《When Idols became your family》Truth or Dare
AN// this chapter is going to contain some dangerousand hard containt, read it at your own risk
H*ly Sh*t, F**K; H*LL .. What's happening?. i felt someone's lips on mine, they were gentle yet rough, my eyes went wide at the impact and i felt my heard about to poop out , After some seconds i was able to identify the responsible even though i was a little bit drunk still i can see the face of my abuser clearly.. none other than KIM TAEHYUNG , i really can't cease what's happening in here, what the h*ll is he doing? or what the f*ck was he thinking to kiss me ? yes i can aleardy smell all the alcohol in his breath yet him kissing me and my body that didn t react back from the surprise, is something i can not apprehand, i didnt kiss back nor pushed him away until i felt his tongue asking for entry in my mouth that's when i figured out the mess i was in; i tried pushing him but he bite on my lip placing his hand in the back of my neck securing me from getting away which made it hurt a bit, i put my hand on his chest trying one more time my best to push him , i know i will get a cut with his biting but it sound way better than this situation.. he pulled, smirked looking deep in my eyes, no he is not my taehyung, he is not the little joyful boy i used to see around me, he is not the one i am used to hold and relax in his embrace he attempted to move on again when someone caughed and sitted next to me putting his hand around my shoulder.
HOPIE right in time i screamed in my mind .. wait wait ! let's wish he didn t saw anything ,yet i am more than sure he has, he just pretended he didn't , he smiled at me and patted my shoulder slightly glaring at taehyung, whom will get his part of the scolding later but for now he just made him go back to the dance floor or god only know where... why did he do it? Because he was drunk ? Yet out of the girls there kissing me? conscience, we are not not goonna cry about it as if it was your first kiss yet getting kissed out of nowhere and by someone unexpected it s getting of your privacy, i love taetae a lot but not in this way, yet why didn't i slap him ? IOH GOD MY LIFE IS A MESS i will just forget about it, he surely is drunk or maybe he mistook me for someone else, i think it's the easiest solution to forget.
I really want to leave, i don't want to stay here anymore.. first i hate seeing the boys making out with other girls and ignoring me add to that being kissed out of nowhere.
Hopie get me out of my thought "Hendyy wanna escape somewhere nice than here ?" In times like that i really want to thank him for being careful enough to notice my needs and to ignore thing i don't want to talk about.
I just nodded and grabed my jacket and my bag from the table, he took my hand and we went out. oh some fresh air, i feel i can breath now
"I am glad we left ,but the boys ?!" i asked still concerned about them
" don t worry about them, they are not drunk to make troubles, or any mistakes, they are just having fun"
" Let's go then"
We stood next to the road waiting for a cab, and i ask " so where are we going"
" it s a surprise but i promise it s nicer than here" hopie is one of the boys who can feel me the most i know he will not do anything stupid rather than being childech sometimes and a big happy virus other times, i knew he was a responsible person so i didn't really care where he will take me, i know we will have fun and i needed to get out of my mind the scene that happened earlier fortunatly no one saw expect of jhope who is pretending he didn"t or else a big problem could have arised. he was his donseang (little brother). and i know how much care about each other, so if he punched him or anything he knew i will feel terrible for being the cause of it, that's one of the reason he remained calm.
We took a cab and after a good drive i found myself greated by a magnifient view.. from where we were standing we could see all Hongkong.. it was far from the noisy city, Just calm and beautiful the perfect mood to relax after a nightclub.dsc_0574-32
"THANK YOU JUNG HOSEOK" i screamed and my voice reseonned in the air.
after some shouts, We sitted in silence for what felt like hours , we were enjoying each other silence in a great way. Until he broke the silence looking a little bit sad ", you have a cut ,you know" he said looking at me.
"What?" i titled my head to the side and he touched my lips gently which made me hurt a little "Awchh" i whined
"Told you he hurted you, sorry i was late and sorry i couldn't protect you, i never thought he will get drunk nor touch you, i apologise in his behave"
"No, no don't worry please, and don't misundrestand him ,i am sure he took me for another girl, i know he will not kiss me out of nowhere he surely is more drunk, thank you because you didn't create a problem, and for the cut it will disppear soon" i smiled touching my lips that felt cold after his gentle hands left it.
" I shouldn't have left you alone still, i thought they are gathered with you, looks like i was wrong" he smiled but i can feel he is blaming his self
"Hopiiie, i swear it's ok, you are not in blame neither others, we went out to have fun not to stay and babysit me, let's forget about it and please don't tell the others, i have aleardy created enough misunderstanding around me to add one more." i pleaded
"Buut.. "
"hoseok-ah no buts, just do as i say this time, please act as if you didn't saw anything, it's just a kiss and moreover not my first, so i don't really care not even a big kiss more like a peck" i leaned on his shoulder and he put his hand around me. i felt safe with him , i still can not get the scene from my head but i decided to let it go. it's just a kiss after all { you are lying to him and to yourself too, hendy, you never treat a kiss as something dull, please conscience leave me alone, he kissed me and it passed, i am not going to spend my life reminising about it should i?, he must be drunk, you and me knows really well, he wasn't that drink my conscience stated, }
my phone started ringing, it's naamjoon, {don't tell me i have curfew even here, still i am not alone } he asked where we went and ordering us to go back home they are waiting for us for a good game yet we decided to ignore him for a little bit more, until my stomch started grumbling, yeah i am hungry all of sudden but fortunatly i am not the only one, so we decided to grab some food on our way back , and snacks to eat with the boys at the hotel
Sam will surely be having fun with some chicks so i d better no enter the suits. yet i don't know for the others, let's hope kookie didn't bring any girl with him because i am tired as fu*k and i really don't want to see anything inappropriate.
Jhope decided to walk with me in my room to prevent me from seeing anything but guess what we found, something more stranger than my simple mind, all the boys gathred including Suho, Sam and JB H*ly Sh*t , a lot of drinks were placed next to them, it seems like they were waiting for us for some Truth or Dare game, Those boys must be kidding, right?, First, it's aleardy midnight yet they still wanna play,Second, me playing with them it's like walking to the highest level in H*ll with my feet. Yet imagine all of them convincing you to play, do you think you have a chance to run away, even if you want? can you ? of course no, even my brother is in their side, this day is not really coming to an end as i can see.
Taehyung come running to me with his usual grin hugging me tightly to him , my body tensed at his touch and Jhope who was holding my shoulder felt it, but i didn't want the other to discover so i just patted his back " oh you're not drunk anymore?" i asked
"OH if i will tell you what they did to me,Noona, the hyungs pulled me in a very cold shower the second we reached the hotel saying i was recking alcohol and you? where did you go? we searched you forever" he whined still holding on me {should i be angry at this kid? it''s the fault of alcohol,he is a kid}.
" Oh we just want to buy same snacks, here look " i replied pulling away and waving the bags in front of him , he don't remember a thing! yt it stings a little my heart, i wonder why, yet should i be happy? or sad? of course happy you kissed a bangtan boys and he don't remember, my little you enjoy as much as i want me i don't really like it, so f*ck off, and let's pretend it never happened, My dear god lately pretending became a routine in my life. they started shouting for us to come so we can start playing, i took of my jacket and kicked off my heels, placing myself between my brother and naamjoon including the boys who formed a big circle in the bed, we were so stick to each other but one thing for sure it's gonna be an unforgattble night.
i can say i am satisfied with my place since the rate of my dear brother and me getting to play together is so rare, i forget to tell you but i have a twin who became a monster and a et in those type of game even with me. and now let the game begin. Since i was the only girl, i started rolling the bottle but before i asked to make sure everyone knows what they are putting their self into " So what are the rules guys ?"
"The rules are simple,once we start you can't back up no matter how much is embarrassing or inapproriate the dare or the question is" jungkook, the golden maknae stated proudly.
At first questions were really stupid and the dare were really simple, after a while, and some good shots and some beer you can feel the atmosphere became more joyful and lighted.which made the game more hot ..here comes the fun, the bottle stopped on me and jungkook and i choose truth of course, i decided to play it safe tonight, seen from the dare they made for each other, i have every right to be scared suga obliged hopie to eat some spicy thing, poor him, he even cried while we laughed, and then rapmonster ordred jin to dance and since he is drunk a bit too much to be able to stand he didn't stop falling which made our side spilt from chuckling, my dear brother ordered tae to go and get some girl number from the lobby and made someone spy on him he ended up getting the number of the reception, since no one accepted to talk to a drunkard tae and finally JB dared jimin to make a dance lap to suho who turned red from embarassment. so how can i even think about choosing dare ?
"have you ever seen a d*ck? " asked jungkook which made all the boys focus on me. H*ll i thought i will be safe yet i don't think they plan on leaving me untroubled today.
i took a deep breath and nodded the gasped at my answer "What ? really? how*?" asked taehyung surprised and my so called brother at me declaring " did you think she was innocent? " my so called brother declared " yah yah, Sam i am not like you at least, and it was an accident we pass now " i know they are curious to know the truth but it's really was an accident, one time we were in vacation with my family and my Ex boyfriend and i walked on him in the shower so i saw he little friend down there, that's it. yet i will not tell them, let them be curious. Today i am really letting my y self have take the control and i will just enjoy the night.
the bottle spinned more and it was my time to ask jin oh i aleardy have a good dare in mind "so truth or dare ?" i smirked
"Truth" he smirked
"BUT WHY?" i yelled
"Because i knew you are planning something, so hurry up and ask "
"Have you ever had a thr*esome?" i asked out of nowhere, yes yes i was curious jin is wise and discreet so i grabbed this chance while he is drunk to dig in a little of his dark past
"Yes" he simply stated and i was astonished "really when ? With who"
" sorry little girl a question per tour" I just took a shot in defeat, i am curious..
After some more spinning the bottle ended between me and suga and no matter how a kind and gentle he is when drunk, he is dangerous and to avoid danger what should we do? Of course choose truth
" So truth my yoongi"
"Mm, good one, baby have you ever been s*xually touched ?" what the h*ll with them today digging in my private life and with some stranger with us too.
"Huuh.. "i gasped " what do you mean?"
"I don't mean having to having s*x but having your private part touched, you got wha i mean, i think?" yes i got the meaning, ok the truth is yes, after all being in a love relationship for almost 4 years, sometimes it really got hot between us, yet i never wanted to let him go to the final stage i don't know why , it just ended with some"touchy touchy" thing with our shirts off and his hands rooming around, at first he didn't want to accept my decisions when i asked him to stop later on we argued about it until he was convinced that i want to concerve my very first time either until marriage or to a very meaningful and special occasion, and i am glad we didn't make it, or i would have regretted it a lot now ...let's stop with the bullsh*t and think how to answer this question.
I looked straight in yoongi eyes " Yes; i have" smiling at him
"wow, how? " asked jhope surprised
"When?" another question pooped from jimin's mouth
"with who?To which extent" jungkook invesitgated, and my brother just looked amused at their reaction since he aleardy knew, yes i tend to tell him everything and get advice from him in such situation and he always told me that i should never give my first time to anyone only when i am sure that i will never regret it later and any person can imagine such things happen in couples right? it's not so difficult to picture that. i never said i was an innocent girl, yet i am not a and from the looks i am getting from the boys, thanks god i am not getting judged they are just curious to know the details.
"One question per tour boys hehehe" i replied with a grin ,i will not choose truth again, i know aleardy what they are planning.
The bottle spinned more, and i discovered a lot of things about the s*xual life of all of them, even Suho and JB got their part in spilling the truth. for exemple Jhope and V are really still in the kissing stage with girls, JB like to only sleep with a girl he love, Suho is the same as my brother a playboy, even though with me he seem very kind but i can relate his a very handsome idol too. Jungkook got his first time not long ago in a one night stand and he declared he didn't like it. as for the rest i can say they have a developped experience, the only one i couldn't get anything about him is Suga even though i tried everything to make him talk yet no chance. i will dig deeper, we were in a very drunk stage here yet we are still playing enthusiastically.
It's aleardy 4 am and We decided to end the game with two more spinning, the first one stopped on JB and Rapmonster [two leader} " so let me see; dear friend" Jaebum thought for a while and added" i dare you to find Hendy sweet spot in less than 5 minutes?"
"What? Why am i involved in this?" I yelled , he just looked at me and smirked i searched for naamjoon but his glance showed he was enjoying that dare
"but i dont want to , Sam help me" i pleaded Sam who was enjoying the situation while drinking his beer "Sorry princess but its the game and you have no other choice" ,
" but .." i complained to be cutted but the bad boy called jaebum "Hendy which part of 'you have no choice' you didn't get? since the dared one accept you have too , RULES" no choices left , thank god JB proclaimed that naamjoon don't have the right to kiss my lips nor touch my private parts, and shoved us to the bathroom, and all the boys were cheering, i figured out why alcohol is very dangerous, he surely transform person. It's true i was drunk yet not to the point i can't be so steady or to not be able to get the situation but we weren't in our right minded also.. Let this night end for the well .
He sitted on the edge of the bathtub after closing the door and patted his laps for me to sit in. Its awkward really awkward, the only thing that was enjoying this situation is my inner yself. i just sitted down and entrusted myself to him he placed one hand on my back and the other one moved to my shoulder withdrawing away the fabric of my dress, his hand caressed the long of my hand and my hands rested on his shoulders. after having stared at my exposed shoulder with a glance full of lust, he tilted his head and leaned closer "Just Relax little princess, let me take you to heaven" and placed his lips on it, oh my god what's that feeling, i am really getting hot here, and with the alcohol i had in my body, it will not take him a lot to make me m*an or find my sweet place but it's just 5 minutes i have to resist, that's what i want but my body want another thing. What f*cking game i shouldn't have accepted from the begining. He moved up slowly while doing circles on my back, his hot breath and his delicat touch.. i am really not in my right state of mind, please don't judge but with the alcohol and this guy playing with my feeling how should i resist ? just tell me?. I always found naamjon a cute and caring leader but i have never thought he can be so daring. He kissed my collar bone stopping sometimes to breath which add fuel to the burning fire i had in me i was bitting my lip so hard trying my best to not utter a word or even a sound because i have lost my bility to talk. When he suddenly my neck just below my ear A m*an come out from my mouth "Ahh~~" as he bit more on it after the sound i made. it was one of my sweetest spot, no matter how i can control myself, it was impossible. I don't know how much it lasted until a knock come from outside. I stand up fixing the fabric of dress he moved and he stood smirking at me ruffling my head before adding " i think i found it" and he just went out and soon after i joined them. My face was red as cherry. I was so hot and i can see them smirking and laughing at my reaction, i walked to the nearest bottle and i take it in one shot. I needed to refresh my mind and to cool myself. I regained my place glaring at JB . " i will never play with you again" i shouted before spilling the bottle, it will be the last for tonight, and guess who's Karma get him back, yes JB and me "so so, dear jerk, truth or dare"it's not i don't respect him but whatever happened tonight drove out of my mind.
"Dare of course princess" he mocked
"I dare you to kiss Suho 's nose s*xily" yes something that boys hate a lot between each other is those type of skinship, now add to that they are not even part of the same group, hehehe i am gonna make you pay "What what ?" asked suho "Rules" and i winked at him. after some laughter and craziness they excuted but Suho left just after, pretending it was to late , and JB did the same saying he recieved a phone call {oh cute how the are acting}, i made sure i took a picure of what happened and they sweared they wil kill me if i talk tabout it ever again. Now we can call it a night. Finally it ended not really well but with the least of disaster.
Maybe because of the alcohol or maybe because i decided to let got of any barrier but i really enjoyed it, every little part, i got embarassed yet i was out of shyness, we were mostly all drunk so we didn't really care.
I looked around me to see some aleardy sleeping like V who stole the couch and Jimin who envased the floor after grabbing my comforter and rolling up like a ball. Sam didn't want to move from my side he slept hugging my legs like a bear. Jin left dragging the only people who still can stand up in their feet with him AKA hopie and rapmonster but before going out he looked at me and tspoke " Hendy, don't worry about a thing, like they say what happens in Vegas stay in vegas and what happened in this room, will also stay in this room" he reassured me because a little of me was afraid to find it awkward with boys tomorrow. And if you are wondering for jungkook and Yonngi, they just huddled in the bed and slept next to me and Sam. We were crushing each other but no one wanted to move and we decided to sleep like that.
It was really a long night, a very memorable one. my life was never calm since i met them but at least it was meaningful and a happy one, for now let's have good dreams and wait for the upcoming.
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