and his pheromones went out of control.Qiu Jin swallowed, "Bro, let's talk this out..."The alpha squeezed the back of his neck, his voice hoarse, "But I prefer to do it directly."Love rivals become lovers. Alpha becomes omega.Author:勺棠Associated Names:這個Alpha香爆了[穿書]Status in COO:79 Chapters9 ExtrasChapters split in translation (✔️)
8 295