《When Idols became your family》I smell jealousy in the air
i approached my bike and nudged his shoulder, he turned and i was greeted by the one i was searching for as always covering his face with a mask and hoddie but now i can recognise him.
" I thought if i took your phone, you will come searching for me to get it but it seems you don't really care so i come to you " he said annoyed a little
"hey hey , I searched the whole building but you were out of sight and since i will be fired if i don't get at work in time so i decided to let you have it as a gift" i responded sarcasticly
"Ah thank you and goodbye then " he started walking away
"yah yah, i was kidding give me back my phone"
"Not until i got my coffee" he giggled at my reaction
"Next time maybe, i will give you two " i started getting on my bike.
"i feel like i am being rejected, oh you hurted me 3 times in a single day, you don't deserve your phone back"
"Who ? me? liar i didn't hurt you, you're the one who made me run all over the place ,also I am still working"
"Meet me after work then" he demanded
"it will be too late to meet a stranger,even though you're Exo'leader but you can be a killer too at night" i joked {hendy it's not really time for that }
"i will not kill a pretty girl in our first meeting"
"ah you will just kiddnap her and torture her? right?"
"i like your imagination yet it will be better to discuss it in more details around a good coffee or a nice dinner in warmer place than standing her with the fans just around the corner"
"First they are your fans, i will not be involved so i don't care and it will be much better if you give me back my phone and let me go to my work, because i have 5 minutes left to be at bighit if i don't want to find myself jobless tomorrow" i get him back with more heartless answer { sorry suho but i really want to get naamjoon angry }
"i can't believe you really rejected me"
"Suho-shi, i swear i am not, it's just i really need to go to work right now, listen let's make a deal, you give me back my phone and if i finish early i give you a call and we eat together deal ? Ok give it to me" i pleaded
"Let's make this deal better, i will give you MY phone and i will call you in an hour and you tell me what you want to do, if you can make it i will give your phone back , and if you can not come then i have some pictures i can blackmail you with, until you accept to eat dinner with me"
"I don't like your deal it looks like threating me more than dealing yet i accept, thank god because i have 3 minutes left equal no time to argue with you, bye" i snatched his phone from his hand , i put on my hemlet and drived off. i have to be at bighit before them so my mind still didn't proceed what i have done but i will deal with it later.
i pulled off in front of bighit at the same time as boys, jin scolded me for 10 minutes because he saw me driving very fast until the president come and saved my ass. thankfully!
We talked a bit and he asked me to take the boys home {yay i am going to finish earlier than expected which means i will get my phone back and even uncle told me i could do whatever i want out of work time,just take care of myself, time to get some fun} suga and naamjoon said that they still have things to do in the editing room; jin and v wanted to dance more, the other manager will be with them so it just me and the rest who will get home .
i entered the dorm, it's 7pm it's not really late, i am sure he will call soon , so let's prepare something for the boys to eat until then, I cooked some pasta,{ easy peasy} ! i called them to the kitchen to eat or let's say i asked hoseok to do it pretending i am busy and they can't hear me from here, i am not in the mood to deal with jungkook or the other jerk.
i left some in the fridge for the rest with a note on it and i walked to the stairway {time to take a shower}
"Hendy, you will not eat?" hopie asked before i can go up
"Ani, hopiiiie~~ i am going out !" i replied happily
"Really ? now? with who?! " he answered with a confused voice
"A friend, don't worry and beside it's still early , why do you need me for something?"
"No no, just asking" he looked to his food but didn't seem to enjoy it and our GOLDEN maknae could not let it pass without saying some hurtful remark "A hot night, good for you"
"Kookie, shut up" jhope half yelled however he ignored him and smirked ,when the phone that i forget was just next to him, started ringing. "who's phone is that?" he waved the phone in the air.
"My new man" and i snatched it from his hand, i can see hopie looking confused but didn't talk and i walked away to answer {sorry hopie if i will seem like a whore but i will play more with their nerves as much as they do to mine}
(phone conversation) I answered "yeobosey, oppaa~~" yelling to make the younger hear me.
"So are you free? "
"Yeah, but can you give me 15 minutes to get ready ?" i started walking up because i felt my back getting holes from all the glare i got
"Take your time princess "
"where do you want to meet?"
"i will pick you up ,i will not let a girl walk around at this hour"
"Oh, ... it's ok i will take a taxi just tell me where"
"no you tell me where you live and your time is running, you have 13 minutes left"
"yah yah you're cheating, pff !!ok i will send you the adress, bye "
I took a quick shower , i wore a simple red skirt with high sockes paired with a black top and a grey coat, i didn't do anything to my hair i left them loose, and i really don't use make up so just a little lip stick and i am ready, right in time a message come "I am waiting outside
jhope was watching some Tv shows in the living room, i just walked to him, i kissed his check he looked surprised at my action, i don't know what made me do it but i just felt him sad so let's say cheering kiss, he then smiled at me "Please take care of yourself and call me if you need anything" "Don't wooorry hopiee" . jimin who was walking to the kitchen eyed me and sighed "Fuck off" i uttered and runned out
I walked to the elevator but guess who get out from it { the rest of the boys }
"Hendy" said jin confused eyeing me
"Boys, you finished aleardy?" i was nervous, but i don't know why, it feels like my parents cought me sneaking out
"where are you going ?" asked naamjoon with a sternly voice
"Out " i replied simply trying to seem confident
"now? alone?"
"No with a friend and it's still 9 am joonie" trying to ease the atmosphre though he didn't even smile.
"you're not going anywhere! you will see him tomorrow your FRIEND" {hey hey you're a leader but not with me and even as a brother you can not order me around, yeah i think like that but i could not tell him that, he is scaring me}
"yoongi oppa, tell him, my friend is aleardy waiting in front of the dorm and also for the next few days we can't, we have a packed schedule " i pleaded my case to him hoping he will help me, still i think i am dreaming, he just ignored me and walked to the dorm, what's up with him ,ignoring me like that.
"I said no hendy, first you didn't ask for permission and beside we don't even know him, it's late" didn't i told you i was caught by my parents sneaking out
"I told uncle and hoseok and i will introduce him next time,and i didn't get to tell you because i decided just a while ago" and the phone started ringing ," yah who's phone is that," shouted jin and they all looked at it. i declined the call and runned to the staircase " Sorry oppaas, i will explain everything later, love you bye " i heared them shouting behind me and i knew i am going to get punished for that , yeah maybe like my parents they will prive me from going out and i will get a curfew.
I saw a car in front of the house and a handsome boy next to it waiting for me { who don't see suho as a handsome man huh, i am really one lucky chick working with bts, living with them, meeting stars and being in korea, even if i die now i am happy i realised one of my biggest dream}.
"Annyeong suho shi" i just smiled and bowed slightly
"Annyeong princess you look stunning, but what's with the Suho-shi? a while ago i heared a better word"
"thank you and i always look stunning, you might have heard wrong i don't remember " i pulled out my tongue
"you d better call me oppa if you want your phone back" he threatned.
"Ah sorry for you but it was not in our deal, and beside you aleardy used the right of it today handsome boy maybe tomorrow" he giggled at the word handsome..{ i may seem flirting but bear with me it's my way to seem cool and not nervous} he opened the door for me before getting in and attack the road.
"So can i ask where are we going?" i questioned out after sticking my seat belt
"I am kidnapping you for the night"
"I told you, you were a killer, i knew it! but even if i have to die tonight you have to give me back my phone "
"Get it he is just there, but it didn't stop ringing when i was waiting for you how can you get so many calls in less than 2 minutes"
"Ah the boys!!" i sighed" i am going to get killed either by the killer next to me or by the monsters waiting for me after but i will not care for now so let's have fun" and i smiled looking over the window, Seoul is really beautiful by night
"after ? the boys? who?" he replied curious
"Bangtansonyeondan, who else?"
"But why after?"
"Oh i feel like i am getting investigated by a jealous boyfriend" he chuckeled at my word and i added " Didn't i told you that curiosity got the cat's tongue"
"At least spare me from some mystery? you know everything about me yet i only have your name and a picture of you kissing your man"
"WHAT !!! You looked in my phone, YAAH that's called invasing privacy.. ever heard about not touching the phone of girls?"
"ever heard about not leaving your phone anywhere, but i don't care you looked happy in it" he just winked at me and i am blushing , i don't know if i should be hurt because it's my past or if i should embarassed because he saw it.
"you know what, i will get you back wait till i snatch a GOOD picture of you heheh .. but suho-shi i don't know anything about you more than you're Suho, exo's leader including following you in instagram!" i tried to ignore what he said and changing the subject
"Not even my real name? " he was choked and i got embarassed.
"You didn't enlighten me so how will i ?"
"True but still.. " i cutted him down
"you can tell me now if you want" i teased
"no i don't want, i am taking you home and i will never speak with you again"
"Oh great, hey you don't have to tire yourself just pull off here, i still have the night and i want to eat dinner because some gentleman asked me to wait for him and then he is acting pissed "
"ok ok, shut up you win"
"So what's your name? and how old are you? if my mom knew i am with in a car with someone i don't even know his name she will kill me "
"I am jun myeon and i am 26 years and you ?"
"I am your dongseang, glad to hear it, i am born in 1994"
"Oh so i can speak informally to you" he teased
"no it's not fair why should i be formal then? if you do it i will only speak in english because there is no formality" i responded acting pissed
"You can drop it to, but under one condition you call me oppa"
"in your dreams"
as we reached a beautiful and cozy restaurant with a good view of seoul, our conversation continued like that, knowing each others, sometimes he tell me about his adventures and other times i am the one talking about my life, we were joking around even if sometimes it seemed like flirting it was just to have fun , he was an easy going person, after dinner we grabbed some ice cream and played some games, it was really fun. I got a new friend , a really nice and kind friend.
it's aleardy past midnight when i got a call from jin yelling in the phone like an angry mom, and asking me to get my ass home in this second so we didn't have other choice than going back, i am surprised how much time passed fast when we were together
in front of the dorm, next to the car:
"I really had fun today , thank you junmyeon OPPA, even though i don't really get it why you like being called like that but who deserve a gift, you really offered me a joyful night" i said emphasing this word
"it's been a while for me too , to enjoy a time like that, let's do it again some other time"
"of course any time, under one condition i am the one inviting"
"Ok ok, but let me ask you, there is a question in my head since earier can i ?"
"yeah of course, i can't believe you, why didn't speak? are you acting shy?"
"Why did BTS harcel you with phone calls and messages ? do you leave with them? the truth it's that what i understood from your phonecall" he looked at me confused
"Yeah, i live in the dorm with them, and it's the president who told me to, since i was working with them and it's more convienent and comfortable" i justified confidently{i lied to him a little since i didn't told him about the fact i am a lifecoacher just being a manager and bighit interpertor}
"Really? and you don't find it hard living with 7 boys?" he questioned curiously and a little bit concerned
"The truth at first i thought it will be hard, but not anymore, i am really enjoyig their company, You know like a family especially since i am alone here, it's better to be with them, and if you're asking about the fact that they are men and i am girl , so i can tell you that they don't even see me as a girl"i chuckled
"MmGood, i understand" he just smiled at my statement
"Thank you one more time and goodbye" he leaned on giving me a friendly hug and i've done the same, i waved to him and got home.
At the dorm
I tried to open the door without any noise at all, i know i will be killed if someone is awake now {god let me make it with awaking no one } i think my prayer was heard i walked in and looked around nothing and no one on sight, i entered the bathroom searching for some casual clothes to change in since i didn't want to go upstairs, i really don't have the courage to walk any further than the living room . i found a hoodie, it was long enough to hide my thighs. i changed in and walked to the living room collapasing on the sofa. i took my phone looking at the pictures we took together, i really had fun with him and i am not talking about being with the idol but just the person called junmyeon he is really a good friend and a nice person. i found out he saved his name in my phone as ( you're handsome-junmyeon) i shuckled at his cutness.
i closed my eyes on spur of a moment i heard some noises coming from upstairs, i peeked from the couch trying to see who it was. i have to seem to be asleep if i don't want to get scolded at this time of the night but curiosity will kill me if i don't peek, so i glanced once again to be meet with none other than jimin.. OH WHY HIM NOW !
- End448 Chapters
The Attack of the Wastrel
Her rebirth gave her a second chance at life. She was back with a vengeance and wanted to make those that had harmed her pay. But to those that helped her, she wanted to repay them. Her evil stepmother? She would slowly pull out her claws, one by one. Her evil stepsister? She would crush her pride. She thought that by getting her revenge for her past life, she would be happy in this life. However, she never would have thought that danger would chance upon her time and time again. The hatred from her clan and whether their bloodline would continue to exist, lay solely on her shoulders. Luckily, on this thorny path, someone had always been protecting her. "Third Prince, have you ever regretted being with me?" That person laughed lightly and peered at her with a loving yet weary look, "As long as I am together with you, I have no regrets."
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Wanting Mr.Pearson
EllaI've been lusting over one person I cannot have. He is a lawyer and twice my age And oh! He is also my step-fatherOur connection is wrong but it feels so right RickShe is sweet but wild Hot and sultry, she is the woman of my dreams She is my step daughter. I shouldn't want her, but I do and I am going to claim her. A forbidden love story between two people who shouldn't be together. (According to the society not me 😂😜) If you love taboo stories with loads of kinkThen, this one is for you. Enjoy :)Friendly note: I like writing small stories/books but I am warning you that I am a shitty writer, and I am not trying to be modest. If you want to criticize, there are polite ways to do it, no need of abusing or harassing me. Thank you 💙💙💙💙
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London's Guard Is Falling Down
A tragedy happens in London King's family that leaves him parentless. Nevertheless, a close family friend named Ezra Haven, takes him in and lets London live with him and his family. Everything is fine, until London has to deal with Ezra's oldest daughter; Paris Haven. London is a pretty reserved, laid-back person. However, don't mistake his quietness for cowardliness. He'll defend himself and put someone in their place if need be. He's never had to deal with someone like Paris Haven, his small trouble, the first person who's ever been able to take him out of character. Also the first person he's ever taken down his wall for. Paris Haven has always had a reckless mouth. Sometimes she doesn't think about what she says before she says it. She's never had someone really check her until she meets London King - the attractive enigma sleeping in the room next to her's. Not knowing anything about London has Paris wondering who really is this discreet guy living in the same house as her.☽☽☽ "You want me to say I'm sorry or something? I'm sorry for ruining your beauty sleep." "You don't have to apologize. Just don't do it again." He walked out. "Yeah, okay, bye, London. Bye, bitch." I heard his footsteps coming back to my room. "Listen, stop calling me names as soon as I walk away." "I call everyone bitch," I lied. "I'm not everyone, so I expect you to call me by my given name. I don't care that you're disrespectful with everybody, you're not going be disrespectful with me." "Okay." "Okay," he concluded. I stuck my middle finger up when he turned his back.☽☽☽#1 in Black Fiction#2 in Contemporary Lit June 23#15 in BWBM May 4#12 in girlxboy May 7th#34 in boyxgirl April 29th#31 in Roommates April 26th#1 in Romance April 26th#2 in Love April 26th#13 in rich girl May 29th#15 in rich kids April 29th
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Betrayed by the man she loved most and sent to the guillotine, a young girl embarks on a quest for revenge when she is given the chance to cheat death and be born again. *****Falling from heaven to hell, Han Zi-ning is falsely accused of treason and sentenced to execution when she is betrayed by the man she loved the most and the woman she once called sister. After the blade falls, she awakens to find herself five years in the past, a time before she became entangled in the political fight for the throne. Armed with the painful memories of her previous life, Zi-ning embarks on a quest for revenge, determined to change the future for herself and those she cares about, and to send those responsible for her suffering to the damnation they deserve.
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Welcome ladies,This is Daddy. Daddy is looking for a Baby girl who can make Daddy happy and Daddy inturn would give all those things that Baby girl's little heart desire. But before you think of becoming Daddy's Baby girl, you must have knowledge of what it actually is.°Rules and Regulations:•Daddy wants Baby girl to be honest, punctual and loving, not Daddy's money but Daddy himself(have to go through many tests)•You get punishment from Daddy if you disobey or don't complete the tasks that Daddy had ordered Baby girl to do.•Punishments will differ from Medium to Hard. L̶o̶w̶ mode of punishment doesn't exist in Daddy's dictionary.•Daddy will take control of Baby girl's Social media accounts so Daddy can keep an eye on Baby girl's activities.•Last but not the least, when Daddy finds his perfect Baby girl, Daddy will tie a knot with his Baby girl.No one is allowed to contact Daddy until Daddy calls by himself. Prepare well for the competition ladies.With Love,Daddy💋.Will you be able to become Daddy's Baby girl?Find out~🏅#1 for #sugardaddy✔️🏅#1 for #kth✔️🏅#1 for #kimtaehyungXreader✔️🏅#1 for #dominantmale✔️🏅#1 for #fanfiction✔️🏅#1 for #pumpkin✔️🏅#1 for #btsfanfic✔️🏅#1 for #btsarmy✔️🏅#1 for #punishments✔️🏅#1 for #awards2022✔️🏅#1 for #btstaehyungff✔️🏅#2 for #bts✔️🏅#2 for #babygirl✔️🏅#2 for #romance✔️🏅#2 for #kimtaehyung✔️🏅#5 for #taetae✔️🏅#1 for #btsv✔️Inspired by:•Daddy's Dark Whispers.•Daddy Dragon.
8 115