《When Idols became your family》MAMA pt2 A night with enemy
We went back to the hotel, and the president gave me the key for my hotel room before leaving us at lobby to greet ome of his friends, i still don't know if i will get a room alone or if i will be sharing with the others since in the morning, I didn't have the time to go and check. So just the manager took my luagage to the room , Neither me nor the boys have changed our outfits, it wqs late and we just decided to just do it in the hotel.
We walked to the elevator, the trip road from the eventplace to the hotel was calmer than expected, we were all tired to even utter a word though you can see our smiling faces from far way. we got off and Every one walked to his designed room , the rooms were aligned in the same floor : Jin,suga and rapmonster walked to the farest one, i think they will share one, the one next to mine which i thought will be mine alone there was taetae,hopie and jimin and finally mine, at first i didn t see jungkook standing behind me i really thought he went with the boys since i was walking in front of all, BUT, when i opened the door and was about to close it behind me ,he put his foot inbetween ." oh oh girl , it's my room too " he stated smiling
"WHat? It's not mine alone ?!" i repiled shocked
"Who told you that? "
"No one i just assumed you will let me have some privacy here too, and beside why am i sharing it with you? i know you don't want to share your room"
" Because the president said so"
" you're talking as if you like it" i asked mocking him
"Yeah a lot, i will make you mine tonight " he simply replied looking straight at me {i knew the agreement between us in the MAMA will not last long i aleardy knew he will be back to being annoyingtumblr_static_bg1en10xtjsc4o4ok4s8cckkk}
" In your wildest dreams may be, yet now move from my face i will talk with uncle or sleep with yoongi" I opened the door to be welcomed by the president who told me to go back from where i came before i can talk back but being the talkative girl i am i didn't hold back.
"Uncle i want to sleep with yoongi tonight please " i pleaded
"No no, you will sleep here because i know that your relation with jungkook is not really the best, so use this chance and make it better"
"He hate me " i whispered to myself more than to him
"Make peace with him and now go back "
Flashback to a discussion with the president in first day at work;
I wanted to have my room or at least a bed, it was awkward to share a bed with yoongi the first night so i went to talk to him.
"Ahjussi, i want something, can i ?" i asked standing in front of his desk with my head down
"Yes sit and talk, i am listening" he just looked at me waiting for my demand
"Can i get a bed or at least something to sleep on? the truth is yesterday i was obliged to share a bed with a member don't get it wrong but it s not really comfortable, don't be mad they insisted that i can't sleep on the couch and didn't stop arguing until i accepted" i was afraid he migh scold me for what i have done but the reaction was unexpected
" i knew it will happen, it seems that my plan is going for the best "
"Excuse me ? Your plan?"
"Hendy my little girl listen, you know the boys don't have girlfriends right? Maybe they have someone they love but i am not sure of it, but you know too that they rarely see their family and i think they don't really have women as friends right? so you also know that they sure miss the affection of a women, that why i decided to have you live with them. I don't want them to feel needy towards women.. "
"What? ..don't tell me i will have to ..." he cut me down knowing what i was thinking, because i'd prefer to die than wor=k as s*x slave to anyone.. even for them
"No no not like that i just want you to give them some of the affection they miss.. and what's the problem with sharing a bed with them i am sure they will not attempt anything bad..."
"But uncle they are men too, and it's awkward " i am still pleading my case when i am sure in the end he willl not really listen
"Yeah they are men but they will not touch you like that because if they want s*x they will go have a one night stand and forget about it rather than touching someone forcefully.. i am not talking about all of them but i know some do it.. so you don't need to worry about this thing and for the fact that it's awkward .. i am sure that after some time it will became normal, treat them as your brothers and everything will be simpe" {this uncle is surely crazy i never thought that he can be so open minded even me, i am not.. i don't know in what mess i put myself but i don't have other choice rather than to accept it}
"Whatever you say uncle" i replied sad or more frustrated.. {not only he is willing to let me share a bed but the things he just said shoked me, he knows things about boys that i don't even dare to ask]
"I swear if any of them hurt you i will be the first to punish him, you're really like my niece and i don't want to see you get hurt "
"Arraso" i stated.
Énd of the flashback
I walked back to my room to find jungkook going out from the shower with only his pants and a towel drying his hair with."Oh it seems like yoongi kicked you out" he said provocking me with his grin.
" Not your business, Wear a shirt" i said looking away but his defined abs, his well built shoulder, i am getting a nose blood how can a kid look like that oh my goood..abba57f04f3a4cd07461db6a8817fdf9
"i feel you like what you see so I will sleep like that for you baby" he answered laying down on the bed { ai-special-hotel-rooms-youll-want-to-live-in-so-badly-29 ah i forget to tell you the president decided to gave us a room with a single queen sized bed ... sometimes he scares me with his plan}.
i just glared at him and walked to the bathroom to take a shower, i am still in my black dress,. i wanted to take it off but oh the zipper one more time..aaah what will i do?, i don't know what 's that ing problem i have with zippers !! .. i either sleep with it or call jungkook to help me, no no you know hendy it's a very bad idea !.. I walked outsearching for my phone and i can see him staring at me from the corner of his eyes. I took my phone and called yoongi my only hope.
" yeoboseyo, oppaa can you come help me with something?"
"What do you want? i am aleardy sleeping!!" Yoongi and his beauty sleep , their relation is more strong than two bloodrelated persons.
"But oppa.. i need you" i cried in the phone
"Tell me what is it hendy? what's so urgent?"
"The zip..per" i mumbled low enough for jungkook to not hear it
"Yaah hendy you have jungkook in your room so make him deal with it, i want to sleep"
" yah f*ck you i hate you" and i hung up pissed off, what the am i gonna do .
I am in dilemma should i ask jungkook or go to the other room and walk back in corrdior with the dress open . i may hate him but i don't really have a choice, do i? my innerself is jumping of happiness shouting you like it girl right? no i don't, shut up.
"Jungkook, can you open the zipper of the dress" i asked embarrassed playing with my fingers
"Huuh.. ok" oh he said ok he didn't say any other word than that, oh is he acting nice, i walked to him, he stood up and took the zipper opening it slowly and i can feel his hand trembling while brushing my back in other hand my heart is about to explode please stop if you pound so hard he will hear it. He ziipped it all and the only strength that keeping it from falling down is my hands holding it on my chest.
"Thank yo...uu" and i hurried to the bathroom
I took a long shower to ease my mind why am i so shy ? Hendy he is a kid, just a big kid that s it don't be troubled by his body or his action. After my night routine and wearing my nightgown or should i just call it a long sleeve i slipped in bed taking the farest edge away from jungkook who was aleardy asleep or maybe pretending he is, yet at least it will not be so awkward.
I backfaced him and turned the lamp off. I was so tired yet i couldn't sleep, everything is rolling in my head like a flashback .. my life, the night , the MAMA , the artist, everything.. i even pinched my cheeks to see if i am not dreaming.
I moved and turned my face to see jungkook still sleeping. I don t know what took me but i felt my hand touching his cheeks, the one i slaped the other day, i felt a little bit guilty {HENDY after all he has done to you, you're still so gentle with him, i really can not understand you, he treat you like a ing and you still think he deserve kindness } ..he is so handsome and seems really at peace when sleeping, i wish we could be friend and talk like earlier, his smiling face is addicting. I was about to take my hand away afraid he may wake up but he suddenly grab it.
"So you don't hate me?" He asked with a sad voice
"I never hated you, you re the one who dislike me and do his best to piss me off from the beginning"
"I don't hate but you just act like my ex ..."
"Euhh.. " wait what did he say ? ex? me? what ? shut up and let him speak
"The only girl i loved, my ex girlfriend !You know i gave her everything but she slept with my friend" is he opening his heart to me. I can feel some tears in my hand running on his cheeks
"I am sorry" it was the only thing i could say, but why am i apologising?, you're not his ex girl hendy wake up.
"You don't have to, but everytime i see you i remember her and it hurts .. all girls are traitor"
"No its not true don't judge a book by its cover and don't put everyone in the same box.." i replied trying to remain calm
"No all are the same, i know you're playing with my hyung's feeling and you will hurt them in the end, i am sure you will do it, just like her.. yet i am not like them i will not fall for your tricks" he spoke in a higher octave he opened his eyes and he was a little too angry for my taste tumblr_inline_oceypbTI4X1srvvmn_500
"Ok jungkook but please calm down.."
"I can t calm down. Because you want to destroy us... just like her you act all gentle but you're the incarnation of the devil" he shouted and his eyes are darker than usual
" yah jungkook i know you're angry but stop it you're scaring me.. "i pulled my hand away from his cheek but he pulled me under him and hovered over me, his gaze was sad and troubled .. the truth i wasn't afraid of him but i was just hurt, no matter how much i try to be nice with him i just end up being hurt by his words.
"Jungkook please get up of me" i tried to speak nicely, i don't have to anger him more.
"No i told you i will make you mine didn't i ?, tell me why the do you accept all of them but not me.. you re just like her. She never let me kiss her yet she went and offered her self to him, Why is he better than me? why ?" Tears are falling on my faces yet the looks in his eyes is just getting harder.
"Jungkook please listen" i touched his eyes to whipe his tears but he pinned my hands above my head in the bed, i made the wrong move again i am trapped now.
"No i will never trust a girl's word ever, and since you didn't want to accept me willingly , i will make you do it ,love" one of his big hand are helding mine in place and the other is ing, in my mind i knew i should scream push or move but i didn't even have the strength to do it, just the glances he was giving me anger, hate and sadness are controlling my mind. i felt my hands hurting a lot , still no tears are coming from my eyes and no screams too. My mind is blank., if you sk why i can surely say that i am controlled by him. i tried my best to make the last words come out from my mouth and i declared looking straight in him, i knew i will regret it later but i had to "JUNGKOOK if all you need to get better and revenge your hate for YOUR EXgirlfriend on me is to F**uck me, and if you really think that i am the you always say i am , then do it i am just in front of you heeh ? do whatever you want Ok? i will not ing move an inch or even push you away !" Hendy what the are you saying.. you are a fùcking , Your ity ? your first time ?something you tressured for many years, something you wanted to give to the one who deserve it, you re going to give it up like that. my concsience is scolding me but i am more concerned about jungkook's action that about the bull running in my mind .
Jungkook didn't add a word, he just leaned more to my nech, tighting his grip around my hands [i never thought my first time will be like that, i should have controlled my ing mouth} i don't care anymore, I just closed my eyes. I don t know what happened to me and i don t know why i said that but deep down i wanted to trust that jungkook will not hurt me, i wanted to trust him more than my own self but..
A minute passed , a second one followed and all i could feel was a heavy body on me on my neck but with no pleasure at all, i couldn't feel anything nor scar neither fun, nothing just a void feeling.. Suddenly i sensed someone crying on my neck , my hand were now released. But a bad feeling was travelling me down to my last cell, i felt disgusted of myself , i felt really ashamed. how did i trust him? why did not i push him?, Maybe did i really want him to do it ?.. After some seconds i pushed him to the side and i sat up at the edge closing the button he opened, just as i was about to stand up he pulled me back to bed and backhugged me, i can feel him crying his heart out in the crock of my neck, soon after tears started rolling on my face too. i can not control myself anymore. after many tears, i turned to face him, he had his face down and i was at blame too, why the hell did i touch him in first place, i draw problems and then cry about it, though my disagreement with jungkook is still up and i have to talk "Look at me jeon jungkook' he lifted his head and our eyes locked so i continued "You know you're not the only one who was hurt and you're not the only one who suffered rejection or still suffering from, yet that didn't give you the right to hurt people, you called me a yet i am still , i supported it once , twice but you didn't stop and i was even about to gave it up today just to show you the truth, you think i don't have problems in life because i tend to smile, sorry but you have to know that i feel pain too and i get hurt, you're girlfriend left you for another jerk,Mine left me because i come to korea for one month vacation, i was ravaged but i never hurted people nor blamed anyone ,i took it on me and i still try to move on, you think i will hurt the hyungs or i am playing with their feelings yet i prefer getting hurt than any bad thing could touch any of you, i always tried my best to understand you but i failed on making you open your heart," i throw my phone at him adding " just read the message i get everyday from my EX and you will know the weight of your words on me, just read them and i will swear you will not be able to lift your head from shame .. yet i make sure no one notice and no one see it and i say it the price i should pay for the happiness i am getting, so for god sake jeonjungkook if you have a trust problem and if you will ever call me again just me and be sure that you took my ty because it's the only way i have to prove it at this rate" i talked and talked, tears were falling non stop , i emptied my heart on him, he wanted to speak but i didn't let him until i was out of breath and i couldn't talk anymore.
"HENDY SHUT UP AND LET ME SPEAK, i never mean whatever i said, i always wanted to piss you off because it's the only way to get your attention, i never thought what i say will hurt you this much, yeah sometimes i am a trouble maker and i act like a teeneger, but i am always afraid that you hurt my hyungs, i can see how much they are attached to you, and that's why i act this way.. i am afraid, and no matter how much i want you, i will never you, i will never do something like that i will never hurt you.. "
"Yet you aleardy hurt me enough jungkook" i replied titling my head to the side and looking at him , i have no more strength left, i can't even argue more, i am just empty
"everyone deserve a second chance and so do i, don't you think? so please "
"it's not a second chance i gave you a hundred of chances so .." he cutted me with a pleading eyes "Please, the last one, i will prove you i deserve it"
"I will try..but it depends on you" i replied sadly and he hugged me and pulled us to bed sleeping over me, if i say i was surprised i will be lying i wasn't really feeling anything at the moment.. so i just hugged him and patted his back... he didn't do anything or kissed me, he just slept on me , just crying ..he must be really hurt. oh my god He is really heavy but i didn't want to push him.. for tonight let's start anew, let's start a fresh with him . because after the long talk we had, i felt peace i felt more relaxed and i felt that it will be the last chance i can give him.
I didn't slept until i felt his breath became regular. i was thinking does he really deserve one? , should i let him? alot of thought runned in my head? of course the innerself i had was only thinking about his board shoulder i had under my hands and his abs i could feel the hottness of his body travelling on me even in such situation i can not be serious oh my god.. but .. shut up hendy let the self enjoy .And then i drifted to sleep.
The next morning, i wake up with my body sore and jungkookg still sleeping on me like a mattress. yesterday i decided i will really start a new page and i will forget everything that happened, it will be the first page in a new book, so i will treat him like i saw him the first time. I hope he deserve the chance i gave him that's all.
" kookiiiiieee waaake uuup" i shouted on his ears which made him jump and fall on the ground, i cracked of laughter.
"Not funny Hendy" he is the only one younger than me but who don't say noona, and speak informally but i don't really mind.
"First i am your noonna and second it's not funny to sleep one me all night too, i don't feel myself anymore"
" but it was very comfortable i will do it again if i can HENDY , ..hehe but I am sorry for yesterday" he joked emphasing my name and mumbled the last words
" you owe me a massage and a big ice cream, then we will see if i can forgive you for hurting my body or not" i told you aleardy that i aleardy erased everything from my mind about his hurtful words
"Arraso arraso but thank you for trusting me .." he replied scratching the back of his neck and looking shy { oh cute}
i was about to answear when all the boys cracked the door and walked in screaming "yaaah shut up " i shouted.
"Wake up kids, we are going to swim, the pool is so so so good" taetae and jimin jumped on the couch and beside "Hendy, PD nim is waiting for you in the lobby, he said he has a surprise for you"
Yoongi was still sleep walking so he jumped in bed next to me and hugged me like a koala " yah yah yoongi let me go, i am still angry at you" i said pushing him away
"No no, i don't care, i want to sleep "
"Sleep alone, i don't speak with jerks" i started pushing him more strongly but he only hold more"YAAAH SOMEONE SAVE ME FROM THIS KOALA"
"Why are you upset my lovely princess ?" he questioned simply feigned ignorance, oh my god look at him playing all innocent.
"Remember yesterday, when i called you choose sleep over me so off, go hug your pillow"
"And you remember when you spend the day with Suho rather than us so i should be angry one" "WHAT WHEN? "all of them shouted, but how the did he know that .
"Huuuh.. whatever" a devil idea pooped in my head and i started tickling suga, who let me go immediatly " HO HO i got you, now i am free" and i runned to the shower, leaving them deal with each other.
The weather were pretty hot today so i opted for a casual dress and some tongs since we are going to the covered pool, and of course my swimwear under it. i like swiming the most. the boys were still bickring in the room, jungkook took his shower in another room and yoongi didn't left the bed yet. We are all ready so we headed to the elevator to be greeted by two other guys, who seemed very happy to see us, oh i remember him the jaebum or jaedum boy from got7 yeah i learned their name yesterday and more other names after the events
i just said Hi and stepped back in the elevator leaving them space to be together, the truth i was anxious why is PD nim waiting for me. so when we got to the lobby, i started searching for him with my eyes until i saw two familiar figure, one is of the president for sure since he was facing my direction and the other figure is a boy who was back facing me ,WAIT i know this figure, i know this person very well but what the hell is he doing here?
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