《When Idols became your family》When you can't forgive, just forget
"Yeoboseyo, uncle"
"Hello, little girl, tell me you know how to ride a motobike right? i saw it in you're papers"
"yeah, why ? there is problem with it?" i started being scared ,imagining all type of scenario
"hey hey don't worry, but i need you're help, listen i need some documents from an advertising company and i need them in an hour but because of the traffic , it will take at least 2 hours with a car so you will get you're ass off the bed and go get it for me, and i promise you will get a good reward from it " he laughed in the other part of the line
"Huh, i will be driving a motobike? really? " i said really excited yeah i love riding them a lot , i always dreamt to get one but my parents never accepted , but yoongi and jin who were still in the room seemed not really happy hearing that but i don't care.
"yeah yeah but you have an hour to be get me those documents and to go to MBC since the boys are recording for music bank, and you have to be with them"
"President count on me , i got go, annyeong"
I runned to the shower up stairs pushing taetae who was about to go in and shouted "Sorry taetae but i am really in hurry , give me 5 minutes"
when i finished showering , i remembered i didn't bring my clothes with me' {i am stupiiid, really stupid}, i put a towel around my body and looked at the hallway, no one in sight, the dressing room was just next to the shower so i was trying to sneack in when jin get out from there, "yah , don't walk around like that, you live with 7 men" he was blushing really hard and looking away
"Sorry oppa" i really don't care now, i don't have much time left!
I put on this outfit (1)
but when i was about to go down , this jerk called yoongi didn't let me" HENDY , go put on some pants you're not going on motobike like that"
"fuck off oppa, i am in hurry" { between yoongi and me it's normal to say big words it's like saying hello}
"Listen, you better go change or i will do it for you"
"Ok ok," i don't have time to argue with him and knowing him, he will not let me go out , So i changed in that (pic 2 )and walked out running, grabbing the keys from the second drawer and runned to the bike, it took me 45 minutes to get everything done, no i just have to go to MBC , uncle thanked me alot and told me that i owed him one but the truth is thanks to him i am realising my dreams. and he even gave me some heels telling me that's a gift for starting work with him saying " only good shoes can take you to good places", i don't like hells but he asked me to put them when i reach MBC .
After some minutes i am parking my Bike in front of the building, a lot of fans were aleardy gathred screaming names of their idols, i just took of my helmet , put on my sunglasses and of course changing my shoes and i walked in holding my snapbag in one of my hands while i was looking at the schedule of the boys on my phone ,some changements were made , i saw the elevator starting to close "Aiish wait please" i shouted but he closed oh no it's re-opening i walked in and thanked the guy who was in there, {i will make it at time, oww .. }
"Can i ask you if you work here?" an english question come out from him
"Here as in korea , or here as in MBC or Here as in the elevator" the man giggled at first, i didn't look at him i was really focused on the schedule but it's not like i am ignoring him , i am replaying after all.
"Here as in the elevator ?" he commented and i can feel him still laughing under his mask
"Ah yeah yeah, i spend my day meeting new people in the elevator and taking them to their floors, wanna join? " i finally looked at him and flashed a smile, but all i can see was a mask and a sunglasses .. this strange habit they have in here to cover their faces, oh my god !!
"Funny girl, but seriously do you work here or are you a fan because you don't look like a korean citizen?"
"is it's so rare to see a foreignr in here?"
"the truth no , but from you're facial traits ,you're not from europe nor america so i can't tell where did you come from " i was about to answer when my phone started ringing. " sorry"
"annyeong Uncle" ... "yeah i made it" .. "gomawayo" ..."bye"
"WAW and you speak korean fluently too, so why did you talk in english?"
"You started it , so it's not really my fault"
"Anyway you didn't tell me where are you from"
"I will let you resolve this mistery until next time if we ever met" and the door of the elevator opened i walked out
"Annyeong, see you " he waved and the door closed back ,i made my way to the dressing room, yes,i made it in time
"ANNYEONG yerobun"
"annyeong nonna" screamed my nice boy taae, some were sleeping like suga and jin they are aleardy ready, taetae was playing with his phone while having his hair done, hoseok repeating some dance moves with naamjoon and jungkook just fighting with his clothes, jimin was not in view and i am glad .
"Unnie, please help me out, i will not make it in time otherwise and hana is not here today, and jieun ah is out of sight shiiit" cracked the hair dresser doing taetae's hair.
"it's ok, what can i help you with ?"
"Jungkook with his clothes, yoongi with his hair and i wish to know where the hell is jimin because he didn't get ready yet"
"Okey" i said, while taking off my jacket, i heard jungkook mumble " why her i don't want?" and he earned a glare from namjooniie, { heehe good for you}
I walked to him, with boots heels, i am almost the same high as him but there is still few inch between us, "give me you're hands" i ordred and he gave them to me and i was doing the hands of the sleeve, he needed to put his sleeve in the pants bu0 he was looking else where not really helping at all, {t the fuck don't tell me i have to do it for him too}
"Jungkook, can you please put you're shirt in the pants"
"NO, i don't want" what a teeneger hell, he can't even do that or he don't want to bother, i did it trying to remain calm because i am gonna hit him. he was staring at me really intensally which made me shiver a bit.
"Turn around i need to tie that" i was waving a neck necklace in front of his eyes
"Don't want " he smirked { Aiiiiiisshhhh i want to kill him he is getting on my nerve } i can't even turn behind him because there is the wall. the only solution is to lean on and to put my hand around his neck, that's what he was hoping for and i hate it, i thought he is afraid around girl but i think we all got it wrong his a pervert too..
i was trying my best to tie the knot, until i felt him lean on to my ear and whisper " So how is it fucking 3 members of BTS in two days " i stopped which ever i was doing, i didn't move i just tried to cease the bullshit he is saying, in such situation i we weren't in the dressing room and he was smiling like any idiot to seem like an angel i would have kicked him where the sun never shine, however i have to remain calm, he is really playing with my feeling and i will not lose to you baby. i continued my work and whispered back into his ears "You forget someone, you know the actor park seo jin , it made them 4 in two days " i felt that my statement shoked him, but i didn't finish yet " And if you're asking how it was, then boy it was amazing hearing them moan my name, you want to try ?" i just finished my works and pulled back i looked at him, he was surprised and confused , you don't know how much i liked the view of destablising him, i caressed his torse gently, it looked as if i was just doing his clothes, he didn't move and hear come the last bullet from my mouth "oh but Sorry kookie, i don't fuck kids, you have to grow up first" i smirked and walked to suga leaving him like a statue. i felt him getting angry really angry, his hand were forming fist, he was shooting glare to my back and i enjoyed what i did yeah, don't play with me because you may get burned !
Suga was sleeping and i didn't want to wake him up so i just did his hair and tried to be as gentle as i can, sometimes i can see his lips pressed tightly move up yet he didn't open his eyes. i just finished and started looking for this fucking jimin, 10 minutes until the repetetion and his still not here, i walked out of the room looking everywhere when i suddenly saw him getting out from the janitor closet and few seconds after, a girl come out fixing her hair, you can smell it from 100 km that they were having sex " AAWw disgusting" he didn't saw me, and he walked fast to the dressing room, after he entered , i walked in after him and he was really shoked.
"JImin, hendy will help you with your clothes and your hair !! i really want to know why are you in such state" the hair dresser said and she seemed angry,, { i know why he is like that , he was having sex with jieun simple right?}
I walked to him, get some of his clothes done and took the hairdryer to get off the hair that was stuck on his face, DONE, with the heels i was wearing, i am at the same hight as him and i liked that.
"Sorry, noona" he touched my hand that was in his front hair while looking in my eyes.
"Don't touch me jimin" i said with a sternly voice while putting a fake smile to not get the attention.
"i regr..." i cut him down, " I am done" i shouted and i looked at him with a hateful gaze and said in lower tone " Next time you want to have sex with someone, do it after you end you're fucking work" and i walked away, i am not ready yet to forgive him, i really am not. Now i can sleep in peace, you can hate me and you have every right to not talk to me but the thing i hate the most is disrespect so if they don't know how to respect me i will teach them.
the manager come shouting that they need to go and they only have 2 minutes left, all of them walked to the scene, i walked behind them with their manager and the make up artist who was doing the last touch up.
BTS up, they walked in and i wished good luck to each one of them expect from those who love me a lot { not my sarcasm}, and taetae was the last "Noona, i didn't get a morning hug"
"do your best and you will get two, good luck V "
Time skip.
they just finished repeating their song B,S&T and they come down. i get them some water and towels and if you're asking even for the two members that get on my nerves? then yeah, it's true i try my best avoiding them but in works no personnal feelings, even if i have to spend the day with them i will do. i have always been taught to work like that and nothing will change.
the boys were monitiring their reheashls and i was just standing, doing some change in the schedule i got from the President a while ago, and then i heard someone shouting "EXO stand by" you will go up after redvelvet and their manager answered " okey" { i was internally screaming, i am not an exo l but i like their music, i don't know all of their nme but some of them catch my attention anyway hendy you're working here and not fangirling let's keep our head down, like that you will be able to control yourself some more} i was looking at my ipad and i bowed slightly each time i felt someone passing me, they were standing not far from me, i tried my best to focus on what's in my hand until i felt someone stopping in front of me "Oh the girl of the elevator" i lifted my head looking at one of the EXO standing in front of me and smiling angelicly "Hello, excuse me do i know you?" i asked with a confused voice
"The boy who let you be in time for work"he giggled at his own response
"Oh you? you're ...hh"
"Yeah exo's leader suho, but you didn't even recognize me, i am hurt '"and he put his hand on his heart acting like it really does
"Oh excuse me, you were covered from head to toe, you seemed more like serial killer than a member of EXO " and he laughed at my words
"It's nice seeing you again, but i still don't know your name or should i discover it myself too"
"the pleasure is shared Suho-shii and No no i don't want to make it harder foryou, call me Hendy i think it's better then elevator's girl" i smiled at him when the PD called them to go up, so he waved and walked away. and someone walked to me curious "You started flirting with boys aleardy ?" yoongi joked "How can i cheat on you baby?" i whispered "if i didn't see with my eyes i would have believed you"
" so you don't trust me ,oh my god, i am going to cry" whiping my ears like i was really tearing up "Stop acting cute, wierdo" "not until you stop acting like an annoying big brother, jerk" "what did you call me? repeat !!"
" i said you're the best oppa in the world" and we started laughing, when naamjoon joined in "make me laugh with you too"
" next time jooniie" we were still on stand by because the boys will repeat after exo one more time their stage before going down. V joined us jumping as always paying wih jungkook and jimin, the maknae line were very hilarious, after 10 minutes of exo stage they were called back. the two groups greeted each other and patted each other back a little bit, it s funny how they seem close when their fandoms are really enemies . they walked up and i just regained my initial place sitting there looking at the TV because i had to monitor them and having my ipad and phone in hand. someone just grabbed a chair and sitted next to me i looked at him yet i wasn't really surprised "So you work with BTS" "Yeah, you got it right" i replied fixing the TV, i don't mean to disrespect him but i am just working now i have to look at them to see what they don't get and where they failed especially their facial expression.
"You will not spare me a look? i am ugly to this extent or you're a hater of us?"
"I will give you all my time when i finish working, and if i was a hater i would have haressed you aleardy in the elevator, but if you want the truth, i am not an exo-l but i listen to some of your songs so you can say i am a fan"
"So you know us?"
"yeah of course, i just don't know all the names, maybe 3 or 4 " i was looking at the screen and he was playing with his phone or maybe monitiring himself i don't really know.
"Mmm, like who? "
"Mmm, Baekhyun, chanyeol, i used to know yours and sehun but i always get the faces switched in my head so don't stare at me like that " i giggled looking at him to see his reaction
"Yah you're hurting me more, bad girl"
"Why? i did nothing also did you used to knew me? huhh !!?"
"Oups, no!! why are you an actress ? a singer?"
"No i am chemical engineer" i stated but strangly he was surprised
"WHAT? "
"hey stop screaming, i almost turned deaf, look now we got an unnecessary attention too"
"what are you doing here then? you're really confusing "
"And you're so curious" i was interepted when i heard someone calling me from the stage
"Work is calling for me but please help with this one i will repay back" i passed him my phone and my pad an runned to the boys in stage who were fixing me strangly especially jimin, {who cares he always have a problem with me}. i gave them some advice, so they can get the final reheasl perfectly, they listened well and finally jungkook in another circuanstances i will never say such words "try to be more sexy and think of something that tempt you rather than this angry look please" he nodded. and i walked to my place and i found my ipad but no phone and there was sticky note on it "if you want you're phone back , you have to drink a coffee with me " { what the hell , as if i am not aleardy packed enough, my phone oww all my , .. i looked around searching for any exo member but no one in view, i hope they are still in the building.
My phone my phone, where the hell did he go with my phone!! that's all i can think about, let's pray he don't got in my pictures, because even after breaking up i couldn't delet any picture with my ex-boyfriend and on one of them we were kissing, i should have erased them. aaayyyhh !!
the boys finished everything and now they are getting ready to go home, i will not go with them since i ve got my new bike and a phone to find.
"Leadeerr nim ~~ , can i ask you a favor?" i spoke with most cutely voice i could bring out of my body
"Acting cute like that will not get you anything i don't want" he back talked eyeing me.
"hear me first please oingg~~"
"Speak speak"
"I am going to use the bike back to bighit but, i will go after you, but don't worry i need 4 minutes to be there in time please ~~"
" i will not ask you why ? or whose bike is that but you better take care of yourself, ok?"
"yeah promise, joonie the truth is i lost my phone and i think i have a hint who has it so i am searching for him but don't worry, i will be there before you" i stated the truth without being asked and he looked more relieved
"Mmm" he nodded as an understanding and the manager called them out, time to go ! as always a lot of fans may be waiting for them outside and even though they were really tired, they seem happy, i am glad to see them like that, they left, only tae who was behind me waiting for his hugs, i hugged him tiiightly and sent him out to them. yeah i became addicted to his hugs even if i don't want to admit it i feel good when i hug this little boy.
I searched the whole building for any exo member but no one was in sight , i even asked the reception if they quit or still here yet but they confirmed that exo didn't left yet... not only dumb but I think i became blind too.. SHiiit i am running out of time so i decided to let go until i see him next time and i walked out to my beautiful motobike, you can't imagine how much i grew attached to this little thing in just a day. but someone was sitting there, it was almost black, the sun aleardy set and you can predict who it is right?!
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